By oiwuzzup

16.4K 523 1K

A story about Bokuto Koutarou who always makes trouble, and Akaashi Keiji is the one who's always responsible... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 7

941 31 60
By oiwuzzup

The next evening, Akaashi walked down to the first floor of his house with two unbuttons of his dark red shirt with tight skinny black jeans. He wanted to style his raven hair to make it look even better, but it seems impossible since his hair is curly and is very difficult for them to stay put hence he decided to leave it like that.

Akaashi saw his father watching the tv from the sofa with his mother beside him, they decided to eat dinner on the sofa since he told them that he's going out tonight with Bokuto and they allow him to. When his mother turned her head to her son, she gasped before smiling proudly at him.

"Kei, my sweet boy. You look very handsome tonight," Akaashi blushed at his own mother's compliment before looking at himself in the mirror once again, feeling a bit insecure about his own appearance.

"Do I look too much? Should I change?" He asked his mother, but soon his father followed the conversation.

"You look okay, son. Don't bother," he said with a smile. "Say, is Koutarou going to meet you with a pretty lady tonight?"

Akaashi frowned a little before making a note  to himself that both of his parents don't know about the whole of him and Bokuto's new relationship. Though he admitted nothing is new between them, but he can sense something is changing as well. And that scares him; the changes.

"No, I... He's...," Akaashi is afraid if they're even on the same page as him, but he knows he can't show them the thing between him and Bokuto. Not now, at least.

"Aww, Keiji. It's natural for you to be nervous. I hope Koutarou brings a nice lady for you," His mother commented afterwards which he just nodded.

Thankfully, someone finally knocked on the front door and his parents were quickly alerted by the noise. Akaashi didn't hear a car passing by his house, he assumed Bokuto didn't bring his car this time. Looks like they're not going far, that's a relief to know.

His mother opened the door with her husband not far behind, revealing Bokuto with his usual spiky ombre white hair up but he wears a black t-shirt with a green jumper jacket as the outer, and he wears a black jeans to make him look cooler.

"It's good to see you again, Koutarou," Akaashi's mother smiled fondly at him, truly happy that her son hangs with a boy like him.

"The feeling is mutual, ma'am," he grins widely, his hands were in his jacket's pockets. That evening is a bit cold, but he still looks like a warm teddy bear to cuddle with. The golden eyed lad then glanced at the father of the house and greeted him, "How are you doin', Mr. Akaashi?"

The father is a bit surprised by the friendly greeting before chuckling, "Nothing much, Koutarou. How about you, boy? Anything interesting?"

"Yeah, actually. I'm taking your son on a date tonight," Bokuto grinned happily at them but their reactions are the opposite.

Akaashi bit his lower lip as he felt a blush crept on his cheeks, not because of the cold but because of how he addresses himself as his date tonight. It's not a bad thing at all to him, it's not like Akaashi can completely stop the time to shut his date's lips but he didn't dislike it at all.

His parents slowly turned their heads to their son with wide eyes, didn't expect him to go on a date with the same sex - not just that, but his own best friend too. Bokuto is such a sweetheart in both of their eyes, yet Akaashi takes the risks to develop their relationship to something even more beautiful.

"A date? With my son?" Akaashi's father repeated Bokuto's words but his eyes still stared at his son. He can't deny the fact that his own son is also head over heels for Bokuto because the look on his face is the answer. His father crossed his arms on his chest before raising an eyebrow at his son, "Care to explain yourself, Keiji?"

"Father-," Akaashi quickly darted his dark blue eyes from Bokuto's as he noticed that his father is quite impressed tonight, but his date unintentionally interrupted them.

"Wait, I'm sorry. My apologies, Mr. Akaashi. I don't think Akaashi has to explain himself since I'm the one who asked him out, so it's on me," Bokuto said, still with an optimistic smile on his face. The parents turned their heads at him as he explained, "I should've asked you for permission to take your son out, but... as always, I didn't think that straight ahead. I'm really sorry about that,"

"Bokuto-san-," Akaashi tried to get out from the house to help him but his mother blocked his way, slowly shaking her head as a sign for him to not get involved.

"The truth is, I've always liked him. But stupid me, I didn't realize this sooner. Akaashi is the sweetest person I've ever met, and I'll try to be there for him as much as he's always there for me," Bokuto then moved his eyes to meet those dark yet warm blue eyes of his date's eyes with a fond smile, he then says, "And if I want to return all his feelings for me, I think the best option is to take him out on a date,"

Akaashi smiled at him, genuinely happy that he can do all the words without making himself look like a clown. He's not really good with words, but tonight Bokuto proved him wrong and he's aware of that. He gave him a small thumb up which he returned it with a kid-like smile.

"Oh, and sir? Have I told you just how much Akaashi looks absolutely stunning tonight?" Suddenly Bokuto said something out of the context which made the younger lad blushed even harder. He doesn't have to say that though, that actually ruins the moment.

His father is a bit surprised at the words that he just heard, he even blinked his eyes in shock. He thought this man in front of him isn't the same Bokuto who always makes trouble everywhere he goes, but tonight he seems more responsible than before. Is he trying to prove a point?

"Thank you, Bokuto-san," Akaashi blushed as he replied at the comment, and he's not bad himself but he couldn't bring himself to say it yet. He's too embarrassed to say it since his parents are still here, though it seems unfair for Bokuto however the older lad doesn't care much.

"If you allow me to take Akaashi out on a date, that'd be great!" Bokuto then turned to both of the parents who are still shocked by the words he just said. He's truly an unpredictable child, yet Akaashi can read him with no problems.

"Pardon me," Akaashi mumbled as he finally broke through the barricade and embraced the taller lad with a big smile on his face. Then he lets Bokuto rest his hand on his waist as he looks back to his parents with a smile, "I'm going on a date with Bokuto-san. Please, don't wait for me. Just leave the lights on, and I won't be long,"

Bokuto then laughed as he now put his hand around Akaashi's shoulder, he declared, "I promise to bring him back home in one piece! You don't even need to call the cops!"

"Bokuto-san, you're not helping," Akaashi whispered to him, even his parents' reactions were even more alerted than before.

"Huh? Really!? Wait, that's not what I mean-," Bokuto's explanation was interrupted by Akaashi's father's chuckles. The two teenagers had their eyes widened when they heard it, they're even shocked.

"I get it, I get it. You don't have to explain yourself furthermore," he said with a low laugh. The father then said with a smile, "Have a nice night, you two. Don't come home late,"

Akaashi's eyes glistened at the words his father just told him before smiling happily at him then turning his head to Bokuto who's already smiling down at him. They look so in love, even the parents could tell but they're somehow hesitant about it. The parents wonder why though.

"Thank you, father," Akaashi truly meant it as he felt Bokuto held his hand to guide him.

His father just waved his hand dismissively then the two love birds took that as their cue to quickly escape. Bokuto's laughter filled the night as he led the younger lad out from the heavy tension from the Akaashi household, but Akaashi understood him as he laughed along as well.

Akaashi's heart went sparks fly as he realized now it's just him and his favorite person. He can't tell if his heart is functioning like it usually does, but he knows his heart beats faster and it hurts his chest - but the big smile on his face tells him otherwise.

That goes the same to Bokuto, he's very excited to give his date the best night. He did say he doesn't need to be perfect, hence he only can assume that Akaashi loves surprises so he can only give him something out of the box.

"Where are you taking me, Bokuto-san?" Akaashi asked, unable to stop himself from smiling. The date has just begun yet his heart sparks brighter than a firework.

"Umm... I'm sure you know me well but...," Bokuto scratched the back of his neck before nervously laughing, "I haven't thought that far ahead,"

He was expecting the younger lad to be upset that he didn't plan this first, however Bokuto felt his heart sang hallelujah when he heard the cutest laughter from his date's lips tonight. He says, "Of course you haven't,"

"I'm sorry about this," Bokuto suddenly whined as he started to feel even worse than before.

Akaashi shook his head, squeezing the larger hand around his, and said, "Don't be sorry. You can always surprise me with your own ways, and I won't like you any less,"

"Oh! Then what about we have dinner in a diner near the hill? They have the best steak there!" Bokuto asked, sounding even more excited than before.

The younger lad giggled before nodding his head, "By all means, please, lead the way,"

"Let's go, then!" Bokuto then pulled his hand as he started to run to their destination.

The hand that leads him to the best night in his life is making Akaashi laugh happily, he never imagined the night like this would happen with a guy that he always looks up to. It still seems so surreal for him, but he knows that Bokuto's feelings towards him are true and sincere.

Bokuto is a bad liar, and he easily expresses his feelings with no bumps at all, therefore Akaashi can tell that he won't lie about his own feelings to him. It's not like the older lad has the urge to do that, he never had bad intentions when it comes to 'love'. However, he did show the other side of him and that caught Akaashi's off guard, but he adores it like any other side of him.

Bokuto sure is a boy full of mysteries, you can barely tell what's happening in his head but Akaashi can tell and memorize them better than anyone else which makes him the missing puzzle for Bokuto himself. Though, he still couldn't shake the feelings that he took him more than a year to realize his feelings.

Soon, the 80s looking-like diner is on their sights. Bokuto glanced at his date tonight before smiling at him, genuinely happy that Akaashi agreed to do this without a second thought. He doesn't want to ruin Akaashi's first date expectation, however he doesn't look like he's disappointed at all which is a good sign for the older lad.

The golden eyed lad opened the door before greeting, "Fellas! I'm here with my man tonight!"

Akaashi flinched at the loud noise from his date which he still can't get used to, but the employees who work there are greeting them with an even louder cheer. This's one thing that Akaashi adores so much about him, Bokuto is such an easy-going person that he creates friendships around him with no problem and considers them as his closest friends.

"Bokuto Koutarou! Dude, I miss you so much," the chef of the restaurant welcomed him, then smiling down to the smaller lad, "Ah, who's this, Tarou?"

"This's my amazing date, Akaashi Keiji," Bokuto introduced his amazing date with pride as he wrapped his arm around his shoulder. "Akaashi, this is Hiromichi Natsuo. He's the best chef for the best steak in the town,"

"Nice to meet you, Hiromichi-san. I certainly can't wait to taste your finest feast," Akaashi said as he bowed to show his respect.

"You don't have to bow like that, Akaashi-kun! And Tarou, I'm not that best," Hiromichi said with a sigh. "You always said that as if I'm the best of the best chef in town,"

"But you totally are!" Bokuto said before turning to his date with a determination expression and saying, "You'll even say the same thing once you try his steak, Akaashi,"

"I simply can't wait to try," Akaashi said with a smile, truly happy that Bokuto introduced him to the best chef steak in town.

"You and your words, kid," Hiromichi laughed before turning his head to Akaashi, "Are you two on a date? You guys are looking hella fine tonight,"

"We actually are! Akaashi looks stunning as always though," the golden eyed lad glanced at his date with heart eyes that caused the younger lad to blush.

"You're not bad yourself, Bokuto-san," he complimented back to his date.

Hiromichi laughed at the two before smiling at Akaashi again, "Hey, thanks again for agreeing to be this knucklehead's date. He can be really... troublesome to be with, but he's not really a bad person,"

"Hey! I'm right here, you know!" Bokuto whined as he stomped his feet like a little kid.

The dark blue eyed lad smiled fondly at his date before replying, "He's not bad, just a little dumb sometimes,"

"Ah, you're right," Hiromichi agreed which made Bokuto even more upset like a little kid. Then the chef asked, "Alright, imma make special feasts for you two's special night! Grab a table and make yourselves comfortable,"

"Oh! That rhymes!" Bokuto grinned before bringing Akaashi to an empty table, a bit farther from the crowds of the diner.

The place gives you this retro type of diner, the old jukebox is playing some old 80s-90s song which Akaashi recognized some of them and they're not that bad. The place is painted in red, white, and a bunch of yellows - this place gives him this feeling of turning back time.

"Do you like it? Being here, I mean?" Bokuto asked and Akaashi is a bit surprised that he had to ask. But he knows that the older lad is more cautious about his first date experience, and he shouldn't have but he appreciates that Bokuto thought that far.

"I love it. Thank you for bringing me here," he said with a soft smile.

"You're welcome!" The golden eyed grinned before explaining the fact that Hiromichi is the best chef in the city.

The story that he told seems really interesting that Akaashi listens and remembers them in his head. According to his stories, Hiromichi sounds really amazing and it makes his stomach make a strange noise when it comes to his food. Bokuto heard the noise from his date's stomach, but he just teased the younger lad while he's blushing in embarrassment.

Soon, the steaks arrived and Bokuto was right, it smells and looks very delicious. Akaashi might have drooled over the food, they're really enticing. They thanked the chef from their seat since the kitchen is just behind the bar, and Hiromichi laughed before waving his spatula in the air as a sign that he welcomed them.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Bokuto stopped his date from digging the steak which caused Akaashi to look up at him with a questioning look. He smiled at him before saying, "This is your first time eating here, and I want to see your reaction when you finally taste it!"

"Are you saying you want to feed me?" Akaashi blushed a little at his own questions but a small happy smile could be seen from his pretty face.

Bokuto nervously laughed before asking, "May I, please?"

The younger lad blushed before grinning happily and nodding his head. Bokuto couldn't help but blush at the sight of his date being an adorable boy. The golden eyed lad then carefully cut the steak to smaller pieces before stabbing one with a fork and lifting it up to Akaashi's lips. He smiled like a little kid while the dark blue eyed lad just laughed before opening his mouth.

When it's already inside, Bokuto then stared at his date's reaction with an impatient expression as he tugged back the fork to his side - watching him chewing the food in his mouth. Akaashi's dark blue eyes widened before staring back at his date and rapidly nodding his head in satisfaction. Bokuto is definitely right! The steak tastes really delicious than anywhere he has tried before.

The two somehow enjoyed their dinner as they ate the steaks together, Hiromichi watched them from afar and laughed at those two teenagers. Akaashi may be tamer than Bokuto, but he's definitely in the same state of mind as his date. From the scene on the corner of the diner, the chef can also assume that they're having the best first date of their lives.

Suddenly, the jukebox played a random 80s song and started to play a song by Wham!. Bokuto's head perked up when he heard the first beat after he finished his plate, he swallowed all his food and drank his glass before excitedly stood up from his seat. His action made Akaashi look up to him with a questioning look.

"OH! This is my favorite song!" Bokuto said with a big smile on his face which the younger lad just smiled. He then ran to the jukebox to turn the volume up, then he shouted to the crowds in the diner, "Fellas! Grab your partner to the dance floor! Let's make this night to remember!"

Hiromichi laughed before asking his wife to join him on the dance floor in front of the bar, a few employees cheered for Bokuto as they pushed the tables and chairs away to make the room. The disco ball on the center of the ceiling is the highlight of the room which changes the tension in the building, Akaashi is surprised how people get easily influenced by Bokuto's bright personality but he's no one to say since he's also affected as well.

Suddenly, the older lad grabbed his date's hand and pulled him to the dance floor. The dark blue eyed sure is surprised before telling his date, "Bokuto-san, I don't dance,"

"Me too!" Bokuto grinned at him, and it's obvious that he didn't get the message.

"But, I don't think I'm good at dancing. I'll only ruin this special moment," Akaashi said with a frown.

"Hey, don't worry about it. Tonight is about us having fun! Here, take my hands and we'll dance like monkeys," Bokuto gave his hands to the younger lad which he hesitate to accept but soon he put his hands on his larger ones, then the older lad pulled him closer to him and starts moving forward and backward with a little jump on the same beat as the song.

Although Akaashi can tell he looks really awful now, but the dance that he is having with his date tonight is truly fun that he started to enjoy himself. His smile even gets wider as Bokuto starts getting even hyper than before. The crowds joined them as they started randomly dancing around the diner with Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go song filled the room.

Bokuto started to sing really terribly but Akaashi just smiled as they danced along to the song. The jumps getting even faster but it was fun, he totally forgot that tonight is his first date but the fact that it is, he gets even happier. They even do the little shimmy together that Akaashi can't help but laugh along with his date. Bokuto sure knows how to bring up the mood. Then the chorus of the famous song happened, Bokuto and Akaashi sang along.

"Wake me up before you go-go, don't leave me hanging on like a yo-yo," They sang to each other before laughing once they noticed just how terrible singers they really are without the original song playing in the background.

After a few singing and dancing, on the final chorus, Bokuto grabbed one Akaashi's hand as he twirled him around which the younger lad laughed at the dance but soon his back rest on Bokuto's broad chest and can feel his breath on his cheek with his hands wrapped around his waist. A blush crept on his cheeks, however his happy giddy smile appeared which is a sign just how much happy he is on his date tonight.

"Wake me up before you go-go, take me dancing tonight," Bokuto sang to his ear and Akaashi laughed at how terrible he sounds but appreciates it when he tried to impress the younger lad.

When the song ended, everyone cheered once again for both Bokuto and Akaashi's terrible dance but they enjoyed it that night. They clapped their hands together for the amazing sudden-dance-event to Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go by Wham!. It was amazing.

When the clock strikes 11, Bokuto guides the younger lad to the familiar street of his house. The night gets chiller than before, but Akaashi fought the cold feeling because he doesn't want to bother his date after all the fun things he did for them tonight. He admitted, that's what kind of a first date that Akaashi always wanted, a fun and romantic type of date.

"You shivered so much, Akaashi. Are you cold?" The older lad asked him as he stopped his track right under the light street.

"I am, but don't worry. My house is almost there," Akaashi tried to not bother his date since he's definitely cold as well.

"Your house is still far from here. What are you talking about, Akaashi?" Bokuto laughed at his silliness before taking off his dark green jumper jacket and wrapped it around his shoulder. "Here, you need it more than I do,"

"Are you sure it's okay, Bokuto-san? I'm-," he tried to brush it off again but the older lad just waved his hand to drop the topic.

"It's totally fine! I can't let you catch a cold now, can I?" Bokuto smiled at him before wrapping his around his shoulder to make him feel warmer and continued the tracks to Akaashi's house.

The dark blue eyed lad smiled gratefully at him before tugging the bigger jacket around him, he can smell the familiar scent even better at this point but it's not like he hates it or anything. A blush still painted nicely on his cheeks, still can't believe that his favorite person is really treating him differently than before and he likes this side of him.

When they're in front of the Akaashi household, the younger lad tries to return the jacket but Bokuto insisted that he should keep it for him. His reason was, when he got it back later, it'll smell like Akaashi and he won't wash it until it'll be very dirty to his opinion. He sure is unpredictable, but Akaashi wouldn't argue about it.

"Thank you tonight, Bokuto-san. I enjoyed it very much," Akaashi thanked him with a small smile on his lips.

"Then, do you want to go for a second date with me?" Bokuto quickly asked which the younger lad just laughed.

"Yes, I'd love to," he agreed again which made the older lad smile even wider. Then the younger lad said his goodbye, "Thank you for the dance too. We're terrible dancers but I had fun dancing with you. I'm looking forward for the next dance,"

"I LIKE YOU SO MUCH, AKAASHI," Bokuto cried in happiness that he couldn't take just how nice and cute his date is. The younger lad tip-toed to him as he pressed a kiss on his cheek before getting inside the house. The golden eyed lad's eyes went wide before realizing his face went red, that was a really nice kiss on the cheek but would he be ready for him to kiss his lips? It's not like he has a thought about that, pfft, no of course not!

"Good night, Bokuto-san. Be careful on your way home," Akaashi said with a fond smile.

"Good night, Akaashi. Sweet dreams," he said with a happy and satisfied smile. Once the door was closed, the two might have screamed in happiness in their hands. Tonight was the best first date of their lives, they won't ever forget about it.


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