WWE-The Challenge-Rivals (Sea...

By SinnaMonnBun

22.2K 1.5K 2.4K

In order to win half a million dollars, the challengers must rely solely on one person.....their worst enemy... More

Author's Notes
Teams Reveal pt 1
Teams Reveal pt 2
First Night
Challenge 1-Road To Nowhere
One Sided Power
Elimination 1
Intoxicating Nostalgia
Challenge 2-Game Of Inches
Friend or Mastermind?
Elimination 2
At It Again
Challenge 3-Triple X Games
True Rivals
Elimination 3
Everybody Hates Roman
Challenge 4-Frogsmash
Friends No More
Elimination 4
Challenge 5-Frenemies
Head To Head
Elimination 5
New Formations
Challenge 6-Oil Change
The One Where They Hooked Up
Elimination 6
Coffee Bath
Challenge 7-Gasping For Air
Spilling The Tea
Elimination 7 pt 1
Elimination 7 pt 2
Progression Amidst Tension
Challenge 8-Dunking For Dinner
Crossing The Twins
Elimination 8
Challenge 9-Caged In
The Cult of Jericho
Elimination 9
New Rivals, New Feelings
Challenge 10-Weight For Me
Shot Through The Heart
Elimination 10
Challenge 11-Bombs Away
Tonight We Are Young
Elimination 11 (+announcement)
Challenge 12-Rampage
Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Elimination 12
Im A Hazard To Myself
Finals pt 1
Finals pt 2
The Final Decision
*Un-aired Scenes*

The Cryptic and The Crazy

292 24 38
By SinnaMonnBun

Roman was seen in a room all by himself. It was a partially empty room that the Challengers would use to make monitored phone calls to their loved ones.

It had been almost three weeks since he had spoken to Sasha so, he decided to give her a call. Plus, there was something he'd been meaning to get off his chest.

VC-Roman-A few days ago Naomi told me that Sasha called her to find out if I was doing anything sketchy with other girls here in the house. Not going to lie, it bothered me. I tried to put it at the back of my head but it still lingers in my mind.

On The Phone:Sasha

Roman-Im not going to lie Sash, something's been bothering me.

Sasha-What is it?

Roman-.....Why....did you call Naomi to ask her about what I was doing in the house? I thought we've been over this Sasha.


Roman-You still don't trust me?

Sasha-Roman, look at what you've been doing for the few weeks that I was there with you? You had Mandy sitting on your lap, you were showering while she was in the bathroom, what do you want me to think? Im trying to get over these trust issues but you keep giving me reasons to hesitate!

Roman-But why would you call Naomi? Why wouldn't you call me and confront me about it?

Sasha-If I asked you if you were sneaking around with any other girls and if you were, would you tell me the truth?

Roman-So you're calling me a liar too?

Sasha-Oh my god. You can't do whatever you want with whoever you want and expect me not to give a shit about it. If you slept with another girl would you expect me to not worry about that either? Because thats what its sounding like.

Roman-Im just pissed off at the fact that weeks had gone by and you never called but all of a sudden you're calling my cousin in law to get the dirt on me? Thats low. This relationship involves you and I, not Naomi.

Sasha-Well excuse me if my boyfriend was getting too friendly with the trashiest bitch in the house. Of course I'm going to be fucking worried about what you were doing! You keep preaching to me to trust you but you know what, I'm afraid that I'm going to over trust you one of these days and then get bit in the ass in the end.

Roman-So thats how you think of me? Didn't we do a whole damn show just for you to work on your trust issues?

Sasha-Roman....ugh-I don't want to continue this conversation anymore.

Roman-You know what I'm afraid of Sasha, I'm afraid that this is going to turn into one of those clingy relationships where we can never be separated from each other. Wherever I go, you gotta go. Whatever I do, you gotta do. Is that what you want? Is that how its gotta be?

Sasha-Maybe it should be like that then!

Roman-You are so lucky that I'm not even giving you real reasons to worry about what I'm doing. You got it a little too easy with me.

Sasha-Oh yea? Well you know what Roman, do what you want. Im done.

Roman-What do you mean you're done?

Sasha-Im just done.

Roman-Whatever Sasha. You need to realize-

Sasha-*hangs up*

In a fit of rage Roman threw the phone aside.

He remained sitting on the chair with his head hung low for quite some time.

VC-Roman-This is literally the last thing I needed.......I don't know what Sasha and I's status is. It sucks to be fighting with your significant other especially when you're thousands of miles away....*sighs*


VC-Trish-So its 5:30 am. Chris and I got up extra early to go out onto the lawn and do our morning yoga. We're the first ones up. And.....on the coffee table in the living room....we see a golden envelope laying around......Kind of strange.

"Should we mess with it?"Chris asked Trish as they both stared at the envelope.

"We don't know whose it is."

"Whose can it be Trish? Its not like anybody here has a mailing address in South Africa to receive their mails. Im opening it."said Chris.

He took up the golden envelope. He noticed that it wasn't sealed. In it, he pulled out a note and read it out loud.

It read:

The quest was born of fire's will.

A treacherous journey yet to be halted.

Boiling bloods, hate spewed


As an essence keeps lurking in the shadows.

When the day of reckoning comes,

And the dust settles.

He who holds jurisdiction

Holds the fate of worlds

Will this all be a shell of a victory

Or shall the forsaken prosper alongside the fortunate?

"What in thee actual hell is this?"he said.

"Chris....did you write that?"Trish asked.

"What-no. Its not even written, its typed in some weird font."

"I know you like playing mind games with your stupid little note pad."

"Its not a stupid little notepad, its a pretty large notepad and its called the List of Jericho! Drink it in maa-"

Trish put her finger to his lips to shush him.

VC-Chris-Its very odd to find this random envelope laying around. Somebody left it in the living room on purpose. They wanted this to be found. Its investigation time!

A few hours later Chris was able to gather all of the competitors into the living room.

He slowly paced in front of them with the envelope in his hand.

"Five thirty this morning.....this envelope was found right here on this coffee table. Let me read to you what was found in the envelope."Chris said as he began reading.

He read every single line from the piece of paper.

"Come on Chris...w-what is this? Who are you trying to fool? Enough with your crap."said Charlotte.

"Hmmm Chris finds a strange note. What a coincidence."said Paige as she stood up to walk away, "We're not playing your games."

"Its not Chris. I was with him this morning. We both stumbled across it. Plus, I was with him all night. He's not responsible for this. I had my doubts but I know that it can't be him."said Trish.

"Sure. We're supposed to believe Chris' girlfriend when she says Chris is innocent."said Seth.

"Why would it benefit me to do this? Exactly how would I gain anything from this?"Chris asked.

"You like playing mind games! You like messing with people. You get off on shit like that."said Paige, "Did you forget what you did last season?"

"I wouldn't lie to you guys though."said Trish.

"If I'm the one thats responsible for this do you think id be here interrogating you guys on who did it? Id write it and leave it for one of you stupid idiots to find it, I wouldn't find it myself."Chris argued.

"Wait, who was the last person in the living room last night?"Dream asked.

"Kaitlyn, Sami and I probably was. We left to go to bed around 2 am."said Paige.

"Was there anyone else around?"Chris asked.

"Kevin was in the kitchen."said Kaitlyn.

"As he always is."said Punk.

"Was the envelope there at the time?"Dream asked.

"No."Paige shook her head.

"Well we got four new suspects in our case then."said Chris.

"You don't actually think that I'm behind that note do you?"asked Kevin.

"Well...of course not."Chris hesitated.

"Why the hell are we working ourselves up for some dumb poem? Don't you guys have anything better to do? Because I sure do. "AJS said.

"Its not everyday you wake up to find random prophecies just laying around Styles. This was put here for a reason."Chris said, "This could be either one of two things. This could be something that we should take seriously or....this could be a prank done by one of you assclowns. Are any one of you trying to mess with Y2J, huh?"

"Fool, rule me out. I won't waste my time playing paper games."said Roman.

"I don't even understand half of what you read to me if I'm honest."said Seth.

"My vocabulary isn't that quite advanced so yea, I'm not your gal. If I had written that there'd be a cuss word in there somewhere."said Paige.

"Im with Roman. Who the hell has time to do shit like that?"said Becky.

"I don't have a poetic bone in my body."said AJS.

Chris shifted his attention to Aleister.

"You."he sneered, "This has you written all over it. Everything about this screams your name. Did you write this?"

Alesiter slowly raised his eyes towards him, "My poetry....my mind....is a place that you would not wish to delve in. That scripture you hold in your hand is nothing but a mere nursery rhyme compared to what I would have composed."

Chris rolled his eyes.

"You're the only one that would do something like that Chris. If you know you didn't do it then....I don't think anybody else here would be responsible for it. Maybe its from a producer or Hunter."Lita said.

"Why would they do something like that though? Its kind of....stupid."said Sami.

"Look, its clearly a prophecy of some sorts."said Seth, "Maybe we should try to decipher it to figure out what it really means."

"Chris has you guys wrapped around his fingers."said Charlotte, "He's just crying wolf."

"Maybe you're the one crying wolf Charlotte."Chris said.

"Maybe I am. Who knows. If it keeps you up at night then-"she shrugged.

Chris shook his head in disgust.

"Great now can we stop worrying about a dumb piece of paper and go get some breakfast now?" asked Alexa.

"Amen to that."said Naomi.

One by one the Challengers all dismissed themselves.

VC-CM Punk-Yes ladies and gentlemen, this is The Challenge where a bunch of grown ass people lose their shit over a note. You can't get any better than this.

Chris gasped as an epiphany came to him.

VC-Chris-I was once the trickster playing games...but now.....the games are being played on me.


AJL was seen packing her belongings into her suitcase.

VC-AJL-Now that Nikki is gone, John has a room all to himself. She was the last of his roommates but she never even slept in the room. Lately she started staying in Sami and Becky's room. But now, with her being gone its just him so....why not move in? Im sure he'll get lonely and to be honest, I'm tired of rooming with Trish, Naomi and Roman.

After a cold shower to soothe his body from a gruelling workout, John opened the door to his room only to be taken by surprise.

He knew that when he left his room to go to the home gym, only his belongings were there. But now, it seemed like someone else had inhabited one of the beds. It was no mystery to him however. The culprit was right there sitting on the bed.

She grinned when she saw him.

"Surprise."she said.


"Uhhh....yea. This is definitely a surprise."he said, closing the door behind him.

"I decided to move in."AJ said as she grabbed a pillow from one of the bunks, "Now that air headed Nikki Bella is officially gone from the room, we can have it all to ourselves and get the much needed privacy we deserve."

She placed the pillow onto his bed, next to his pillow.

John was a little bit too overwhelmed to fully process anything that she was saying.

VC-John-Something in the back of my mind..... is telling me to get the hell out of there and run for my life. This is just too much.

VC-AJL-This is a great way for John and I's connection to grow. Its hard getting privacy in this house and now we have a room all to ourselves! Im excited about this. Hopefully Phil can see that I'm truly done with him and maybe he can leave me alone now. Im happy.

"You're lucky that I'm tiny so we both can fit on one mattress."she laughed.

He nervously chuckled.

VC-John-I feel like AJ doesn't know the difference between reality and imagination. I think she makes up scenarios in her head and she ends up believing it happened. How did her and I....get to this point, I have no idea.

"Do you want me to close my eyes while you change?"she asked John who was only wearing a towel.

"Its okay. I'll change in the bathroom."he said as he grabbed a pair of his shorts.

"Okay. Hurry up. Don't keep me waiting for too long."she giggled.

VC-John-What did I get myself into?


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