The Five Giants

By totally_phoenix

714 143 445

"Five is the lucky number, but can you save them all?" In the endless night, it's all pretty useless. It's al... More

000 - index
000 - index pt 2
000 - Prologue
001 - The hours before awakening
002 - Phoenix
003 - The accident
004 - Phoenix's "Curse"
005 - I love you
006 - Fallen Angel
007 - Promise
008 - True colours
009 - Murder
010 - The Battle
011 - Abandoned
Quick notice
012 - Cold As Ice
013 - Red
014 - The Chase
015 - Angel Where The River Flows
016 - I know. . . I think
017 - Alaska And Aeolian
018 - Accusations
019 - The Cat
020 - Lone Wolf
021 - A New Prophecy
022 - Sol's Apology
023 - Snake's Unwanted Help
024 - Mama White
025 - The injured Kitten

022 - The Truth is out

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By totally_phoenix

"Wait for the full moon. After that point, pieces will come together."

Slowly and grumpily, she trudged down the towards the clowder's main territory, her paws tightening as she walked a long way from the house cat's territory. She walked past a gang of cats, and they glared at her threateningly. All she did was give them a small nod, bowing a little to let them know she was at peace with them and they bowed back, their scents lifting to become a bit more warm. She sighed contentedly as she pulled her gaze from the cats and glanced around the forest.

As soon as she was out of sight, Hawk appeared. He looked at Phoenix with a smile, his blue eyes staring at hers calmly. "You and Red sure do make a good couple," he purred. "When did you two decide to become mates or am I missing something." He wriggled his eyebrows, earning a light tap on the shoulder with his tail. If only it didn't go right through his ghostly body.

"We didn't," she sighed. "He found me and we walked. Because his scent is as alluring to me as it is to him, we decided to hit it off."

Hawk squealed, "My kitten is all grown up, I can't believe it! You're pinking up too!"

Phoenix stopped and so did her heart for a few seconds. She shook her head, glaring at him. "Why do you say that like it's a good thing?"

"Your sister got away with having kittens, you will too if you play this game smart enough."

"How so?"

"Up to you to find out."

Phoenix rolled her eyes and continued to walk over to the clowder, she could smell their scents from where she was, and tasted the air. She knew she was close. Phoenix appeared through the bushes, watching Hawk disappear in front of her. She glanced up at Honey, who was standing on a tree. Her eyes locked into his for a few moments, before he shook his head dismissively. 

"You murder!" He yowled, his voice shaking the earth. It made the wind blow to the point where Phoenix found it hard to stand upright. The birds flew away, screaming in fear and Honey sat down, as if he was ashamed. After a few heartbeats, he began to speak. "You killed them, didn't you?"

Phoenix's mouth parted, "w-what? I-I-"

"Answer the question! Did you kill Lavender and Tigress?"

Phoenix's paws became wet with sweat as her fur stood up on its ends. Honey leaped down, landing directly in front of her. It was a surprise to Phoenix that he didn't break any of his bones. Phoenix shrunk down as he waddled directly in front of her. His claws weren't sheathed, making Phoenix shake. She wrapped her tail around her body, her ears lowering.

Adrenaline flooded her system. Her insides were screaming to run but her instincts said to fight him off, so which one would overtake her? It was as if the two had cancelled each other out and now she a computer lagging. Now, his voice had been muffled by the roaring noise of blood in her ears as all of her memories flooded her. The crimson blood that lay on the ground, the fur, the intestines of Oak and her dying mother's whispers for mercy all came back to her.

All of them. . .

Finally, she stopped and stood up straight. Her body loosened as her eyes dilated. Phoenix narrowed her eyes at him slowly. She was able to make her breathing stable as calmed down. 

"Who told you this, was it Flint?"

Before Honey could speak, Snowy did. "No, Flint is innocent here. Sol did, why do you think he's not here?" Snowy said calmly. "He ran away to stop you from murdering him."

Honey blinked. "You told me the news, not Sol."

"That is correct, but I got the news from Sol himself. He was there when you were speaking with Flint. I only passed on what I heard to your father. This was for the sake of Sun Clowder's future, please forgive me." Snowy bowed to Phoenix.

She hissed. "Get up."

Snowy straightened up, staring into her cold gaze. A small smile appeared on his face as he gave her a reassuring lick on the forehead. All that got him was another hiss as she clawed his face. No blood was seen on his white pelt, but the stinging pain made him want to put a paw onto his cheek. 

Phoenix turned her gaze to Honey, who stared down at the ground. His scent was heavy and made the whole forest stink. Behind him was Hawk, who gestured to kill him with a paw. Phoenix shook her head, her mouth parted in shock at the tom. How could he tell her to kill her own father like that? A cat who has done nothing but try to protect her.

Honey sat down in defeat, his ears low. "I trusted you, Phoenix. I really did." He sighed. His voice broke a little as he shook his head. He felt overwhelmed by the whole situation, the shock was far too much. "You, out of all my cats, killed your own kin, your own family! You didn't even think to tell me, did you? What more are you hiding from me?"

Phoenix remained quiet, watching as his gaze lifted towards her. She felt her heart throb within her chest. She remembered the metallic taste of blood splattered on her tongue, and stained her face. She remembered the horrific yowls of her sister, her mother begging her to stop. So why didn't she?

Honey closed his eyes, "I feel so empty. Why does this stuff only happen to me, I don't understand where I went wrong!" His voice was soft now and shaky, as if he was going to burst into tears at any moment. He stood, his paws were trembling. "How should I punish you? With death, I suppose? Would that make you happy?"

Phoenix gulped, "do what you need to do, I deserve this."

"No, I won't. You'll suffer the feeling of no food for a month. If you want to eat, catch your own food outside of this territory. You're lucky I haven't sent you to The Forbidden Forest! Now, get out of my sight!"

Phoenix gave him a small nod, bowing her head peacefully. She turned around to head towards her rocky cave, catching a glimpse of golden fur. She recognized that scent too. She lifted her gaze towards Sol, the giant tom who looked more muscular than she remembered, appeared. He also looked more attractive and one ear was torn and bleeding. Phoenix tasted the air. She couldn't recognize the scent of whoever did that to him but it smelled of South Forest. 

Suddenly, an injured Siamese molly appeared behind him. She was quite lean and her tail was long. Her fur was short and antique white and onyx-grey. A necklace hung around her neck, the jewel attached was the same colour as her eyes. The molly's aqua blue eyes darkened as looked around the place cautiously, blood oozing out of her neck. Blood bubbled at her lips as she struggled to stand. Nutmeg ran to her side before she could fall, struggling to keep her balanced due to her pregnancy. Snowy ran to their side to help.

Sol looked over at Honey, his eyes turning to slits. It was as if he was fuelled by sudden rage, which made him growl lowly but he was able to keep his composure. "I found her on our territory being attacked by a house cat," he growled. "I would have killed her but I wouldn't stoop that low. Besides, she claims that she knows you."

Honey nodded, stepping forward. He bowed his head, pressing his nose against hers in greeting. He subtly turned his gaze to his cats, hearing them mewl in disapproval at his affection towards the strange cat. He pulled away from her, not showing any sort of emotion. "How have you been, Apollo?" The cats all gasped but he silenced them with his tail. "How's Wolfie been doing?"

Apollo sighed at the last question. "I'm fine, and Wolfie? I mean, I've seen him around but. . ." Her voice trailed off as she lowered her gaze away from him. Honey frowned and sighed sadly.

"I get it. They took him, didn't they? You should have let me stay so I could protect him."

The cats gasped and one, an old and white molly, limped forward. Her raspy voice rang in his ears, "explain who she is? Who is this stranger, is she your mate?"

Honey glanced at her, "Mama White, I would do no such thing. She's a cat I met when I found Tigress. I helped her keep her son for a little longer so she could at least talk to him while she still could."

"How do I know you're telling the truth?"

Phoenix ran to Honey's side and pressed a paw on his shoulder. He narrowed his eyes at her, then looked away. Phoenix felt her heart lurch, but she still decided to speak. "Is that true?"

"Well, yes. I-I mean, I did like - love -  her in the past but that was in the past and I don't anymore. That's why I-"

Phoenix removed her paw and he stopped. Honey's eyes widened with shock. Did he really say that? He looked up at Apollo, who seemed as surprised. He turned his head to Mama White, who glared at him angrily, going as far as to claw his face. Her blunt claws dug into his nose, just about able to make it bleed. He took a few paces back from the three, his ears low. He stared at Apollo apologetically.

Sol piped up. "Hypocrite!" He spat but Flint silenced him with his tail.

Phoenix looked up at the setting sun. It's a full moon tonight, isn't it? Perhaps Apollo is a part of the prophecy?

Honey spoke again, "I must ask, what brings you here? I thought you weren't coming back?"

"I wasn't but Wolfie, I don't know if you've seen him, but I was told in a dream by a cat name Angel that he was coming here."

"Angel?" Phoenix squeaked, "here?"

Apollo looked at the molly and nodded with a smile, making Phoenix smile widely. Then it faded when she started to think out loud. "Maybe that's why you're here. . . Angel knew you wouldn't be able to complete the prophecy without this Wolfie cat, it all makes sense!"

She blinked, "a prophecy?"

Phoenix chuckled. "This explains all of today, don't you see?"

Honey looked at Snowy, "what is she on about?" Snowy shrugged.

"The truth is out."

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