[Book 1] What We Have Have To...

By gamjaramen

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[WARNING: mentions of violence and mental/psychological obstacles] Skylar needed to be something more. It di... More

!!Before You Read!!
Chapter 1 || First Day of School
Chapter 2 || A Second Chance
Chapter 3 || Facing
Chapter 4 || Distracted
Chapter 5 || Decision To Be Made
Chapter 6 || Setting Things Right
Chapter 7 || Where Things Seem Normal
Chapter 8 || Let it Be a Celebration
Chapter 9 || Unexpected
Chapter 11 || Adjustment Day
Chapter 12 || Day 1 (Physical): Freefall
Chapter 13 || Day 2 (Physical): The Cube
Chapter 14 || Day 3 (Physical): Self Medical Procedure
Chapter 15 || While You Were Gone
Chapter 16 || Day 4+5+6 (Mental)
Chapter 17 || Day 8 (Emotional): Heartbreak
Chapter 18 || Lasts
Chapter 19 || New Life
Chapter 20 || Angelina Ivanov
Chapter 21 || Another Second Chance
Chapter 22 || Welcome Back
Chapter 23 || Bonding
Chapter 24 || Warming Up
To Be Continued...

Chapter 10 || A Night to Remember

53 3 0
By gamjaramen

EXPLICIT WARNING: The end of this chapter gets a little heated but I don't explain anything too graphic.
"Last day." Peter said as he had his arms wrapped around me, resting his head on my chest.

I just hummed in response.

"How do you wanna spend it?" Peter murmured.

"With you. And Grayson. Maybe I'll visit Luke for the last time today." I said, trying not to sound sad.

"Hey. You've got this okay?" He reassured me, rubbing his thumb on my arm.

I nodded and I heard knocking on my door.

"Are you guys naked?" I heard Grayson call out from the other side of the door.

"No!" I yelled, making Peter laugh.

I heard the door open, "Good", he remarked.

"Grayson what are you DOIng." I huffed as Grayson piled on top of both me and Peter.

"I can't believe you're leaving." Grayson said dismally. I explained to Grayson and everyone else saying that I'd gotten an internship for political affairs at United Nations Headquarters.

Peter groaned as Grayson's weight got heavier and heavier on us.

"Grayson I can come see you now every now and then." I said, my voice muffled by his chest. Peter grabbed onto me and Grayson grabbed onto me from the other side, his head resting on mine.

"Yeah but you're gonna spend all that time with lover boy over there." He muttered and Peter's hand slapped him. "Ow, don't slap me." He slapped Peter back.

"He's not wrong." Peter mumbled.

"Don't worry Grayson, you can spend most your time with your new girlfriend." I said.

"Skylar. You told me you wouldn't say anything." Grayson said, getting up from the bed.

"I'm not saying who she is. But by the time I've come home you've better made her your girl." I smirked as he walked out.

"What do you wanna do today?" Peter said again, almost sitting up but I grabbed his arms as he giggled and switched out positions so that I was resting half my body on him now.

"I wanna spend it here. With you. Never moving."

"Mm." His chest vibrated, making me want to hold him tighter.

"I've got something better in mind." He rubbed my back up and down in a soothing manner.

"And what is that?"

"It's gonna to be a surprise. I'll leave around 3pm to get everything ready, and we should be starting around 6pm."

"Do I have to be prepared?" My mind started wandering to different scenarios.

"Dress up. Let's be fancy for once." Peter grinned at me and I kissed him.
I spent the rest of the day in the house with Peter and Grayson went to go hang out with MJ. But soon later Peter left at 3, just like he said.

I was home, showering and getting ready for whatever Peter was getting together. I showered and applied light makeup and tried to find a dress to wear, but I had none that were too fancy. I never needed one for any occasion.

I fixed my hair and groaned, plopping onto the couch in the living room.

The next moment, I hadn't noticed closing my eyes because I woke up feeling groggy. I raised my hand to rub my face but the sudden realization that I was wearing makeup abruptly stopped me.

"Shit." I cursed, checking the time to see how long I was out. The clock read 6:03pm. "Shit!" I yelled again and jumped up from the couch. I grabbed my phone from the table and dialed Peter's number. I started hurrying upstairs to my room.

"Peter! I'm late I'm so sorry I just passed out on the couch and I hadn't realized I'd passed out and I promise I'm on my wa-." I stopped abruptly as I opened the door to my room.

The smell of roses first hit me as I saw rose petals sprinkled all over the floor and the bed. I lowered the phone from my ear but I could hear Peter laughing into the phone.

A couple of small candles were placed meticulously around my room: on the desk, on the window sill, and on top of the head bed frame.

I pulled the phone back to my ear, where we were both silent.

In the middle of my bed there had been a long red elegant dress laid. Right beneath the area where the dress laid were black high heels.

"Wow."I whispered into the phone.

"Yeah." I heard Peter from the other side. "I sneaked in and did a bit of work while you were asleep. You're cute when you sleep. You drool." I could hear his smile.

"What? I do not." I pouted as I put him on speaker and picked up the dress to put on. The dress had spaghetti straps with a mid V neck and hug nicely to my body.

"Yes you do, but don't worry it's cute." He laughed again and I rolled my eyes. There was a slit for the leg and the front part of the skirt wrapped around my waist. It was a simple but beautiful dress.

"Peter where did you get the dress?" I asked in awe as I looked at myself in the mirror. I grabbed the high heels and started to put them on.

"Mr. Stark asked Mrs. Stark to provide one for me for you." He said as if he was embarrassed by it.

"I love it." I whispered, running my hands down the smooth fabric.

"I bet you look amazing, but come out the house so you can prove me right." He ended the call.

Man, that boy has a way with words, I thought.

I heard my heels clack around the house as I walked down the stairs. I turned all the lights off and opened the door. Peter stared up at me from down the stairs, his eyes looking at me up and down.

I blushed and tried to hide it by glancing behind me to close the door. Peter still had his eyes on me as I stepped down the three stairs, my hand grazing the metal side railing.

"You look beautiful." He said shocked. Peter took a step to lean in but my hand stopped him, landing on his chest.

"Wait a minute." I smiled. "This is a view I could get used to." I said amorously.

Peter's hair was slicked back with gel and he was wearing a nice, clean black suit with a burgundy tie. He wore an expensive looking watch around his left hand.

"Are you done looking at me?" He said leaning in and giving me a peck on the lips. I laughed and he motioned over to a black limo that pulled up.

Like a gentleman, Peter opened the door for me and I climbed in to the other side. He followed in after me and soon enough we took off.

"You prepared all this?" I asked shocked and I placed my hand on his.

"I mean, with the help of Mr. Stark." He shrugged.

I hummed amusingly and nodded. "So they said I'd be on a floor at the Stark Tower- er- Avenger's Tower? For Budapest? And you do your internship there? Maybe we could see each other more often." I leaned in to kiss him.

"Yeah, I figured that too so I asked Mr. Stark but he said Fury made it clear and strict that no one would approach that floor. Actually they said you would need certain identification to even access the floor." He sighed.

"Oh." Was all I could say as silence surrounded us.

"Hey. Cheer up, this can't be a sad night remember?" He tapped my chin with his finger and I gave him a small smile.


The limo stopped and he helped me out. The sky was a sweet mix of colors with yellow, orange, gray, purple and blue. It was beautiful.

The Stark Tower almost surprised me with it's height and Peter's hand guided me to the side of the building. Another smaller building was next to the tower and we were going to the space between it.

Peter looked around, the smaller tower shielded us a bit from the open.

"Okay, get on my back. You're wearing something more underneath that dress right?" Peter asked.

"What? And yeah I'm wearing spandex but what does that have to do with anything?" I stood there clueless.

"Come on, just get on my back and you'll see what I'm talking about."

I raised my eyebrows and paused for a minute before I complied and climbed onto his back and wrapped my legs around him.

I squealed when we took off the ground, the wind making me feel like I was flying. I laughed in joy as he swung up the tower and we landed on top of the roof.

I let go with a huff and situated my hair. I gasped as I looked around.

There was a small circular table with a white cloth draped over it and two chairs across each other. There were two candles with two flowers in a small vase in the middle. There was a metal covering over the two plates.

I thought that it would be colder due to the height but there had been an odd heating circulation around us.

"Wow." I breathed out and looked up at the view.

Peter approached behind me and wrapped his hands around my waist, placing a kiss in the nape of my neck, making me sigh as we stared into the approaching sunset.

"It's so beautiful." I murmured.

"You're so beautiful, as cheesy as that sounds." He said quietly into my neck and I giggled. "Okay let's sit." We walked over and he pulled out the chair for me.

I placed my hand over the metal and felt the heat emanating from it as he took his seat across from me.

I couldn't help but smile when we both pulled the metal off at the same time. There was a garlic butter skillet steak with shrimp.

"Did you make this dinner too? Or was this a chef?" My smile grew wide.

He scoffed as we started eating. "I'd like to think I'm a chef too, but I did make this in fact."

I dug in and took a bite. I hummed and ate some more with my stomach growling.

"With some help from a chef." He mumbled with his mouth full.

I laughed and he opened a bottle and poured something into a wineglass.

"Wine?" I asked hopeful.

He gave me an annoyed look, "Sparkling juice."

We finished our dinner together with the sun going down.

I finished before him and turned in my chair to gaze at the sunset. We stayed silent as Peter finished up his dinner and he mimicked me, facing the sun too.

I could stay in that seat forever, thinking about everything else and staring at beauty to calm me down.

I snapped out of my thoughts, realizing I hadn't said anything for so long. I turned my head to Peter and I caught him staring at me.

A smile grew on my face. "What?" I stared back.

He just gave me a side smile and shook his head. "Nothing. Let's go back?" He offered as he got up.

I got up with him.

"How are we going to get back?" I asked, peering over the edge.

Peter walked up next to me. "Tuck your dress between your legs." He said as he placed his hand on the small of my back. "Please." He said in a softer tone when I didn't do what he said.

I acceded and did what he said. Suddenly we fell over the edge and I screamed as we swung from building to building.

"That! Is something I'll never get used to!" I yelled and held tighter to Peter, making sure my dress didn't slip.

I saw Grayson's building coming into view. He landed on the fire escape, built right next to my window.

I kept laughing, the adrenaline still not dying down yet. Peter reached over and pulled open the window with his hand. He climbed in first, and a few moments later he lent me a hand, pulling me in too.

I saw that he placed the candles on the desk, still lit.

He sighed, holding my hands as I stood in front of him. He sighed and crooked his head to the side, staring at me.

I looked in his. He stood silent, like he was hesitating or something.

I rushed in and kissed him. He gasped, passionately kissing me back. He held my head softly, but it didn't correspond with his kiss.

I pushed my body close to his and he murmured something under his breath that I couldn't hear. His hands travelled down to my waist and gripped me closer to him.

My hands travelled to his tie and loosened it.

"Mmm." Peter pulled away and grabbed my hands lightly. "This is fast."

"Oh, I-I'm sorry I," I stammered. "I should stop."

"No." He said trying to look for my eyes. "I'm ready, are you?"

I stared back at him and brushed the untied tie off his neck and reached behind me to pull down the zipper.

"I am. But yeah, let's go slow." I swallowed. "I-I'm a-."

"I know. It's okay." He whispered.

I nodded and leaned up to kiss him. This time it was slow and deep. We moved together like a slow-motion ballroom dance.

His tongue explored my mouth and I let him. He started trailing down to my neck and he found my sweet spot. I quietly moaned and I could feel him smirk.

My breathing grew heavier as he slipped the straps off my shoulders. His fingers danced up and down my arms as I started to unbutton his blazer, his button-up following after.

He pulled his hands away from my body and shook off his button-up. His hands returned right to me and I ran my hands down his chest.

They got lower and he hesitated in his kiss.

I started undoing his belt as I heard him searching for my face.

"Again, are you sure?" He asked consent again, making me smile softly at him.

"You are so cute." I kissed him again and it would be a night I would remember for a long time.

[words: 2397]

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