By oiwuzzup

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A story about Bokuto Koutarou who always makes trouble, and Akaashi Keiji is the one who's always responsible... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 6

935 29 115
By oiwuzzup

"Bro, how do you know if we're more than friends?"

Kuroo then turned to his friend with a shock expression, "You like me, bro?"

Bokuto looked up to him from his bed before shrugging his shoulders, "Sure, why not?"

"I'm not even attracted to you, but that's the stupidest confession I've ever received," Kuroo rolled his eyes before continuing to play the games from Bokuto's computer.

His best friend decided to check up on his owl looking friend after the jail accident, but turns out that he's more than fine. They decided to just chill at Bokuto's house for a while because it has been so long since they hung out.

Kuroo and Bokuto were friends since junior high and got separated from high school, however they managed to maintain their friendship even if they're barely together. Just like what Akaashi told previously, Kuroo and Bokuto are troublemakers.

"How did you get out last night? I didn't stay behind after Kenma got me out. Sorry 'bout that," Kuroo asked while his eyes still set on the computer on Bokuto's desk.

"Akaashi got me out," Bokuto said before smiling, "I thought he was going to be so upset when he knew I got arrested. He warned me before the race but I didn't listen,"

"That's some boyfriend goals there. How come you two are still not together until now?" Kuroo chuckled, jokingly teased his pal.

Bokuto then frowned before sulking on his bed, he was lying on his bed, before saying, "That's the thing, bro. I don't know if we're more than friends,"

Kuroo's eyes widened before turning to the sight of his friend with a shock expression. He then asked in a loud voice, "You like Akaashi all this time!?"

Bokuto thought for a second before sitting up, scratching his head with a thoughtful expression. Akaashi is pretty, he loves his eyes though. They're like icy and dark, but at the same time it gives him a strange feeling in his belly and that's an amazing feeling.

Despite his beauty, Bokuto always thinks that Akaashi is very kind and caring for him. He's always there to warn him and make sure he doesn't do stupid stunts. And whenever the older lad didn't listen, Akaashi was more concerned about him in general than yelling at him for not listening.

Akaashi never blamed him for choosing his own path, and he's always there when Bokuto needed him. He gave him the solution to fix his problems, and make sure to be right behind his back if Bokuto tried to fix everything. And when he did it, Akaashi's smile was his favorite praise to receive.

Bokuto smiles fondly at the thought of Akaashi smiling at him, but soon panicked and red-ish blush crept onto his face before nervously saying, "DO I LIKE AKAASHI?"

"I DON'T KNOW, DO YOU?" Kuroo somehow got influenced into the tension in the room and he became even more panicked as well.

"I do!" Bokuto somehow slapped his cheeks with both of his hands with a serious expression.

His friend suddenly asked, "Isn't that the phrase you're only meant to use when you're going to get married?"

"Oh, you're right! Should I get married to Akaashi?" Bokuto asked his friend and the other friend just nodded his head. There's no end for this.

"But listen, we're talking about Akaashi here. We can't joke about your friendship with him," Kuroo said as he switched off his pal's computer and slid with the seat as he turned it around so the backrest is in front of him so he can lean towards it. The pal asked, "What do you feel about him?"

Bokuto thought for a second as he started to think again. He genuinely feels ten times better whenever his younger friend is around, he also feels like his heart would explode in a good when Akaashi says something cute like making promises together. He also wouldn't deny the fact that his heart would go doki doki whenever Akaashi's lick his lower lips.

But then again, what makes the older lad adores him the most is the fact that his friend will stay beside him no matter what the occasions are. He knows Bokuto would pull some tricks up his sleeves, so he has to prepare himself about two or three steps ahead of him and make sure that he'll keep him to his track.

His friend's loyalty to him is the thing that always makes Bokuto think he doesn't deserve the amazing and caring younger lad. Besides all the pranks that he always does, Akaashi will make sure that he stays well at school and healthy too. He even encourages him to be a better man himself, and that always motivates Bokuto to change his awful personality.

He loves having Akaashi around, he even realizes that having him by his side is better than nothing at all. He'll try to not upset him, but at the end of day, he'll ruin it yet Akaashi still smiles at him as if he knows what he did was an accident. Akaashi is a special person to Bokuto's heart, because he's the only boy who knows that he tries his best to make the best results.

And it's obvious, Bokuto's face went red before mumbling, "I like him!"

Kuroo blinked his eyes in surprise before smiling happily at his friend. Though, he doesn't need to ask to know, it's obvious the two are head over heels with each other and they don't know it yet. His pal asked this because he wanted to see his reaction regarding his innocent friend, and he knows he'll say this.

"That's great," Kuroo said with a smile. "Do you want him to be your boyfriend?"

"Is that legal for me to do that?" Bokuto asked with wide round golden eyes.

"Since when the law was written you can't date Akaashi?" Kuroo tried to point it out and that made the owl looking friend even more happy.

"Yes! I want him to be my boyfriend!" Bokuto nodded his head rapidly before suddenly frowning, "But to be honest, I don't know if I can ever be his boyfriend,"

"Huh? Why not?" Kuroo raised an eyebrow as he watched his friend lie on his bed with his golden eyes staring to the ceiling.

"I feel like... I don't deserve to be his, you know what I mean? I always cause troubles, and he's always there to help me. And what about me? I never did anything in return," Bokuto sighed as he frowned. "I don't even think Akaashi would ever see me the way I see him,"

"Jesus Christ, you're such a lowlife friend," Kuroo mumbled as he closed his eyes while sighing in frustration. "I thought it's obvious for you to see this, but Akaashi would've left from day one if he knows you're not worthy of his time, man. But look again, he stays. Even from last night, he even came to pick you up. Why would anyone stay after all the troubles you caused? But Akaashi did, and you know why?"

"Because...," The golden eyed lad thought for a second before looking at his friend, "I'm his only friend to drive him back home?"

Kuroo was about to stand up and throw himself out of the window, but he keeps his cool before smiling in pain to his friend again, "Because, my dearest pal, Akaashi likes you too,"

Bokuto then stared at his pal before sitting up again, his eyes widened in surprise - not expecting his friend to pin-point it out for him but it did convince him. Sure, it wasn't the best evidence but it was enough for Bokuto.

Akaashi stays! Of course! He keeps his promise, exactly like what Bokuto does to him! They keep their promise together, they promise to stick together! The ombre dyed white haired lad crept a small smile before blushing like a little boy, and Kuroo couldn't help but laughed at his reaction.

"True though, I don't know what you did to him that changed his mind to stay. But all I know that, something you said or did must've made his mind up to be there for you as much as he can," Kuroo said as he stood up while straightening up his jeans. He then smiles at his friend, "And if you want to return his precious feelings to you, you still have time for that,"

"How?" Bokuto asked while tilting his head.

"We can always take our times to think this thoroughly, but I don't think you're that type of person who'd do that," Kuroo said before taking his car keys from his pocket, twirling with his finger to the air with a smirk. He glanced at his friend, "Whaddaya say if we go straight to Akaashi's household and confess right away?"

Bokuto bit his lower lip before nodding his head rapidly with his eyes sparkled in excitement. There's no point for him to keep this in the back of his head if he can ask about this right now! It's not like he has other things to do, he knows Akaashi is special, hence he'll do anything to make this come true.

Bokuto then jumps from his bed to his feet with his hands in the air, yelling 'yes' as he grabbed his hoodie and brushed his hair for a final touch and left. They said goodbye to Bokuto's mother, she just waved her hand in confusion as she watched the two leave the house.

"Should we get flowers for Akaashi?" Kuroo asked as he got into the car and switched on the engine.

"Nah, bro. He doesn't like 'em much," Bokuto said as he put on his seat-belt. "But he likes boiled rapeseed plants with karashi mustard,"

"I- but... ew," Kuroo took a deep breath before nodding his head, "Let's get boiled rapeseed plants then,"

The drive to Akaashi's house is surprisingly fast. It's obvious because Akaashi doesn't leave that far from Bokuto's, but it's still considered far if they walked. They even make a grand u-turn to buy Akaashi's favorite food.

When they arrived, the two troublemakers got out from the vehicle and made their ways to the front door. Kuroo stayed behind a little so Bokuto could do all the things he needed to do. The golden eyed lad knocked on the door and soon revealed Akaashi's mother with a huge smile.

"Koutarou! It's so nice to finally see you again! Oh? Isn't it Tetsurō?" Akaashi's mother asked with so much happiness in her tone.

"Yes, it is I, Kuroo Tetsurō, ma'am," Kuroo courted as if they live in a castle, yet Akaashi's mother giggled.

"Is Akaashi home?" Bokuto asked with a grin, a small pink blush painted on his cheeks. The take-out Akaashi's favorite food is on his hand, getting even more prepared for his confession.

"Why yes, he's home. I think he's in his bedroom. Come in and make yourself like home, gentleman," Akaashi's mother allowed them to enter the house and Bokuto quickly dashed to the second floor where his crush's bedroom is.

Kuroo smiled apologetically to the mother of the house before following his friend but by walking with his hands in his pockets. This is now all for Bokuto, Kuroo's job was done after encouraging the other lad to get his man, all he needs to do is stay behind and hear what's the result is going to be.

Without thinking, Bokuto opens the bedroom's door and finds nothing but a neat bedroom that smells like Akaashi. The golden eyed lad then darted his eyes to the not-completely-closed bathroom's door with the lights on, he didn't waste his time to open it with so much force.

Bokuto shouted, "Akaashi Keiji, I like you with all my heart!"

The dark curly raven haired lad flinched as he slowly turned his head to the door frame with a shock expression, "He-hello, Bokuto-san?"

"Would you like to go out with me!?" Bokuto asked again but with yelling which made the poor younger lad flinch at the loud voice.

"Bo-Bokuto-san...," Akaashi blushed a little before furrowing his eyebrows. He then asks, "Can I just pee first?"

Suddenly a wave of realization hit the older lad, his face went red before screaming in embarrassment to his hands. Akaashi tried to calm his friend down but he's busy trying to focus with his pee, but Bokuto did walk out with a red face. He closed the bathroom door after him and saw Kuroo already sitting on Akaashi's bed with a smirk.

"Did you just walk into Akaashi who's peeing in the bathroom?" Kuroo teased his friend which Bokuto blushed madly in red, nothing to feel but embarrassment.

After a few minutes, with Bokuto paced back and forth in so much stress, the sound of the toilet flushed could be heard and soon the door opened to reveal Akaashi just washed his hands and grabbed the dried and fresh towel from his drawer to dry them.

"Oh? Hello, Kuroo-san," Akaashi is surprised to see Bokuto's best friend in his room. Well, he's genuinely surprised to see those two here without a warning. Speaking of warning, the dark blue eyed lad then glared at his friend who was startled by the sudden scary looks, then he asks, "You should've called me before making yourself here, Bokuto-san. My room's a mess,"

"A mess my ass," Kuroo rolled his eyes but soon his soul almost left his body when he saw how scary Akaashi deadly glared at him.

"I'm sorry," Bokuto frowned before looking down to the plastic lunch box on his hand, then quickly gave it to the younger lad, "This's for you, Akaashi!"

"I- Thank you. You're too kind," Akaashi said as he blushed while accepting the box and smiled happily when he saw that it's filled with his favorite food.

Kuroo almost grimaced at the scene, how on earth people could consume them? Those two love birds have problems, he thought. But for Bokuto, he grinned like a happy dog when he saw how warm Akaashi's smile was.

The younger lad bit his lower lip when he felt his heart skip a beat. Bokuto remembers his favorite food, he thought he'd forgotten about it but he decided to ignore it. He doesn't want to think that far, he's just afraid that it might be just a coincidence that his friend remembered it.

"And umm...," Bokuto cleared his throat as he blushed, his heart beating rapidly in nervousness. Should he say it? He doesn't want to ruin this amazing friendship, yet he wants to be the one who's able to call Akaashi as his. He knows it's not enough, but Bokuto craves for it.

He likes Akaashi, he didn't realize that because he didn't think that straight ahead. The more he thinks about it, the more he realizes that Akaashi is someone very special and important for him. All the conversations somehow could lead to them committing to each other without noticing it, and that's what makes his heart skip a beat every time he sees Akaashi.

But little did he know, Bokuto is the only thing in Akaashi's mind. He never showed it because he's afraid that he might be the only person who's falling in this new relationship. And he cares so much about the older lad that he is even scared that him in general isn't enough to make Bokuto his.

Kuroo then clapped his hands together before standing up with an annoyed face, "I'm gonna make myself tea downstairs. You two better shove your tongues together when I get back,"

When the other friend exited the room, Bokuto and Akaashi's face went red again with their hearts beating even faster than before. Shoving their tongues in their throats? Kuroo, what the heck? Bokuto blushed while pouting like a little kid, he shouldn't have dragged his troublesome friend into this then maybe that wouldn't have happened.

When he glanced back at the poor younger lad, Bokuto could see just how much Akaashi trembled in embarrassment and nervousness. The older lad then told him with a shaky tone, "A-Akaashi! You don't have to thi-think about what Kuroo said! I wo-won't shove my to-tongue into yo-you like that!"

Akaashi then looked up with pink blush on each of his cheeks, even Bokuto bit his tongue inside his mouth to stop himself from screaming. Is he an angel!? The younger lad mumbles, "So, you don't want to ki-kiss me?"

"I-it's nothing like that! Of course, I want to-! Bu-but- Akaashi, this isn't right!" Bokuto started to ramble as his brain went blank. What should he say? How should he say this?

They didn't say anything and just panicked together in one room. This is hella of a love confession, and Bokuto couldn't even do it without ruining the perfect mood for it. He should've planned this through so it'll be a perfect confession like in every romance movie that he watched together with Akaashi!

If it's Akaashi, the golden eyed lad knows he'll make a perfect confession because, duh, Akaashi is a perfect man! He can do whatever he wants and gets away with it! He can get everything he wants just because! How about Bokuto? He can't even make a perfect confession without thinking this through.

Akaashi steals a glance to Bokuto's frown and much to his surprise, the older lad looks so stressed. He then smiles before trying to get his eyes to stare at his instead which it works. The younger lad then helps, "Don't think about it too much. I like what you do to me. Anyone would think I'm a weird person to like this type of food, but you bought me these with all your effort and time,"

"Akaashi?" Bokuto's eyes widened in surprise when he saw just how much his smiles shined into his soul.

Akaashi then giggled like an angel, "I personally think that's the sweetest thing anyone would've done to me. I love it, Bokuto-san. Thank you,"

"Akaashi~," The older lad is on the verge of crying, he doesn't deserve someone like him. His angel is just too perfect for him that he's afraid that he might ruin everything. He then whined like a little kid with red blush on each of his cheeks, "I'm sorry...,"

"Eh? What for?" This time, Akaashi is more concerned about why his perfect man would apologize when he just surprised him with an amazing gift.

"I should've confessed to you in a more appropriate way," Bokuto suddenly cried like a little kid as he sniffled his snot loudly which Akaashi just laughed at. But soon the older lad wiped his tears away with his sleeves before saying sincerely, "But when I said I like you, I mean it, Akaashi,"

The younger lad's eyes widened as he saw just how much the man in front of him changed his mood. But truthfully, he didn't think that Bokuto would've done something like this, being so sincere to his own feelings to someone. Akaashi didn't think Bokuto would become someone so different when it comes to feelings like this. But that won't hide the fact that the butterflies in his stomach explode, Akaashi feels like he's in cloud nine.

Bokuto then frowned as he looked down to the ground, "All I do is make troubles then pull you in with me, so I wouldn't say I can make you the happiest if you want to go out with me. BUT-,"

Akaashi flinched again with his sudden loud voice, he will never get used to his loudness even being his friend for more than a year. He glanced at those golden eyes that speak more than a thousand words; Bokuto is trying to become better just for him, and Akaashi can sense that.

"But, I'll try to make you happy as mine," Bokuto said with a guilty smile. "But then again, I'm not perfect-,"

"You don't have to," He was interrupted by Akaashi himself as he approached the older lad and tip-toed a little to press a soft kiss on his cheek, lingering his lips a little before pulling away and hid his face on his shoulder. Akaashi smiles a little before saying, "You know you're not perfect, and you don't have to become one,"

Bokuto wasn't sure on what to do but he knew that his heart might have stopped beating of the kiss and how much Akaashi snuggled into him. An angel! He's an angel, and there's nothing that can change his mind!

"Yes, you always cause troubles and will ask for my help, but that doesn't worry me. I like the feelings I get when Bokuto-san puts me into your endless adventures, the feelings that make your heart go wild in anticipation and fear," Akaashi explained as he smiled at the feeling of Bokuto's heart beating on his chest. He continues, "I'd be even happier when you call me up just to make sure that I watch you doing all your horseplays. That means that you wanted me to be part of your games too, and that makes me very happy,"

Bokuto didn't say anything as he bowed his head a little to smell Akaashi's hair, they smelled nice. The words Akaashi told him is becoming more clear to him that he likes it whenever Bokuto makes trouble, he'll put him into it as well. He likes the feeling of his chest went lush when Bokuto made stupid pranks that could endanger both him and his friend. Just like what Kuroo told him, Akaashi stays.

"Bokuto-san doesn't need to be perfect," Akaashi said he slowly wrapped his arms around his neck while hugging the bigger and older lad. Bokuto's face went red before hearing him say, "I like you as a troublemaker you are, and nothing else matters,"

After a few seconds pass by, Bokuto slowly wrapped his arms around Akaashi's smaller waist before embracing the younger lad closer to his side. Bokuto hid his red face on those curly raven hair, loving the feeling of how tight he hugged him.

"I like you, Akaashi," Bokuto said behind his ear and the younger lad just smiled at him.

"I like you too, Bokuto-san," he said with a happy smile.

When they pulled away, the owl looking friend then asked with a grin, "Does that mean you agree on going out with me?"

The dark blue eyed lad smiled fondly at him before nodding his head in agreement, "Yes, I'd love to,"

"Great! What about tomorrow? We can get a nice dinner or something," Bokuto asked with his golden eyes glistened in excitement, Akaashi will never get tired of that.

"Yes, Bokuto-san. Of course," he nodded before smirking, "But next time, please let me pee first,"

Bokuto tilted his head in confusion before gasping and whining, "Akaashi! I'm sorry about that!"

The younger lad laughed a little at the reaction of his friend. That was a nice afternoon surprise that Bokuto ever did to him, and he will cherish this moment forever. After that, Akaashi ate his favorite food at the dining table with Bokuto besides him.

Kuroo has joined Akaashi's mother at the living room, watching tv. He knows he's not needed anymore but he enjoys the fact that now those two love birds sort their things out and become more than just friends.

Though, he personally doesn't know if they're together yet - when he saw Akaashi feed Bokuto his cringe-y favorite food with chopsticks, Kuroo can only smirk and thinks that everything is going to be fine for those two.


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