Melody Riddle and the Goblet...

Galing kay fantasywriter19

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Melody Riddle Book 4 Melody Riddle's life has the foresight of becoming far more hectic than she'd ever expec... Higit pa

Chapter 1: Devotion Differences
Chapter 2: Maternity Excuses
Chapter 3: Dress Shop.. Drama
Chapter 4: Adoption for Discussion
Chapter 5: True Friend
Chapter 6: Accidents and Souvenirs
Chapter 7: The Quidditch World Cup
Chapter 8: Vision of a Dark Mark
Chapter 9: EVERYTHING is Unexpected
Chapter 10: Back to School
Chapter 11: Another Sorting, Another Announcement
Chapter 12: Draco the Bouncing Ferret
Chapter 13: The Unforgivable Curses
Chapter 14: Flesh, Blood and Bone
Chapter 15: The Schools Arrive
Chapter 16: Krum and Karkaroff
Chapter 17: The Goblet's Choices
Chapter 18: Harry's Been Chosen
Chapter 19: Lying and Flirting
Chapter 20: Weighing the Wands
Chapter 21 : Dark Magic
Chapter 22: The First Task
Chapter 23: Friends Always Help
Chapter 24: Finding a Date
Chapter 25: Preparations for the Ball
Chapter 26: The Yule Ball
Chapter 28: Teaching
Chapter 29: The Second Task
Chapter 30: Surrendering to Feelings
Chapter 31: Sacrifice
Chapter 32: Plan to be Set in Motion
Chapter 33: Trading Info
Chapter 34: The Third Task
Chapter 35: Rebirth
Chapter 36: A Historical Duel
Chapter 37: "Moody" Busted
Chapter 38: Fudge's Denial
Chapter 39: My Reveal
Chapter 40: A Mother's Fury

Chapter 27: A War of Emotions

316 14 12
Galing kay fantasywriter19

I woke up the next day with a yawn, and turned over on my side to look at my alarm clock. It was about two in the afternoon. Wow, I slept late. Sitting up, I leaned against the headboard, thinking in detail about the previous night and gave a slight smile to myself.

Looking around, there was no one else in the room except perhaps Bodoujn who jumped onto the bed and curled up on my lap. Petting him, I wondered lightly about Barty – why was he really so set on paying attention to me? I would've thought he'd ignore me for the year except for when he needed me to help him with dad's potion, but... it seems he's more interested in me than that. Oh God I can't think of what is going on, perhaps he's just trying to treat me like a princess considering I am the flesh and blood of his master. He certainly keeps calling me that.

Slightly moving Bodoujn off my lap to lay on the bed, I stood up and got dressed. I suddenly groaned, remembering the fact that in my long-term sleep I had missed breakfast and lunch.

"Melody Riddle?" a voice asked suddenly. I jumped and turned to see Dobby.

That gave me the idea. "Dobby! Great, could you possibly transport me to the kitchen with you? I just slept the morning away."

He smiled brightly and walked over to me, holding out his hand. "Dobby would be honored to help Melody Riddle... Dobby only came here to ask if Melody Riddle is okay."

"I've only been sleeping the day away," I grumbled softly, taking hold of his hand and suddenly appearing in the kitchen. The house-elves looked pleased to see me, crowding around me and waiting to see what I'd like to eat. "Urm... do you have any leftovers from today's breakfast and lunch?"

They all nodded and quickly went to do as I asked.

I smiled and sat down at the table saying, "Did you guys know that you are perfect at your job and I love you for your kindness?" I had to hold back a small chuckle when a lot of them looked like they were blushing and smiling at each other for the compliment received.

I sat there while they put a plate full of food in front of me, smelling quite delicious and heated just right. "Thank you," I said, digging in once they bowed and moved away quickly.

I thought more on the night before, back when I danced with Karkaroff. He would have told me then and there who my father was, so why didn't I let him? He'd said 'The evilest of the evil. Quite a well-known killer. Do you know who he is known as?' I don't doubt for a moment that he would have told me exactly who my dad is... but I didn't want him to. I didn't want to overhear mom telling Lucius anything either.

But then, I realized, with Karkaroff's words, he would have told Professor Snape that he told me... then, no more pretenses except that I'd have to pretend I'm shocked. Same thing overhearing mom with Lucius, because Draco was standing right next to me.

In any case, I wanted Severus or my mom to tell me, so I could know when they were planning on telling me such a significant bit of information and I could finally reveal to them that I've known since I was eleven. Karkaroff would have ruined that for sure.

"Food not good enough for Melody Riddle?" I came out of my thoughts to see Dobby, and when I looked down at the food I saw I had only taken a bite out of the chicken and hadn't touched anything else.

"Sorry, no, I was just lost in thought," I said, eating some more. When I swallowed the second bite, I added, "Thanks for checking on me."

"Must have been very dark thoughts for Melody Riddle to look so serious," Dobby said.

"Just my life... and the dangers of the secrets I keep."

Dobby shifted uncomfortably.

I sighed, and ate the rest of my meal under Dobby's innocent stare.

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I returned to the common room later while hearing big bouts of shouting going on, and when I saw who was fighting I shook my head. Draco and Becky were pretty much screeching at each other while the Slytherins in the room watched with piqued interest.

Becky was sarcastically retorting, "Oh, I'm sorry, could you repeat that again? I couldn't hear you over your arrogance!!"

"Being arrogant is better than being stupid!!" Draco said, his face growing red. "But I'll repeat it for you anyways, oh deaf one! Going to the ball with a Weasley I should've been expecting, but dating him is completely out of the question!! You — should — not — be — going — out — with — him!!!"

"Ooh, was that what you said with all the buzz I heard from your mouth? I didn't realize you became my dad! When did my real dad give you this job, I wonder? No? He didn't? Well then don't tell me what I can and can't do, Draco Malfoy! I make my own decisions!"

"Very bad decisions, at that! You're just dating him because you want to be different! You're about as interested in him as I am with myself!!"

She stormed over to the stairs to the girls' dormitory shouting "If the shoe fits!!!"

Draco raced after her, but he no sooner got up the second step than the steps turned into a slide and he slipped backwards, crashing to the floor.

A few snickers broke out, here and there. Then there was the normal everyday chatter once more.

I had to hold back my smile as I went over to Draco's side, holding my hand out to him.

"Oh, thanks," he said, looking up in embarrassment and taking my hand. I pulled him up to his feet, the smile tugging at my lips so harshly that I held my hand to my mouth. He eyed me warningly, "Don't laugh."

"I'm — I'm trying — so hard, I assure you —" I said, small chuckles getting through. "I didn't — I didn't realize the stairs — would do that."

"Yeah... but yet they don't do it for our dormitory." He was very disgruntled, obviously referring to the year Becky and I went upstairs to the boys' room to wake them up on Christmas morning.

"Hehe.. well, I suppose you're just unhappy because she won that round before you could finish it off," I said, smiling brightly.

He was looking towards the stairs when I said that, and scowled. But once he turned to look at me, his scowl faltered and he instead gave a small chuckle. "She might use that tactic again."

"Most likely —"

"What're you talking about over here?" Marcus had come up to us, looking quite livid at that moment.

Draco's lips took an immediate downturn — and, for that matter, so did mine.

"I don't recall inviting you over here..." I said frostily. "But, since you're here, I might as well say we were just talking about his little fiasco with Becky. I suppose you saw it?"

He gave a smug smile, and said, "Yes, I saw the whole thing — quite a lovers' row, don't you think?"

Draco was really frowning at him then. "That was not —"

"Those who deny it only prove that it's true," Marcus replied. He then turned fully towards me, saying, "I really need to talk to you."

"There's nothing to say with you making up ridiculous reasons behind arguments," I said, which caused Draco to give a small smile. "And, not only that, but I would rather have another all night detention with 'Professor 'Mad-Eye' Moody' than to speak with you alone." I heard a few gasps all about the room and glared at everyone who stared at us. I hadn't even realized the chatter had stopped. "Don't you all have something better to do?"

People jumped right back into their small groups, and I turned my glare back to Marcus who fumed silently.

"Melody... please...." he said, reaching his hand out to brush against my cheek.

I stepped back.. however.... "Fine, but not here."

"My room, then?" he asked. "My roommates won't be in there until much later."

"I already know their daily habits," I said, already making my way up the steps to the boys' dormitory.

Once in his room, he closed the door behind us and stood around in silence while I waited for him to say what he wanted to say. The room was no different from the one I shared with the girls, except for the added Quidditch posters.

"I'm not with Jacqueline anymore," he started out, and gave me a small smile. As if it made up for everything.

So that is the Beauxbatons girl's name... I never cared to ask or wonder. "Oh, how terrible she must feel," I said stiffly.

"That's all you have to say about it?" he asked, slightly disappointed.

"I don't know how you possibly could have been expecting anything more out of me when you cheated on me with her," I said, walking around the room as I ranted. "You might think breaking up with her redeems you, but really it makes you look even more pathetic. That you could spend months without caring about the other one finding out... and once we're all in the same room, you can't seem to make up your mind. That once I break up with you and you begin the relationship with her, you begin wanting me back again. I'd rather not suffer through your stupid indecisions, Marcus."

He was angry again, and nothing could tamp it down now. "Pathetic?! Indecisions?! I have always wanted you as my girlfriend, Melody! You know that! I just didn't know how to ward her off, and —"

"And yet you started a relationship with her anyways," I finished.

He glared furiously at me, "I didn't think you'd care so much... I promised I'd be by your side, and I want to stand by my word. You don't love me anyway, so why is it such a problem that I indulge a little? You don't understand —"

I had heard quite enough. How dare he think he can justify his actions?

"You know what, Marcus?" I yelled, causing him to flinch back in surprise as I glared back at him with all my might. "So what if I don't understand love? So what if my father is the reason for that as the Darkest Lord of all time? Even I understand the one basic concept of it as this: you don't sneak around with someone else behind the back of the person you claim to love. That proves to the very last that you lied when you said you loved me — you lied when you said you would always have my back. That is why I can't stand looking at you right now!"

He grit his teeth, clenching his hands into fists. "No one can love you like I do.... I promise I won't do it again. I —"

"You don't get it, do you?" I snapped. "There's nothing else you can say that can take back what has been done. I gave you a second chance to prove yourself to me, and you wasted it. Also, assuming that you had a right to knowing any of my plans for my father was another place where you failed. I still wanted you to earn that trust. That progress is completely gone now... and all I want is for you to be out of my sight."

I brushed past him, but he quickly wrapped a hand around my wrist. He quickly changed his tone of voice, "I'm begging of you, Melody... please, don't let it end like this. I promise —"

I spun my gaze toward him, and he flinched as he stared nervously into my eyes.... I felt such...... Fury. Enough that the idea of using that energy stealing spell Barty taught me was extremely tempting. I fought hard to dial it back, taking deep breaths until I felt calm enough to stare soberly back at him. "You're far too late to make anything up to me. Just leave me alone."

Marcus' shoulders slumped as though he were resigned to his fate. He nodded, but he didn't let go of my wrist. "Okay... just know.... I will find a way..." he said softly, brushing his other hand across my cheek, "to make you mine again."

"You know what? You're right Marcus," I replied heatedly, gauging his stupefied expression a moment before smacking his hand away. "You will... in your dreams. We're done here..." I wanted to say 'don't talk to me again,' but I supposed that would be too much to ask for. So I just snatched my other arm out of his grasp, and walked out the door.

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The Christmas holidays ended quite quickly, leaving everyone to moan and groan while wishing for a longer break.

Becky and George were having a blast with all the looks they got as they walked down the hallways together hand-in-hand. Some people sneered at them and some just looked at them in plain shock. In any case, they made jokes about some of the faces they saw — quite openly — causing those they made fun of to blush with embarrassment.

Fred went with them everywhere, of course — the twins never left each other's side. In fact... now that I think of it, I don't think they're ever in a room without each other. Not that I've seen, anyways.

One such time they were roaming the halls, Hermione and I were alone in the library when she told me about Harry and Ron overhearing Professor Hagrid telling Madame Maxime that he was half giant.

"Oh..." I said softly. "That's not too surprising, but if that were to get out it would be very detrimental to Professor Hagrid's reputation." Just think.. if I were to tell that to Draco, he'd ask 'What reputation?' I thought wryly.

It was when Draco handed me a newspaper one morning at breakfast that I realized the golden trio were not the only ones who knew about Professor Hagrid's conversation:


Albus Dumbledore, eccentric Headmaster of Hog-

warts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, has never

been afraid to make controversial staff appoint-

ments, writes Rita Skeeter, Special Correspondent. In

September of this year, he hired Alastor "Mad-Eye"

Moody, the notoriously jinx-happy ex-Auror, to

teach Defense Against the Dark Arts, a decision

that caused many raised eyebrows at the Ministry

of Magic, given Moody's well-known habit of at-

tacking anybody who makes a sudden movement

in his presence. Mad-Eye Moody, however, looks

responsible and kindly when set beside the part-

human Dumbledore employs to teach Care of

Magical Creatures.

Rubeus Hagrid, who admits to being expelled

from Hogwarts in his third year, has enjoyed the

position of gamekeeper at the school ever since, a

job secured for him by Dumbledore. Last year,

however, Hagrid used his mysterious influence over

the headmaster to secure the additional post of

Care of Magical Creatures teacher, over the heads

of many better-qualified candidates.

An alarmingly large and ferocious-looking man,

Hagrid has been using his newfound authority to

terrify the students in his care with a succession of

horrific creatures. While Dumbledore turns a blind

eye, Hagrid has maimed several pupils during a

series of lessons that many admit to being "very


"I was attacked by a hippogriff, and my friend

Vincent Crabbe got a bad bite off a flobberworm,"

says Draco Malfoy, a fourth-year student. "We all

hate Hagrid, but we're just too scared to say


Hagrid has no intention of ceasing his campaign

of intimidation, however. In conversation with a

Daily Prophet reporter last month, he admitted

breeding creatures he has dubbed "Blast-Ended

Skrewts," highly dangerous crosses between manti-

cores and fire-crabs. The creation of new breeds of

magical creatures is, of course, an activity usually

closely observed by the Department for the Regu-

lation and Control of Magical Creatures. Hagrid,

however, considers himself to be above such petty


"I was just having some fun," he says, before

hastily changing the subject.

As if this were not enough, the Daily Prophet has

now unearthed evidence that Hagrid is not — as

he has always pretended — a pure-blood wizard.

He is not, in fact, even pure human. His mother,

we can exclusively reveal, is none other than the

giantess Fridwulfa, whose whereabouts are cur-

rently unknown.

Bloodthirsty and brutal, the giants brought

themselves to the point of extinction by warring

amongst themselves during the last century. The

handful that remained joined the ranks of He-

Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, and were responsible

for some of the worst mass Muggle killings of his

reign of terror.

While many of the giants who served He-Who-

Must-Not-Be-Named were killed by Aurors work-

ing against the Dark Side, Fridwulfa was not

among them. It is possible she escaped to one of

the giant communities still existing in foreign

mountain ranges. If his antics during Care of Mag-

ical Creatures lessons are any guide, however, Frid-

wulfa's son appears to have inherited her brutal


In a bizarre twist, Hagrid is reputed to have

developed a close friendship with the boy who

brought around You-Know-Who's fall from

power — thereby driving Hagrid's own mother,

like the rest of You-Know-Who's supporters, into

hiding. Perhaps Harry Potter is unaware of the un-

pleasant truth about his large friend — but Albus

Dumbledore surely has a duty to ensure that Harry

Potter, along with his fellow students, is warned

about the dangers of associating with part-giants.

"'Mysterious influence?' 'Ferocious-looking man?' 'Vincent Crabbe got a bad bite off a flobberworm?'" I asked in fury, and threw the newspaper back to a shocked Draco. "That's a whole bunch of garbage!"

"What? This is a true article if I've ever seen one," Draco said, smoothing out the creases I had made in it.

"You're asking for a slap in the face Draco, 'deed you are. Flobberworms haven't got any teeth! And that whole hippogriff incident was your fault, if you'd recall, not Professor Hagrid's!"

"Melody, this —" he no sooner started to retort than Trixy snatched the newspaper out of his hand so she and Lissy could read it.

"That —" I pointed at the paper, "is always going to be a bunch of made up crap."

"Okay, Mel, agree to disagree. But even if some of it were made up, it's mostly based on the truth anyway."

I scoffed, turning my attention to my scrambled eggs in hopes of distracting myself. "Ugh.... Lies are inedible to me, I don't get how everyone can just swallow them."

Trixy handed the paper back to Draco before signing, "Wow, this Hagrid seems quite scary — I think I might just take Care of Magical Creatures my third year to see if he's as scary to me as he seems to be to you."

Draco rolled his eyes and scowled at her.

"He's not frightening at all," I informed her. "He's really very harmless — he just has too much love in his heart for dangerous creatures."

"Why was he expelled? Does anyone know?" Lissy asked curiously.

"He was expelled for the wrong reason, I do assure you," I said, recalling that during my second year I learned that my dad had framed Professor Hagrid for opening the Chamber of Secrets fifty years prior. Only Professor Dumbledore had believed in Professor Hagrid's innocence.

"I doubt —" Draco started to say.

"Don't talk about what you think, Draco, it's history — which I excel in. He was expelled for the wrong reason!"

Draco leaned back as I yelled. I immediately felt guilty as he said, "You didn't let me finish. I —"

"Good morning, everyone!" Becky interrupted, dropping giddily down next to me.

"Why are you still talking to me?" Draco asked her.

"And why shouldn't I?" she replied, still in a bright mood, pouring herself a glass of orange juice and sipping it. When he didn't reply, she continued, "You are very infuriating Draco, I'll admit that, but at the moment I don't think anything will break my happy walls."

"Happy walls... perhaps those are just what I need. How do you get them, might I ask?" I was only being sarcastic, but it did give me the idea to block my mind. That way I could just hide my anger, and wouldn't snap at Draco again for being his usual self. I put two walls up, feeling the anger slide away.

"Oh, I get them from kissing George — I believe Fred has that same ability, and he has told me he's saving his lips just for you." Becky gave her signature cheshire grin, but it seemed to pack more mischief behind it than usual.

I burst into laughter, the walls I had just built crumbling away. Wow, Fred....

"Absolutely not!" Draco practically screamed.

I looked up at him, his face red with anger. "Hehe, sorry Becky, it looks like the king of the Slytherin common room says 'no.' I dare not disobey him like you did, oh dauntless one."

Surprisingly enough, Becky and even Draco laughed at that.

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That afternoon, we tread our way through the heavy snow to Care of Magical Creatures. I wonder how Professor Hagrid's doing? I wondered.

"My name is Professor Grubbly-Plank," I distinctly heard as we got closer to the cabin. I looked up to see who'd said that, considering I'd been looking at the ground trying to put my feet into the footprints already imprinted in the snow. The substitute professor was an elderly witch with closely cropped gray hair and a prominent chin, suggesting she was extremely stubborn. "I am your temporary Care of Magical Creatures teacher."

The Gryffindors were already there — well, we were about five minutes late.

"Where's Hagrid?" Harry asked her loudly.

"He is indisposed."

The Slytherins broke out in bouts of small laughter. I was frowning, was Professor Hagrid embarrassed by what was written about him?

Professor Grubbly-Plank said, "This way, please," and made her way around the paddock holding the shivering Beauxbatons horses, all of us following her.

"What's wrong with Hagrid?" Harry asked her.

"Never you mind."

"I do mind, though. What's up with him?" Harry was getting angry. Imagine how angry he'll get when he actually reads the article.

Professor Grubbly-Plank proceeded to ignore him, and having made her way around the paddock she began walking toward the edge of the forest where a unicorn was tethered to a tree. There were many "ooooohs" from the other girls upon this sight... especially Becky.

The snow, white as it was, wasn't nearly as white as the unicorn. Having only seen a dead one once before, it was nice to see it alive and healthy.

"Boys keep back!" Professor Grubbly-Plank barked, throwing an arm out in front of Harry who was about to walk over to it. "They prefer the woman's touch, unicorns. Girls to the front, and approach with care, come on, easy does it...."

I walked along with the girls, slowly, toward the unicorn. The boys stood near the paddock fence, watching.

She had us standing around the unicorn, petting it gently while she barked out the lesson about the magical properties of unicorns.

I was stroking the unicorn's nose, looking in its bright, black eyes. To think that dad ordered for some unicorns to be killed by Professor Quirrell without even a bit of guilt is quite the show of how ruthless he can be to get what he wants. He was ruthless as a teenager... could mom have possibly tamped that down when he met her? Could he have really, truly fallen in love with her?

No, I denied myself, he's the Dark Lord. He doesn't have feelings of love, having done his best to avoid it... but love can happen to anyone.. and besides, why else would he make sure he had mom to himself — demanding her to break off her engagement with Lockhart? In any case, he has a lot of care and affection for me... I think... and trust that's not well-placed....

"Miss Riddle, pay attention, this is important!" Professor Grubbly-Plank snapped.

I blinked, and looked at her apologetically, "Sorry, professor. It won't happen again..." I blocked my impending thoughts, and listened to the professor for the rest of the lesson.

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"What did you get lost in thought about?" Becky asked as we walked back up to the castle.

I had to admit to myself that the lesson we'd had was better than those we'd been having with Professor Hagrid since the hippogriffs, but I still blamed it all on Draco for ruining the amazing creatures we could have had if he'd just kept his mouth shut.

"I was just thinking about that dead unicorn —"

"Dead unicorn?!" Becky shrieked. And her good mood was gone.. just like that.

Draco groaned. "Now you just reminded me of it."

"When did you see a dead unicorn?!" she shrieked again.

"When Draco had that detention in the Forbidden Forest," I said, trusting she would remember that. "And I followed along in secret to keep him company."

Her mouth dropped open. "Why didn't you ever tell me about this?!"

"Wouldn't that be a joyous conversation for someone as innocent as you used to be?" I said jokingly. She slapped my arm in vexation.

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About halfway into January, there was a Hogsmeade visit that Draco and I agreed to go to together. Becky had already made plans to go with the twins, and Vincent and Greg were stuck in detention.

"I suppose I should've guessed that this would be the outcome," I admitted as we walked side by side out of Honeyduke's each holding a bag full of candy. Our hands were stuffed into our pockets for warmth, so the bags hung from our arms.

"I knew it would," Draco said pompously.

"But I never expected how awkward it would feel to be a fourth-wheeler," I joked, elbowing Draco humorously as I imagined how out of place I would've felt around Becky and the twins. "Thanks for hanging with me."

Draco elbowed me back with a grin, "What choice did I really have? It was between going with you, or by myself."


He chuckled, "I'm only joking, Mel. Of course I'm happy to accompany you."

"Now you're making it sound like you're only my butler or something."

Draco's face scrunched up in distaste. "Reduced to a mere servant. Melody, you wound me."

I snorted, "You'll be fine...." I debated shortly with myself on my next question, wanting desperately to ask it but yet not wanting my secret emotions to be made clear. "I — erm — have a question for you, Draco."

"Yeah?" he turned his head to look at me intently as we stopped in the middle of the walkway.

"I notice you didn't mention Pansy as an option for today."

"That's not really a question."

I rolled my eyes with an awkward chuckle, "I mean, why don't you consider her an option?"

His gray eyes were curious as they looked me over, glinting slightly in the light of falling snow. "Why do you ask?"

"Uhh," I sighed, trying to think of the best way to explain it. "I mean.. she was your date for the Yule Ball, I guess I just thought...."

Draco finished my sentence, "... that we'd be dating? Is that what you thought?"

I nodded.

He stared up at the pale sky, distracted as if by a daydream. "That was just for someone to go with. She's not who I really wanted to go to the ball with."

"Then who —?"

"Why didn't you go with Flint?"

I looked at him, my eyes just as curious as I wondered why he didn't let me finish my question. "Why would I go with him?"

"You actually did date him... I thought you might've cared enough about him to give in and let him take you — It's not to say that I thought you'd be weak and let him walk over you, but...." his voice tapered off as he struggled to think of what to say to save his trainwreck of words.

Luckily for him, I understood what he was trying to explain. Luckily for me, I really wanted someone to talk about my feelings with. "To be honest, Draco... I didn't really care about the whole thing. I didn't care about him. I'm... I'm actually worried that I don't really care about anyone. Like I don't have any feelings."

Draco was silent for about a minute, most likely thinking about how to react...... He did the unexpected. He snickered.

"Hey!" I automatically smacked his arm. "Are you laughing at me?"

He held an arm up, failing to hold back his barrage of laughter as he replied. "I'm — I'm sorry — hehe — it's just..." he gave a heavy sigh, looking at me solemnly as if he'd just released all the humor he had left. "Do you really think you're incapable of feelings?"

"I don't think it. I know it."

"You love your parents."

I dismissed it. "Loving your parents is a universal prerequisite despite worldwide issues between parents and their children."

"You love your brothers."

"Also a prerequisite. They're little angels for now, but wait until they get bigger and I might just hate them along with other teens around the world with young, annoying siblings. Even then, the love will always be there."

"You care about your best friends."

"Well.. of course..." I waved my hands. "But, I mean in general like with romantic relationships.. I feel like I don't always care the way I should. When Marcus and I broke up, I didn't care about that. The only problem I had was that I'd wasted my time on him, I mean — I — I don't know, it just worries me is all. Like it's not fair to the people around me."

Draco's smile was reassuring as he wrapped an arm over my shoulder, "You know, Mel, the way I see it is that you do care. You do have feelings.... Face it, someone without human emotions wouldn't feel so worried about how their actions affect others. If you didn't care, we wouldn't be having this conversation, now would we?"

I found myself smiling back. Marcus always said it as though I didn't know what it was to have emotions, but... Draco was making me feel like a normal teenage girl. That I had just as much heart as anyone else. And I was enjoying every moment of it despite the fact he didn't know the reason behind my worries.

"Thanks, Draco. I think I really needed that."

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