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By patt_sz

79.1K 2.5K 3.3K

"๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ'๐˜ท๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฆ๐˜ค๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฎ๐˜บ ๐˜ฑ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ค๐˜ฆ ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ง๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ ๐˜ฎ๐˜บ ๐˜ด๐˜ฎ๐˜ช๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ, ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฌ ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๏ฟฝ... More



1.5K 50 126
By patt_sz


my own fucking doorbell woke me up.. then i realized it was saturday and i had work.. and i was sleeping on my couch with my boss wrapped around me, i grabbed onto his shoulders and gently shook them, "zion wake up, we have work." i said and he started to wake up while i got off his lap and threw the blanket down on the couch.

"get ready and we'll drive to my place then work."

"we're gonna be so late."

"and who's going to complain? i'm the boss remember?"


"forreal don't worry, get ready and we'll leave soon."


i walked over to the door and opened to camila who looked at me slightly annoyed, "about time, i've been standing here for a like three minutes." she stated as she walked in, "sorry i overslept." i sighed and rubbed my eyes to wake myself up a bit more, "overslept? don't you have an alar- oh." she mumbled then stopped when she saw zion stretching by the couch.

he had his back to us so he thankfully didn't see camila staring at him before she turned to me and smirked, "this is zion, i'm going upstairs to get ready." i stated as zion turned to us then i started making my way up the stairs but i overheard some of their conversation.


"hi i'm camila, quinn's older sister."

"nice to meet you."

"so? you two like a fling?"

"we haven't established what we are properly just yet."

"well just know she has a boss at work that she may have a little thing for, just saying."


"yeah, but nothing for certain, he might be more of a sugar daddy because i have no idea how old the dude is."

"well then."

"so you might have some competition."

"against myself?"


"hi i'm zion, quinn's boss."

"oh, shit."

i never in my life wanted to laugh so much and i kind of did quietly not to wake dante up as i walked into my room and changed into something a bit more professional than leggings and a crop top, then i walked to dante's room and gave him a kiss before heading to the bathroom.

i brushed my teeth and washed my face then applied some makeup and styled my hair before heading down the stairs to see camila and zion talking, "quinn you never told me zion was your boss, you made me look like a dumbass." camila said as i slipped into my shoes, "sorry, but you made me laugh with that conversation earlier." i chuckled before i grabbed my bag.

"wait hold up, cami don't you have work and shows today?"

"nope, shows been cancelled and manager called saying it's basically empty so i don't need to come in."

"oh okay.

"but you realize you have to be at work in fifteen minutes?"


"okay, and you're not worried?"

"she doesn't have to worry, who is gonna complain? and to who? the boss? funny."

"good point."

"exactly, we might aswell just not go to work today."

"no we're going."

"alright well you two have fun at work, see you later."

"wait what about simba?"

"who's simba?"

"zion's dog."

"i can look after him, then you can pick him up after work."

"okay thank you."

camila smiled before zion and i headed out the door and hopped into his car then drove off to his place and when we arrived he just quickly ran upstairs to change, brush his teeth and wash his face, then we got back in the car and made our way to work.

when we arrived and walked into the building we were only ten minutes late, yasmin immediately spotted zion and i and smirked at me, "do you want coffee? i'm going to get one before we head up." he asked with a smile, "sure, thank you." i said happily before he kissed my cheek and headed to the restaurant while i walked up to yasmin in reception.

"bitch tell me everything, why are you ten minutes late and arrive with our boss?"

"we hung out yesterday and we kind of fell asleep on the couch, camila ringing the doorbell woke me up."

"have you guys.. done it?"

"no, but we talked and he wants to try and make something out of this."

"like a relationship?"

"i don't know, i just said i didn't want dante getting attached if he was just after a fuck but he said he liked spending time with me and that we could make this a thing."

"oh i'm so happy for you, and clearly he likes you."

"yeah i have a hint."

"he's even become nicer to people because of you, he walks around with a smile on his face."

i smiled at myself before zion walked out the restaurant with two coffee's in his hands so i waved at yasmin and walked over to him, he handed me my coffee as we stepped into the elevator and headed up to the top floor.

when we got to the floor we split off into our own offices and i immediately began my work while occasionally taking sips of my coffee, the more papers i got done before lunch the less i have to do afterwards meaning i could go home sooner and that was my motivation.

and just before lunch hour i managed to finish two papers fully and send them off meaning i only had two papers to do after lunch, i stood up and made my way out my office but boss was nowhere to be seen so i walked over to his office and knocked on his door before i heard a quiet 'come in' so i walked in to see him still typing on his laptop.

i walked up to him and stood behind him as he continued typing, "you know it's lunch right?" i questioned as i slid my hands onto his shoulders, "yeah i just need to add some more words to this and send it off." he stated concentrated on his laptop screen so i just played with his dreads.

after a minute he finished typing and sent off his papers before we walked and stepped into the elevator then headed down to the ground floor, "you know what we're yet to do today?" he questioned confusing the life out me, "what?" i asked with a raised brow.


"you kissed my cheek."

"that's basic."

"so what are you waiting for?"

he smirked and grabbed onto my waist before he leaned down and connected our lips while his hands slid down onto my butt and i wrapped my arms around his neck, it was great.

in my twenty three years of life in this world a kiss was just a plain ass kiss to me, but with him i finally understand why people described kissing as melting because every inch of my body dissolved into his.

his hands slightly squeezed onto my butt and even that little touch made me want so much more, most people kiss in a romantic place like a beach when the sun is setting or in the rain but i'm doing it at work in an elevator with none other than my boss.

suddenly his tongue slipped into the kiss so i added mine too and the kiss quickly became a make out session but i didn't care, i just tangled my fingers in his hair and even tugged it slightly which made him smirk into the heated kiss.

then the elevator made a noise meaning we were on the ground floor but we didn't pull away automatically but a few seconds later when the elevator doors were already open and whoever walked by or was around could see us but neither of us cared, then we pulled away and he smirked at me while i chuckled before he lifted his hands off my butt then slapped them back on.

"you're a dumbass."

"you're calling your own boss a dumbass?"



"why are you gonna fire me?"

he scoffed while i smiled with raised brows but i knew if he actually did want to smash then i won't be getting fired any time soon unless i really fucked something up, "that's what i thought." i smirked while he raised a brow and shook his head before we turned and noticed all the guys and yasmin standing in reception staring at us.

zion and i chuckled at their shocked and confused expressions as we stepped out of the elevator then walked up to them, "wha- you two just.." yasmin mumbled pointing between zion and i, "i don't even want to know what you do in your offices." nick said with a face of disgust.

"this is why i'm scared to visit zion in his office since quinn's been his assistant."

"we just work, we haven't done anything in our offices."

"ʸᵉᵃʰ ⁱ'ᵐ ʲᵘˢᵗ ʷᵃⁱᵗⁱⁿᵍ ᶠᵒʳ ʰⁱᵐ ᵗᵒ ᵇᵉⁿᵈ ᵐᵉ ᵒᵛᵉʳ ʰⁱˢ ᵈᵉˢᵏ."



"nah speak up."

yasmin smirked at me while the guys looked at me curiously and zion raised a brow at me, "i'm good." i mumbled blankly but i knew yasmin wasn't going to let it go, "pussy." she scoffed and i just sighed, "i lowkey want to know too." nick said as he looked at me with raised brows, "so? quinn what did you say?" yasmin smirked so i shook my head at her.

"where's reign?"

"she has weekends off, but don't change the topic."

"i'm not i was just wondering."

"what did you say?"


"quinn you might as well tell us."

"yas did you hear me?"


"then you guys don't need to know, can we go eat?"

"after you tell us what you said."

"but why do you need to know?"

"because you've made us curious."

i sighed and looked at them with hooded eyes while they grinned and yasmin winked at me, "it's none of your business what she said." zion said looking at the guys which made me smile, "but forreal what did you say?" he asked as he turned to me making yasmin chuckle so i just gave in, "i said i'm waiting for you to bend me over your desk, nosy asses, now excuse me i'm going to get lunch." i stated with an eyeroll then walked off.

yasmin quickly caught up with me and laughed while i smiled and rolled my eyes, "you should of seen boss's face when you walked off." she chuckled as we walked into the restaurant, "well at least he can't say i didn't give him hints." i shrugged with a smirk before we went off to get our food then noticed all the tables were taken.. except one but before we could get to it the guys walked in and took it.

"should we just sit with them?"

"i don't know go ask, you have your food i'm waiting for mine."

"okay give me a second."

so yasmin went off to the guys while i waited for food and watched yasmin chat to the guys, then i got my food and turned to yasmin who was waving at me with a smile while sitting beside brandon on the guys table so i walked over and sat at the end of the table which also happened to be next to zion.

"oh and i just remembered, reign and i planned a party tonight for no reason, quinn didn't really do anything but you're all invited if you want to come along."

"at what time?"

"around 7 p.m."

"i'm down, we've not been to a party in a while."

"eh i don't know."

"come on zi."

"is quinn going?"

"i don't know, are you quinn?"


"then i'll go."

then yasmin started talking about the party that hasn't even happened yet so i just listened and ate my food before zion's hand landed on my thigh, "if you want me to bend you over my desk you could've just said." he smirked as he turned to me and i nearly choked on my fry, "i wouldn't just ask you bend me over your desk, that's weird." i stated although there was a couple times i wanted to.


"because you're my boss and asking you to bend me over already sounds odd."

"i think it's brave, and i like it when you're brave."

"well i said it now."

"so do you want me to bend you over my desk?"

my heartbeat dropped.. somewhere it shouldn't be at this moment but i couldn't help it especially with that fucking sexy ass smirk he does, "i'm taking the silence as a yes." he stated so i just chuckled but it was a very bold and big ass yes, then we just joined in on the others conversation as we ate our food.

when lunch ended zion and i made our way to the elevator and stepped inside then headed up to the top floor, "so what are we?" he asked randomly, "what do you mean?" i questioned a bit confused, "well we both agreed that we'll try and make something out of this so what are we?" he explained then asked with a smile.

"i don't know, what do you want to be?"

"i don't know, i guess this is the talking stage."

"i guess so."

"we'll call it a pending relationship."

i chuckled and nodded while he smiled before we arrived at the top floor and we separated into our own offices, the two papers i had left took me around two hours and maybe a half before i completed them fully and sent them off meaning i could go home.

then i remembered i have to wait for zion, he drove me here and has to pick up simba from my house so i can't go home.. yet, until zion finishes his papers so i stood up and walked to his office, i knocked and heard a 'come in' before i walked in and up to him.

he was busy typing away so i just leaned against his desk beside his laptop, "have you got much to do?" i asked with a smile, "only this paper and i'm already halfway done, it'll take half an hour tops." he stated with his eyes on his screen as he continued typing, "okay, i'll just go to my office and look through stuff." i mumbled with a shrug, "no, stay with me." he said as he turned his eyes to me.

"what do you want me to do?"

"i don't know, just be here with me?"

"where should i sit?"

and a smirk took over his lips as he sat up and patted his lap making me chuckle, so i straddled his lap and wrapped my arms around his waist while he went back to typing on his laptop, "do you want me to pick you up before the party?" he asked then kissed my cheek, "sure." i smiled against this shoulder, "what time should i be at your place?" he questioned.

"around 6:30 p.m. so we have time to get to reign's place, she lives roughly twenty minutes away from me."

"okay, do you know what you're wearing?"

"probably a dress and sneakers, why?"

"just curious."

"you don't want me to wear something revealing?"

"i don't care what you wear, you look beautiful in everything and if guys stare then i'll make sure my hands will be somewhere on you so they know they don't have a chance."

i chuckled and cuddled closer to him so my hips rubbed against him which caused him to let out a groan but he tried to cover it with a cough, "if you're gonna groan at least do it in my ear." i said with a smirk, "i didn't mean to." he mumbled while his face began to turn slightly red.

so i decided to be a bit of a tease and started softly kissing his neck, "quinn." he said sternly as his jaw clenched, "yes?" i asked with a chuckle then continued kissing his neck, "what are you doing?" he asked with his eyes glued onto his screen, "you left a hickey on my neck so i want to leave one on your neck." i mumbled smirking then i kissed his neck once again but pulled back his skin slightly.

"right now?"


"but i need to finish this."

"then finish it, nothing's stopping you."

he sighed and continued typing so i stopped for a minute then started kissing his neck against causing his body to tense, i sat up and purposely rubbed against him which caused another groan to leave his lips, "keep fucking playing and i swear to god." he mumbled with gritted teeth clearly frustrated.

"what will you do?"

"just please, let me finish this."

"i'm not doing anything."

"that's a lie and you know it."

"but can i leave a hickey on your neck?"

"fine but don't grind against me."

"aw i like grinding against you."

"not right now."

"so i can later?"


i chuckled while he smirked with his eyes still only looking at his screen so i started kissing his neck again, this time a bit harsher mainly on one spot then i gently bit down on that one spot causing zion to groan once again, "your groans are so sexy." i mumbled into his ear then went back to his neck, i sucked onto that one spot for a few seconds then pulled away slowly releasing his skin with a pop.

"are you happy now?"

"yes, and i can tell you're happy too."


"i can feel it."

and i could feel it, it wasn't fully hard but just about hard enough for me to feel him through his jeans, "that's your fault." he mumbled while i rested my head on his shoulder, "good, i'm very proud of myself for it." i stated with a smirk causing him to chuckle.

then i just cuddled with him while he finished off his paper and sent it off then when he did we both got up and i quickly grabbed my bag from my office before we stepped into the elevator and headed down to the ground floor, "this is gonna be a fun night." he mumbled as he stood behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist and his head resting on my shoulder.

"why? are we going to be doing something?"

"the party?"

"oh right."

"you thought i meant something else?"


"do you want to do something else too?"

"we'll see how things go."

"i guess we will."

then we got to the ground floor and walked to the reception where yasmin was speaking to someone on the phone so i just gestured for her to sign us out before we walked out the building, we hopped into zion's car and made our way to my house.

when we arrived at my place and walked into through the door we immediately smiled, simba and giggling dante were running around the couch like it was the most exciting thing in the world, "mommy." dante called out when he saw zion and i then ran over to me so i picked him up and kissed his cheek.

"hey baby, where's cami?"

"right here, sorry i was in the bathroom."

camila walked down the stairs then smiled when she reached us, "how was he?" i asked happily, "they were both fine, they woke up around an hour after you two left and we went to the store together because i needed to buy dog food for simba since there's none here, and don't worry i made sure the food was specifically for his breed." she explained with a smile.

"and simba didn't run off?"

"nope, i didn't even need to tell him anything because he just followed dante around and dante was following me."

"wow, normally he wonders off."

"he stuck with dante the whole time, then when we got home we had breakfast and watched a movie before those two went outside to run around for no reason, then ran inside about ten minutes ago and have been chasing each other around."

"i actually need to ask you something."

"what's up?"

"you know that party yas was talking about last week?"

"you're gonna go?"

"yeah with zion, so can you-"

"look after dante? yes i can."


"yes your ass hasn't been to a party in years."

i smiled while she chuckled before zion leaned over and kissed my cheek, "i'm gonna go and get ready for the party then i'll come over and pick you up." he smiled as simba walked over to us, "okay, see you later." i said happily before him and simba walked out the door while dante waved at them.

camila kept dante occupied while i went upstairs to pick out what i was going to wear and when i decided on a simple short dress i headed downstairs to eat, camila ordered takeout so we had a chill meal before i went up to change, after i changed and touched up my makeup i walked downstairs put my shoes on which were just white air forces.

dante ran up to me and smiled so i picked him up and left a kiss on his cheek, "mommy you look nice." he said which was adorable, "thank you baby, are you going to behave with cami?" i asked with a smile, "yeah." he mumbled happily before the doorbell rang so i opened it with a smile.

zion stood on the other side wearing some casual black jeans and a basic shirt along with a red cap on his head and white air forces, "hey." i said happily but he was too busy eyeing me up and down, "you look good." he smirked as he finally looked up onto my face.

"ᵗᵒ ᵉᵃᵗ."


"nothing, you just look really good."

"thank you."

"hi zion."

"hi buddy."

i chuckled while dante happily waved at zion before camila walked over and took dante, "well i'll see you later." i said to camila while she waved with dante as i walked out the house and hopped into zion's car with him, "you're not very subtle." i stated as we pulled out the driveway, "what?" he asked confused before we drove off.

"i said you're not subtle."

"with what?"

"you look good.. to eat."

".. i just didn't want dante to hear."


"i mean i wasn't lying."

he smirked while with his eyes on the road in front of us while i got a bit flustered by it, but i stayed quiet and just listened to the music coming from his radio before we arrived at reign's place and by the looks of it some people were already there.

and i was right, when zion and i walked into the house reign was stood with kara by the living room doorway while yasmin stood with some people from work that i wasn't a big fan of but she was friends with and obviously mila: her girlfriend, "hey." i smiled as we walked up to kara and reign which i was a bit confused about.

kara is a great person and we're friends but she loves to talk about everything including the details about.. things, and edwin's also coming over so i'm ready to see what's going to go down.. unless reign told kara and edwin about each other.

which i'm pretty positive she didn't so i'm here for the tea with front row seats, popcorn and a drink but for now it's calm, "wow quinn's out of hibernation." kara scoffed while i chuckled and rolled my eyes, "right? surprise." yasmin mumbled as she walked up to us with mila.

i hugged mila while kara and yasmin joked around, mila and i were friends before yasmin and i were because we went to highschool together but lost contact after we graduated and yasmin brought us back, "anyway this kara, a friend of mine." reign smiled and i knew kara was going to add onto that, "yeah friend." kara smirked and winked at reign.

"moving on, this is mila my girlfriend."

"you have a girlfriend?"

"yeah for nearly two years now."

then somebody else walked into the house so we all turned and noticed the guys so tea was about to begin, "well i'm zion." zion smiled at the girls obviously not reign and yasmin since they've known him already but mila and kara smiled, "hey." brandon said as he and the guys walked over.. and edwin put his arm around reign's shoulders which got her a weird look from kara.

yasmin and i exchanged a quick look already thinking the same thing, "alright, this is mila guys, my girlfriend." yasmin said quickly eliminating the awkwardness, "you have a girlfriend?" nick asked shocked like zion was, "yeah, why is everyone so surprised?" yasmin questioned looking at the guys expressions.

"you just never mentioned it."

"yeah i thought you would of got the hint when you tried to hit on me a couple times and i rejected you, every time."

"woah woah woah, that was like.. a couple months ago."

"and we've dated for nearly two years."

"that's why you shouldn't be hitting on my employees nickolas."

the guys including reign and yasmin turned to zion with a weird expression, "you're fucking talking?" nick questioned with raised brows, "didn't we see you making out with your new assistant a few hours ago at work?" austin asked with furrowed brows, "wait so zion's your boss?" kara asked pointing between the guys, yasmin, reign and i.


"so who's the new assistant? some hoe y'all don't like?"

"yeah kind of, she's a bitch."

"so no upgrade from reign?"

"nope, this new assistant is really annoying, she's won't even bring zion's papers for him and makes him get her coffee instead."

"what kind of assistant is that?"

"no idea where he found the bitch."

i hooded my eyes and shook my head before i smiled and stuck my middle fingers up at yasmin who was mainly talking shit, "what?" kara questioned confused, "i'm the new assistant." i stated with a sigh, "wait so you're fucking your own boss?" kara asked in shock.

"no, we haven't done anything."

"until zion's bends her over his desk."


"yeah she admitted it earlier."

"i hate you guys."

"and that's isn't the only thing she's said about zion."

"who did she says things to?"

"reign and i."

"but we're not going to discuss them."

"too bad because they're funny."

"well you guys have fun, i'm going to get a drink."

so i walked off into the kitchen to make myself a drink before mila joined me mainly because she's not really into those kinds of talks, she's a bit more private with things, "you know yas is talking about those things you've said about your own boss right?" she questioned with a chuckle as she made herself a drink too.

"yeah i don't mind though."

"well how is he?"


"yeah, do you like him?"

"i don't know yet, but dante and him are besties already."

"really? he's not shy around him?"

"nope, i was shocked."

"that's a nice surprise, maybe he's found his new daddy?"

"maybe but you never know with guys."

"he looks like he likes you, i can see it."

"you said the same for blake and james."

"they still like you, didn't blake come crawling back?"

"yeah he did but james is still nowhere to be seen."

i sighed and as much as i hate james it'd be nice for him to visit his son but then again he isn't the best influence, "they all come crawling back someday." she stated with a smile, "we'll wait and see." i chuckled before we returned to the others and zion was already smirking at me.

"so you-"

"nope, don't even say anything, i don't want to know."

"you gotta stand by your words quinn."

"i do and i'm not saying i didn't say that or i don't want it, i just want to hear about it."

"you want me to pin-"

"why isn't there any music playing? someone put on some music i'm bored."

then reign and i went off to put some music as more people came in, some from work and some friends that either reign only knew or yasmin and i knew too, i had a few stares and glances from guys here and there but i didn't care.

we all hung around together for roughly an hour and a half before the alcohol started getting into our system and we loosened up so yasmin, mila, kara, reign and i went off to dance when want her by mustard, quavo & yg started playing, we were vibing to it for a while then the chorus came on and we started singing along.

"want her, all the rich n____s want her, yeah."

"want her, all the rich n____ s want her, yeah."

"want her, all the rich n____ s want her."

the girls were singing along and pointing to me while i raised a brow at them, "who? blake and james were both broke." i shouted over the song before yasmin smirked then turned and pointed to zion who was already looking at me and smirked when we made eye contact, "want her, all the rich n____ s want her, yeah." yasmin sang and pointed to me then winked at zion.

i chuckled then turned back to the girls and we continued to sing and rap along to the song before it ended and we tried catching our breath from singing our lungs out, "so how rich is your boss?" kara asked randomly as we walked to the kitchen to get drinks, "he's a millionaire." yasmin smirked and playfully judged me, "what? bitch go and get pregnant and you're sorted for life." kara said shocked while i chuckled.

then shake it by blac youngsta, ty dolla $ign & chris brown came on so we walked back into the living room where basically everyone was dancing and singing or at least bopping their heads, the girls and i immediately started singing along to it.

"don't be trippin' off no bitch that ain't even yours."

"don't be pourin' up my bottles, they ain't even yours."

"don't be talking 'bout you ballin', you can't even score."

"throw that murcielago lamborghini doors."

we were just swaying and singing for now but the alcohol was taking over soon and we started jumping then chris brown's verse came on so we basically screamed the lyrics, after his verse there was repeated claps so yasmin and i started twerking along to the claps and sang while reign, kara and mila hyped us up.

"shake it good, shake it good, shake it good."

"shake it good, shake it good."

"shake it, baby."

then when the claps ended we stood up straight again and started started jumping with the girls while singing, when the song ended we were out of breath once again so we just laughed and panted, kiss it better by rihanna came on soon after but we were still trying to catch our breaths so we just swayed to the beat.

i turned around to see zion still eyeing me up and down then he smirked when he noticed i was looking at him, "i'm gonna go to zion." i mumbled to yasmin before she nodded so i walked towards him while he stood with nick and brandon, "nice show." nick commented with a smirk when i got to them.

"thanks, glad you enjoyed."

"no problem."

"where's austin and edwin?"

"edwin went off to reign and austin went up to the bathroom."

"oh okay, you wanna dance? with me?"

zion raised his brows like he was surprised that i asked him while i smiled before nick and brandon pushed him towards me, "damn i was gonna say yes you fuckheads." zion blurted out at the two guys before i grabbed his hand and we went into the crowd then stopped when we were surrounded by people, i turned to him and wrapped my arms around his neck while he placed his hands on my waist.

"did you enjoy the show?"

"very much, but next time do that on me."

"there's plenty of songs to still play so we'll see."

"i can't wait."

i chuckled and rested my head on his chest while we swayed to the song and we just basically enjoyed each others touch, then the song changed into backin' it up by pardison fontaine & cardi b so my mood changed immediately and i started singing along to it then i lifted my head off of zion's chest while his hands slid onto my ass.

"you spend your time drinkin' wine in your livin' room,
all that good pussy, can't find the one to give it to."

he smirked and raised a brow while i grinned and continued to sing along to the song then i spun around so he moved his hands on my hips and leaned closer to my ear, and to my surprise he knew the lyrics and sang very specific ones in my ear, "fuck a condom, imma bring saran wrap, i can't let no good pussy go to waste." he mumbled then smirked and kissed my neck.

i nearly passed out from just his voice in my ear and those lyrics just gave me a butterflies feeling.. somewhere a butterflies feeling should not be, "you don't even realize how you make me feel in these types of moment." he mumbled with a smirk, "then tell me." i smirked and started rubbing my ass against him, "let's just say if we were alone you'd be screaming." he whispered seductively in my ear.

why did i waste so many months with blake when i had a sexy ass boss at work who's also great with my son, unexplainable and stupid from me, "coming soon then, or i will be." i mumbled with a smirk, "damn right." he said then kissed my neck while i chuckled.

as more songs played the more we drank and soon we were jumping around while shouting lyrics to every song that came on, we were having the times of our lives and couldn't be happier but when it got to around 2 a.m. people started leaving so music was turned down.


as much as zion and quinn wanted to end the night together they both were out of energy and couldn't stand from the alcohol so reign called them both ubers to take them home, there was still plenty of people in the house dancing and singing to the songs still playing.

then when no hands by waka flocka flame, roscoe dash & wale came on the guys and girls decided that while they wait for ubers they might as well dance, reign turned up the volume and they all started jumping and singing, everyone knew most of the lyrics to the song so there was no stutters.

in the first chorus quinn was just jumping with guys and girls while zion had his arm over her shoulders, then the first verse came on they all sang along and pointed to each other randomly.

as the chorus began again zion started shuffling in his back pocket and pulled out his wallet but nobody was really paying attention as they vibed to the song, he took out a few hundreds he had then put his wallet away.

so as the beats dropped and quinn started twerking on zion he started throwing the money in the air surprising the guys and girls but they just laughed then hyped quinn and zion up, he then started letting the money slide down quinn's back while she continued to twerk against him.

everyone was laughing and dancing before the second verse came on and quinn stood straight up again then turned to zion and wrapped her arms around his neck while he squeezed his hands on her butt, "you're so sexy." he smirked before she smirked herself and leaned in to connect their lips.

the others just continued to dance and sing to the song not even paying attention to quinn and zion who were basically making out a few steps away from them, but then the ubers arrived so more people started leaving along with zion and quinn.

they kissed before they split off into separate ubers that took them home, when quinn walked into her house camila just laughed at her as she sat on the couch and dante was sleeping in his room, camila helped her little sister change and took off her makeup then told her to wash her face and brush her teeth which quinn did before she fell onto her bed.

"i'm staying over."

"yeah- the guest room is yours."

"see you in the morning, i set your alarm for work tomorrow so you don't have to."

"i forgot about that, fuck."

"you're gonna be dead, goodnight."

"goodnight love you."

"love you too."

camila went into the guest room while quinn got under her covers and immediately passed out while zion was struggling to get up the stairs in his own house, but when he got to his room he just took off his cap and jeans then went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth before heading back to his room and flopping onto his bed.

both of them were quickly sleeping and going to be hangover tomorrow for work.


i am so sorry, this chapter wasn't going to be this long but i got caught up and didn't even realize how much i wrote until i was around 4000+ words so i just said fuck it and continued, sorry.

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