Heartfelt Love (Male Rivals x...

By CuteFireFlareon

260K 5.9K 5.6K

All credits to Yandere Dev for making Yandere Simulator. After seeing his April Fools video a hundred times... More

1- Arrival
2- Untrusted
3- Day 1
4- Odd Dream, New Rivals
5- Power
6- Demon Realm
7- Reset
8- Dream
9- Repeated
10- Comforting
11- Video Game
12- False Lives?
13- Girl's Sleepover
14- Truth
15- Ex and Bully
16- Suspicions
17- Bullies
18- Fakes
19- Their Happy Ending
20- Real Selves
21- Reset Lives
22- Boys
23- Kitten
24- Another Rival
25- Taken
26- Help Me
27- Back
28- Mr Mido
29- Caught
30- Plans
31- I don't know
32- Dance
33- Music
34- Female Rival
35- Saikou Home
36- True Yandere
37- Contest
38- Careful
39- Old Souls
40- Damien
41- Questions
42- Stay Away
43- Company
44- Bullets
Valentine's Day Special
45- Date
46- Charity
47- Garden
Late Easter Special
48- Festival
49- Foxes
50- Coma
51- Angels
52- Time
53- Who
54- Embarrassed
Osorō is one of meh husbandos
55- Wake up
One Month
First Kiss + I Love You
Not being around them
He's sick
Catching up Damien and Hoshiko
Helping with their problems
Osorō x Reader x Megamo
He/She loses a bet
They're stressing/ Argument
Vacation Together- Part 1: Preparing
Vacation Together: Part 2- Time there

Announcing the relationship/ Jealous people

2.2K 39 1
By CuteFireFlareon

By Yukipengin on deviantart

Since were in the real world, we told the girls first about the relationship. They cheered and smiled as we blushed a bit as his sister was the most excited and nodded.

"You got our brothers attracted to you in your coma state?" Kizana asked as she nudged me and I blushed. "I guess? I didn't mean for it to happen." "Oh please, they liked her long before the coma." Osana said and I blushed.


When people found out about our relationship, some were shocked that this orange polka dot ball of tsundere fury could get a girlfriend, especially one like me. Others were happy. Some of the guys and even girls were sad that I wasn't available anymore. And others were jealous of one of us for getting with the other.

Osano just held me when a group of jealous people came up to talk to me about staying away from Osano. They said it right in front of him on accident the first time. So he clearly didn't trust them as I blushed and held his arm. The group jealous of Osano came up to him now as the girls were trying to drag me away.

"Would you all stop it-" Osano started and I just spoke. "Please stop. Were sorry that you're jealous, but we're together, okay?" I asked and they were shocked as Osano took me away after glaring at them.

"Why didn't you let me take care of it?" "Because you would've yelled at them." I said and he sighed. "I care about you (Y/n), a lot, but sometimes you're too cute and stupid to comprehend." I smiled and blushed. "Thank you Osano." He nodded and sighed as we stayed like this for an extra minute.


Of course people were jealous. It was more jealous of Amao for the relationship, but still. Whenever people ask when we started, it was kinda hard explaining that they had been transferred to wake me up from the coma and we got in a relationship while in said coma. They just understood the best they could and nodded. We just laughed and Amao held me.

Still, the bullies found me when I was alone and grabbed my shoulder. I jumped and turned. Kashiko spoke. "You should stay away from Amao if you want to stay unharmed." I was confused and she held up her fist along with the others. As they went to punch me, I held my arms up but heard a yelp and a slight grunt.

I saw Amao here. Hana was on the floor and Amao just took the punches for me. He smiled when they stopped as I was kinda shocked. "My my, why would you hurt my sugar?" He asked and I blushed. "Amao..." He smiled and hugged me. "It's time to walk home and I'm clearly not letting you walk home alone." I nodded and he smiled. "Now, tell me, which of you went to punch my sugar first?" They didn't respond and he looked at me. "Sugar?" I pointed to Kashiko and he smiled and nodded. "Got it." He smiled and I held his arm as we walked.

He looked back and held up a recorder. "It was recorded too! If (Y/n) is hurt from one of you, I will give this and any other evidence to the guidance counselor!" He yelled back and I was shocked. They glared and nodded. He smiled and kissed my forehead. "I'll only have eyes for you." I blushed and smiled.


People were more jealous of me than Kizano. I was eating with Kizano and he smiled as he held me. "I'm so glad you're out of that coma." I smiled and hugged him back. "Me too. But the way I was being brought back was kinda terrifying." "I know. I'm sorry. I saw the school disintegrating when we left and I wanted to make sure you'd still want to be with me." I smiled and nodded.

"Of course I do." I smiled and nodded as he did too. I fed him again and he smiled as he ate it. When he went to feed me, someone else took it and ate it. We were both shocked and saw Hana. Kizano glared and she spoke. "Can I speak with (Y/n)?" "No. Don't eat our food either." Kizano said and she glared.

At the end of the day, I was waiting for Kizano until Hana came by with a victorious smirk. I was confused and she spoke. "Sorry sweetheart, but Kizano wants me." "Sure... Sorry but... I don't believe you." "Why not? You don't want to believe he wants someone prettier than you?" I looked away and spoke. "No, it's because he came to my coma and admit his feelings while we were there." I smiled as I remembered it.

Hana just rolled her eyes then pulled out her phone. "Then this?" She played a recording. Neither of us saw someone walking to us as I listened and Hana was too busy making sure I was believing this.

"Yes?" "How do you really feel about (Y/n)? No need to lie, she's at her locker still." "She's a bitch. I can't believe she thinks I'd love her." "And what about Hana?" "She's the love of my life."

I was kinda shocked before I heard another recording.

"What do you want Musume?" "I'd like to ask you something." "Yes?" "How do you really feel about (Y/n)? No need to lie, she's at her locker still. Bitch is so stupid and can't open it." "You better shut up about her. She's smarter than you. Now, (Y/n) is the love of my life. I'm lucky to have her." "And what about Hana?" "She's a bitch. I can't believe she thinks I'd love her."

We looked and there was Megamo. His face was so deadpan and Hana seemed scared. "Yeah, that's bullshit. As much as I'd like (Y/n) for myself, she's happy with Kizano. So that's clearly fabricated." I nodded and smiled. "That's good." "You questioned how he feels?" "It sounded well edited. I didn't know what to believe." "Fair enough. Admittedly could've been better, but fair." I saw Kizano now and smiled. Megamo looked back and Kizano saw Megamo with phone and also saw Hana.

"What did you try now?" "Tried to break you up with an edited recording of the questioning at lunch." Kizano nodded and kissed my forehead and glared at her. "Thank you Megamo. Now, let's get you home Juliet." I nodded and smiled.


Nobody was jealous of me for getting with Oko. They didn't want to date someone who could possibly summon a demon or was constantly gloomy all the time. Meanwhile, Oko was getting all the hate from every guy who wasn't his club mates or the boys. Hell, even a couple girls were jealous of him but then his sister and the other girls just defended our relationship.

I was looking for him because I was scared he was getting yelled at but we were also going to walk home today. I was right. He was backed up in the corner and scared as he just wanted to walk with me. He had his book in his hands as I felt bad. I listened and recorded this to show to the guidance counselor. I soon walked out when I heard Oko.

"You don't deserve someone like her." "I know. Look at this gloomy little bitch." "Break up with (Y/n). She's too good for you." "Too pure." "Besides, we don't need you getting her possessed." "Please... stop... She can always... break up with... me if she... wants..." "Just break up with her and don't tell her about this." I felt bad and walked out as I acted clueless.

"Oko? Where are you?" I asked and they turned back. The people were shocked as I saw Oko. He saw me and seemed ashamed as I went to his side. "Are you okay Oko?" He nodded and I smiled. "Okay then. Let's go. You said we'd walk home together." I smiled and he nodded. He got up and we walked.

I wrapped my arms around his arm and he blushed. I smiled and we walked. When we were far enough away, I spoke. "Oko, I heard what they were saying and I recorded it." He seemed shocked and spoke. "What are you... going to do then..?" "Show the guidance counselor. I don't want you to continue being bullied because we're dating." I said and he nodded a bit. "Though her office is closed right now, so tomorrow." He nodded a bit as I smiled and kissed his cheek. He froze and I giggled. I took a picture and he was red when I was done.


Its hard to tell who people are more jealous of, but Aso is pretty sure people are more jealous of him. "Why?" "Because I'm with the cutest person in the world." I blushed and looked away. "Aso!" He chuckled and walked with me more.

He must've guessed correctly because when he looked at some people, they glared at him, but when I looked, they had a smile. Not many people did the same with me. Aso growled and took me away. I was shocked and he held me when we were in the supply closet. I blushed and stared at him. "A-Aso?" "They are jealous of me." I nodded a bit and hugged him.

"Don't worry. I won't leave you." He smiled a bit and nodded. "We should get going home Aso." I said and he slightly nodded. We left and started walking. Before he dropped me off, I had him get a bit lower and kissed his forehead. I smiled and he kissed mine too. He left then and I left.


Osorō growled and just threatened anyone who came to talk to me about staying away from him. Anytime someone was jealous of me, Osorō glared at them and held me close when they were nearby.

Again, Kokoro found me when I was leaving the club room after cleaning it up by myself. She held me to the wall and glared. "Look bitch, I want Osorō. Just leave him alone and you won't be hurt." "I can tell him this you know. Please get off of me before he does see this and most likely punches you. I don't want anyone hurt." I nervously sweat and we heard a camera.

I saw Hoshiko there and she glared at Kokoro. "Again?" She asked and Kokoro glared. "The gay bitch is here now? What are you going to do? A photo isn't going to do much?" "Maybe this recording device says otherwise, and it will for Osorō. Get your hands off (Y/n)."

We were both shocked and I got out of her grip. "Thanks Hoshiko." She nodded and I smiled. When I went out, I saw Osorō. He was growling and soon held me close. "You aren't cleaning alone or I'll be waiting for you by the club room." I nodded and smiled as I walked home with Osorō.


Hanakō smiled as he held me. I blushed a bit and people stared in jealousy. Hanakō smiled a bit as I smiled. Hanakō just glared after covering my vision. I looked at him and he smiled. "You're getting taller than me." He pouted and I smiled. "Hanakō, I'm not even at eye level. I think it's fine." "I know." He laughed and we walked. I was confused when he looked back and saw people glaring. They saw me looking and smiled.

I looked at Hanakō and we kept walking. "Are the glaring at you?" "Yeah. They're just jealous that I'm with you." I slightly nodded. "As long as it doesn't get bad... I guess it's fine." Hanakō smiled and kissed my cheek. I smiled too and he hugged me. I just blushed and he dropped me off before going next door. "I'm glad for this." I nodded too and went to my room. I just did my nightly routine before we just talked.


Megamo knows people are jealous and doesn't care. He held me in his lap while doing his work. He just decided to stay longer and do a bit more work. He also wanted to walk me home everyday so I was waiting in the room with him. I blushed and couldn't get up.

"C-Come on Megamo. This is embarrassing, I'll sit-" "Nope. It's not distracting me and only embarrassing you. Besides, you aren't in an inappropriate pose so it won't be a problem if someone walks in." I just blushed and nodded. It only took a couple minutes for him to finish.

We walked and his father called.

"I told you that I'm walking her home from now on."
"She's not dangerous."
"Whatever, were going to be there in about half an hour. Just left the school."

He hung up and I was confused. "Megamo?" "My father still doesn't trust you." I smiled and nodded. "He probably is pissed that you went into a coma to wake me up too." "Well, after you suddenly collapsed while I was walking you to class, it was reasonable to be freaked out after the first month." Does he not know the truth or is he faking that he doesn't know that this is a game to me..? "I know..." I sighed and he put his arm around my waist.

I blushed and looked at him. "Now, what do you want to ask?" I was shocked and looked away. "W-well... What should I do about people threatening me about being with you?" "Let me report it to the guidance counselor." "We agreed that only if it gets too far." "I know... I'll just be by you and warn them after you give me the recording." I nodded and smiled. "I want you to get your work done too." "I know." Megamo said and I spoke.

"Are people jealous of you? Besides the other boys?" "Well, them and about 10 guys." I nodded and blushed. "10?" "Yep." I nodded a bit and sighed. He was confused and I spoke. "I'm not used to this. Sorry." He nodded and smiled. "I don't mind." I nodded and smiled a bit.

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