HyperDimension Neptunia Rebir...

By KazumaAkimoto

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Four years has passed since ASIC's downfall and the Deity of Sin's defeat, peace has finally return to Gamind... More

Main Protagonists and Characters
Prologue: The Fated Battle of four years ago.
Hansuke's arrival at Gamindustri, the story of the Dragneel Family
The Goddess of Leanbox, meeting with Vert
Invasion of Leanbox, the attack of the Heartless
A giant Heartless appear, Vs The Guard Armor
Let's go to Lastation, meeting with Noire
Noire's sadness, the memories of Uni
The Legend of Uni, one of the heros who saved Gamindustri
GRIM REAPER made their move, Apparition of Ōkui
Vs Ōkui the Sin of Gluttony, The Will of Noire
Planeptune here we go, The Goddess Neptune has arrival
Neptune most precious memories, The legend of Planeptune's heroin Nepgear
Meeting with Histoire the Oracle of Planeptune.
Saved just in time, Meiun Inochi save the day
Warechu strike back, Vs Demon Tide
Neptune's decision, for the sake of Gamindustri
Monsters hunt, Apparition of Marvy, CC2, Tekken and Broccoli
Arrival at Lowee, The Land of White Serenity
The sadness of Blanc, her memories of Rom & Ram
Blanc's culpability, the day where her life was devastated
Lowee's in danger, All ready to protect what we hold dear
The rage of Blanc, Vs Hokori the Sin of Pride
Desire to save people she hold dear, Blanc's decision
Reunion of cousins, 5pb. & MAGES
A great adventurer, Falcom in action
Onward the Keyblade Graveyard, Legends Awakening
Saving the Legends, Vs Ikari the Sin of Wrath
Reunion of destiny, the return of Fuyu Dragneel, Asuka Shimada & Genji Shimada
Warechu turned into a monster, Gamindustri in danger
Stopping the rampaging Rat, Vs Warechu
A lot of Pride, Hokori release his full power
Desperate time for desperate measures, Histoire got kidnapped again
Saving Histoire, Ōkui transformed into a fallen angel
Taking back Planeptune, Vs Senbō The Sin of Envy & GRIM REAPER's Leader
A calamity approach, The Reaper is revived
In search for a solution, the Ultimate Key, the X-Blade
The four Lords of Death revived, the battle for the fate of Gamindustri
Relaxing before the final battle, the girls's feelings
Time to end this endless war for good, Vs True Reaper
My friends and My family are my power, The end of The Reaper
The beginning of a new era, Hansuke's happy life

All the Goddesses reunited, Blanc the Goddess of Lowee

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By KazumaAkimoto

Mina's POV

We arrival at the Basilicom right after we left the Lowee Global Expo, Financier run at us seeing Blanc's state and tell us to get her to her room so that she can rest, i stay by her side for the rest of the day as Hansuke tell the full situation to Financier.

Mina: Blanc....

Blanc: urgh..... Mina ? is that you ?

Mina: yes, it's me Blanc, i'm glad that you are safe.

Blanc: *sniff* *sniff* i'm so happy to see you....

Mina: me too, but i though you were still angry at me over what happened to Rom & Ram four years ago.

Blanc "tears": i was *sob* but after i yelled at you with all my rage *sob* i begin realizing the mistake i've made *sob* it was because of me that you were found in a near death state by Vert and Chika *sob*

Mina: i know, but they treated me with care, it's not your fault Blanc, you couldn't control your emotions at that time.

Blanc "tears": *sob* but.... but still.... *sniff* it was my fault you left Lowee and the Basilicom for four years.... *sob* i blamed myself for everything i've done to Rom, Ram and even you.... *sob* i'm such a failure as a Goddess.

Mina: don't say that Blanc, you are a good Goddess to everyone in Lowee, no one can't change this fact, not me or you.

Blanc "tears": *sniff* *sniff* but.....

Mina: Hansuke would say the same thing as me.

Blanc: Hansuke ! the grandson of Haru Dragneel !

Mina: yes, the very same one who saved you from the Heartless.

Blanc: i see.... i know i had to rest but can you tell him to meet me in my room, i want to thank him for saving my life back at the Lowee Global Expo.

Mina: off course, wait for me, i bring him here.

I go get Hansuke as Blanc asked, he was in the living room with the girls and Meiun talking about the recent actions of the Heartless since the Planeptune invasion which make IF wonder about what's their next course of action.

IF: those Heartless are really annoying, seeking the power of the Keyblade, no wonder the Keyblades wielder are automatically targeted by them.

Compa: both Chika and Hansuke have Keyblade, in Chika's case, she inherited her Keyblade from Kazuma by passing the inheritance ceremony.

IF: i remember her saying this to me once.

Hansuke: anyway, looks like things are calm for now, but it won't be long before those monsters reappear again.

Noire: so babe, i wonder what are the Heartless's next course of actions ?

Neptune: we do know that they are searching for remnants of the Four Felon's dark powers so that they could use it to break the seal, but it is difficult for them with us getting in there way.

Chika: so they probably use the Heartless to distract us while they do their job as their leader asked them to do.

Meiun: i see, they use the Heartless as a way to distract us from their main mission, but what they fail to realize is that we are far more stronger than them.

Vert: yeah, we know that Hokori, Ōkui and Ikari are extremely strong opponent, fighting against Ōkui give us the proof of that.

Kei: they are equal to each other in term of strength but since Senbō is their leader and the one leading GRIM REAPER, he must a lot stronger then them.

Marvy: so what do we know about GRIM REAPER's four Lords of Death ?

Chika: the four Lords of Death are the most extremely powerful members of GRIM REAPER with Senbō acting as the Leader while Hokori, Ōkui and Ikari act as their commanders. they are humain who worshiped The Reaper is their Deity and master.

CC2: The Reaper.... is the same one that Fuyu Dragneel, Asuka and Genji Shimada defeated many years ago ?

Hansuke: yes, but The Reaper's powers was beyond the powers they have, he possess overwhelmed strength, endurance, speed and stamina. they knew they couldn't win against such a deadly entity, so all they could do was weaken his powers using the White Magic of Mars and seal him away within the Keyblade Graveyard. the operation was a success but they have a price to pay.

CC2: which is ?

Hansuke: their life.

CC2, Marvy, Tekken & Broccoli: what !

Noire: that's true, my darling Hansuke told me himself that they couldn't beat him the way he was back then, although they succeed of seal him away, they end up dying as a result of using a technique that require the user's life force.

Vert: after they seal him away, they were considered as legendary heroes for saving the world from The Reaper, but they leaving Kazuma who also participate in the battle behind.

Tekken: Kazuma.....

Broccoli: Kazuma told us that he suffered from amnesia ever since that battle.

Neptune: yep, the damage done to his brain was so much that all of his memories from before the battle against The Reaper were gone and because of that he didn't remember his adoptive family and even his own brothers.

Marvy: but then, how did he remember you now Hansuke ?

Hansuke: ever since his arrival in Gamindustri, his memories slowly begin to come back, which make him suffer to the point his spirit could be crushed.

Marvy: i see. i understand

Neptune: lucky for him, my sister Nepgear and Noire's sister Uni stayed by his side all this time, they give them the happiness he always wanted like the Dragneel Family did.

Noire: me and Neptune know that Uni and Nepgear love Kazuma with all of their hearts and that they would do anything for him.

Hansuke: they really love my little brother this much that they decided to help him against Senbō. Rom & Ram also helped him against him.

Kei: still Kazuma did a lot for us, and we hoped that one day we would return the favor to him and that time has come.

Chika: yes, me and Mina become the heirs of Kazuma's will as he want to protect the peace of our world from those guys.

Meiun: after seeing his eyes, i could say how much serious he was when it comes to GRIM REAPER, he really wanted to take them down.

Mina: Hansuke....

Hansuke: yes Mina ?

Mina: Blanc want to see you.

Hansuke: i see, okay then....

Noire: wait darling i want to go with you.

Neptune: me too.

Hansuke: what do you think ?

Mina: okay then, you three follow me.

The three of them followed me to Blanc's room, Blanc heard them and tell them that they can enter, Blanc was surprised to see Hansuke in person and even more surprise that Noire and Neptune are with him.

Blanc: you can enter.

Hansuke: it's a pleasure to meet you Blanc.

Blanc: likewise, Hansuke Dragneel the grandson of Haru Dragneel the living legend.

Hansuke: you are also a fan of my grandfather.

Blanc: yes, i read everything about him and hiw exploits, so seeing his grandson is like a sream come true for me.

Hansuke: i'm happy to heard it.

Blanc: Noire, Neptune, i'm surprise that both of you are by Hansuke's side.

Noire: yes, Hansuke mean a lot of me and Neptune, he is our darling.

Blanc: do you love him ?

Noire: yes and a lot ever since he told me the news concerning Uni, same with Neptune concerning Nepgear.

Blanc: i see, Rom, Ram.....

Neptune: Blanc, Hansuke wanted to tell you something about Rom & Ram.

Blanc: really ?

Hansuke: yes, Rom & Ram are still alive actually.

Blanc was shocked to learn this, her beloved little sisters who she thought they were dead, were alive this entire time, she ask Hansuke about what happened during the four years following ASIC's defeat.

Blanc: *shocked* wh-wh-what ! they are alive ? it that true ?

Noire: it is true Blanc.

Blanc: Hansuke please tell me, i have to know what happened during the four years following ASIC's defeat.

Hansuke: okay, the truth is.....

Neptune's POV

Hansuke start explaining what happened to our sisters and Kazuma the four years that passed ever since ASIC's downfall and the Deity of Sin's destroyed, Blanc couldn't believe her eyes to learn that not only they go to the Keyblade Graveyard facing against Senbō the leader of GRIM REAPER but that they lost and held captive there for four years leading up to the current events.

Hansuke: now you know everything that transpire during these past four years.

Blanc "tears": *sniff* so they fought against Senbō with Nepgear, Uni & Kazuma and end up losing, in addition to their defeat they've been held captive at the Keyblade Graveyard for four years ! *sob* *sniff* i'm glad that they are still alive..... i though they were dead.

Noire: we were like that too when we learn that our sisters were alive this entire time.

Neptune: Hansuke told us the truth and we are happy that he did, without him we wouldn't be able to handle to loss of our loved ones.

Blanc "tears": i understand.... you regain your confident and your will to live.

Noire: yes, we love Hansuke so much that we want to help him against those guys, we want to make them pay for what they did.

Neptune: not only to us, but to Hansuke.

Blanc: really ?

Hansuke: yes.....

Blanc: Hansuke ?

Noire: babe, can i explain to Blanc your story ?

Hansuke: yes, you can do it.

Noire: blanc listen to what i have to said, because Hansuke here have a huge grudge toward GRIM REAPER what they did to him.

Blanc: explain, i want to know.

Noire: okay.... Hansuke used to live a peaceful life along with his parents, Katsumi and Akimoto Dragneel along his brother Fuyu, back in the day, they were just young innocent boy who enjoyed their everyday life with their beloved family until one day, The Reaper launched an invasion on their hometown forcing Akimoto to go to the city to help the citizens, however The Reaper's true target was Hansuke's mother.

Blanc: why her ?

Noire: she possess a powerful ability that can put The Reaper's plan in jeopardy, The Reaper deemed her as a threat and killed her under Hansuke & Fuyu's eyes after a violent fight.... they were so young and innocent that it left a mark in their heart.

Blanc was more than shocked, she was horrified by what Noire is telling her, Hansuke's mother found death at the hands of the most hatred enemy of the Dragneel Family, tears flow from her eyes as a result of hearing that story.

Blanc "tears": so Hansuke..... *sob* lost his mother at young age..... *sniff* this is too sad.... *sob* even for me *sniff*

Neptune: i know this feeling Blanc.....

Noire: follow that day, a huge amount of hatred started building itself within Hansuke, this hatred is what led the Family to enter into an endless war against The Reaper and his organization during the Keyblade War it was during the said war that Kazuma was adopted by the Dragneel Family and taught him everything he know.

Blanc "tears": *sniff* what happened next ?

Noire: The family faced against The Reaper at their hometown, before he opened a dark portal and when to the Keyblade Graveyard where the final battle took place, once there, Kazuma got knock out by one of The Reaper's attacks, Fuyu, Asuka and Genji fought against him bravely, Kazuma did join them, but he took so much damages that he couldn't stand up, it was at this moment that Fuyu, Asuka and Genji used a technique involving the White Magic of Mars weakening The Reaper and seal him away within the Graveyard leaving Kazuma all alone.

Blanc: *sniff* so that's what really happened !*sob* poor Kazuma.....

Noire: Kazuma suffer from amnesia in the aftermath of the battle and as a result he had forgotten everyone he known including Hansuke, but when he arrival n Gamindustri and started fighting against ASIC, his memories slowly returned.

Blanc: i see..... Nepgear and Uni loved him so much right ?

Noire: yes, they loved him so much that they are willing to go wherever he goes, both of our sisters including Rom & Ram went to the Keyblade Graveyard with Kazuma to fight the leader of GRIM REAPER Senbō and end up losing, but they did prevent The Reaper's revival even if it was a temporary method.

Neptune: they've been trapped there ever since that day.

Blanc: i see.... Hansuke thank you for telling me truth, tell me what you planning to do now ?

Hansuke: we are actually searching for all the people who help my little brother when ASIC went on a rampage.

Blanc: *shocked* wait a second..... Kazuma is your little brother !

Hansuke: yes, since we adopted him into the family, me and Fuyu treated him like our own little brother.

Blanc: *smiling* i see..... eheheheheh, you seems to care a lot about him.

Hansuke: i do and those pricks from GRIM REAPER are gonna pay for what they did to me, to my family and to my little brother, i will never forgive them.

Hansuke's words reached Blanc's heart, hearing his story and tragedy that fall on his family was enough to fell bad for him and even shed tears of sadness realizing how many people he loss.

Blanc "tears": *sniff* you suffer so much from losing everyone you love and yet..... you continue to walk forward and fight to bring the world into a brighter futur.... *sob*

Hansuke: Blanc.... i know that i'm hurt but my family won't be happy if i keep dwells in the past, they want to keep moving forward to a brighter futur and make GRIM REAPER pay for what they did. and one more thing.

Blanc "tears": *sniff* yes ?

Hansuke: i won't sacrifice myself like Fuyu, Asuka and Genji did, i will stay alive and live my life at the fullest with all of you by my side.

Neptune & Noire: *blushing* honey.....

Blanc: *smiling* eheheheheh, i'm so happy to heard this from you.

Hansuke: i have made a promise to both Noire and Neptune after all, and now it will be the same promise i made for you.

We stare at each other until Meiun knock on the door and apologize for interrupting us, but he had information about the current situation and wanted to warn us about it.

*sound of the door knocking*

Blanc: who is this ?

Meiun: Lady Blanc, it's Meiun.

Blanc: *surprised* Meiun ! you can come.

Meiun: i'm glad that you three are here together.

Hansuke: yes we are, so why id you come to see us ?

Meiun: well i have information about the current situation in Lowee regarding the Heartless that unleashed upon the nation.

Blanc: what !

Meiun's POV

Blanc was surprise about the news and want me to explain what's the current situation regarding the Heartless that appear in Lowee, seeing Hansuke's face this serious mean that GRIM REAPER is behind this.

Blanc: Meiun, please explain to us about the current situation in Lowee, why those monsters suddenly appear in Lowee.

Hansuke: i'm pretty sure it's them right Meiun ?

Mein: yes, GRIM REAPER is the one who send the Heartless in Lowee.

Noire: i guess it is to get the remnants of the dark powers left by CFW Trick.

Blanc: excuse me Hansuke, but what is the reason of why you were seeking me ?

Hansuke: well Blanc, i plan to gather all people who helped Kazuma during the struggle against ASIC four years ago, and go to the Keyblade Graveyard to free Kazuma, Uni, Nepgear, Rom & Ram from that place. however GRIM REAPER's four Lords of Death possess abilities beyond those of ASIC's Four Felon and are quite difficult to beat.

Blanc: i see, so you plan to open a giant portal for all of us to go there and save them ?

Hansuke: yes, but i can't do this alone, that's why i'm seeking all of the people who are close to my little brother.

Noire: if we want to beat GRIM REAPER, we gonna need the whole team with us.

Neptune: you understand Blanc, Hansuke won't be able to rest until this nightmare is over.

Blanc: i understand the situation, but if the Heartless are here in Lowee, do you think GRIM REAPER send one of the four Lords of Death as well ?

Hansuke: yes, and i know which one they'll send.

Hansuke looked at me and i understand what he mean, one of the four Lords of Death that led GRIM REAPER is someone that i have faced in the past, if i'm not mistaken, it has to be him.

Meiun: i think i have an idea about who GRIM REAPER send.

Neptune: it is the one who you have a score to settled with ?

Meiun: yes, ever since our fight four years back at ASIC Factory.

Blanc: who are you talking about Meiun ?

Meiun: the man who i have a account to settled with is Hokori, the sin of pride who is one of the four Lords of Death.

Blanc: Hokori ! the man with a lot of pride !

Meiun: yes, that's him.

Hansuke: i guess, you haven't forget about what happened back then.

Meiun: how could i forget ? his powers, his speed and endurance, he is extremely power and he is the second strongest member of GRIM REAPER right after Senbō.

Blanc: i see, is he the reason why you left four years ago for training yourself to become stronger ?

Meiun: it is..... i have realized how strong he was, even if he used a small portion of his strength i could sense that he wasn't fighting all out.

Neptune: i see, but at least he know how to control his powers, unlike a certain someone we defeated back at Lastation.

Noire: oh ! you talking about Ōkui.

Neptune: yep.

Blanc: Hansuke, did you really faced against one of those guys ?

Hansuke: yes, Ōkui was responsable for sending the Heartless at Lastation, myself, Noire and the rest of our group fighted him and the Heartless to protect the nation from destruction and we did win, however it was more difficult than we expect as he directly go all out from the beginning.

Noire: and he is also a very bad loser, he can't accept his defeat, if his colleague didn't appear in time, he would let his dark powers getting out of control and consumed everything in darkness

Blanc was extremely shocked to learn that Lastation nearly got engulfed in darkness by Ōkui who didn't like accepting his defeat, then she ask about the rank of the four Lords of Death in term of strength.

Blanc: *shocked* this is insane, he nearly engulfed Lastation in darkness if his companion didn't intervene in time, it would be the end.

Noire: yeah, for now my nation is save, but something tell me that they will come back.

Blanc: by the way Hansuke ?

Hansuke: yes Blanc ?

Blanc: what is the ranks of GRIM REAPER's four Lords of Death in term of strength ?

Hansuke: well, since Senbō is the leader he is the most powerful member of all four Lords of Death having power over light, the second strongest is Hokori due to his great mastery over fire, the third is Ōkui due to his power over darkness and his tenacity of letting his powers getting out of control and the fourth strongest is Ikari who had power over wind.

Noire: so honey, if i get this right, Senbō is the first in term of strength since he is the leader, followed by Hokori, Ōkui and Ikari.

Blanc: so that mean we gonna have to take all down, i bet it is the last of the four Lords of Death that we will face once we'll be at the Keyblade Graveyard.

Hansuke: i'm pretty sure of this fact Blanc. beside all of the four Lords of Death have wings of different colors which match their powers.

Meiun: Hokori's color is red, Ikari's color is green, Ōkui's color is black and Senbō's color is white.

Blanc: i see, those guys seems very dangerous.

Hansuke: they are, that's why i need everyone's help, i can't get my brother and your sisters back like this, if we want to take them down, we gonna need the whole team.

Blanc: i understand Hansuke, i really do, let's go back to the living room where everyone is waiting for us.

Hansuke: okay, everyone let's go back to the living room where Iffy and the others are waiting.

Neptune, Noire and Meiun: okay Hansuke.

We all return to the living room where the girls were waiting for us, Vert hugged Hansuke with a smile on her face, she was happy that Blanc came with us and ask her how she feel.

Vert: Hansuke !

Hansuke: whoa Vert !

Blanc: still the same as ever Vert *smile*

Vert: so Blanc how do you feel now that you know of Hansuke's story ?

Blanc: i feel better and relieved that Rom & Ram are alive and i'm sad that Hansuke as to go through all this when he was a young innocent boy.

Vert: so what will you do then ?

Blanc: well, now that i know Hansuke's story, he has the right to know mine and my little sisters story.

Vert: i see, well if it can filling his heart with light then you can do it, Hansuke's heart was drowned in sadness for a very long time, i hope you can enlighten his heart like we did.

Blanc: i will Vert, thank you for the advice, i have planned to make him see Rom & Ram memorable statue.

Vert: i see and where the statue being located ?

Blanc: in the center of the town not far from the Basilicom.

Hansuke: can you take me there ?

Blanc: off course, we can go see the statue right now, if you want.

Hansuke: okay then let's go Noire, Neptune.

Noire & Neptune: okay honey.

Chika's POV

As Blanc led Hansuke, Neptune and Noire out of the Basilicom to the town where the statue of Rom and Ram are located, Kei, Mina and myself were sit in a round table and discuss about the recent events about GRIM REAPER and their current movement.

Chika: i'm happy that Blanc is happy again, i thought she was going to get mad all of the sudden.

Mina: i thought so too, but she did regret blaming me for what happened to Rom & Ram, i'm happy that she's still the same as she was four years ago.

Kei: yeah, with Hansuke around, she seems happy like her usual self returned completely.

Mina: eheheheh, that's true just looks at Noire and Neptune they were depressed by Uni & Nepgear's disappearance, their meeting with Hansuke changed their life forever.

Kei: i can see it in their eyes, how happy they are.

Chika: even my darling Vert begin to fall in love with Hansuke.

Mina: what about you ? you also love Hansuke didn't you ? ever since he saved Leanbox from the Heartless and Warechu, you've began to slowly fall in love with him.

What Mina said is true, i slowly falling in love with Hansuke, a boy who should live a happy life, but his life taken a turn for the worst when his family begin either dying or going missing. the question that i had in mind is why can't he just live in peace ? GRIM REAPER has made his life miserable and i begin to fully understand his anger toward those monsters, i won't ever forgive them for what they did to Hansuke, his family and even us for taking Kazuma and the CPU Candidates.

Chika: *blush* so you finally noticed..... even though i tried hard to hide this fact....

Mina: off course, we've been together for four years, we are practically best friend you and me, so you can tell me anytime.

Chika: okay.... anyway, what do we know about GRIM REAPER's current movements ?

Kei: well, with the presence of the Heartless in Lowee, we can confirm that one of the four Lords of Death is around somewhere.

Mina: and i guess it's Hokori that they send to retrieve the remnants of the dark powers from CFW Trick.

Chika: there's something that has been in my mind for a while, how did they absorb the dark powers that the Four Felon left behind after their defeat ?

Mina: from what we saw with Ōkui, it seems that each members of GRIM REAPER's four Lords of Death due to their statue a vessels of The Reaper has the power to absorb dark powers from evil beings like those of the Four Felon of ASIC.

Kei: so they use their body to absorb the remnants of the Four Felon's dark powers ! that's insane.

Chika: it is, and they will use the powers they've absorbed into their being to break the seal on The Reaper, however it will take sometime before it could happen.

Mina: so we gonna have to act before that happen, right ?

Chika: yes, since the location of The Reaper's revival would clearly by the Keyblade Graveyard, we gonna need everyone to help us against him and saving our CPU Candidates from the hands of GRIM REAPER.

Kei: first we need to gather everyone who helped Kazuma and then with all of our powers, Hansuke and you would be able to open a giant portal that will take us to the Keyblade Graveyard, however....

Chika & Mina: however ?

Kei: since the Keyblade Graveyard is the very same place where Kazuma, Uni, Nepgear, Tom & Ram went to fight Senbō, then it is clear that place is been used as GRIM REAPER's Headquarters, so the possibility of encountering one of them is high.

Chika: i see, that what worries you.

Kei: yes.

Mina: by absorbing the Four Felon's dark powers, it increase their own powers to the point of letting it out of control, so far only Ōkui has let his powers out of control, Hokori demonstrate a great mastery over his powers and did not let it getting of hand and Ikari we don't know yet.

Kei: what about Senbō ?

Mina: i supposed since his dark powers directly come from The Reaper, he has a great mastery over it and his own element which is the light.

Chika: okay then, since we possess all information about them, even the most powerful people has their own weakness.

Kei: that's true, GRIM REAPER is not invincible like they think they are.

Mina: we already know that both Ōkui and Hokori's weakness are both Light and Water, my Ice Demon power is also very effective against Hokori.

Chika: fire is weak against water and darkness is weak against light, that made two advantage that we have against Ōkui and Hokori.

Mina: which leave Ikari which control wind powers.

Kei: anyway we better starting planning our next move before GRIM REAPER.

Chika: okay.

The three of us move out of the living until i notice the presence of the spirit of Fuyu, i welcome him with a smile on my face, Chika and Kei were also happy to see him after all this time.

Fuyu "spirit": Mina, Kei, Chika.

Mina: Fuyu ! i'm happy to see you again, even if you are in your spirit form.

Chika: it's been a long time Fuyu, i'm glad we had to meet each other again.

Kei: Master.....

Fuyu "spirit": i'm glad to you girls too, it's been four years since ASIC's downfall.

Mina: yes..... Fuyu, are you aware of the current situation ?

Fuyu "spirit": yes, i still can't believe that Kazuma, Nepgear, Uni, Rom & Ram would be defeated this easily, but they did prevent The Reaper's revival even if it is temporary method.

Chika: sorry, i know it's hard for you.

Fuyu "spirit": it's okay Chika, don't worry about this, but tell me is Hansuke alright ? my brother didn't cause you much trouble to you girls.

Mina: no, he really is nice and didn't cause too much trouble for us, but he's still very affected by your mother's death.

Fuyu "spirit": i see, so am i, i still have regrets after seeing my mother died in front of me. i wish i could have done something, but we were too young.

Chika: we know, Hansuke's been suffering a lot from this and that suffering hasn't let him go ever since Kazuma's disappearance.

Fuyu "spirit": i guess he won't be at peace as long as GRIM REAPER is around right ?

Mina: right.

Fuyu "spirit": i understand the situation, thank you for telling me all of this, Mina tell me how's the progression with the Replicas ?

Mina: Vexen told me that they are 80% finished.

Fuyu "spirit": that's a great news, once it's done, tell him to send them to the Basilicom of Planeptune, Histoire will make sure the Replicas will be there in time.

Mina: i will.

Fuyu notice that he can't stay in the world of living much longer as his spirit form begin to slowly disappear, before that happen Fuyu tell us one last thing with a smile on his face.

Chika: Fuyu ! you are.....

Fuyu "spirit": looks like i can't stay here much long, i have used too much of my energy.

Mina: you will come back right ?

Fuyu "spirit": off course Mina, i'll be back, before i disappear i asking the three of you something important.

Kei: tell us.

Fuyu "spirit": *smiling* please keep an eyes of my big brother Hansuke, i know he has a strong heart and a strong will, but the death of our mother is still affecting him to this day, please make sure nothing bad happen to him and support him in his journey against GRIM REAPER.

Chika, Kei & Mina: we will.

After hearing that he had our words that we will keep an eye on his beloved brother, Fuyu smile at us and disappear as he couldn't stay much longer in his spirit due to him using too much energy. all three of us were so happy that we had the chance of seeing Fuyu again and that he ask us to take a good care of Hansuke, his beloved brother.

Kei: and there he goes.....

Chika: Hansuke won't stay sad forever, Noire and Neptune do their best to purrified his heart from this sadness with love, the love they feel about him.

Mina: yes and i think we should do the same too, beside one of us still need to be punished for something she shouldn't do, Right Kei ?

Kei: yes i know of what i did and i'm ready to accept whatever punishment he will made me do.

Chika: that's good. now let's head out for a bit, we did promise Fuyu that we had to keep an eye on Hansuke.

Mina: yes, we did promised to him..... Hansuke i hope you okay.

As we leave the Basilicom and head to the city to walk for a while, Mina look at the sky thinking about Hansuke and how much he's hurting since that fateful day where his mother was killed by The Reaper, she swear that she will do anything to bring down GRIM REAPER and The Reaper all together and bring Hansuke back to a happy life, one that he always wanted.

Mina: "i swear, i will destroy GRIM REAPER and The Reaper all together and bring Hansuke back to a more peaceful life, one he always wanted with all of us. aren't you agree with me Kazuma ?"

Chapter End

That's all for chapter 18, i hope you enjoyed the chapter

Next Time in HyperDimension Neptunia Rebirth 2 X Male Reader: The legends return

Chapter 19: The sadness of Blanc, Memories of Rom & Ram

See you next time everyone and take care

KazumaAkimoto out

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