By oiwuzzup

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A story about Bokuto Koutarou who always makes trouble, and Akaashi Keiji is the one who's always responsible... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 5

907 37 70
By oiwuzzup

The next evening, Akaashi prepared himself for the party that Bokuto mentioned. The older lad couldn't stop talking about it and constantly asking if the younger lad would come with him, and the answers were still the same. Yes. He doesn't need to be so cautious about it, Akaashi won't run away.

Once he finished, he sat on the sofa in the living room and received a look from his father - probably wondering why is his son looking so good at this hour. Akaashi isn't a type of guy who would go out without his parents' permission, but ever since he hung out with Bokuto, they knew that their son would be okay with his energetic and very friendly friend.

Come to think of it, his mother really adores Bokuto as if he's Akaashi's childhood friend. The older lad is always there to keep a smile on his lips, although sometimes it makes the dark blue eyed lad a bit irked because of how annoying his friend could be.

"Are you going somewhere, Kei?" His mother asked as she put on an apron to cook for dinner.

"Yes, I am," Akaashi replied as he browsed through the tv channels to watch while waiting for his friend to come and pick him up.

"Is there anyone going with you?" His mother asked again.

"Yes, Bokuto-san will pick me up," He said as he gave up with browsing the channels.

"Ah, Koutarou... Speaking of him, I heard he broke the school's fire alarm," Akaashi's face went poker-face before slowly nodding his head, not trying to lie about it since it was true.

"Bokuto? The Bokuto Koutarou?" His father joined his wife in the narrative.

"Yes, the school said he broke the fire's alarm," his mother laughed a little at the thought of Akaashi's friend doing such a stunt. "I mean, he has done something similar before. I'm not surprised anymore,"

Akaashi looked away in embarrassment because the picture of his friend made a stunt and dragged him too, is such a disgrace to his own memory to recall. God, why is he friends with the owl looking lad in the first place? Akaashi blushed even more before looking away.

Fortunately for him, there's a honk-car from outside and Akaashi's head quickly perked up by it. His mother quickly announces, "Oh? That could be Koutarou,"

"I'm going out," Akaashi said as he stood up and cursed to himself when he felt his mother followed him to the front door.

He opened the front door and saw Bokuto with his window rolled down, his grin is wide from ear to ear and that's the first thing Akaashi notices. What a dork, the younger lad smiled to himself before approaching the car and getting inside the vehicle in the passenger seat.

"Are you ready?" Bokuto asked with a big smile on his face.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Akaashi breathed out as he put on his seat-belt.

Bokuto then grinned again before waving his hand out from the window to Akaashi's mother who's watching from the front door. He yelled, "We're going out, Mrs. Akaashi!"

"Be careful and have fun!" His mother said as she waved back at them.

Akaashi thanked God that night after Bokuto drove away from his drive-way to the familiar high-way which led to wherever Kuroo's house is. On the way to their friend's house, Bokuto said something about being fashionably late for the party, so he suggested to get an early dinner at any Burger's drive-in which the younger lad couldn't agree more than he already is.

When they got to Kuroo's city, it was really crowded and the traffic was awful, which gave them the right moment to enjoy their early dinner in the car while waiting for the lights to go green. Akaashi was enjoying his food when he noticed Bokuto changed the music in the car from his phone.

"Who's going to be there for the party?" Akaashi asked as he munched the food with his dark blue eyes staring at the older lad.

"Do you remember Hinata Shōyō and his pal, Kageyama Tobio? I heard they'll be there. Oh, and Nishinoya Yū brought his new girlfriend to the party too!" Bokuto explained which Akaashi nodded.

"They're from Karasuno, aren't they?" He asked again.

"One and only," Bokuto smiled before glancing at his friend when Akaashi drank his lemon tea. Then he asks, "Hey, can I have some of your tea?"

"Oh- Umm, sure," Akaashi didn't mind though since he knows Bokuto has a thing about tasting his drink and food when they eat together. However, his heart somehow gasped for air when he realized Bokuto didn't even bother to change the straw or open the top of the cup to drink - he just straight up drink it from the straw which were Akaashi's lips were from.

Akaashi gulped as he looked away to prevent himself from looking like an idiot after realizing that, all this time, they've been kissing each other's lips unintentionally by sharing one drink or food together. His face went pink as he cleared his dry throat as if it would wave away his clouded thoughts of Bokuto's lips. The older lad noticed that his friend was acting rather weird,  but he shrugged it off as he kept on slurping on Akaashi's lemon tea.

When they arrived, Kuroo's house was packed with high school students from their school and others. Bokuto parked the car a little bit further from the house before walking together side by side to the party. When the older lad opened the door, he yelled, "HEY, HEY, HEY!"

Everyone in the room stared at the front door before cheering for the second star of the party. Bokuto received high-fives from the random people that he assumed were from Nekoma high school as Akaashi followed him from the back.

"I see you made a grand entrance there," Kuroo greeted them with two red cups of sodas on each of his hands, then handing them the drinks.

"Bro, I miss you!" Bokuto grinned as he hugged his best-est friend.

"Miss ya too, owl-friend," Kuroo laughed as he patted his back. Then he glanced at the younger lad beside Bokuto and asked, "How are you, Akaashi?"

"I'm doing just fine. How are you yourself, Kuroo-san?" The younger lad asked him.

"Likewise," Kuroo smiled at him before noticing the band-aid on Bokuto's nose. He then asked with a surprised expression, "Bokuto, what on earth happened to your nose?"

"Kuroo-bro, you won't believe what happened. I won a wild fight!" Bokuto grinned with a proud expression as he rested both his hands on each of his hips.

"Huh? You got into a fight?" The tallest of the two seemed a bit surprised. He knows his best friend in and out, but fighting isn't in the list.

"Yeah, bruh! I punched the guy, alright! A strong one too!" The owl looking lad keeps on sugar-coating his words which makes Akaashi irritated. Does he need to lie? Well, he didn't completely tell lies but those aren't true as well.

"You didn't win, Bokuto-san," Akaashi butted in which caused the ombre white haired lad to pout at him.

"Akaashi! Back me up once in a while!" He blushed in embarrassment.

Kuroo chuckled before saying, "We used oil in the corridor school before summer. I almost broke my leg!"

"Really? That sounds cool!" Bokuto's golden eyes glistened at the story that his friend just told him.

Ah, Akaashi forgot about it. Kuroo and Bokuto are definitely the same person. They're troublemakers in their schools. They always pulled dumb and stupid yet unique pranks that even the teachers don't know how to punish them without writing a suspension letter.

Unlike Bokuto, Kuroo is braver and scarier than him. He can even fight a teacher if he doesn't like the way they talk or teach him. Akaashi sighed in distress as he realized that's probably why they're friends in the beginning.

After a few laughs, the two from Fukurodani walked further into the house to get some snacks. Akaashi met up with a few old friends like Tsukishima and Sugawara, he even said hello to Kenma who happened to be playing video games competitions in the living room with the crowds. Everyone's having a fun night, but of course, Akaashi feels something unusual.

Yes, the party's going really well and fun to be in, but something's not right. The crowds are dressing up a bit cooler as if they're going to do something. Not just that, the cars outside the house are surprisingly more than the people here. And, Bokuto nor Kuroo hasn't pulled any stupid stunts like they usually do as if they're waiting for the right moment for it.

"Akaashi-san!" The younger lad flinched at the loud noise before turning around and only to find Bokuto's favorite kid, Hinata Shōyō.

"Ah, hello, Hinata," Akaashi smiled at him before ruffling his orange-ish hair, he has such soft hair.

"Is it true!?" The younger lad asked with so much excitement in his eyes, yet Akaashi doesn't follow what he means.

"What is?" He asked back.

"Bokuto-san said that he protected you from a fight! He said that's why he's wearing a band-aid on his nose! Is it true? Are you okay, Akaashi-san?" Hinata's bright brown-hazel eyes shined at the fact that someone protected Akaashi from a massive fight, but that only made the other lad's eyes widen.

"That was... Bokuto-san was exaggerating," Akaashi sighed.

"So, he didn't protect you?" Hinata tilted his head in confusion.

The dark blue eyed lad glanced at the smaller boy in front of him before smiling, "Bokuto-san did save me, but he was exaggerating. Hinata, you don't have to, always, believe a word he said to you,"

"Whoa! That's very cool! The fight must've been really wild if Bokuto-san had to save you with his nose!" Hinata exclaimed, completely ignored his advice, and Akaashi thought he just spoke to a wall. Saved him with a nose? Bokuto didn't do that. Poor young boy, the dark blue eyed lad shook his head.

"Akaashi!" Finally, the familiar loud voice could be heard which the younger lad quickly glanced to his friend who had beautiful golden eyes.

"Bokuto-san, what did you tell Hinata? You were telling him lies, weren't you?" Akaashi frowned at him.

"Akaashi! That was mean! I didn't tell him any lies!" Bokuto seemed a bit hurt at his friend's words but he didn't overreact to it. "But what did he ask anyway?"

"Oh, I asked Akaashi-san about the fight that Bokuto-san had! You told me you protected Akaashi-san," Hinata told the owl looking lad with so much excitement in his tone. Such a precious boy.

"Of course I did! Am I wrong, Akaashi?" Bokuto smirked at his friend which the other lad just furrowed his eyebrows.

Technically, Bokuto didn't lie about the whole 'saving Akaashi' part. The younger lad was uncomfortable with the gesture of the paper accident, he was genuinely happy when Bokuto stood up for him but the fight was unnecessary. In other words, Bokuto did save Akaashi from the terrible and creepy date accident.

The younger lad then just sighed and said, "No, you're not wrong,"

The owl looking lad then laughed before explaining further more about the fight with Hinata which caused Akaashi to blush. Does he need to tell poor young boy about that? Bokuto is such a bad influence for him, Akaashi needs to separate them soon. But thank god for that, Kuroo then clapped his hands together to gain everyone's attention.

"Alright, the clock almost strike to 11. Let's get the party started, boys," Kuroo said with a smirk and somehow the crowds cheered for him, even Bokuto and Hinata do too except Akaashi.

He thought the party already started like three hours ago, what does Kuroo mean about that? But surprisingly, Bokuto went to get his jacket on the sofa that he left earlier before putting it on. Soon, Daichi and Iwaizumi do the same. Akaashi blinked his eyes as everyone, who grabbed their jackets, grabbed their keys and walked outside the house including Kuroo - leaving only a few people inside.

What the hell is going on? Hinata then skipped his steps to outside the house as if he knows what's going on, but why is it only Akaashi who doesn't know? The dark blue eyed lad caught a glimpse of Bokuto leaving the house which alerted him right away. Of course! This is Kuroo's party! And the party only started when one of them started some stupid challenges.

"Ah, Kageyama. Please, hold this for me," Akaashi rambled as he gave his red empty cup to the other lad who happened to walk past him.

He then started to jog outside and only to find the cars that were parked from the drive-way are now warming up in the middle of the road. Akaashi's eyes widened before realizing what's right in front of eyes; they're going to have an illegal race car! His dark blue eyed lad quickly counts how many cars join this challenge and turns out there are at least 10-12 cars. He saw Kuroo's car at the front of the line, which Bokuto should have been too.

"Excuse me, coming through," Akaashi excused himself into the crowds as they cheered for the racers, he then saw as Bokuto got into his previous car with, now, a serious expression. He then ran as fast as he could to the car before shouting, "Bokuto-san!"

"Akaashi? Oh! Are you going to give me a prep talk? Or are you going to cheer me on?" Bokuto grinned as he already got inside the car with his window rolled down while the younger lad leaned his hand on the top of the car.

"No!" The younger lad seemed a bit upset, but he should've known that Bokuto would participate in this illegal race car.

"Oh... I... I'm-," Bokuto lost at words since he has never seen Akaashi so frustrated before, or raising his voice at him.

"Bokuto-san, do you have any idea what you put yourself into!?" The dark blue eyed lad tried to clear his friend's thought if it's possible, but it's not like it'll make him change his mind right at this moment.

"I do? I'm joining the race car with Kuroo. But look, the rewards are going to be amazing! I don't know what it will be yet, but I've always wanted to join a race car," Bokuto explained himself as if he was blinded by the fact that it's fun, he doesn't know the other effects.

"You're joining an illegal race car, Bokuto-san. You can go to jail!" Akaashi finally yelled but the other lad didn't react to it, his golden eyes are just blinking as if he knows what he got himself into.

"Alright! One minute remaining, everybody!" Akaashi heard someone announce the time as everyone started to check on the engines and the tires.

But the younger lad then frowned and asked, "Was this why you refused to take the trains? You wanted to join an illegal race car?"

"If you put it that way, yeah," Bokuto didn't even try to give a point because it was true. But he knows the look on Akaashi's face is full of disappointment and anger, he doesn't express it well but he can tell from the way he looked at him.

Whatever he said, Akaashi can't change his mind - Bokuto wanted this. He understood his concerns on what's going to happen to him during the race, all the bad and good ones. The older lad then grabbed the hand that was on the door, before kissing it which caused Akaashi's face to go red. Did he just kiss his hand!?

"You don't have to worry. I'll be fine!" Bokuto tried to reassure him, but that wasn't enough.

"What if you hit another car?" Akaashi asked in a low voice.

"I won't! Even if I did, it'll ruin my car and not me," The owl looking lad said.

"Bokuto-san, I don't think this is a great idea," he frowned again.

"It's Summer, Akaashi! Everything IS a great idea," Bokuto grinned.

He needs to punch someone who taught his friend that in the face, Bokuto is becoming even more rebellious than he already is and he's going to taste the sweet fist of Akaashi's knuckles. Suddenly, the roars from the other cars are getting louder which caused the younger lad to flinch.

"The race is about to start. You should wait in the house for me, then we can get ice cream after this," Bokuto tried to lighten up the mood for his friend but, of course, it didn't work.

"I want you to come back in one piece," Akaashi said, tightening the grip with his friend.

"I'm not going to die, Akaashi. I'm too fabulous for that," The older lad before laughing at his own joke but his friend didn't join him. "Oh, Akaashi?"

"Yes?" He quickly perked up at the name, expecting his precious friend to change his mind at this moment.

"Even if I got arrested, I know you'll be there to get me out," Bokuto smiled at him. "I know I shouldn't have depend it in you, but you promised,"

Akaashi almost facepalmed to himself, he didn't mean to make a promise like that because this occasion is totally different than the promises that they have made. The younger lad then looked at those golden eyes but words didn't come out from his lips.

Bokuto then grinned as he let go of that hand and put on his seat-belt and said, "If you keep your promise, then I'll keep mine. I promise to be there for you, Akaashi,"

Damn it, how come Bokuto can be this cute! Akaashi blushed before taking a deep breath and timidly nodded his head. He mumbles, "I promise,"

"Great! I'll be back before you even know it," Bokuto said with that happiest smile. The older lad watched as Sugawara pulled Akaashi from Bokuto's car since the race was about to start.

The golden eyed lad watched as Akaashi was out of his sight, taking a deep breath before pulling up his window, turning on the AC and the walkie-talkie that every racers have in their cars. Kuroo's voice filled his car as they asked about their engines and their cars in general, are they compatible for the race tonight.

The words that Akaashi told him has haunted him as if it's holding him back. He can't back down now, he wanted this, right? Bokuto closed his eyes as he rested his back on the seat, exhaling a breath as if he was holding them before. Those blue eyes full of concern, Akaashi was genuinely worried for him. Should he stop? He was really scared about him, Bokuto almost felt bad about it.

"Bokuto? Hey, come in?" Kuroo's voice came to the radio which the older quickly grabbed the walkie-talkie.

"I'm here!" He almost shouted to the radio.

"Are you ready, bro?" Kuroo asked, and he knows that it means something else. His friend can sense that Bokuto is having a second thought about this whole race.

But the golden eyed lad said something the opposite, "Let's get the party started, bitches,"

Kuroo stopped for a moment before smirking, "That's what I'm talking about,"

Bokuto then tightened his grip on the wheels as he saw the sexy referee girl waving her flag in the middle. The golden eyed lad glanced to his right and saw Kuroo is already smirking at him with such a smug face, he's ready to beat him in this race car.

When the girl finally waved the flag down, all the 12 cars roared their engines and drove away at high speed. Bokuto grinned like a maniac as he got himself in the 4th position. Kuroo is not far from him, and he can gain his speed to keep up with his pal.

As all the racers hit the high-way in loud and fast speed, Bokuto got himself in the 2nd place with Kuroo as the first. So calm and persistent, the owl looking lad will definitely beat him in this challenge. There are only four remaining cars in their backs, the others are nowhere to be found.

"Shit! Kuroo, do you copy!?" Daichi's voice came through to the walkie-talkie.

It took a moment for Kuroo to reply, "Sup, Dai-san?"

"Four cops are heading towards us!" Daichi yelled which caused Bokuto's eyes to widen.

"Jesus, they're such a party killer," The owl looking lad can feel his pal rolling his eyes in annoyance before saying, "Alright, here's the plan. All of you, disperse immediately. Let Bokuto and I take care of this,"

Bokuto grinned before replying, "Right behind ya!"

"Kuroo, you don't have to do this. We can talk this through-," Daichi tried to change their minds but Kuroo just chuckled.

"I'm sure you want to get some sleep tonight, Dai-san. Get all the brothers outta here, we'll handle it from here," Kuroo said and Daichi couldn't help but obey. When everyone disconnected their radios from Kuroo's connection, the party owner then asked his pal, "You know what to do, right, Bokuto?"

"Don't ask me. Ask yourself," Bokuto said from the radio.

Then suddenly there's a buzz before a familiar's voice comes through, "Last chance, Tetsurō. I can help you two out,"

"Thanks for the offer, Oikawa. But we can handle this," Kuroo replied.

"Okie. Call me up if something happens, will ya?" With that, Oikawa disconnected his connection with the other before fleeing.

"This is going to be fun," Bokuto mumbled to himself as he gained up his speed as the lights of red and blue are slightly getting seen from afar.

Their plan is usually getting the cops out of this street and getting arrested on the other side of the city so they won't need to get someone to collect the two troublemakers from violating traffic lights regulations. Kuroo then smirked as he was now in the lead of the group and Bokuto followed after.

"Shit!" Bokuto cursed to himself as he hit the break along with the hand-break when he saw the cops were now surrounding them. It seems like they're two steps ahead from their little game, the cops won for now.

"Get out from your vehicles with your hands in the air now!" The police said through the microphone and the two obeyed.

Fast forward to them at the police station. Kuroo and Bokuto just smirked to themselves as the familiar police officer got inside the investigation room with papers in his hand. The oldest of the two sighed in frustration before taking a seat across them.

"I'm sure you're tired of hearing these lectures, because I'm tired of giving them too," the police officer, who happens to be Kuroo's uncle, said.

"Then, kindly release us if you're tired of doing your job," Kuroo said with a smug face.

The uncle rolled his eyes before glancing at the owl looking lad, "How are you, Koutarou?"

"I'm fine. Actually, no. I'm better than fine, I'm great," he said with a grin.

"I've never seen anyone look so forward on being investigated except you two," the uncle said while rolling his eyes before asking, "What did you do this time? Let's see here...,"

"Bokuto and I joined an illegal race car, in case you can't read," Kuroo said and Bokuto snorted.

"Childish as ever," the uncle rolled his eyes before saying, "Right. I'm going to call your emergency contacts to get your papers. While on that, you guys are going to stay in our little jail until they come and get you two out,"

After a few minutes, a few cars came back with panicked faces. Akaashi and Sugawara quickly perked up from the sofa and got up to see Daichi and Oikawa talking right in front of their cars while the other groups approached them.

"Daichi, where's Kuroo?" Sugawara is the first one to notice the absence of the owner of the party which caused Akaashi's dark blue eyes to widen.

Crap! If Kuroo's missing, there's a high probability that Bokuto will too. That boy will do anything with his best pal. Akaashi then looked around for his friend but he's nowhere to be found.

"Him and Bokuto helped us get away. They're probably at the Police Station right now," Daichi said while scratching the back of his neck.

"I told him I can help, but Kuroo insisted he can do it with Bokuto," Oikawa said with a frown. "Should we head back to the Police?"

"I... I honestly don't know," Daichi shook his head as he started to think.

Akaashi gritted his teeth as he glared at the ground. This is what he was so scared about, the police here is so uptight that if one small thing goes wrong then they have to go down to business. But soon, his phone started to ring which caused the people around him to look at Akaashi.

Akaashi apologized before answering the unknown number, "Hello?"

"Good evening. I'm Kuroo Ganbō from Tokyo Police Department. Am I talking to Bokuto Koutarou's emergency contact?" The person asked.

The younger lad almost facepalmed to himself for not noticing that Bokuto probably put his contact as his emergency contact. He then replied, "Yes, I'm Bokuto-san's emergency contact,"

"Great. I need you here to fill Bokuto's forms," with that, Akaashi nodded and agreed to be there. He said goodbye to the other and took the nearest train to the Police Station.

When he got there, Akaashi filled all the papers and even paid the fee from his credit card. His father wouldn't be happy if he found out that his son just wasted his money to free his friend from jail. He then waits for his friend in front of his red Toyota Camry that is parked right in front of the Department.

"Akaashiiiii!" The younger lad sighed as he heard the steps getting louder from the building. The older lad then hugged him, "I knew you'll come and get me!"

Akaashi didn't say anything as they pulled away but he did hug back. He wanted to be upset, to be angry at the older lad for not listening to his advice, but he doesn't have the power to do so. He already wasted his energy on being worried about his friend. He's lucky that Akaashi didn't tell his father about this, otherwise he would've let the poor lad stay at the jail the whole night.

Bokuto noticed the look on Akaashi's face changed so he quickly pouted before looking down to the ground with guilt. He has every right to lecture him about what happened but Akaashi didn't have the urge to do it.

The younger lad then rested his forehead on his broad chest while closing his eyes, smelling the usual scent from the older lad, then sincerely said, "I'm glad you're okay,"

Bokuto bit his lower lip before wrapping his arms around the younger's back as he put his chin on his head. From this day forward, he'll try not to make him worried about him this much, he can't bear to see how disappointed and scared he was.

Then he pulled away before grabbing his hand and walked toward the other street, "Let's go for a walk, yeah?"

"What about your car?" Akaashi asked but still followed him.

"It'll be fine," Bokuto said before pulling the younger lad to him then wrapped his arm around his shoulder with a grin, "Besides, I promised you an ice cream, didn't I?"

Akaashi's eyes softened before nuzzling closer with a soft delighted smile, "Yes, you did,"


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