The new girl is the Alpha's m...

By Meeplovespie

736K 17.7K 782

Fay Fortua is a werewolf. More importantly shes the new girl in town. Fay is her own person going to an expen... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four
Chapter thirty five

Chapter nineteen

16.2K 395 11
By Meeplovespie

Chapter nineteen

Fay's dream

I was all alone. No one was there. The woods surrounded me as I realized there was a fire in the distance. The smoke filled the air and I struggled to breath. My feet started to move.

My coughs were all I heard as I screamed for help. I felt weak and looked at my stomach. Blood was dripping from a stab wound. It wasn't there when last time I looked. I fell. My eyes closing as I heard two voices. They both called my name. One a long lost friend and the other someone else. I didn't answer. I couldn't.

As I laid there frozen in time I felt warm hands on me. I heard a voice faintly as they said I love you please don't leave. Your my.... Everything else faded away. I said to them my last words.

"I'm ready to die. I'm not alone. I'm not alone."

I heard a scream. And then everything blacked out. It seemed like it was the end of my dream, but it wasn't. As I saw a bright light and heard an angel saying "Its time to come home. Its time to come home to us."


I woke up with a sense of urgency. I felt someone next to me and quickly relaxed when she snuggled closer to me. It was Fay. I was OK. I then saw how she seemed to be struggling in her sleep. And I tried to wake her up from what seemed like a nightmare.

"Fay. Fay. Sweety wake up!" Her eyes opened and for a split second she had a mask of fear on her. As she came to and found out it was me she softened. Her eyes locked onto mine and for the first time in a long time I could feel her emotions. Normally they were locked up, but right now I could feel them. She was uncertain and scared.

"Tell me about your dream," I said wondering what could have possible made my mate so distant.

She didn't answer as she hugged me. Her arms warm and soft against my back as she whispered "Maybe I'll tell you later." Her head rested on my shoulder and I took the risk. I kissed her neck and she sighed. I kept kissing her neck and she looked at me.

Our faces were so close that I could smell her breath. Its smelled like mint and I closed the gap between us. One quick kiss. It was short and sweet. Showing just a peek of my passion for her. Her lips were warm and it took all that I had to not make out with her.

Instinctively she came closer to my body and her breasts touched my chest while her legs sort of got tangled in mine. My "friend" got hard and my wolf wanted to take over. She wiggled some before she got comfortable and felt it.

I knew she was blushing and she started to caress it. My heart was pounding as I struggled to maintain control of my wolf. He was going crazy as he clawed at me. Begging me to take her there. She stopped and I couldn't help but say. "Your the only one for me."

As soon as I said it I started to freak out. My blood pressure skyrocketed as I prepared for the worse. She looked straight into my eyes before kissing me. I closed my eyes enjoying her lips on mine.

She didn't stop, but I didn't want to take it a step further. I didn't want to rush or pressure her. After a minute or two I pulled away regretfully.

She smiled and brought me closer to her body. We laid there until I fell asleep again.


Maybe I'm to hard on him. He's so nice and sweet to me. He's not a player, at least not anymore. And I think he loves me. I almost know he loves me. I'm not stupid. I can see it. I just don't want to because I think I love him as well.

My dream was disturbing. But falling in love scared me so bad that I wanted to scream. It's not possible to love someone this way so fast. It can't be real. This only happens in the movies.

But maybe I should take the fall and trust him to be there to caught me. I've never loved someone this way. I'm scared to have my heart broken. I'm scared I'll let him down. Even thought we're mates I'm scared he'll leave me.

Werewolves have mates, but sometimes a mate will cheat. It doesn't happen as much as it used to, but it kills the mates soul and heart when they find out. When werewolves lose a mate they can go on. It hurts like hell but they're wolf knows their mate is dead. When a wolf can't be with their mate because of complex situations the wolf gets weak and sometimes dies. The worst thing ever is when they cheat on them. They go crazy or commit suicide.

The thing is our human side acts differently. If the human side loved them as well its ten times worse. If they didn't the pain is dulled down.

I had to take the risk. Because with out love who am I really? My whole life was about love. I need to take the jump and hope I don't fall.


Very soon Ash and Fay will mate. I'll make sure of it. I looked into the mirror. My face tired of fighting. I was tired of fighting my insanity. I didn't want help. I needed to fight it alone. My black hair was clean and reached my shoulders. The alpha blood starting to take over.

Since Carson died I was the alpha. The voice the power. It was all mine. I didn't want it though.

My eyes glanced at the picture of him. My mate. He looked so young and so happy. My angry flared and I hit the picture sending it flying through the air hitting the door. The crash sound met it broke into many pieces of glass.

I turned to look. They glistened even in the darkness of the room. I felt tears run down my face. The salt tasted bitter sweet. Just like my life.

Its time to let go. I said to myself. I felt my sanity leave me. Maybe for ever or maybe this was just temperately a set back in my life.

My sanity left and all that was left was a shell of who I used to be. A mere memory of myself that faded away.

A smile appeared on my face growing ever second until finally I watered to laugh. I laughed and laughed. And then I noticed my mission. My mission. Fuck revenge. Fuck everything.

I should kill Fay and her mate. I should make her suffer. It will be so much fun. I can hear the screams and feel the pain. I'll kill them all.

As I stared at my new self I saw in the corner my sanitly leaving the room. Now it was just me. Maybe my sanity will come back. But until then I'm getting the chainsaw.

Haha chainsaws are so last year! My mind said. We should get a flame throwers! Another part of my brain said. That's so original. Someone said sarcastically. Shut up all of you! A voice said. Look here's the plan they continued.

This was going to be fun. Hell yeah they all said.

So do you guys like it? Hope you do. You know the drill. Bla bla bla vote bla bla bla comment bla bla pickles. Thanks to all of you who voted! I have over 250 votes! ^__^ Stay awesome everyone! Meep out!

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