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็”ฑ patt_sz

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"๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ'๐˜ท๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฆ๐˜ค๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฎ๐˜บ ๐˜ฑ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ค๐˜ฆ ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ง๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ ๐˜ฎ๐˜บ ๐˜ด๐˜ฎ๐˜ช๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ, ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฌ ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๏ฟฝ... ๆ›ดๅคš



1.2K 41 75
็”ฑ patt_sz


for some reason i was excited for today, nothing special was happening but i had a good feeling so i hopped out of bed with a smile and changed before heading to dante's room, but of course he was still sleeping.

i kissed dante's chubby cheek before walking to the bathroom to do my business, i brushed my teeth and washed my face then applied some makeup and styled my hair before making my way downstairs to let camila in.

she settled on the couch while i grabbed all the things i needed and shoved them into my bag then slipped into my heels, i waved at camila before i walked out the house and hopped into my car.

when i arrived at work and walked into the building yasmin and reign were busy talking in reception so i simply joined them, "sup." i smiled as they turned to me then surprisingly nick walked up to us, "hello?" yasmin said questioningly at nick.

"the other boys are boring so i want to know what happened on sunday when quinn and boss went to celebrate."

"he didn't tell you?"

"nope, i haven't spoken to him since sunday."

nick shook his head while reign looked between us confused since she wasn't at work on sunday, "celebrate what?" she questioned looking at me, "boss nailed the meeting so the other company signed with us." i answered happily, "but what we want to know is: did he nail you afterwards?" yasmin asked with a smirk.


"not even in the car?"


"then what did you do?"

"went to a cafe and talked, then walked around town but that's it."

"what did you talk about?"

"basics, just to get know each other."

"did he ask you about your favorite color?"


"what's your favorite color?"

"orange and occasionally red, why?"

nick scoffed and smiled at me while i stood there confused and the girls were weirded out by him, "did you get each other's instagrams?" he asked and i immediately knew what he was going to mention, "yes." i sighed and softly smiled, "so you know what i'm talking about?" he questioned with raised brows.


"i don't, what the fuck are you guys talking about?"

"i'll just show you boss's post."

so he took his phone out his pocket and scrolled through it before he got onto boss's instagram and turned the phone to the girls, "mami?" reign exclaimed quietly then turned to me while yasmin looked a bit puzzled, "quinn didn't you have a similar caption on your post too?" yasmin questioned pointing to me which caused nick to turn to me.

"i don't follow you on instagram."

"i know, nobody from work does except reign, yasmin and now boss."

"boss follows you on instagram?"

"yeah why?"

"have you seen the things you post? you're in a bikini or something revealing most of the time, if he didn't want to fuck you before then he does now."

i sighed and rolled my eyes with a smile while nick was still confused, "i'll show you the post." yasmin said to nick before she took her phone out, "and who said boss didn't want to fuck quinn before?" he asked with a mumble, "so he does?" reign questioned with raised brows, "i never said he does." nick stated then winked.

yasmin turned her phone around to nick and he wasn't exactly looking at the caption at first then looked down at it after a few seconds, "nice post by the way, but you two basically just flirted over instagram?" he questioned looking at me with a raised brow, "kind of, then we hung out at the park with dante and simba." i answered with a smile.

"so you're friends?"

"yeah, he said if he's already best friends with dante then we might as well be friends."

"dante and boss are best friends?"

"yeah apparently."

then nick walked off back to the guys while the girls and i continued to chat, "now that nick is gone, did you want to fuck boss?" yasmin asked with a smirk, "yeah, when we got back to work on sunday after our little celebration cause i has to get my car i was fighting the urge not to start something." i explained with a sigh, "you should of just fucked in the car." yasmin mumbled and shrugged her shoulders.

"if he made the move we might of."

"so you're waiting for him to make the move?"

"yeah it's better that way, i don't want to start something then it's only me wanting it."


a second later the elevator doors opened and the boss walked out then joined the guys, yasmin's eyes suddenly turned away from me so i started to turn to see what she was looking at but she grabbed my arm stopping me, "turn when i say." she mumbled to which i nodded a bit confused, "now." she said so i turned and my eyes immediately landed on boss who was looking me up and down but his eyes went to mine when i turned.

he smirked then turned to the guys so i turned back to the girls who had their brows raised and suspicious smiles across their lips, "did you see the way he looked at you?" reign questioned with a smirk, "baby he was looking you up and down without fear of being caught." yasmin added smirking, "so? it's just a look." i said bluntly.

the girls turned to each other then back to me with hooded eyes, "yeah totally just a look, everyone admires their meal before they eat it." yasmin mumbled with a smirk making me chuckle, "miss evans are you planning on working today?" the boss called out causing us to turn to him, "yeah." i smiled before i turned to the girls and waved as i walked to the elevator.

as i stepped into the elevator the boss walked up to it and joined me before we headed up to the top floor, "nick has figured us out." he said randomly making me chuckle, "yeah and so has yasmin, nick talked to us before you got to the ground floor." i stated as he turned to me, "really? about what?" he asked with a raised brow.

"sunday, and yesterday too."

"he also saw your post."

"yeah yasmin showed him."

"he talked about it when i walked to the guys."

"okay.. is that a problem?"


he turned to face the elevator doors while i raised a brow in confusion, could he possible be mad that nick saw the post? i mean all i was wearing was a bra and underwear in it but we're not dating or even close so why would he be mad about it.

when we got to the top floor he didn't give me smile or even a glance as he walked to his office so i just walked to my office a bit confused, even if he was mad at nick for talking about me why is he distant with me? i didn't do anything and it's not my fault nick talked about me.

i ignored that and decided to just focus on my papers, the first one took be around an hour before i send it off and the second one took around half an hour because it didn't need as much details before i sent it off then my voicemail came on.

"miss evans please come into my office."

"okay i'll be there in a minute."

so i sighed and stood up before i walked out my office and headed to boss's then knocked, "come in." he called out from inside the room so i walked in and saw him typing on his laptop, "yes?" i asked with a soft smile, "i asked yasmin for some papers so i need you to go get them." he said not even looking up at me.

he was still clearly mad and i didn't need to look at his face to see it, "okay." i mumbled then walked out the room and got into the elevator before heading down to the ground floor, honestly i was starting to get annoyed that he was annoyed at me for no reason.


zion was mad, not at quinn but at himself that nick talking about her was annoying him when quinn did nothing and that he was basically blaming her for it, his mind was questioning why he was even mad when they're nothing more than coworkers but his heart knew.

when quinn got to the ground floor and walked up to the reception yasmin immediately noticed something was up, "what's wrong?" she asked with a raised brow but quinn decided just to do her work and tell the girls at lunch, "nothing it's whatever, do you have boss's papers?" she questioned smiling then the voicemail came on.

"miss williams do you have the papers ready?"

"no they're still printing."

"is miss evans there?"

"yes she's here."

"okay well hurry up, i don't have all day."

quinn's nerves rose and yasmin noticed it by her expression, "somethings wrong what's up?" yasmin asked as she crossed her arms, "boss, he's what's wrong." quinn answered with an angry sigh, she might as well rant to her best friend about it to clear her mind.

what the girls didn't know was that the voicemail was still on because yasmin didn't turn it off which she has to do after every voicemail, and zion was going to inform her to turn it off.. before he heard quinn and decided to have a listen which he knew he shouldn't be doing but he was curious.

"what did he do?"

"when you showed nick my post and he went back to the guys he started talking about it to them, obviously i don't care but boss is really fucking bothered by it."


"he's being distant, and i can tell he's mad at me for something i didn't fucking do."

"maybe he just doesn't like nick talking about you."

"but why is he blaming that on me? he was in a happy mood until he came into the elevator with me and i asked if nick talking about me to the guys was a problem."

"what did he say?"

"he said no but then looked away from me like i said something that offended him, and he didn't even look at me when he asked to get him these fucking papers."

"are you going to say anything to him?"

"no because he'll probably just shout at me that he's not mad at me but it's clear as fuck, i honestly thought he'd be different but i can tell he's exactly like blake and james, just fucking gets mad at me for another guy even mentioning my name when i can't control what people talk about."

zion immediately felt like shit, he had no idea who james or blake were but if she's talking about them like that then they're not good people and he was positive that one of them was dante's father, he never meant to blame her for anything but his mind was a mess.

he didn't want to make her feel like he was mad at her but he didn't stick to it, he knew he had to apologize but what could he say without mentioning that he heard the girls talking over the voicemail, but after some thoughts he didn't care and would just say it.


it was nice letting everything out to yasmin before i grabbed boss's papers and stepped into the elevator then headed back up to the top floor, when the elevator doors opened on the floor i noticed boss standing by his desk and sorting some papers out so i just knocked on the door causing him to turn to me.

he looked a bit happier then before but whatever i wasn't here to mingle, "i have the papers." i said bluntly before he walked up to me and i handed him the papers, "thank you." he responded with a soft smile but i wasn't buying it and turned towards the door to walk out but before i did he spoke up, "wait quinn." he mumbled so i turned back to him while i stood in the doorway.

"i'm sorry."


"i'm sorry for being moody with you earlier and making you feel like i was blaming you."

"how do you- i never said anything."

"yasmin forgot to turn off her voicemail so i overheard your conversation with her."

i immediately started to panic, i could get fired any second now because that conversation was uh.. not kind, "i'm sorry i didn't mean to say those things, i was just-" i ranted but he stopped me, "no it's okay, i'm sorry for being moody towards you, i didn't mean to." he stated with his lips pressed together.

"this is weird."

"what's weird?"

"you apologizing, not to be rude but your reputation around the business isn't too kind and this is literally just proving that to be wrong."

"i'm not a mean person, i just have off days which for some reason describe me as a person apparently."

"oh i have those, ask most of women working here and i'm a bitch."

he chuckled which made me smile although i didn't really want to but his laughter just gets me, "well i need to get back to work." i sighed with a soft smile, "yeah me too." he said nodding before i flashed a quick grin and walked out the room then went to my office and carried on with my papers.

i managed to finish my third paper before it was time for lunch so i walked out my office in a now happy mood unexpectedly boss walked out his office a second later so we stepped into the elevator together and headed down, "this is none of my business but, who's blake and james?" he asked randomly as he turned to me.

"james is dante's father and blake is an ex fling of mine, both dickheads."

"i thought so."

"why are you asking?"

"cause i heard you compare me to them through the voicemail so i just wondered."


"nah it's good."

"it's not, you're not like them mainly because you actually apologize for things unlike them."

"they never apologized?"

"nope, james cheated on me multiple times while we were dating and never said he was sorry, blake was messing with other girls behind my back and instead of apologizing he just told me i was his number one."

"did you and blake ever date?"

"nope but we had a little pact to not be messing with anyone else but he broke that rule."

i shrugged blankly because i wasn't hurt nor was i upset that blake did that, it was just showing his true nature and i wanted to slap him more than waste a tear on that piece of shit, "were you upset when you broke things off with him?" zion asked blankly staring at me, "nope, i have no great memories from him so there was nothing to be upset about." i stated with a shrug.

"no great memories? not one?"

"if your hinting about sex then no, there was a few alright times but nothing too memorable."


"yeah, i can make myself finish faster that he did."


my mouth just connected with my wild ass mind and i only now realized what i said.. to my boss, "sorry i didn't mean to say that." i mumbled with embarrassment running through my body, "it's okay." he said with a chuckle but i was still embarrassed as fuck so i just looked down and avoided looking at him.



"you don't have to be embarrassed."

"yes i do, i shouldn't of said that."

"i don't care that you said that, at least you're not wasting time with blake anymore."

i chuckled and nodded but the embarrassment didn't just disappear and thankfully the elevator doors opened on the ground floor, zion smiled at me before he headed off to the restaurant while i walked up to reign and yasmin in reception.

"damn why is your face so red?"

"it is?"

"yes, you look a tomato, what made you that red?"

"boss and i just had a conversation in the elevator and i said that i can make myself finish faster than blake did."

"how the fuck did you get to that point?"

"basically he overheard our conversation when i came down to get his papers because your voicemail was on, so he asked me about who james and blake was so i told him."

"but how did it get to your sex life with blake?"

"i said i had no great memories with him and boss asked if there wasn't any great memories so i said no and said there was only a few alright ones then mentioned that line."

"jeez, nice one."

yasmin and reign laughed while i sighed and shook my head, "let's just go get lunch." i mumbled and we did exactly that, yasmin went to get our food while reign and i went to find a table and when we did yasmin joined us with the food.

"so quinn when are planning to fuck boss?"

"i don't know and i'm not planning it."

"so he is?"

"i don't know, but if he is than he better make the first move because i won't."

"just in case you're the only one feeling him?"


"you know that it's obvious as fuck that he'd gladly fuck you in your office right?"

"well if he wants to we can do that but i ain't making the first move."

the girls rolled their eyes while i just smiled blankly because i'm not going to change my mind, "then nothing might happen, clearly boss ain't making moves." reign sighed in disappointment, "who knows, give it time." yasmin mumbled with a shrug before we changed topics and ate our food.

after lunch was over and we had to get to work i saw boss standing by the restaurant door waiting for someone, and when we made eye contact he smiled at me so then i knew it was me was waiting for, "have fun." reign winked at me before i walked off to boss.

"i don't want to wait for the elevator for however long so i waited here."

"that's nice."

"are you over earlier? in the elevator?"

"don't remind me, and you didn't tell me i looked like a tomato."

"because it was cute."

i was taken back by his compliment as we stepped into the elevator, "is dante coming into work with you on saturday?" he asked changing the subject, "if that's okay, he's really not into babysitters." i said with a sigh, "of course it's okay, i never have a lot of work on saturday so we can hang out." he smiled happily which made me smile.

when we got to the top floor we separated into our own offices, i only had one more paper to finish and an hour later it was completed then sent off so i could go home.

i walked to boss's office to inform him that i was finished with my papers and knocked onto his door, "come in." he said from the other side of the door before i walked in with a smile, "i've finished." i said happily, "really?" he smirked and raised a brow at me which nearly made my legs weak.

"not in that way."

"too bad, but you're free to go."

"thank you, see you tomorrow."


too bad.. he wanted me to finish in a different way, then he has to be the cause but anyway, i walked back to my office and grabbed my bag before heading down to the ground floor, when the elevator doors opened i walked to reception to have a chat with yasmin for a while.

"did you fuck boss?"


"he's taking his time."

"although because i said what i said about finishing before lunch he made a joke with me about it although i don't fully know if it was a joke."

"what did he say?"

"i came into his office and told him i finished, as in my papers, so he said really with a smirk and i swear to god i nearly passed out but i said i didn't mean it in that way and he said too bad."

yasmin smirked with raised brows at me while i returned the look, "so he is making moves, just not physical ones." she said smiling, "yeah kind of." i answered with shrug causing yasmin to cheer excitedly making me laugh before her voicemail came on.

"miss williams have you got my papers ready?"

"yes sir."

"okay, is miss evans with you?"

"yes she is."

"get her to bring me them."

"umm.. she said no."


"yeah sorry boss, i've already signed out so technically i'm not at work anymore."

"you're still in my building and you're my assistant."


"quinn bring me the papers."

"i'm good thanks."

"miss evans i swear to god if you don't bring me the papers i'll.."

"you'll what? come down here and get them yourself?"

"you know what, i will."


yasmin turned off the voicemail and turned to me with her brows raised, "he's annoyed." she stated as she grabbed boss's papers, "so? he can't do anything to me and i'm off work anyway." i said with a shrug, "okay." she mumbled then turned away to grab something as the elevator doors opened and boss walked out.

he walked up to the reception counter clearly angry with me but i didn't care, "thank you." he said with a smile at yasmin who handed him the papers before he turned to me, "and miss evans next time i ask you to bring me papers, you bring me the fucking papers." he stated sternly with only a few inches away from my face before he walked off to the elevator.

he headed back up to the top floor while i left frozen in shock with my wild mind creating scenarios in my head where this exact moment happened a bit different, yasmin didn't even speak for a few seconds.

then reign walked up to us with wide eyes while i stood still trying to get over the flustered feeling he caused inside me, "what the fuck?" reign mumbled in shock, "if that was me i would of cried." yasmin said before the girls turned to me, "what was that?" reign questioned at me.

"that.. that was hot."


"quinn i think you're psycho."

"no i ain't, that was fucking hot as fuck."

"yeah she's psycho."

"just because i find boss being aggressive hot? you guys are just sensitive to these things."

yasmin and reign turned to each other and sighed before they shook their heads in disappointment at me, "you guys just prefer softer people with cute smiles and a kind personality, and i like a guy who has a mean side with a bit of aggression." i stated with a smile before the voicemail came on.

"miss williams you need to learn to turn your voicemail off, and miss evans that's good to know."

"sorry boss."

yasmin quickly turned off the voicemail while i stood in shock and reign laughed at me, "you're gonna get destroyed by him one day." yasmin stated with a smirk, "lowkey hoping, but imma head home." i smiled before i waved at the girls as i walked out the building and hopped into my car.

i'm kind of happy that boss heard me.


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