By Lolo_Camz_2002

307K 8.9K 1K

"I have never felt s strongly about and for someone ever before in my entire life. You're my best friend, my... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty nine
chapter forty
chapter forty one
chapter forty two
chapter forty three
chapter forty four
chapter forty five
chapter forty six
chapter forty seven
chapter forty eight
chapter forty nine
chapter fifty
chapter fifty one
chapter fifty two
chapter fifty three
chapter fifty four
chapter fifty five
chapter fifty six
chapter fifty seven
chapter fifty eight
chapter fifty nine
chapter sixty
chapter sixty one
chapter sixty two
chapter sixty three
chapter sixty four
chapter sixty five
chapter sixty six
chapter sixty seven
chapter sixty eight
chapter sixty nine ( last )
Read this please
Life Goes On
Surrender Update

chapter twelve

4.6K 133 7
By Lolo_Camz_2002

She said she would let go, she really promised that she was going to but she didn't do as she said. She was laying next to her, no shame that she had her friend thinking that she was working while she was over at Jennie's place as she peacefully slept. Was it still wrong? Hell yeah, it even worse now that she had been caught and got back to it only lasting a week without responding to calls and texts that eventually stopped coming. "Jennie?" Lisa spoke up, calling the girl with her first name, seeing her immediately respond her eyes blinking a few times before they opened all the way, Jennie looking back at her while a smile formed on her lips. Scooting closer to her she buried her body against Lisa's, resting her face in the crook of the woman's neck and staying there slowly coming out of her sleep state as the minutes passed. 

"Do you have to go?" Jennie mumbled against Lisa's neck, kissing it lightly and way different than she did before.   "Do you want me to?" Lisa asked and her arm wrapped around the woman's naked back, drawing small circles all over it as Jennie stayed still so she wouldn't ruin it. "No," Jennie sighed, truthfully speaking now waking up completely to find herself cuddling Lisa. This was not who she usually was, she knew that and that what she fought to change, she just couldn't say no when she felt that urge to be close to Lisa. "Aren't you sick anymore?" Lisa joked, feeling Jennie pull back to look at her with the most annoyed look on her face that caused her to burst into laughter. "You're so annoying" Jennie shook her head and went back to the spot she has claimed as her own, her actions going completely against what she was saying.

"I should go then," Lisa joked and made a move to get up when she felt Jennie's arms wrap around her waist, keeping her close to her. "No, you're staying here" Jennie mumbled and held her as tight as she possibly could Lisa laughing and sitting back down with Jennie glued on her tall body. She liked the fact that this was really feeling like a whole different reality, a whole different lifetime where she got to spend it with someone else even though it was the same old world she had been living in for the past 28 years. Jennie didn't have to be something that she used though, she was a human and she understood when she had to be something other than a sex driven person. She could be her friend, her "friend" that she could go out and shop with, see a movie... Right? "I was wondering," Lisa spoke up and felt Jennie look at her again, her eyes looking so innocent after everything that she did moments before.

"I got some tickets for this play," Lisa said and Jennie looked at her confused, changing the way she was laying down, pushing her body so she would be sitting. "Would you like to come with me?" Lisa suggested, keeping in the back of her head that this was nothing like she had ever done before. She didn't want to be disappointed if Jennie rejected her offer, she had made herself clear since day one so she wouldn't have to explain anything further. Swallowing hard she could see the way that the woman in front of her was looking at her, probably contemplating whether she should accept or deny. "I get bored of them," Jennie finally said and got up, walking to her closet and opening it up looking for a new outfit to wear. "But you can take your wife," Jennie calmly said, the words that left her mouth hurtful for some reason. "She sounds boring anyway," Jennie laughed and grabbed her boyfriend jeans and a new hoodie before looking at Lisa.

"Perfect match," She winked referring to what she previously said about Evelyn, Lisa looking at with an empty stare since she couldn't find something appropriate to say. "She's not boring," The woman didn't hold back all the way, Jennie pausing and looking up to let her eyes meet Lisa's once again, the woman laughing in response. "And what are you doing here then? Shouldn't you be with your entertaining wife?" Jennie pointed out and waited for the answer that she knew wasn't going to take, disappearing into the bathroom and closing the door behind her. Shaking her head, Lisa looked over to the bedside table where her phone was resting, picking it up and noticing the amount of missed calls she had from both Jisoo and Chaeyoung. "Shit," Lisa cussed and called Jisoo back, letting it ring before she heard her voice come from the other side.

"Hey, I came by the studio but didn't find you," Jisoo said and the sound of a car starting up was heard, Lisa looking at the bathroom door where Jennie was before focusing back on the call. "Yeah, I had to run some errands" Lisa lied and saw Jennie walk out the room with her eyes on her, smirking when she caught her lying again, the woman quietly approaching Lisa on the bed. "I can come by your place once I am done," Lisa said her eyes meeting Jennie's that had this familiar hint of black in them again which only meant trouble for her. "Alright, I'll be waiting then," Jisoo said completely oblivious, hanging up the phone, Lisa waiting until she heard that familiar noise when someone hangs up the call. "Lying for me again? You're so bad" Jennie whispered against Lisa's lips, the woman smirking when she felt Lisa pull her on her lap again, her lips locking with hers, exploring each other's mouths.

"You, you make me bad" Lisa defended herself, her hands reaching around to rest on the woman's bottom, squeezing it lightly and feeling Jennie moan in her mouth. "Mhmm I know baby" Jennie smiled and went on with the kissing part, her arms around Lisa's neck holding her close so she wouldn't break the making out session any time soon. "You on the other side, you bring out something I had lost" Jennie opened up as well, Lisa looking at her and reading her face without saying anything, her arms still around her waist. "What is that?" Lisa asked, Jennie not saying anything at first since she didn't really know herself what exactly that was. "I-" Jennie spoke up and her stomach rambled  making both of them laugh, Jennie resting her head on the woman's shoulder while laughing. "I am hungry, get up," Jennie said and got up, taking Lisa's hand and throwing her clothes at her, pushing her to dress up again since she was the only one dressed by now.

"You're taking me to eat something,"


"I didn't know you could eat that much," Lisa commented, earning a warning look from Jennie who kicked her under the table, Lisa laughing out loud while looking at her devour the things she bought. She insisted on paying on her own, and when Lisa took her wallet out? She grabbed it and threw it back at her, not hesitating at all to push her to the table that they were going to sit just to make sure she wouldn't attempt to pay again. "I just fucked you an hour ago, give me a break" Jennie said not even whispering, Lisa was blushing when she saw and elderly person look over at them probably having heard what Jennie said. "Plus, I haven't had solid food in my system since yesterday" Jennie explained and bit down on the French fry she was holding making a crunchy noise, smiling at Lisa who smiled back at her.

"What?" Jennie snapped when she saw that Lisa was just looking at her not talking just looking, staring at her as she ate. "You're cute" Lisa said and reached over , her hands cupping Jennie's cheeks that were full with food laughing when she saw the girl rolling her eyes. "You're pissing me off" Jennie said while chewing on her food, letting her burger down and smacking Lisa's hands away the woman in front of her still laughing. Swallowing the food she had chewed she took the glass of water in her hand, sipping some of it and looking up almost choking when she looked at Lisa. "Uh oh," Jennie said smirking, her eyes focusing on a face that had walked through the door. "Don't turn," Jennie whispered and Lisa immediately turned around to look behind her, Jennie sighing in disappointment kicking Lisa once again. "That's Chaeng" Lisa whispered when she turned back to Jennie, running her knee that hurt from the impact.

"No shit Sherlock, why do you think I said DON'T turn?" Jennie sighed and shook her head, her eyes looking up to meet with Chaeyoung that looked over at their table. "Shit, congrats" Jennie said under her breath smiling at Chaeyoung who was approaching them with a similar smile on her face. "Hey-Lisa, I didn't know you guys hang out" Chaeyoung gasped in surprise, taking a seat next to Jennie and wrapping an arm around her friend's shoulder bringing their heads together. Well, she definitely didn't talk to Jisoo if she was being this calm and put together at that moment. And Lisa was glad that she dodged a bullet. "We're partners now," Jennie spoke up, looking at Lisa who just nodded and smiled, Chaeyoung looked at both of them confused while Jennie turned to her. "Lisa needed me for supporting and encouraging her team, competitions and stuff" Jennie explained, Lisa bitting her bottom lip while shaking her head in disbelief.

Seeing Jennie pull lies out of her was always impressing her, especially when she would lie for her. "Oooh, that sounds amazing actually," Chaeyoung said genuinely happy that her friends had managed to become partners, flashing a smile over at Lisa who smiled back while nodding, her eyes falling on Jennie that was smirking at her. "I haven't seen you in ages, both of you" The girl said. It was true, she hadn't seen Jennie since that party and Lisa, well Lisa was lost in her guilt avoiding getting out of her house. "Let's go out, let's do it," Jennie suggested and looked over at Chaeyoung again, the woman looking at Lisa for approval while Lisa simply looked between both of them. Would it be too suspicious to say no? And even if she did say no, what reason would she have? "Lisa?" Chaeyoung spoke up and snapped her fingers in front of Lisa's face, the woman shaking her head and focusing back on them.

"I, I am too busy with work," Lisa said and noticed the way that Jennie's eyes ate her up, swallowing hard and looking at Chaeyoung, her best friend who she was lying to again and again the shame and guilt building up inside her. "I mean we can go out, it's been a while since she did that alone" Jennie suggested, switching her stare from Lisa to Chaeyoung starting to play the ignore card on her, pissing her off in the best way possible. "That's true, let's go and get lucky tonight" Chaeyoung winked, getting up and fixing herself as she looked at both of them, Lisa looking away for a moment lost in her thoughts again. "I'll be heading out," Chaeyoung spoke up so she could get back Lisa's attention, her friend quickly looking at her smiling again. She could tell something was wrong, she wasn't going to ask anything in front of Jennie though, there was no way.

"And I'll be calling you later" The woman said and waved goodbye at them, Jennie looking at Lisa when she made sure that Chaeyoung had completely gone noticing almost immediately that Lisa was... Pissed. "What's wrong honey?" Jennie asked in an intimidating tone, taking a sip from her water again, letting the still cold liquid run down her throat. "Look, you have no right to be jealous alright? It's not like we're dating" Jennie said and rested her head on her elbows looking straight into Lisa's eyes, the woman nodding and looking away again. "Plus, I'm the one hunting," Jennie spoke up again and she reached out to touch Lisa's hand, playing with the ring that she was wearing. "Not the other way around" the woman spoke up soon her eyes looking down at the ring that Lisa was wearing, smiling as she watched it shimmer under the light.

"You know that better than anyone else."

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