By oiwuzzup

15.5K 491 1K

A story about Bokuto Koutarou who always makes trouble, and Akaashi Keiji is the one who's always responsible... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 1

2.6K 57 42
By oiwuzzup

Akaashi is a second year student, a simple student with his head set in the game. He really doesn't have any reason to stay by his friend's side, Bokuto. He always has an idea that the older lad will need him to help his ass out of his misery that he created for himself at the end of the day, hence avoiding him in general is really not an option for him to choose. He knows it well that Bokuto will drag Akaashi with him anyways, so why avoid?

Him and his friend have been friends since the first day of high school in Fukurodani Academy, he memorized all the good and bad things from his friend because of his habit - or he, in general, is interested in him but has never expressed that to him before. Bokuto's mother even begged the younger lad to make sure that her son is doing his best in school, get good grades, and keep him out of trouble. Oh, how sad to say that it's obviously the opposite.

"Akaashi, what day is it today again?" Bokuto asked, slinging his bag on his head while he put his hands in his pants' pockets.

"It's Friday," Akaashi answered as they waited for the train to arrive. He then asks the older lad, "Why did you ask?"

"Ugh, Friday's subjects are boriiiinggg," the golden eyed lad whined as he received a little bit of attention in public because of how loud he was, and at this point Akaashi is used to it.

"Maybe if you pay a little bit of attention to the teachers, it won't be that awful," he said, trying to prove a point that his friend is lazy and everyday's the same.

"Akaashi! I do pay attention!" Bokuto suddenly exclaimed and the younger lad just sighed at him. It's only early morning, yet he has to hear his friend's loudness instead of something relaxing.

"Says the one who failed his English test," he pointed out his evidence that Bokuto didn't pay attention at all in class.

"Akaashi! That's supposed to be our secret!" Bokuto this time blushed in embarrassment, fear that his friend might leak some more secrets than he already had.

Lucky for Akaashi, the train arrived and they entered to get to their school. Fukurodani high school is a little bit far from their homes, hence they took the train to get there. They could use the car but Bokuto is a terrible driver, and Akaashi doesn't have his driving license yet. Good thing from that, Fukurodani prohibited the students to bring cars to school except bicycles so it's basically impossible for them to bring the car to school.

But it's not like it's going to stop the older lad, Akaashi knows that Bokuto has his own unique ways to get whatever he wants. That's why he always gets into trouble. Lucky for him, Akaashi is always there to save his day. It'll be weird for him too if there's no stupid trouble that Bokuto invented for a day, it becomes his schedule to, at least, have one meeting with the headmaster about what his friend did.

15 minutes passed, they arrived at their school with students walking to their classes. Bokuto has put his bag around his shoulder like a normal person does, that means Akaashi won't receive anymore stares on why he's still walking beside that spiky half-dyed white haired lad. A few people greeted the super star in the school for making trouble, and wondered how in the world he can pull off some pranks and walk away as if nothing happened. That's an easy answer, Bokuto has Akaashi.

"I'm hungry. Do you want breakfast, Akaashi?" Bokuto asked as they passed the cafeteria.

"No, thank you. But I'll accompany you," the dark short curly raven haired lad said before following him to buy some more food before class.

Bokuto then sulked on the one of the tables beside his friend, "I don't want to be in class today. The subjects are boring and they're giving me a headache,"

"You'll fail all your tests if you skip class, Bokuto-san," Akaashi tried to boost his mood but that doesn't help much.

"I don't want to be in class, I don't want to be in class, I don't want to be in class...," the older lad muttered under his breath as he bit and chewed his fresh-out-of-the-oven bread, putting his chin on the table with a pout like a little kid.

Akaashi sighed, "Repeating those words won't change anything. What's so bad about History anyway?"

"Everything," Bokuto replied almost immediately. He then straightened his posture before finishing his breakfast and mumbled under his breath, "I have to get out,"

"You know I can hear you, right?" Akaashi furrowed his eyebrows at his friend, but his dark blue eyes widened when the other lad was ignoring him.

"I need a plan," Bokuto's golden eyes examined the whole room. Then his eyes landed on the boy beside him which caused him to grin, "And you're going to help me,"

"Bokuto-san-," Akaashi was about to protest but the older lad already stood up with a fist in the air.

"Hey, hey, hey! I'm so turned up now!" Bokuto literally shouts in the almost empty cafeteria in the morning. He then points his finger to his friend and says, "I'm going to tell you the plan later! I'll see you later, Akaashi!"

"Bokuto-san, I'm not-," when the younger lad was about to disagree, the spiky ombre white haired lad already walked away with a huge smile on his face. He sighed before thinking what kind of a plan the other lad had in his mind. Hopefully, it won't be bad since he dragged him as always. It's like he can say no to him anyway.

The first class started and Akaashi went on to his days. On their first lunch break, the dark blue eyed lad quickly sought for the older lad - getting a bit anxious about what kind of plan that he's planning now. However, the damn owl looking haired lad is nowhere to be seen. He even asked a few of Bokuto's friends if they've seen him anywhere, but the answers are all the same; they haven't seen him.

What kind of superpower does Bokuto have? He literally disappeared in thin air without any trace to track. Is he still thinking about making an escape plan? Hopefully not, Akaashi is not in the mood for his games. In his lunch break, he had to eat with his friends without his usual annoying friend to disturb his peace. Dare to say, he felt a bit lonely without Bokuto by his side but he denied that feeling which only caused him to become even more uncooperative for the next subject.

"Akaashi Keiji?" His teacher called his name which he quickly held his head high with his usual emotionless expression from the table after frowning and pouting, wondering where in the world is Bokuto.

"Yes?" He replied as if he didn't do anything wrong.

"You look exhausted. I'll allow you to wash your face in the bathroom. This is your first warning, Akaashi," the teacher said, which the wavy yet curly raven haired lad nodded before excusing himself to the restroom.

Did Bokuto bail on him? If so, isn't that supposed to be a good thing? That means that he doesn't need to babysit his friend for whatever he did today. Akaashi groaned softly before rubbing his face while walking down to the corridor, but soon he stopped his track when he saw a familiar shadow near the fire alarm.

The person was aiming his wooden baseball bat to the glass box of the fire alarm but stopped when he saw someone is looking at him, which Akaashi's blue eyes widened before calling, "Bokuto-san?"

"Akaashi!" He grinned at him before resting the baseball bat to his shoulder with a grin. "I was about to meet you after the alarm,"

"What are you doing with that?" Akaashi suddenly furrowed his eyebrows at him.

Bokuto followed those cold blue eyes towards the sport item that he equipped himself with before raising it to the air, "This? Ha! I forgot to tell you,"

"Tell me what?" Akaashi approached the older lad with a glare, probably already two steps ahead of him and his little tricks.

"I have this great plan to escape, Akaashi," Bokuto happily explained. "I'm going to break the fire alarm,"

"Bokuto-san-," Akaashi pinched the bridge of his nose but quickly interrupted by his friend's little jumps of anticipation.

"Wait, wait! You haven't heard the best part!" The older said before saying, "After I hit the alarm, we'll get out of here!"

Akaashi turned his head to his friend with a very mentally exhausted expression before asking, "How is that the best part? Besides, is killing the fire alarm really that necessary for you to skip school?"

"I always wanted to break the fire alarm," The older lad shrugged then positioned himself back to the front of the fire alarm with a baseball bat on his back, tugging his tongue upwards from his lips. But then he smirks back to his friend, "Besides, it's Friday,"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Before Akaashi could receive an answer, the older lad hit the glass with full power without a warning which caused the younger lad to flinch at the shattered glasses and loud noises.

Soon, the hallway is full of various people screaming and the sound of the fire alarm fills the whole building. The teachers tried to calm them down but it was impossible since they were already running and fleeing from the school. Akaashi was being pushed by people who were running and was about to fall when he felt someone completely catch him before making contact with the ground.

When he looked up to see who had saved him, Akaashi quickly pulled his emotionless expression after knowing it was just Bokuto. The older lad won't stop talking if he thanked him for saving his pretty face from the ground. Soon, those hands who just saved him, tugged Akaashi's hand and pulled him to their homerooms to fetch their bags and fled.

"That was fun!" Bokuto exclaimed as they stopped in front of a lake, prolly far enough from the school.

Akaashi is dying because of the lack of oxygen after running as if his life depended on it. He have never ran that fast before, let alone Bokuto literally dragged him out of the fireless building. He closed his eyes to remember today's schedule was Bokuto pulled the fire alarm in order to skip school. That went awfully well, but the dark blue eyed lad is still shocked at the loud voices that still ring in his ears.

"Oh, Akaashi! Did you see my swing? It was amazing, right? I hit right to the button!" Bokuto then asked his friend if he was impressed by his cocky behavior earlier.

"I did," Akaashi finally gained his oxygen back before turning at his friend. "Let's not do that again,"

"Let's do that again," Bokuto grinned before pulling a cold milk from his bag and handed it to his friend. "Here, drink this,"

Akaashi thanked him before drinking the milk, then he asked, "What do you mean when you said today is Friday, Bokuto-san?"

Bokuto eyed him at first before grinning, "It means everything is legal!"

"Who taught you that?" Akaashi quickly frowned, nobody said that so how in the world could he just say that?

"No one. Friday is a legal day for any crimes because the day after Friday is Saturday, which mean parties," Bokuto explained and made him look even more stupid than he already is.

"There's no free crime day, Bokuto-san," Akaashi glared at him. "And what will you say to the principal if he finds out you killed the alarm?"

"Huh... I didn't think that straight ahead," The older lad said.

"Of course you didn't," The dark blue eyed lad sighed before finishing the milk and throwing it to the bin.

"I still have time to think about it! Tomorrow is Saturday, so I have like two days to rethink it," Bokuto came up with the most stupid conclusion but Akaashi won't comment about that. Then he grinned to his friend, "Now that we're free, what do you say about getting a late lunch?"

"Did you skip lunch just for that plan?" Akaashi asked, allowing the older lad to lead him.

"Yeah, I did," Bokuto frowned but soon his mood turned upside down with a smile on his face and said, "I know a place we can eat! I hope you like Burgers because we're going to have one!"

Without a word to exchange, Akaashi was dragged again by the one and only Bokuto to the city to get food. The burger that his friend showed him was not bad at all, Akaashi enjoyed himself with a hum of satisfaction. Though, the fact that Bokuto broke the fire alarm earlier this afternoon made his mood drop almost too quickly. Now, how in the world is he going to explain the principal about his friend's behavior?

Their lunch went well and decided to end it early because Bokuto wanted to spend his Friday indoors which he welcomed himself to the Akaashi's household. It's not like the other lad has anything to do and he's used to having him over after school since they've introduced themselves. Suddenly, someone's phone went off and it happened to belong to the dark blue eyed boy. He got a text from one of his friends, Konoha.

Did Bokuto break the fire's alarm?


Oh thANK GOD! The last period was too tiring for me.

The younger lad sighed before putting his phone down and listened to the random stories that his other friend is sharing about. He doesn't have anything to do, and listening to Bokuto's bizarre stories weren't so bad either. His voice was high and husky, signing the audience that he's excited. Though, the stories were a little confusing to the younger lad sometimes yet he didn't mind just to listen to him rambling.

On the next Monday morning in the first subject of the school, Akaashi was busy buying himself a warm tea in the cafeteria because the weather today is pretty chilly. Bokuto has dismissed himself and said something about catching up with the others which the younger lad allowed him to. But soon, the hallway speaker went on.

"Attention! For Bokuto Koutarou, please make your way to the principal's office now," Akaashi sighed at the announcement, probably imagine the face that his friend made when he heard this.

He can even hear him screaming his name in the distance and begging for help. The grip on the tea cup tightened as he tried to enjoy his Monday morning but now he decided to help his friend for the billionth time. Nope, not today. Akaashi shook his head before enjoying his tea, but he will check on his friend later.

Before the bell rang, Akaashi made his way to the principal's office and as he predicted, Bokuto was sulking - slowing his steps as if it would help him from getting out of the detention. The dark blue eyed lips twitched a little, finding the look on his friend's face is amusing to him. Suddenly, when those golden eyes were frowning, it immediately disappeared when he saw his friend.

"Akaashi!" Bokuto beamed in happiness before jogging to his friend. "I'm so happy you're here!"

"Is that so?" Akaashi smiled a little, but those smiles weren't genuine since it turned into a devilish smirk.

"Wha-what's with your face, Akaashi!?" Bokuto quickly stopped his track with fear written all over his face.

"Good luck with the principal, Bokuto-san," the dark blue eyed lad said which only caused the other lad to frown even more.

Then, Fukurodani's principal peek from the door and glared at the two, "Ah, just in time. Let's get this over with, you two,"

Bokuto sulked again as he entered the principal's office. Akaashi was about to dismiss himself but suddenly the principle called after him, "You too, Akaashi,"

His friend then grinned at him, happy that Akaashi is going to accompany him. But on the other hand, Akaashi almost dropped his jaw. He shouldn't have checked on his friend, he was fine in the first place! Then he won't get called by the principal. Akaashi didn't say a thing but nodded his head to follow the other two to the principal's office.

To Bokuto, this is like a fun trip to the principal's office because he almost does this everyday in his life, and Akaashi just happened to be there when he made his stupid decisions. The three of them took a seat as the two students faced the principal with guilt.

"I hope you're fully aware of what you did last Friday, so we can end this mischievous behavior soon," the principal soon started. But then he exhaled before raising an eyebrow at the other two, "I know you two are in your... young-adult years, and I understand that it must be very confusing for you to act like one. But breaking the fire alarm? Really?"

"My apologies, sir. But how come am I involved in this?" Akaashi asked the principal, wondering why in the world is he in here with his friend.

"I'm just as surprised as you, Akaashi," The principle said. "But the security camera won't lie, will it?"

"Security camera?" Akaashi blinked his eyes before realizing that the principal must have replayed the scene before and after Bokuto broke the fire alarm. He was there!

"Now, since this is... the 5th time since last week that Bokuto pulled pranks in school, and Akaashi for the first time, are we going to go this in a hard way or the easy way?" The principal asked with an intimidating expression which caused the two students flinched at that look.

Bokuto then suddenly answered, "What will we do if we choose the hard way?"

"Bokuto-san," the dark blue eyed glared at him, wanting nothing but him to shut his lips for one second.

The principle thought for a second before coming out with an idea, "In exchange of detention, you two will clean the main auditorium,"

"Hey, that's not so bad! Isn't that right, Akaashi?" The golden eyed lad turned to his friend with sparkles in his eyes and the other lad just ate his own self if he can in that moment. Then Bokuto laughs, "If that means I won't get suspension, then we'll take the cleaning duty,"

"Careful there, Bokuto. I still might do that," the principal warned him which shut the owl looking lad lips.

Without asking for more questions, the two agreed to clean the main auditorium after school. The sound of wet mops hitting the ground filled the huge room. Great, this's exactly how Akaashi wanted to spend his Monday. Note the sarcasm. He sighed as he just cleaned the edge of the floor before taking a break because of how huge this room is.

"HEY, HEY, HEY!" Akaashi flinched before turning around and only to see him running from edge to edge with a mop in full speed. He was so fast that the younger lad was unable to see him in one place.

Until suddenly, he stopped right in front of him with a huge grin on his face. Akaashi's heart skipped a beat but he won't show it just yet, but it didn't help the fact that the shades of pink made its form on his cheeks. How come anyone would be so happy with cleaning the auditorium?

"Tired already, Akaashi?" Bokuto laughed at his friend's fatigue expression. "Aren't we just started?"

Akaashi didn't say anything as he just sighed before turning around to mop the floor again. A small smile formed on his lips as he heard the older lad continued his ritual on screaming and running around with a mop. Well, this wasn't a bad idea after all. But still, it's unfair that he got involved in this just because he was standing next to the other lad.

Once they finished, Bokuto treated him to an ice cream cone place before taking a train. Akaashi appreciated that gesture, he probably felt guilty because he was involved in his trouble and ended up helping him out. Then Bokuto says while closing his eyes with a soft laugh, "Face it now, that was fun. Let's do it again,"

Akaashi chuckled a little before looking away, "Let's,"


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