My Neighborhood Love Story

By YayaStories14

19.1K 336 12

A Jawan Harris and Khalil Sharieff story! Jawan and Khalil are brothers. Jawan was adopted. They are complete... More

Chapter 1: Moving In
Chapter 2: The Girl Next Door
Chapter 3: Chilling
Chapter 4: Date Night
Chapter 5: New School, New Me?
Chapter 7: Hero
Chapter 8: Feeling of Remorse
Chapter 9: Lunch
Chapter 10: Why Does It Hurt So Much?
Chapter 11: Cheerleaders...
Chapter 12: Karina Problems
Chapter 13: A Date
Chapter 14: Friend Zone
Chapter 15: Snakes
Chapter 16: Apology
Chapter 17: Blooming Love
Chapter 18: Jealousy
Chapter 19: Hopes for a Friend
Chapter 20: Best of Friends
Chapter 21: More Jealousy
Chapter 22: Worse
Chapter 23: The Good and The Bad
Chapter 24: Lessons Learned
Chapter 25: Officially the Worst
Chapter 26: Cowardly Brave
Chapter 27: Let It Be Known
Chapter 28: Either She Goes or I Go
Chapter 29: Better
Chapter 30: New Boyfriend?

Chapter 6: It's This Girl

572 12 0
By YayaStories14

Jawan's P-O-V

I woke up to Lucky licking my face. When my eyes settled, I realized that I fell asleep writing. The beat was still playing so I turned it off and got off of the bed.

I went into the bathroom to take a shower, brush my teeth, and wash my face. I then got dressed. When I got downstairs, Khalil and my mom was eating breakfast.

"Look who decided to finally show up," Khalil said with a laugh.

"Hey sweetie," my mom said.

"Good morning," I said snagging a seat.

"You woke up late this morning. Dreaming about Aria?" Khalil teased, nudging me.

I gave him the evil eye. He can't say that around mom!

She raised her eyebrow and said, "Who's Aria?"

I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Mom..."

"She's our new neighbor. He likes her a lot," Khalil told.

"Oh. Well, when can I meet this girl?" My mom said looking at me.


I got up and walked outside. Khalil followed me.

"Dude, why are you so mad?" He questioned.

"I don't know! Just... Why did you tell mom? You know how she is with me and girls."

"I'm sorry. I couldn't help it," he replied laughing.

"Man, don't give me that. I know you don't mean it. You never mean it. That's probably why Serene doesn't talk to you anymore!"

He looked at me shocked at what I said.

"Don't you ever say something like that!"

"Alright, alright, alright. Just calm down. I'm sorry. It slipped."

Khalil sighed.

"No. I'm sorry. Sometimes I don't think about what I say. You're right. Can you forgive me?"

"Yeah man. I forgive you," I replied hugging him.

"Come on. I'll drive you to school," he said.

"Alright. Cool."

We hopped into the car and drove over to the school. When we got there, I looked all around for Aria, but I didn't see her. So I went to my spot. The music room.

"Good morning, Mr. Cole," I said sitting at the piano.

Mr. Cole was the music teacher. He was like a father to me.

"Hey Jawan. What's new?" He greeted.

"My perspective of life."

He laughed, "Is there a special lady involved?"

He knew me too well.

"Yeah. I kind of wrote a song. Want to hear it?"

"Lay it on me young blood."

I started playing the piano and sung the song. When it was over, the bell rung.

"That was great. I'll see you in 4th period Jawan!" He said as I walked to the door.

"Thanks! Later, Mr. Cole!"

As I walked to class, I hoped to run into Aria, but that wasn't the case. I went to Mr. Monroe's class.

"Hello Jawan," he said as I walked in.

"Good morning," I replied heading to my seat.

By now, my hopes of seeing Aria around was kind of low. Halfway through the class, the door opened. It was her. I couldn't stop looking.

"Young lady, why are you late?" Mr. Monroe interrogated.

"Well, I'm Aria. The new girl," she replied seeming nervous.

"Ah, have a seat," he replied.

She looked at me and took a seat right next to me. I couldn't stop looking at her. I wanted to say something, but I couldn't so I just looked. She gave me a smile and I smiled back. But even when she turned away, I still looked.

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