trust issues | NCT NoRen

By myheartueandlifeu

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"Why can't you just trust me, Jeno?" Renjun asked the boy. Jeno shuddered, hating that word. Trust is a word... More



399 23 54
By myheartueandlifeu

fine 😔
i'll see you later then :)

dont go...
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idk whats going on bc im suddenly clingy???
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im never clingy... well not since HIM
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"I'm still mad." Renjun grumbled, walking down from the terrace to where the backstage area was.

"You're so dramatic, they literally got second place." Ten rolled his eyes, causing Renjun to sigh.

"I wanted them to win first place." He sulked, walking down the stairs and placing Bo down on the floor, the younger grabbing the edge of Renjun's sweater. Getting closer to where the boys were backstage after the results, Renjun jumped slightly at the contact of a hand on his shoulder.

"Trust me, I wanted them to win first place too." Turning around to see who had spoken, Renjun wasn't surprised to see Jeno smiling brightly at him.

"Hyungie!" Bo chimed out, racing toward where Jeno was and hugging his legs. Jeno only smiled at the younger boy, crouching down to place a chaste kiss on his head and standing back up afterwards. Jeno gave him a bright smile, holding one of Bo's hands while the little boy's other hand held Renjun's hand.

"So are you happy or...?" Ten trailed off, seeing Jeno join them at the backstage area. Renjun also looked at Jeno, wondering what his response would be.

"I'm glad we passed to the next round which is in like 3 months, but I'm also bummed we didn't get first. But I'll take second any day, honestly." Jeno chuckled, seeing Renjun nod in agreement with him. They moved inside the backstage room, chatting with the others while Lucas and YangYang faltered behind the slightest bit to talk.

"Bro I don't think Jeno's into Renjun. Just shoot your shot." YangYang whispered enough for Lucas to hear.

"Do you not see how close they are?" Lucas sulked a bit, seeing Renjun and Jeno talk with Ten as well. YangYang was getting a little fed up with Lucas. He really wondered if Lucas was blind or just jealous.

"I know Jun better than anybody. Besides, Renjun is all close with Jaemin too. The kid always teases him and pinches his cheeks, yet they aren't dating. So what's up with Jeno?" YangYang asked him. Lucas sighed and shrugged.

"I'm overthinking everything, aren't I..." Lucas sighed.

"Basically. I know how you get. So just, I don't know, ask him out soon?" YangYang said, hearing Lucas sigh yet again.

"I'll try. Not right now though. Dery and I have a freaking class tomorrow at 8 and the commute from my house takes like half an hour so I needa head home." Lucas sighed, checking his watch. It had grown quite late and turned to 8 pm already. He was a little tired yet glad that he came today. He had fun and met some new people like Jaemin and... Jeno.

Lucas thought it might have just been him, but he found it awkward when meeting Jeno. It seemed like a weird time and how Renjun looked happy to introduce Jeno to him. Lucas felt as if he was meeting Renjun's boyfriend for the first time.

Though, he was just exaggerating it a little bit.

"Lucas! You wanna join us for hot pot?" He heard Renjun say, seeing Jeno go away somewhere.

"Hm? Me?" Lucas asked, looking behind him and seeing nobody there. Renjun giggled a little and nodded, feeling shy that he was actully talking to Lucas for once.

"Y-yeah. I mean, only if you want to, I don't wanna force you or anything..." Renjun mumbled, seeing Lucas smile at him afterwards. He guessed that maybe Lucas found it funny how he became a mumbling mess, stumbling over his words while just talking to him.

Renjun could barely make eye contact with Lucas before blooming bright red and feeling his face heat up.

"I was gonna head home actually," Lucas started, seeing Renjun's smile falter a little. Lucas had a plan in mind, and searched for all the courage in his body to say what he wanted to say. "But uh, if you want, we can go again tomorrow for lunch. You know, just you and me."


Renjun was basically screaming in his head. How the hell did Lucas just ask him out for lunch. Especially if it was just him and Lucas going together. He could feel that he was malfunctioning already.

"Of course! I, uh, I mean... yeah, sure." Renjun sounded a little too excited at first, thinking that maybe Lucas found it weird. He was literally freaking out inside so badly, he even thought that maybe his brain was overheated.

"Okay... great." Lucas almost whispered. Renjun had a big smile on his face, feeling like he and Lucas were the only people there in that moment.

"Yeah... I'll see you tomorrow." Renjun whispered, seeing Lucas slowly walk backwards and nod.

"Of course. Bye." He smiled, making Renjun's face heat up and bloom red.

"Bye." He whispered back, not that Lucas could see him anyways. He stared at his back, seeing him walk off and looked away once Lucas turned the corner. Renjun looked down at the floor, smiling like the idiot he is. He turned to his right, seeing YangYang giving him knowing eyes. Renjun groaned and shoved his face away.

"Oh come on, tell me what happened~" YangYang said, clinging onto Renjun. The boy tried to shove his friend off, feeling super flustered now that he fully understood what just went down.

"Shut up! I'll tell you tomorrow." Renjun said, pushing him off and away. Their other friends were busy talking and hadn't noticed what had gone down between Lucas and Renjun. YangYang was the only one to really snoop around since he got lost in Ten and Jeno's conversation and had realized Lucas had been playing around with his hands while talking to a jittery Renjun.

"You mean after your lunch date?" YangYang teased him, seeing Renjun turn as red as the fire hydrant that was nearby.

"Shut up!" Renjun shoved him aside and covered his cheeks with his hands, blushing madly to the point where he didn't know how to act anymore. YangYang could only laugh and tease him until Jeno showed up again.

"What's wrong?" Jeno asked Renjun, seeing the shorter glare at YangYang and shak his head afterwards.

"Nothing, nothing." Renjun smiled afterwards, scooping up Bo back into his arms and hugging him tightly as the boy laid his head on Renjun's shoulder, probably wanting to take a nap. Renjun rubbed his back and looked around for Chenle who cane closer, with a small frown on his face.

"Hyung! Did you really forget about me!" Chenle whined, clinging onto Renjun's other side and hugging his older brother. Jeno only chuckled at how Renjun scolded Chenle in Mandarin and tried to make sure Bo was comfortable by his left side.

Everyone really loves Renjun... especially that Lucas dude... Kinda weird, not gonna lie.


if you havent read my explanation, please do so rn

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