Princess Thief [✔]

By xxsoteria

77.6K 8K 4.3K

A princess in name, in body, and in blood but when her mask is on, she becomes the thief who's the enemy of a... More

Writers's Note
01. At Present Time
02. Magic of Disguise
03. Fedor Manor
04. Little Damsel
05. An Invitation Sent to Ace
06. Willow
07. The Gem and the Stone
08. Twilight Party
09. Reichen
10. The Second Day
11. The Brazen Knight
13. A Visit from Carrion
14. The Royal Family of Ezriel
15. A Price To Pay
16. The Oubliette
17. White Bandits
18. The Encounter at Mt. Grisly
19. Never Ending Confusion
20. The Amica
21. Verdari, The Magic of Barrier
22. The Siblings
23. The Selection
24. Enchantment
25. The Princess and The Knights
26. Welcome to Deliora
27. Reid
28. The King and His Brides
29. Silverious
30. The Crusaders
31. Carline
32. Hypocrisy
33. A Liar
34. The Mark of Deliora
35. Renounce
36. The Goddess, The Fallen God, and The True God
37. Lost Treasures
38. Reichen's Earring
39. His Identity
40. Resonance
41. Sun Month
42. The Goddess Temple
43. Linosas Kingdom of the Far East
44. Arvory Manor
45. Willow's Party
46. A Reaper
47. The Real Monster
48. The Last Treasure
49. Xenon
50. The Magic of Ace
51. The Dead Prince
52. Selfishness
53. Choices
54. The Fallen God's Curse
55. The Goddess' Blessings
Ending Note
Side Story: Cannaria
Side Story: Night
Side Story: Erodessa

12. Haunted Past

1.1K 158 73
By xxsoteria

Trigger Warning: This chapter may contain scenes including violence, trauma, abuse, or emotional distress. If you are uncomfortable with the following, please skip this chapter.

The coronation went along smoothly. As the King of Deliora put the crown on his son's head, I caught a glimpse of Reid. I looked back and forth between them. I could not say they had uncanny resemblance but the undeniable honey-colored eyes were the same.

Are they relatives?  But still, to have the same voice was just not possible with my hearing. Even for a person mimicking, there would still be a time their real voice could slip up unless they had magic themselves.

But at least it was safe to conclude that Reichen and Reid were the same since they had a much more similar physique than the newly crowned King. 

I was not conscious of how I was watching Reid so intently until our eyes met and his lips curled. I avoided him brusquely. I was still brooding on the outrageousness he did this afternoon.

After the ceremony in the throne room, King Freed made his first public appearance on the palace's balcony with thousands of their people overlooking him. It was an astounding sight, seeing the citizens of the kingdom gathering. 

Though, the people could not stop their convulsive catching of breath the moment he revealed himself. It was certain that rumors would come flying about their new king's appearance right after.

We proceeded to the Formal Dining Hall eventually. The size of it was truly impressive. If the dining table in the Greenhouse yesterday was long, this exceeded the limit. It allowed over a hundred guests to sit. Even their Formal Dining Hall in Ezriel could only sit eighty at most. It didn't matter though since they rarely held parties.

Unlike yesterday where it was a competition on relations and power. This time it was more of their titles. After the host's family were the kings and queens, followed by princesses and princes, then by Duke and Duchess and their families. 

This could be the only occasion where such high-ranked nobles were seated at the far end since most guests were of royal blood while they had the lowest status in this party.

We took our seats. I was assigned beside Yves. On my other side was another foreign princess, Willow was quite far from us. Across me were my sisters. Thanks to the spacious table and ornaments I doubt they could do anything to me.

The old King of Deliora offered a toast and the entrees were served.


One word to describe me would be recluse but I was not shy, I just didn't want to start the conversation first. But nobody dared talk to me. 

The princess didn't even turn her head once to me as she engaged in talking with her other neighbor. I did not expect anything from Yves either. Erodessa and Lian could not even bother me as they were engaged in tête-à-tête.

The prevailing faces of people I met from the Greenhouse and my stroll yesterday were near but no one tried talking to me. They dared to even if Xenon was there yesterday but at present, not one person did. I even saw a man who was five seats away reached out to the princess beside me yet they didn't even bother to spare me a glance.

I had a growing suspicion of whose fault was it. I turned to my side, looking at the impassive persona of my brother. Our eyes met and there was a twitch on his brow.

It was indicating 'what?'

I just sighed and stared at my empty plate. Dinner was almost over when the flash of lightning illuminated the room. It was succeeded by the loud sound of thunder and heavy rain. With this weather, we could not travel back to Ezriel. Even if we steered clear, the roads would still be dangerous.

Since it had been like that, we stayed for another hour for after-dinner activities until everyone gradually came back to their chambers. Father sent me to my bedroom himself together with Xenon.

"You better not leave your room." There was apparent agitation with the inconvenience. "And you, guard her well. You better show me what you are paid for," he uttered while pointing to Xenon.

The relentless storm didn't seem to stop but it gradually did. I was still fully awake when there was only the soft pitter-patter of water outside. It went for a while more and finally stopped. The night became silent and I still could not sleep. My head hurt and I feel numb. 

I stared at the wooden canopy above me, growing weaker every second.

It went on until I could not take it anymore. The pain was incessant and agonizingly painful every minute it lapped. I wore my robe and staggered through the door. Xenon was outside standing, unmoved.


He faced her and must have seen my horrible state. My head was surely a mess from the restless moving and I did not even properly tie my robe on.

"Are you well, Princess?" he asked as I steadied myself at the door.

"I need a favor..." I paused, even talking had become difficult.

"I'll be right back, Princess," said Xenon right after he realized something.

He, then, rushed off to the hallway, probably to get me medicine. That was another commendable quality of Xenon. He knew what he needed to do with no further questions and could easily read the situation or else how would he survive in the palms of my father. Hopefully, he would come back much faster before this splitting headache became worse.


When I twisted back to see who it was, I almost gaped at the unmistakable figure of Willow. She was only wearing a nightgown and was grinning at me. I briskly locked the chamber door and opened the balcony one. The balconies of the guest room had only a short distance so she might have used it to come here.

I guessed the physical capacity was also enhanced by the magic. Here I thought it was the result of the vigorous training from Night.

"What are you doing, Willow?"

I winced. Drat. That really hurt.

"Let's go somewhere fun!" She declared, those violet orbs showing her enthusiasm.

"Is this... Is this an appropriate time for a lady to wander?"

The words should be also applied to me but I didn't care. I wanted to go to sleep but my body refused. It felt like not just my head but my body was split into two.

"Don't worry about Xenon. I could not sense him," said Willow confidently.

"He'll be back," I mumbled, dragging my voice out.

"It'll be fine. Look! My name is Illisha, awaken."

Suddenly, her body became a mirage. If she didn't say the incantation, I would have sworn my headache was becoming worse that I was seeing double.

"Isn't this amazing?" asked the two Willows simultaneously.

Ah. My head. It thumped like crazy and I groggily sat down, feeling faint. 

"Are you okay?"

She probably understood it now when I could not even respond right away. Sometimes, Willow could be really oblivious and this was those times. She dispelled her magic in a snap.

"I'm sorry, Willow. I could not join you," I forced myself to answer.

"It's fine but you look extremely ghastly. We need to call a doctor." Worry laced her voice and she was getting worked up.

"It's okay. I already asked for Xenon. It's better if you go back to your room," I said in an attempt to ease her down.

"It was supposed to be our last day. This afternoon you were taken away by that rude knight and I was happy you were able to stay the night but now you are sick." Her lips pursed. She was unmistakably sulking.

"I'm sure you could visit me again, right?"

"If King Enmir was not just strict I would have visited you every day!"

I was about to reply but I could hear the footsteps. It must be Xenon.

"Don't worry..." I stopped to catch my breath from the persistent ache. "We are consistently exchanging letters anyway. Leave now. Xenon's coming."

"Okay, then. See you next time." She hugged me but promptly motioned away. "And I couldn't even touch you."

I swallowed a laugh since I didn't even have the capability to do it. Instead, I hugged her in return.

"Go now," I said, my voice becoming hoarse.

Seconds later, there was a knock on my door. Willow walked outside and was waving. I waved back then closed it and opened the door for Xenon.

He was holding a pitcher in one hand and a bunch of medicine in the other. He informed me what was what and gladly took it. I muttered my thanks and went straight to the bed. I took the medicine and was ultimately put to sleep.


It was a bright day. Mother said we were going out since it was such good weather. The maidservants helped me get ready and we arrived downstairs. Lian had her arms locked with Mother while Erodessa was just simply standing.

"Hmph! Why are you so slow, Carline?"

"Erodessa. Don't be mean with your sister," Mother admonished her.

"But it's her fault. We are running late. The play must've begun already," said Erodessa, her arms crossed and giving her a glare.

"I'm sorry."

Mother smiled brightly as she tugged my hair. Unlike mine, hers were much darker, almost like red as Erodessa's. Many said we looked alike but I believed Mother was the most beautiful woman in the world. My nanny said that no one would think that she was a mother of five.

Her green eyes, which I also inherited from her, were twinkling as she gestured me to come closer. She patted my head. "It's fine, Carline. There is no way they would start when the royal family is a guest."

"Hmph!" Erodessa walked past me with her head held high and entered the carriage.

"Don't worry, Carline. Erodessa is just having her period."

"Lian! That is not appropriate to talk about in public," scolded Mother.

Lian just laughed and we stepped inside the carriage. It was her 14th birthday yesterday and I was not allowed to attend since I was only turning twelve this year and even for informal parties there was still an age restriction as Mother had told me.

It was also the first time I was able to step outside the palace and I could not suppress the excitement within me.

We were graciously welcomed when we arrived at the theatre. The staff led us to our private seating on the upper floors. It was cushioned and had the best view of the stage.

After several yawns later, only Mother and my sisters enjoyed it. I tugged Mother's dress but she was too engrossed. The room roared with laughter but I did not understand what was funny from the two men on the stage. I took off from my seat.

The knights stopped me before I could even get out. "Your highness, you're not allowed to leave."

"But I wanted to," I pouted.

Then an idea popped into my mind. "Come along with me then. That is an order."

Father often said this and everyone followed him. The knight exchanged looks and nodded. It really worked!

I had six knights following me. There was a festival today and I was gleefully looking at my surroundings. It could be counted by hand on how many times we were able to get out of the palace. It was because Father made sure we were far from danger.

The colorful banners were attached to the town's buildings. Various stalls from food to toys were on the side. There was even someone blowing bubbles while farther ahead was a crowd formed from people watching a musical. The blissful atmosphere was infectious as I was smiling from end to end as I promenaded around.

Large men unexpectedly blocked my view. It was a blur and I was swept away. I lost my guards and ended up alone in the alleyway. There were only dirty bricked walls with junks all over the path. The smell was so pungent I had to cover my nose. Completely different from the bustling town I witnessed earlier.

I could feel my eyes watering as I walked aimlessly but to no avail, it only grew darker and darker.

"I shouldn't have left."

My sobs echoed in the empty place. All of a sudden, someone pulled me. Before I could let a scream, a hand was already clasping my mouth.


Scooting footsteps were heard seconds after. We were in a small space with not enough headroom. There was a small crack from it and I could see the same large men who were clothed in black that passed by me back then.

I was holding my breath. There was even a man who stopped right in front of us. He came close but stepped back when his colleagues were already leaving. There was one thing in my head. Bad guys. The kind of men Father had warned me.

When everything became still, I broke free from the hold.

"How did a child even come here?"

I whirled back. It was a man. Even if it was dark, his eyes seemed to glow on how light it was. It was like Mother's favorite necklace. What was it again? Cit... Citrus?

"What's your name?"


"Full name. You are definitely a noble."

"Carline Ezriel."

I looked around but there was nothing to look at. I realized we were in a scrounger's house. This was my first time seeing it. My nanny told me that scroungers were the lowest of the low and where bad children of nobles were sent to. It was a cramped space where they could not even do anything but crouch.

The only light was from the crack but it did not stop to make his hair look like it matched to darkness on how black it was. He was like a raven trapped in a cage as he huddled inside. I tried to move away but my hand landed on something wet. I put it close to my face and saw the ominous color of blood with the smell of iron quickly permeating my nose.

"...should escape."

I did not fully hear what he said as I felt my stomach churning. "Why is their blood?"

"That's not the point right now. When I run, you should go in the opposite direction, okay?"


"If you want to live, just do it," said the man and we got out.

The dim place a while ago seemed much brighter compared to that of the dark hole.

"Go straight and turn left twice," said the man.

I could fairly see his face now. I thought he was older but he was actually just an adolescent and dried crimson drenched his dark-colored shirt. The gash run across from his shoulder blade down to his torso. I gulped as my whole body quaked. I had never seen a wound that deep.

"But I came from there," I said pointing the direction he was heading to, "Won't you come with me? I'll find the knights and we'll get a doctor."

He let out a breath, "Don't be too trusting, kid. If you got caught up with me, you'll definitely die. I can't even save myself. We can't retreat away if you become my burden. Just follow my directions."

He pushed me towards the opposite path, "Now, run."

And I did. Before I turned left, I looked back and he was nowhere. Following his instructions, I really did return back to the town. I made my way through the crowd and a knight wearing our family's uniform saw me.

"Princess!" They run to me with panicked faces.

"I need your help!" I said and dragged one of them back to the alley.

"What's happening, Princess?"

"We need to save somebody!"

They kept asking questions but I tried to remember which way was it. I let go of the knight's hand and kept scurrying. Not long after, the clashing of steel resounded in the alleyway.

The guy earlier was surrounded by piles of bodies on the ground. There were four cloaked men cornering him. They were so absorbed that they did not notice us.

"Princess. It's dangerous!" A knight pulled me back.

"You need to save him."

They remained unmoving so I continued, "This is an order from your master."

Thank goodness, the words worked like magic. Two knights remained beside me while the other four helped him.

In between the fight, our eyes met, and his eyes widened in amazement. My eyes did too when his opponent gruffly attacked him. The guy slashed the man's chest. It was her first time watching such a brutal fight. Even the guy's wound could not compare now to the men around him.

When the cloaked man was lying dead, he charged toward me with brows knitting together and lips in a thin line.

"Why did you come back?!" He asked, his face completely flustered.

The knights fended me and pointed their swords toward him.

"Put the swords down. We need to send him to a doctor," I commanded.

The knights put down their weapons. Maybe because of the dimness, I caught a glimpse of the glistening blade that stood out in this gloomy place.

"Look out!"

I threw myself at the guy but he was quicker and now he was the one protecting me. We fell and rolled to the ground. My head hit the graveled path with an unexpected hard impact. From the corner of my eye, I saw all my knights were now dealing with the remaining men but one bolted and ran in our direction.

"Someone's coming..."

The guy instantly held me in his arms as he tried to defend me. I was literally in the middle of the fight and it was obvious the guy was struggling. I really did become a burden. The taste of helplessness was heavy. I wanted to tell him to let me go but I could not even form any words.

In that desperate situation, something unexpected emanated. There was a sudden surge in the air. It felt like I was floating. My consciousness strived to remain but it was for naught.

The last thing I saw was the guy's eyes turning into a beautiful color of violet.


Drenched with sweat, I was groaning. I felt hot and cold at the same time. Someone was stroking my hair in such a gentle manner. I pried my eyes open as a damp cloth was laid on my forehead.

My vision was a blur but somehow perceived it was the masked face of Night. How nostalgic. I wanted to speak but I doze off once again.


"Get the doctor," I heard Mother say.

I squirmed in my bed. I felt numb from sleeping sideways. Mother quickly raised me up and hugged me.

"Oh, my baby! I was so worried." she pulled back."I'm gl---Oh my god! This can't be! Why did it return?"

Mother was staring at me wide-eyed as she muttered incoherent words. It was followed by big drops of tears streaming on her face.

"No, no, no. Let us leave, this place, darling. You can't have this kind of eyes in the palace," said Mother and held me close again.

My face contorted into confusion. Mother was acting weird. She stood up and ordered the maidservants to pack their belongings.

I still remember what transpired to the guy. If I was back here, then that meant we were able to get back safely. Mother kept caressing my head and I didn't understand what was currently happening.

"Is Carli---"

Father stopped midway when he saw the situation.

"Father, Mother suddenly cried," I told him.

Mother ceaselessly looked elegant and untouchable but she was in such a terrifying state I had never seen before.

"You!" Father marched towards me and Mother's embrace tightened.

He looked so grim and tried to pull me from Mother but Mother wouldn't let go.

"No! You won't take another child from me again!"

"They are monsters!"

"You are the monster!"

Father raised his hand and it came in contact with Mother's cheek. She fell on the floor from the force and I hurriedly went to her. There was blood on her lips but she held my hand tightly as she glared at Father.

"Mother, mother..." I was blubbering and shaking.

Even at a young age, I understood Mother and Father had a strangled relationship but they never fought this badly before.

Father was physically stronger so he was able to successfully take me away. I kept my mouth shut the whole time as I did not recognize the person in front of me but I recognized the terror that was instilled in me.

As we went down and down, I could smell a foul odor, like something rotten. I was not aware of this place as I had never stepped foot on this part of the palace in the past.

When we arrived, Father threw me to the cold floor. I gaped at him, full of unasked questions and befuddlement. Not once did he hurt me until now. The sound of chains and a deep intake of breaths distracted me as Father lit the torches one by one.

As the room got brighter and brighter, my face morphed into disgust with the sight of men who were bloodied and wounded all over. Some had their faces lacerated in half that it was unrecognizable and the other was... My jaw completely slacked as they were becoming familiar. They were the knights who were with me!

Dread chilled my bones as I came to a realization. "F-f-father..."

He slapped me without a word as his gaze became full of repulsiveness.

"You are not my child, you monster," said Father and was now chaining me alongside the knights.


He was choking me before I could even finish. "You have no right to call me Father."

Tears flowed in my eyes as I tried to comprehend what was happening. Just how did it become like this?

"I was about to give these bastards punishments of losing you. But I should be thankful to them. You awakened and now I have a new toy," he said, a grin formed on his lips. "I must show them my appreciation, right?"

He took a sword and slowly carved out the eyes of the man. I became nauseous and could not handle the scene, I closed my eyes straight away. It was enough that I saw their state but I could not bear seeing the whole act of how Father did it to them.

"Open your eyes, monster."

I did not budge. There was only a clattering sound and it was followed by a whipping slice through the air. I gasped. It was my body that took the hit.

The weapon cut through my back. I didn't know what it was. The sharpness was similar to a sword but it was long. I turned back to see Father but my eyes blurred from the tears. I was wailing so hard that there was not even sound coming from me.

"Don't you dare cry, monster."

He continued what he was doing as I stared at them. No matter how I tried to imagine myself in a different place, the unmistakable stench of blood and the agonizing pain would not let me.

"See? This will happen if anyone defies my order," he kept on swinging it and I didn't know how long it lasted. I wanted everything to stop. How did it change so drastically in such a short time?

Was it days now? Or weeks? There was no sign of time inside this place. My senses had become sharp now that I could hear footsteps coming down. I needed to prepare myself.

Soft hands nuzzled my cheeks. A comforting caress that I hadn't felt for a long time.

"My poor child." It was Mother.

I tried to open my eyes. It throbbed and I imagined it being a sore purple color mixed with bluish-green. It was not just my eyes, though, since my body must be the same from all the hits I took.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Mother continuously apologized but it was not her fault. It was Father who did all this to me. She pulled a dagger and tried to break the chains but it was no use. The chains were stronger than I expected. Mother held me tightly as she cried heavily.

"He had sealed all magic here... You could not be free anymore... We... We should have left the moment you have awakened years ago but I could not just leave your other siblings...I'm so sorry, Carline. This is only the one way now..." her words were becoming incoherent as she kept talking while taking deep breaths as she was weeping full of despair.

She let me go. She took the dagger on her side and slit her finger. The wounded thumb was pressed on my forehead and she started muttering words I could not discern. All I understood was Mother's tears became the detestable color of red I had seen almost every day. Her whole body convulsed and was oozing with blood while I was glowing with such strange light all over.

"What is happening, Mother?"

"I... I erased the remnants... of the enchantments... Be free... okay? I..."

I could not even react. This time it was not because she was crying that she talked between pauses. She was gasping so hard as life seemed to drain from her face. She looked at me straight in the eyes and finally smiled. It was different from her usual beautiful smile. It was a crooked one with fresh blood staining her teeth. I was pulled into another embrace.

Not a second later, her body went limp. Terror washed my body as I apprehended one thing. The permeating scent of death had become so decipherable that I could not deny what had befallen.


I reached out but the chains would not let me. Mother's body was sprawled on the dirty floor, adding to the lingering dead bodies around me.

That was the moment Father appeared. His eyes focused on the scene. There were no words that left his mouth as took her in his arms immediately with utmost care.

It was the first time in a while I saw another expression on his face. He did not even bother looking back as he carried Mother's body away from this hell.

Time seemed to progress slower here. The knights' bodies were already decaying that I had gotten accustomed to their reeking stench.

Father arrived. I could say it had been a long period since I saw him. His gaze was fixed on me. Aside from the usual disgust, there was hatred present in his eyes.

He walked towards the display cabinet where all his props to create his own pandemonium were kept. He took a whip from inside. It was the one with sticking irons. Father loved his collection of whips and that particular one was excruciatingly painful.

I waited for the swing and it directly landed on my back. The lashes were just starting healing but a new one was added again. Another hit. I clenched my teeth as I waited for the third one but seconds ticked and there was nothing.

I looked back. His face contorted into a sly smile. Like a devil founding the perfect prey.

"Well, isn't this interesting?"


I jolted awake. It had been so long since I dreamt that. The vivid memories were still engraved in my mind. How true when they said that things you wanted to forget were the hardest to be forgotten.

My body felt like I was beaten in a fight. I was not just mentally exhausted but even physically, too. I slowly rose up but to my surprise, Yves was sleeping beside me. He was sitting in the armchair with his head rested on the bed.

How strange. Was it two or three years since we had gotten alone together? I thought to myself.

I feel so thirsty so I grabbed a glass and saw the washbasin on the bedside table. I recalled being awake last night. Was it him? I actually thought I was still dreaming at that time.

But still, if Yves was the one who took care of me, it really felt odd when he tried to avoid me all this time.

After I finished drinking, I put it back again. Because of my sudden action, Yves woke up, startled. He looked disoriented at first then looked at me. He hastily left the door without saying anything.

Ah. Now, that was the brother I knew.


Note: In all honesty, I had a hard time here. I didn't want it to be gory but I wanted to show the twistedness. Anyway, thanks for your time again, cutiefries╰(*'︶'*)╯

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