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By patt_sz

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"๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ'๐˜ท๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฆ๐˜ค๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฎ๐˜บ ๐˜ฑ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ค๐˜ฆ ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ง๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ ๐˜ฎ๐˜บ ๐˜ด๐˜ฎ๐˜ช๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ, ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฌ ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๏ฟฝ... More



1.3K 44 38
By patt_sz


my first actual day of being the boss's assistant and who knows how it'll turn out, i hopped out of bed and changed into a simple dress before heading to dante's room to see the peaceful boy still sleeping so i gave him a kiss and headed to the bathroom.

i washed my face and brushed my teeth then applied some light makeup and styled my hair before heading downstairs to let camila in and grab my bag, "have fun with your boss." camila winked before i exited the house and hopped into my car.

when i arrived at work i noticed yasmin was on the phone in reception so i just waved at her to which she waved back before i walked into the elevator and headed up to the top floor, this whole thing still feels a bit odd but i'll get use to it.

as i got to the top floor and the elevator doors opened i noticed the boss's office door closed so i just headed into my office and put my bag down, i turned on my laptop and waited for things to load up before i began my work.

my four papers were short like the boss said yesterday so i decided to just start them, after around an hour i completed one and was nearly finished with the second one but my voicemail came on.

"miss evans please come into my office."

so i got my ass off my chair and headed to the boss's office then knocked before i heard a 'come in' from the other side of the door then walked into the room, "yes boss?" i said with a smile, "can you please go down and get me coffee?" he asked not even looking up at me from his laptop.

now this is what i didn't want to do, lunch was half an hour away and he can easily go down and get coffee himself, "no i can't sorry." i responded bluntly which caused him to look up at me, "and why not?" he questioned with a raised brow so i sighed and crossed my arms.

"you can easily go down and get it yourself."

"you're my assistant and you do what i ask you to do."

"not everything, i'm your job assistant and i'll happily get the papers you need and complete the work needed to be done but that doesn't mean i will serve you coffee when you want."

"miss evans-"

"i'm not doing it, now excuse me but i need to finish off my papers."

and like that i walked out the room and closed the door behind me before walking back to my office and sitting back down on my chair, i wasn't about to be his servant, if he wanted someone to bring him coffee then he can hire an actual servant for that.

i'm not going to stand for something that reign had to put up with for a month and be treated like trash for it, after a minute i heard his footsteps down the hallway then the elevator doors open meaning he was going down to get coffee.

clearly it isn't that hard but i guess he just doesn't want to walk around the building which is the dumbest thing i've ever heard, i completed the second paper and began my third one just as i heard the elevator go off again meaning boss was back.

then a knock came from my door before it opened boss walked in with a coffee in his hand, "how's your coffee?" i asked with a smile, "that was very unprofessional of you miss evans." he stated with an unamused expression but i didn't care.

"it's not my job to serve you drinks when you can easily get them yourself."

"how many papers do you have left to do?"

"when i finish this one i'll have one more to do after lunch."

"you'll have two more to do after lunch."


"i'm adding you a paper for today."


"no buts miss evans, you should of gotta that coffee."

then he walked out of my room and closed the door behind him, i'm not a violent person but this seemed like a perfect reason to throw a stapler at his head and at full force, i didn't do it but it would of felt amazing.. for me.. quite the opposite for him.

but i sighed and kept my cool as i continued to work on my third paper which i just about managed to finish and send off before it was lunch hour, when i walked out my room coincidentally so did boss meaning we'd have to share an elevator ride.. lovely.

so i walked into the elevator first as i was closer then he walked in a few seconds later before we headed down to the ground floor, we didn't talk at all and when we got to the ground floor i just walked out quickly and headed to yasmin who was still by reception.

"kill me."

"boss finally being himself?"

"kind of, i didn't get him his coffee so he had to get it himself and now he's given me an extra paper to do."

"it is a long one?"

"i don't know he hasn't sent it to me."

"what time does camila have work?"

"i don't know that's the thing i just know she has work, so i have no idea if i'll be able to make it home before she has to leave."

"why don't you just tell him?"

"no point, he won't change him mind."

yasmin sighed and nodded before reign joined us with a smile then we went to the restaurant, it was my turn to get our food while yasmin and reign looked for a table and after a few minutes i joined them at a table with our food.

i wasn't really mind present at lunch, i listened to the conversation yasmin and reign had but i didn't add any input because i was trying to figure out how i'd get home in a quicker way.

my final thought was to just rush the paper i had left then partly do the one boss will send me and finish it at home, i couldn't text camila because i left my phone in my office so i'll probably text her when i get back.

soon lunch ended and we all had to get back to work so i headed to the elevator while reign and yasmin went to the reception, i noticed boss in the elevator ready to head up and i knew he wasn't going to hold the doors for me so i took my time.

but his arm suddenly came in between the doors stopping them from closing before they fully opened again and i walked in with a soft smile, "thank you." i said as i stood beside the boss looking down as the doors closed, "no problem." he responded bluntly.

the first few seconds of the ride up were silence mainly because i was thinking back to this morning trying to remember if camila said anything about what time she has work but nothing came to mind, then boss snapped me out of my focus.

"what was your but?"


"before i told you that you should of got me my coffee you were going to say something, what was it?"

"i don't mean to be rude but why are you asking?"

"just curious"

"oh.. well it doesn't matter now."

"i want to know."

".. okay, i was going to say that my sister is looking after my son and i don't know what time she has to be at work later so i have to be home before she leaves."

"you have a son?"

"yeah he's only three years old so he can't really stay by himself."

"can your husband or boyfriend not look after him?"

"if i had one maybe he could."

"then the father?"

"disappeared months ago, and he doesn't care about our son anyway."

he looked surprised when i mentioned the fact that i have a son, and when i said i didn't have a man, "oh." he mumbled simply before we arrived at the top floor and split off into our office's, the minute my laptop loaded up i began my fourth paper which just so turned out to be a lengthy one.

it was too long but it needed details and explanations so i tried my hardest to get it done quickly and after around an hour i finished it and sent it off, then i waited a few minutes for boss to send me the extra paper but after around five minutes nothing came through.

so i got up from my chair and headed towards his office before i knocked on the door, "come in." he called out from the other side before i walked in, "um sir you haven't sent me the extra paper." i said as i waited in the doorway before he looked up at me.

"oh don't worry about that, you're free to go."


"go home and spend time with your son, i'll do the extra paper."

"are you sure?"

"yes, i may not have kids but i know having one isn't easy to deal with so i won't keep you back."

"oh, thank you."

"no problem, i'll see you tomorrow quinn."

i smiled and gave him a nod before i closed the door and headed back to my office to grab my bag then walked into the elevator, i was surprised that boss actually let me go home without doing the extra paper, maybe isn't that bad of a guy.

when i got to the ground floor i walked up to the reception because yasmin was there, "hey." i said with a smile causing her to look up at me in surprise, "you're going home?" she asked with a raised brow, "yeah boss let me go." i smiled before she raised her brows in shock as she signed me off.

"how come?"

"i told him about dante being with camila and that she has work later so he decided not to give me that extra paper and to go home and spend time with dante."

"wow, that's nice."

"yeah i'm still a bit surprised."

"i'm surprised he's being nice."

"yeah, although he did ask if my boyfriend or husband could look after dante."

"what did you say?"

"i said i didn't have either and that dante's father disappeared months ago."

"and then he decided not to send you that paper?"


"girl maybe he has a little crush on you."

i rolled my eyes at the stupid idea while yasmin smirked at me with raised brows, "no he doesn't, that's dumb." i stated with a sigh, "i don't know, he's being nice to you when he found out you don't have a man, he didn't argue with you over you not bring him coffee, i think he may have a bit of a feeling for you." she explained then winked.

"he does not, maybe he's just being nice cause it's only my second day as his assistant."

"true, he was pretty nice to reign on her first few days on the job."

"exactly so give it a few days."

"okay but if he's still nice to you after a few days then i bet he has a crush on you."

she exaggeratedly winked at me then continued typing whatever she was typing, "alright i'll see you tomorrow." i smiled before she waved and i exited the building happily then hopped into my car and drove off home.

there's no way in hell my boss has a crush on me, i've worked for this man for years and he has never showed me any type of sign of even making moves, i wasn't his assistant before so he didn't know me very well and still doesn't so you can't just like someone in a crush way over just their looks.

i'm just ready to be treated like shit in a few days because all my comebacks are ready to be used against somebody, if it's not on boss then i lowkey wish someone would just annoy me so i can use these good ass comebacks.

when i got home and got changed dante and i went to the playground near our house because he hasn't been there for a few days and i know he loves it so why not, he spent about half an hour running around and playing on the different playground equipment before he got tired.

before we would head home i decided to go on a walk around the park itself but dante was sleepy so i just carried him in my arms while he started to doze off, thankfully the weather was still warm and somewhat sunny so he didn't get cold.

after around five minutes dante was sleeping in my arms while i peacefully walked around until a fluffy dog ran up to me and i saw nobody around so maybe it was lost, "hey puppy." i smiled as i ducked down and pet the happy dog before i heard a voice in front of me so i looked up.. to see my boss.

"oh.. hey quinn."

"hey.. what are you doing here?"

"i went on a walk with my dog, before he decided to walk himself."

then the dog turned to him and he put a leash on it, "what are you doing here?" he asked as he looked up at me, "my son and i visit this park occasionally because he loves the playground." i answered with a soft smile, "oh, well this is simba." he responded and looked down at the dog.

"he seems very happy."

"he loves the park but for some reason hates walking around with me when we're here, and this is your son?"

"yeah but he got tired from running around in the playground so he's taking a nap."

"how old is he?"

"only three."

then dante started shuffling in my arms before he yawned and stretched his arms up, "hey mommy." he smiled making me chuckle, "hi dante." i responded happily then dante turned to boss and looked at him with a confused expression, "dante this is mommy's boss from work." i said with a smile, "i'm zion, nice to meet you dante." zion smiled and reached out his hand for dante to shake.

i already knew dante wasn't going to shake his hand because he's all about stranger danger but i was shocked when a smile lit up his face and he shook zion's hand, "hi." dante said happily which was really weird to me as he hates talking or even being around people he doesn't know but i guess that doesn't apply to zion.

then dante looked down at simba for a few seconds before looking up at me and i already knew what he wanted so i let him down on his feet but he just stayed by my leg, "don't worry he's nice." zion chuckled as he ducked down to dante's height which surprisingly didn't make dante hide away.

zion reached out his hand for dante which dante took before he slowly walked towards simba, "simba sit." zion said and simba did exactly that before zion placed dante's hand on simba's head, "see, he's nice." zion smiled at dante before dante giggled as he pet simba's head gently.

then zion stood up and watched as dante got more comfortable around simba, "he's clearly a dog person." zion chuckled before he looked up at me, "definitely." i replied with a smile as dante began speaking to simba although he knew very well dogs can't talk back.

"are you?"

"i like both cats and dogs equally."

"do you have pets?"

"no but my neighbor's cat loves to visit dante and i occasionally."

out of all types of conversations we could of had my boss and i decided to have one about pets, it was a bit weird seeing him not in his suit and papers in his hands like i do at work, "well it's getting late, dante and i should head home." i stated with a smile, "simba and i probably should too." zion sighed and nodded.

i picked up dante and kissed his cheek while he grinned happily, "i'll see you tomorrow." zion smiled while dante waved down at simba, "yeah, bye." i responded joyfully before i turned and began walking away, "bye!" dante called out as he waved, "bye dante." zion replied with a chuckle before he walked off.

my opinion on my own boss keeps changing every time i see him or speak to him which isn't normal but what am i meant to do, it's like he changes his whole personality each time we communicate.

i just hope he isn't a fuckhead tomorrow.

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