The Italian Businessman (Old...

By aimee_maxine

247K 7.7K 625

Aurora Richmond is the daughter of wealthy businessman Gregory Richmond and his wife Lily. With billions of d... More

Authors Copyrights.
1) Armani.
2) Realisation.
3) Sunday?
4) Amore.
5) Dismissal.
6) Advice.
7) Chanel.
8) Legal.
9) You?
10) Brother.
11) Pregnant.
12) Disease?
13) Breakfast.
14) Protection.
15) Her.
16) Love.
17) Promise.
18) Crib.
20) Shower.
21) Drinks.
22) Sustenance.
23) Princess.
24) Teacher.
25) Custard.
26) Fireplace.
27) Goodbye.

19) Heirloom.

1.1K 62 0
By aimee_maxine

Hi everybody, I hope you are all staying safe and sane x. This weeks chapter is shorter that last week, but the next one will be a lot longer. I promise.
The dress above is the one that Ms Aurora is trying to describe its a beautiful one by Alexander McQueen, one of my favs.

Thank you all so much for the votes I cannot believe that you guys actually got it to more than 10! I hope you all enjoy this chapter and please let me know what you think.

- Aimee x


Melissa had been discharged two weeks following the visit to see what the baby's gender would be. Those weeks had been difficult for me and had put a strain on the relationship that I was building with Giovanni.

It felt like the more we took two steps forward it felt like there was still a wall to leap over. He had thrown himself back into work and the more he told me there were only a few more things to tie up before we left.

I knew he was lying to me.

Today was Melissa's baby shower, I had been debating with myself if whether or not I was going to go. I knew the gender already what more was there to do? Pretend as though I liked the idea of Melissa and Giovanni being bonded for life.

Even though I tried I could not wrap my head around the whole situation. When the baby came would she expect for Gio to be at her side and then stay with her until the figured things out? With all of the questions I had I could not even ask Gio about it. I had barely seen him the last fourteen days with me waking up to an empty bed and going to bed with one too. He came home, but by then I was out like a light and had no idea.

Without his knowledge I had begun to apply for a temporary teaching positions. I needed to keep myself busy and sane even if that meant that I would find a path that we had not previously agreed on.

I had woken up to a text message this morning from Giovanni that read he would be home early and would fetch me to head with him to the baby shower.
It was ironic the one time that he had made time to see me was not even to spend actual time with me.

Yet again it was for his own personal gain.

My muscle had begun to relax in the warm water of the bath I had drawn for myself when I heard the beep of my cellphone. I opened my eyes to peak at the message and hopes my muscles would not tense at what was sent to me. As I read the message I wished that I had never given the witch my number after we had departed at the hospital.


From: Melissa Sage

Hello Aurora, please remind Gio to fetch his mother at the airport and bring his family heirloom. He is not answering my calls and I fear he may have forgotten.


What the actual fuck?

I stared at the message as my mind worked over time. Why in the blue moon would Giovanni not mention anything about the fact that his mother was coming down from Italy? Or was it coming up from Italy. "Fuck" I said aloud as I tried to change my train of thought. It did not matter if the plane flew up or down to land here it was here and that meant she was here too.

Could he have not even added this piece of information in the message this morning.


To: Melissa Sage

Will do Mel.


I called her by a nickname that I knew she detested for the soul purpose of pissing her off. Call me childish, but I could not care less than what I was right now. By now the water had run cold and my temperature had risen to a height that I was certain would have left me with the diagnoses of a fever by a certified doctor.

Despite how livid I was I knew that regardless I would have to put on the best display that I could muster with my boyfriends mother on her way. I doubted that Giovanni would have even remotely forgotten about his mother because from all of the stories I knew how much she meant to him.

An outfit was already laid out by me the night before as I knew that I would go to their baby shower even if it did mean that I would feel as excluded as I knew I would be.

On a hanger in Giovanni's walk-in-closet hung an Alexander McQueen dress that was apparently in the colour moonshine, it was absolutely beautiful. My father had sent it over as a gift to me after he found out that I had finally quit being a teacher which was something he had been begging me to do since the day I had told him that I had accepted a job offer. I had decided that I would wear it to the baby shower to make me feel slightly better than I was feeling towards it.

I slipped the dress on and loved the contrast of the colour to my supple pale skin, I was glad that I had done a body scrub the previous night and it had left my body silky smooth. The sleeves draped along my arms and stopped before my elbows. With the beauty of the dress I decided to place my hair in an updo that left some pieces to frame my face and my collarbone exposed.

Just as I finished the final touches on my makeup I heard chatter at the front door.

"Dobbiamo essere lì tra un'ora mamma."

The voice that spoke most definitely belonged to my love, Giovanni and his sentence meant only one thing that he had most certainly not forgotten his mom at the airport.

(Dobbiamo essere lì tra un'ora mamma -We have to be there in an hour mom.)

"Saremo puntuali patatino."

I chuckled slightly I knew that Giovanni was as stressed as he was pretending not to be and hearing his mother use such an interesting term of endearment towards him made him seem cuter than his usual mucho self.

(Saremo puntuali patatino - We will be punctual little potato)

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