I'll Wait Forever

By twisted_transistor

33.1K 2.1K 2.9K

Frank has always been an outcast. At school, at home, even just walking down the street. He's a nobody- and h... More

Chapter one...
Chapter 3...
Chapter 4...
Chapter 5...
Chapter 6...
Chapter 7...
Chapter 8...
Chapta 9 y'all.
Chapter 10. Ily all.
Chapter 11...
-21 guns/pilots-

Chapter two...

1.1K 79 32
By twisted_transistor

Woo-hoo! Chapter two! (I'm sorry that rhyme was lame) and yeaa so enjoy- and all comments/votes are appreciated


Franks P.O.V.
After I got home and washed the nicotine smell off me, I decided to be anti-social for a little while and headed straight to my new room. I hadn't set anything up yet, so it was just a few boxes, piles of stuff and a bed. I flopped down and stared at the ceiling- damn, this place is boring. At least it was Friday so I wouldn't need to worry about school for a couple more days. Suddenly, a short buzz interrupted my thoughts. I checked my phone which now held a text from one of my few friends back home-

B- "hey man, how's it goin up in bitchville?"

Bob was such an ass- if he hadn't supplied me with, much needed, illigal substances, I probably would have never even spoken to him. But, I did. And now he was one of my two closest friends- the other being Pete wentz. I had known that guy ever since I can remember. The past few years we had kind of drifted apart, but we were always there for each other when the need arose. Man, I never thought I'd miss those guys so much. I quickly texted bob back-

F- "it's Belleville asshat. And it's not that bad- yet. Fuck. Anyway, how's it hangin?"

B- "boring af without u here. And Pete's being a total bitch"

F- "isn't he always?"

B- "touché iero"

I smiled to myself. I really did miss my life back in Ohio, even if I did only have two friends and a couple of bad addictions. But that's what I was used too. That was my whole life, and now everything had just up and changed. I could barely smoke a cig out here, let alone find some way to get liqueur and pot. I sighed and looked around my bleak room. My guitar was leaned up in one of the corners, so I grabbed it and ran my fingers over the strings while thinking of what song I should play. I settled on "Enter Sandman" by Metallica, and started to strum and pick rhythmically.

When I finally looked up from my guitar, I was faced with an almost black sky. I checked the time- 10:17. Fuck! I'd been in here almost 3 hours. I set my guitar aside and put in some earbuds before drifting off into a dreamless sleep.


The next morning the smell of pancakes was wafting upstairs. Hell yes! I love pancakes. I pulled my tired body out of bed and into some clothes that probably should have been washed awhile ago. After trudging downstairs into the kitchen, I saw my parents in a rather heated debate which ceased the moment I entered the room. They were dead quit until I broke the silence.

"what were you guys talking about?" I questioned.

"Just some... Uhh.. House details that need to be settled" my mom answered shakily and then shot my father a glare.

"Yeah. House details." He agreed solemnly.

This was strange... My parents never kept secrets from me. Ever. I nodded weakly, making sure they saw my disbelieving expression. I grabbed a plate and a few pancakes and sat down. They didn't say much after that- they just kept giving each other strange looks. What the literal fuck was going on? I swallowed my last forkful and put my plate in the sink before practically sprinting into the morning air. It smelled sweet- far better than it did yesterday. I didn't feel like heading to town, so I took a quick glance around before heading straight towards the woods. Something about them intrigued me. It was like something or someone was pulling me into them- only to be dragged deeper into the green abyss. I swallowed and took my first step into the forest just as something darted past my line of sight. What the fuck? It appeared the same way the wisp had yesterday. If I didn't know better I'd say this place was haunted. I took another step and breathed deeply- this should be an interesting walk.


Ok chapter two is done. I think it kinda sucked but ya know. What evs. Please comment if you have advice for me or this story- it is greatly appreciated. And idk when the next update will be. Til then-

Carry on :3 -twisted

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