HyperDimension Neptunia Rebir...

By KazumaAkimoto

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Four years has passed since ASIC's downfall and the Deity of Sin's defeat, peace has finally return to Gamind... More

Main Protagonists and Characters
Prologue: The Fated Battle of four years ago.
Hansuke's arrival at Gamindustri, the story of the Dragneel Family
The Goddess of Leanbox, meeting with Vert
Invasion of Leanbox, the attack of the Heartless
A giant Heartless appear, Vs The Guard Armor
Let's go to Lastation, meeting with Noire
Noire's sadness, the memories of Uni
The Legend of Uni, one of the heros who saved Gamindustri
GRIM REAPER made their move, Apparition of Ōkui
Vs Ōkui the Sin of Gluttony, The Will of Noire
Planeptune here we go, The Goddess Neptune has arrival
Meeting with Histoire the Oracle of Planeptune.
Saved just in time, Meiun Inochi save the day
Warechu strike back, Vs Demon Tide
Neptune's decision, for the sake of Gamindustri
Monsters hunt, Apparition of Marvy, CC2, Tekken and Broccoli
Arrival at Lowee, The Land of White Serenity
All the Goddesses reunited, Blanc the Goddess of Lowee
The sadness of Blanc, her memories of Rom & Ram
Blanc's culpability, the day where her life was devastated
Lowee's in danger, All ready to protect what we hold dear
The rage of Blanc, Vs Hokori the Sin of Pride
Desire to save people she hold dear, Blanc's decision
Reunion of cousins, 5pb. & MAGES
A great adventurer, Falcom in action
Onward the Keyblade Graveyard, Legends Awakening
Saving the Legends, Vs Ikari the Sin of Wrath
Reunion of destiny, the return of Fuyu Dragneel, Asuka Shimada & Genji Shimada
Warechu turned into a monster, Gamindustri in danger
Stopping the rampaging Rat, Vs Warechu
A lot of Pride, Hokori release his full power
Desperate time for desperate measures, Histoire got kidnapped again
Saving Histoire, Ōkui transformed into a fallen angel
Taking back Planeptune, Vs Senbō The Sin of Envy & GRIM REAPER's Leader
A calamity approach, The Reaper is revived
In search for a solution, the Ultimate Key, the X-Blade
The four Lords of Death revived, the battle for the fate of Gamindustri
Relaxing before the final battle, the girls's feelings
Time to end this endless war for good, Vs True Reaper
My friends and My family are my power, The end of The Reaper
The beginning of a new era, Hansuke's happy life

Neptune most precious memories, The legend of Planeptune's heroin Nepgear

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By KazumaAkimoto

Neptune's POV

After meeting with Hansuke, Noire, Vert and the rest of their group, i have learned that my sister Nepgear who i thought was dead for so long, was still alive, but she was held captive at the Keyblade Graveyard after her defeat along side Kazuma, Uni, Rom & Ram, hearing that she was alive was a relief, my fighting spirit that was crushed revived an a instant and my former self with it.

Night was already out, but i couldn't sleep so i when to the balcony to take some fresh air until i see Hansuke and Noire.

Neptune: oh ! hi Hansuke ! Noire !

Hansuke: oh ! it's you Neptune.

Noire: what are you doing on the balcony ?

Neptune: well, i couldn't sleep so i wanted to take some fresh air. but what are you two doing at the balcony at this hour ?

Hansuke: me and Noire were reminiscing of the past events.

Noire: you know what we made reference to Neptune ?

Neptune: yes, the events of the previous book that the author made this year based on the events of our second game and some of the events based on his very first book back in 2017.

Hansuke: did she always break the 4th wall like that Noire ?

Noire: yes babe, it's always like that, me too i was annoyed by it at the beginning, but with time you get used to it.

Hansuke: i see. i understand.

Neptune: so what are you two reminiscing about ?

Noire: well, Hansuke remember his time where his mother was still alive, those happy days he used to live.

Neptune: i see what you mean, those days are very important to you right ?

Hansuke: yes, with our parents we played a lot, having good times and even go to vacation to visit new place and bring back some souvenirs.

Neptune: what kind of souvenir you usually brought back ?

Hansuke: usually it's things like Manekineko, some fan to decorate the house and others.

Neptune: i see, did you also brought video game console during those time ?

Hansuke: off course, Fuyu and i love games so much, we usually playing against each other in racing games, fighting games and a lot more.

Noire: sounds like you and your brother played a lot.

Hansuke: yes, even at young age, we argued over small stuff, but our brawl were not like we did as adult.

Neptune: i can already think of what would happen if you both begin to cause a brawl here after an argument goes wrong.

Hansuke: yes, you can say that we like two side of a coin, Yin & Yang.

Neptune: what a story. but tell me Noire, do you love Hansuke this much ?

Noire: yes, he give me back something that i have lost for four years since Uni's disappearance, my will of living, i decide to stay by his side for the rest of my life.

Neptune: so you really love him do you ?

Noire: yes, i love him.

Hansuke: and i love you babe.

Neptune: whoa ! never thought i'd seeing the day where Noire finally found her boyfriend.

Noire: anyway Neptune, did your nation have a commemorative statue of Nepgear and Kazuma ?

Neptune: yes, i do and as a matter of fact, Planeptune have both the statue of Kazuma and Nepgear, they were placed at the park of Planeptune.

Hansuke: that's great, maybe tomorrow we can go see it right ?

Noire: yes, since those monsters won't appear anytime soon, we can enjoy our day.

Neptune: alright you two lovebirds, let's go to sleep, tomorrow i will lead you both to where the commemorative statue of both Nepgear and Kazuma are.

Noire & Hansuke: okay.

We come back inside the Basilicom and head to our bedroom to get some sleep, Noire sleep by Hansuke's side make me feel happy and i can see the smile on her beautiful face, i hope this happiness she have with Hansuke will stay this way.

The next day, i wake up from bed, after taking a good shower i head to the kitchen and see my old friend Compa preparing breakfast to everyone.

Neptune: hi Compa ! how'd it going ?

Compa: i'm good Nep-Nep.

Compa is one of my best friends with IF also known as Iffy, i have meet time a long time ago when they were participate as an climbing events, they are also part of the people who helped Hansuke's brother Kazuma when ASIC was active.

Compa: so where's the older brother of Kazuma ?

Neptune: he's still sleeping with Noire in their bedroom.

Compa: huh ? did he and Noire....

Neptune: well you could say that they are lovers, i saw them sleeping in the same bed on my way to the kitchen.

Compa: *surprised* whoa ! so Lady Noire does have a boyfriend now.

Neptune: yes, she and Hansuke are similar in every way, but i never thought Noire could find a boyfriend like him.

Compa: oh ! aren't perhaps.... jealous ?

At this word, i blushed and try to denied that i'am jealous of Noire for having a boyfriend like Hansuke, but i decide not to show it as it could led to misunderstanding, how ironic i always called Noire a tsundere and now i'm the one turning into a Tsundere.

Neptune: *blushing* wh-wh-what do you say ! i'm not je-je-jealous or anything.

Compa: Nep-Nep, did you turn into a tsundere like Noire ?

Neptune: *blushing* no.... i'm not a tsundere like Noire, why do you ask, anyway i go eat at the balcony.

I take my lunch and head to the balcony to eat, Compa smiled at me as she know that i turned into a tsundere when it comes to Noire and Hansuke.

Compa: oh Nep-Nep, you really turn into a Tsundere when it comes to Noire and Hansuke, i can sense the jealousy within her.

???: i sensed too.

Compa: oh ! welcome back Iffy !

IF better known as Iffy is the wind walker of Gamindustri and an agent working at the guild, she is also the best friend of Compa and Neptune and one of the people who helped Kazuma against ASIC four years ago.

IF: how are you Compa ?

Compa: good as always, i just talked to Nep-Nep before you arrival, i guess you already know.

IF: yes, i can't believe she actually turn into a Tsundere when the topic concern Noire and this Hansuke person.

Compa: i wonder who he is ?

IF: maybe we can ask Nep-Nep about him, i saw going to the balcony, let's go see her.

Compa: okie dokie.

They both headed to the balcony where i was eating my munch, i greet Iffy with a happy face, Iffy asked me about Hansuke and wonder who he is, so i tell her everything i know about him.

IF: hi Nep !

Neptune: hi Iffy it's been a while, how are you ?

IF: good, i came to see how you were doing, but tell me who is this Hansuke ?

Neptune: i see, well Hansuke is none other than Kazuma's older brother.

Compa & IF: *shocked* what ! he is Kazuma's big brother !

Neptune: yes and not only that, he is the lover of Noire.

IF: i see, but why is he here in Gamindustri ?

Neptune: well, he is here to save his brother, my sister Nepgear, Uni, Rom & Ram from their captivity at the Keyblade Graveyard and also to settled a grudge that started many years ago.

Compa: what do you mean ?

Neptune: Hansuke's mother is the reason why the Dragneel Family suffer many loss, his mother's death was the trigger of all this.

Compa: *shocked* what ! so did he witness his mother's death ?

Neptune: yes and it left a mark in his heart and ruining his chances of having a happy life, ever since that day, he and his family got themselves locked in a endless war against GRIM REAPER that bring only pain, sadness and destruction and it continued until now.

IF: so GRIM REAPER finally made their moves.

Neptune: yes, Noire and Vert told me that both Lastation and Leanbox suffered attacks from them, but they were saved thanks to Hansuke.

Compa: that's horrible.

Neptune: yes it is, Hansuke cannot stand seeing this much destruction cause by GRIM REAPER.

IF: so he wants to save not only his brother but also the CPU Candidates that went with him at the Keyblade Graveyard right ?

Neptune: yes, but in order to save them, he needs help from everyone who helped Kazuma four years ago, that includes you both.

IF: i see, that's truth that we helped Kazuma back when ASIC was active, beside we own Kazuma a lot for saving our world.

Compa: we wanted to return the favor ever since that day and i guess the time has come.

Neptune: so you really wanted to help him ?

IF: off course, if Hansuke want our help then he got it, we will provide support to him.

Compa: i hope that we can save Ge-Ge, Kazuma and the rest of the CPU Candidates from that horrible place.

I look at the sky and hope that we can save them from that terrible fate, upon realizing how much Hansuke deeply care about his family and us, i decided to help him as well. hiw words re-enlighten my resolution and fighting spirit.

Neptune: if you two are gonna help him, then count me in, as the main character the good will always triumph over Evil.

IF & Compa: right.

Noire's POV

Me and Hansuke were still in our bed sleeping until i wake up, i rested for a while now, i wake up Hansuke and he open his eyes with a smile on his face, he's such a sleepyhead sometimes but i don't mind.

Hansuke: mmmm...... it is morning already ?

Noie: good morning sleepyhead.

Hansuke: good morning babe, did you sleep well ?

Noire: yeah, what about you ?

Hansuke: same as you. being with you really warm my heart.

Noire "blushing": i'm happy that you said that Hansuke dear, also you being with me also warm my heart, i can't stop hearing my heartbeat.

Hansuke: if you are happy then i'm happy Noire, i'm gonna make you the most happiest woman in the world.

Noire "blushing": awwwww.... darling it's so kind of you, i also want to make the most happiest man in the world.

The two of us stare at each other until we heard someone knocking at our door, we ask who it is and we heard Mina & Chika's voice.

*sound of door knocking*

Noire: huh ? i wonder who 's knocking at our door.

Hansuke: maybe we should ask who is it.

Noire: good idea, who's knocking at our door ?

Mina: Noire, Hansuke, it's Mina & Chika.

Hansuke: oh ! okay you can come in.

Both Mina and Chika enter our room and sit on ground, they told me and Noire that everyone is awake and ask us what shall we do.

Mina: sorry to disturb you both in your sleep.

Noire: it's okay Mina, Hansuke and i just wake up.

Chika: everyone is awake now, so what shall we do ?

Hansuke: we need to find out who's summoned the Heartless here in Planeptune and stop him before he could cause more damages, me and Noire will go asking Neptune to show us the commemorative statue of my brother and Nepgear.

Chika: i see, you wanted to see those statues that Gamindustri build in memory of your brother and Nepgear as Gamindustri's heroes.

Hansuke: yes.

Noire: he really wanted to see it, this is something important for him.

Chika: we understand.

Hansuke: anyway, once we finished eating our lunch, we will go where the statues are, if you girls found anything about the one who summoned those monsters, please let us know.

Mina: you can count on us Hansuke.

Chika: just leave it to us.

Hansuke: okay, please be careful. Whoever's behind this might known we're here.

Chika: okay.

Both girls leave our room as we put our clothes on and headed to the kitchen where we see Neptune along with IF and Compa, off course Hansuke doesn't know them due to not introducing themselves to each other.

Neptune: good morning Noire, Hansuke.

Hansuke: hello Neptune, who are those two girls with you ?

Neptune: these are my best friends, Compa and Iffy. Compa, Iffy this is Hansuke Dragneel the older brother of Kazuma.

IF: it's a pleasure to meet you Hansuke, i finally got to meet Kazuma's big brother.

Compa: i'm honored to meet you too.

Hansuke: i'm happy to meet you both, so i suppose Neptune did tell you everything about me ?

Compa: yes, we know everything about you Mister Hansuke, from the day of your birth until the events that led you and you family to go on a endless war against GRIM REAPER.

IF: we were horrified to know how much you and family suffered after your mother's death.

Hansuke: i know, she's the reason why our family is fighting GRIM REAPER for years.

Compa: by the way, we heard from Nep-Nep that you wanted to save Kazuma, Ge-Ge and the rest of the CPU Candidates who are held captive at the Keyblade Graveyard.

Hansuke: yes, but i can't do this alone, seeing how powerful those who led GRIM REAPER are.

IF: i understand, you already fought one of them, the one who call himself Ōkui The Sin of Gluttony.

Hansuke: you know him ?

IF: yes, he was the one who battled Nepgear and her group four years ago and end up losing.

Noire: yeah, the one who can't accept defeat.

Compa: we are aware of how powerful he is, but it doesn't matter, you searched for the people who helped Kazuma against ASIC back in the past, then you can count on me and Iffy to help you out.

Hansuke: i'm glad to head that, but are you sure ?

IF: off course, we've own you brother a lot since he saved Gamindustri from the Deity of Sin and now i think the time has come for both me and Compa to return the favor to him.

Noire: such reliable friends as always, right Neptune ?

Neptune: yes, they are my best friends after all, at least we will have more screen time in this sequel.

Hansuke: still good to break the 4th wall as always, eheheheh i guess i will quickly get use to it.

Noire: yeah, by the way Neptune, can you led us to the commemorative statue of Nepgear and Kazuma ?

Neptune: yes, off course that's the least i can do for you both.

IF: Nep, me and Compa are going now, we will call you if we saw anything suspicious.

Neptune: okay Iffy just be careful there with those monsters around, it's better to not let our guard down.

Compa: don't worry Nep-Nep we will be okay.

Both girls leave the kitchen leaving me, Hansuke and Neptune who led us to where the commemorative statue are.

Neptune: it is your first time here in Planeptune Hansuke ?

Hansuke: yes, it is my first time here Neptune, Kazuma know this place better than me.

Noire: if you want i will show you the city with Neptune acting as our guide, right Neptune ?

Neptune: i don't mind, beside i own a lot to your brother, saving Gamindustri from ASIC and Arfoire is quite something, all of Gamindustri started to revered him, my sister, Uni, Rom & Ram as legendary heroes after those events.

Hansuke: so my little brother became extremely famous around here.

Neptune: yep and there's even streets that has been named after him and the Dragneel Family, as for my sister and her friends they appear in every magazine books which make them famous as well.

Noire: i never though Uni could be a celebrity, i'm quite surprise.

Hansuke: me too, anyway Neptune are we there yet ?

Neptune: they are right there.

Both of us look in front of us and there were huge statue of Kazuma and Nepgear from afar, i guess the city build them as a commemorative place to remember what they did to save our world.

Hansuke: so this is Nepgear and Kazuma's statues that we saw from where we are !

Noire: whoa ! they are so huge.

Neptune: indeed, four years ago after they left for the Keyblade Graveyard, all of Gamindustri decide to build statues of them to remember the heroic actions that saved Gamindustri.

Noire: just like Uni's statue at Lastation.

Neptune: that's right.

Noire: by the way Neptune, there's something i've been thinking for a while....

Neptune: tell me Noire.

Noire: did you turn Tsundere when the conversation concern Hansuke ?

At those words i notice that Neptune start blushing and try to denied it, which confirm that she indeed turn Tsundere when it comes to my darling, i know that i'm a tsundere from time to time, but i never thought Neptune could turn into one.

Neptune: *blushing* wh-wh-what are saying ? i'm-i'm-i'm not a tsundere like you.

Noire: oh boy, that's true that i'am a Tsundere but you, look at you, you are blushing, the way you reacting and even trying to denied it, i never thought you would be like that with me.

Neptune: *blushing* wh-wh-what are you saying ? i'm perfectly fine, anyway, come on i led you both to the where the commemorative statue of Kazuma and Nepgear are.

I never thought i'd say this, but i couldn't stop myself from laughing at the fact that Neptune is now a Tsundere, but i kinda miss the cheerful Neptune that i always known, i hope we save Nepgear, Uni, Rom, Ram and Kazuma, if we do maybe her old personality will return.

Several minutes later, we arrival at the park of Planeptune where the commemorative statue is located, we look at them and we not only surprise but also happy to see that our siblings became worldwide known after everything they've done to save our world.

Neptune: here we are.

Hansuke: *amazed* so this is my brother's commemorative statue ! whoa, it's so beautiful.

Noire: glad you like it darling, there's even Nepgear's statue next to him.

Hansuke: i can say that he make me proud, you know our family have done everything to protect our world and bring peace back, saving a whole world is an big accomplishment in our family.

Noire: really ?

Hansuke: really.

Neptune: so saving an entire world is a family thing ?

Hansuke: yes, we saved our world more than once.

Neptune: *amazed* that's awesome, i wish i could heard your stories.

Hansuke: yes, but now we need to focus on what's important now and you know what i mean Noire ?

Noire: yes, we need to discover who summoned the Heartless here in Planeptune and it will continue as long as that person remain here.

Neptune: excuse me, but who are the Heartless.

Hansuke: i guess it's a good time to explain to you who they are.

Hansuke's POV

Neptune begin to listen closely to what i'm about to say concerning the Heartless, Noire was by my side looking at her as i'm about to speak.

Hansuke: Neptune, those creatures that invaded Planeptune are called Heartless, they are beings who are the physical manifestation of the darkness within people's hearts, they are devoid of emotions and since they don't have a master of their own, they tend to attack anyone indiscriminately,  they also seek and consume hearts.

Neptune: i see, is there any type of Heartless i should be aware of ?

Hansuke: yes there are two types, the Pureblood Heartless who are born naturally from the darkness within people's hearts, They are ink-black in color, with yellow beady eyes. They are more common in places that are close to or saturated in darkness. Upon their destruction, they simply disappear in puffs of darkness.

Neptune: i see, what is the second type ?

Noire: darling can i take it from here ?

Hansuke: yes babe, you can.

Noire: okay, so Neptune, the second type of Heartless that we will be fighting are the Emblem Heartless who were created in a certain Lab. According to a Secret Report Mina read about them, They were created by a man named Xehanort using the Pureblood as synthesizing material. They are usually more powerful than normal Heartless and they all bear the Heartless Emblem. in addition to this, when an emblem Heartless is destroyed, it release a heart.

Neptune: whoa ! so if i get this right, those monsters known as Heartless are a great danger to everyone.

Hansuke: right, they usually wander in a place called the realm of darkness, but when they sense someone with a powerful affinity to darkness they allied themselves to them and can be used as their minions.

Neptune was surprise at what she just heard about the Heartless, she then ask what happen to those whose affinity with Darkness are weak.

Neptune: i see, but what happen to those who tried to control the Heartless if their affinity with darkness and their will is weak ?

Noire: from what Hansuke told me Neptune, if they tried to control them with their affinity with Darkness and their will being weak, the Heartless will not think twice before consuming their hearts.

Neptune: how horrible, this is a terrible consequence for attempting to control them.

Hansuke: yes, their presence endangered the world more than once, when my brother Fuyu, Asuka and Genji sealed The Reaper away all of them vanished without a trace.

Neptune: but with GRIM REAPER around, they started to showing up again.

Noire: yes, and they are also seeking the wielders of the Keyblade.

Neptune: the Keyblade ? like the one Kazuma had back in the day ?

Hansuke: yes, here i show you.

I raise my hand and summon my Keyblade in front fo Neptune who was amazed by the weapon, she then realize that i was one of the Keyblade wielders from the time of the ancient Keyblade War.

Neptune: *amazed* that's your Keyblade ! that's amazing, but that mean that you are also from the time of the ancient Keyblade War !

Hansuke: whoa ! what a great perspective.

Noire: she seems so intelligent. i guess she remember that Kazuma was also from that time.

Hansuke: i bet she do. Anyway Neptune, can you tell me about your sister Nepgear, how she was born into this world ?

Neptune: it happen many years ago, when i gathered a lot of Shares for Planeptune, Histoire called me and introduced me to Nepgear my dear little sister, she was born from the people's faith which make her the CPU Candidate of Planeptune.

Hansuke: you were so happy to have a little sister right ?

Neptune: yes, i was extremely happy, even Iffy and Compa were happy for me.

Noire: just like for me and Uni.

Hansuke: by the way, when i saw the picture of you and Nepgear, she look more taller than you which sometimes make me confuse her as your big sister.

Neptune: i know that, people gets that a lot. we got used to it,  but you know, i really miss her.

Hansuke: don't worry Neptune we will save her, if there's one thing i've learn from being a member of the Dragneel Family is that we won't turn our back to the people who need our help.

Noire: is that some kind of rule in your family ?

Hansuke: you can say, it's my family's alma mater.

Neptune: eheheheheh, i wished i could meet you family Hansuke. anyway let's go back to the Basilicom, i want to introduce you to Histy.

Hansuke: sounds good to me.

Noire: okay then let's go back to the Basilicom to see Histoire.

Neptune: alright then, let's move out.

We then start to move back to the Basilicom where Neptune want me to meet Histoire, the oracle of Planeptune, i wonder what she look like, i heard of her before but i don't know what she look like, i guess it will be the first time for me to meet her in person.

Kei's POV

As Hansuke and Noire was with Neptune at the park where the commemorative statues of Kazuma and Nepgear were, i was walking around Planeptune along with Mina and Chika and talked about various stuff like video games, magazine and other, Hansuke was also the main topic of speaking.

Kei: i see that Planeptune hasn't changed ever since that day.

Chika: yes, it is still so advanced in term of technology, i bet Neptune did a lot to maintain the nation.

Mina: but still she suffer a lot when Nepgear disappear, i understand how she feeling, it was the same for me and Blanc with Rom & Ram.

Chika: i know, you was their instructor and guardian when Blanc was held captive at the Gamindustri Graveyard.

Mina: yeah, i was in despair until i meet Kazuma, even thought he was a stranger to all of us, he did the impossible, he united all of the CPU Candidates, free the Goddesses and saved the world from the Deity of Sin.

Chika: those powers Kazuma possess when he got here the first time, he truly inherited them from the main members of the Dragneel Family.

Kei: i remember as well, he even managed to do serious damages to CFW Judge when he first arrival in our world.

Mina: without him, we wouldn't be able to save the Goddesses from their captivity, but i know that he has also his fight against GRIM REAPER that continued ever since the Keyblade War.

Chika: i understand, when Nepgear and the others saw his most sadden memory, they were crying and feel very sad about what happened to him.

Kei: same for Hansuke, he lost almost everyone he love from his family, only Kazuma remain alive, if he were to lose him, he won't be able to hold his emotions, the sadness build inside him keep increasing ever since that day.

Mina: i know what you mean.

Mina remember how sad Hansuke was when he lost his mother, i couldn't even imagine what would happen if he were to lost Kazuma as well, it would be a disaster.

Kei: Kazuma did much for us, if something were to happen to him, Hansuke's heart will shatter, i don't want something like that to happen to him, he is so nice and passionate boy, he didn't deserve the pain and tragedy that fallen upon him and his family.

Chika: me too, beside Noire is the only one who known about it, since she had a dream in which she saw what he used to be and what happen after his beloved mother died.

Mina: i know, we vowed ourselves to help him destroy GRIM REAPER and ending the conflict that started long ago.

Chika: that's right and once that's done, we will bring him back to the happy life he used to live.

Kei: i couldn't agree more.

At this moment, we saw someone suspicious walking in front of us, we decide to follow him to see who it was, the person remove his hood from his head and reveal to be that rat that i frozen back at Leanbox.

Chika: it's that rat !

Kei: him again ! i thought he was frozen by you Mina.

Mina: yeah, but i knew that one way or another he would escape, so i'm gonna have to freeze him again.

Chika: funny, i remember Kazuma doing the same thing and everytime that rat get frozen, he find a way to unfroze himself and escape.

Kei: i bet it left him a mark on him and he literally freak out when he appear.

Mina: then as the heir of Kazuma's Ice Demon powers, i will gladly make him remember that fear that Kazuma gave him to make sure he remember of the multiple punishment he got from him.

Chika: you said it.

Kei: for now we better call Hansuke and Noire and warn them about the presence of the rat.

Chika: okay. but what are we gonna do on our side ?

Mina: we continue to follow him, i don't what's he doing here, but something tells me he is on a important mission for GRIM REAPER.

Kei: then we better follow him, i will call our two lovebirds along the way.

We decide to follow the rat and see what he's been up to, i still remember how much he got scared from Kazuma due to him freezing him solid everytime they meet, it left a deep scar in his soul, since he thought he isn't here anymore, i'm gonna make sure to let him know that he is still alive by doing what Kazuma always do to him. and hope it will stay in his mind for all eternity.

Chapter End

That's all for chapter 11, i hope you enjoyed the chapter

Next Time in HyperDimension Neptunia Rebirth 2 X Male Reader: The legends return

Chapter 12: Meeting with Histoire the Oracle of Planeptune

See you next time everyone and take care

KazumaAkimoto out

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World in Conflict x Izetta: The Last Witch. This is the OVA and the Movie, this story will setting in year 1989, when the three battalion, the US, NA...
8.8K 241 29
Visitors from Terra / Part II ------- It had been half a year since Amiya and her friends had left Earth. Everyone onboard Rhodes Island though that...