Highly Inappropriate

By ohfuckoff23

801K 27.2K 22.3K

Alex García is your typical badass lesbian starting her last year of highschool. She has a very complicated f... More



9.1K 373 349
By ohfuckoff23

Since nothing eventful or worth mentioning happened, let's fast forward to March, shall we?

Chicago was graced once again with one of the coldest winters ever, annoying the shit out of me every time I stepped outside. Snow was covering every inch of the city and I honestly lost count of the times I slipped and fell on my ass, very much to everyone else's amusement.

I was clocking out after the umpteenth night shift, Tyler and I lazily and silently making it to the parking lot before going our separate ways.

Weirdly enough, I wasn't feeling exhausted like I usually did after pulling an all-nighter, and realizing it was almost lunch time for normal people with normal jobs, I figured I'd pick up some sandwiches and show my pretty face at Ashley's school for a change and surprise her.

After asking a random student to point me towards Ashley's class, it wasn't long before I was leaning against the doorframe, a smirk playing on my lips as I took her in. Sitting leg-crossed at her desk, she was too engrossed in whatever she was doing to even notice my presence, allowing my eyes to travel along her body. She was wearing a button up white blouse tucked in a pair of skinny black jeans, a pair of black high heels to match them. I had to smile as certain flashbacks and sexy outfits came to mind, proving to me once again that she didn't dress up nice 'just for the sake of it' when I was her student.

"Well, this certainly brings back a lot of memories.", I hummed, her eyes snapping in my direction as a wide smile made its way to her lips.

"Hey baby!", she squealed, immediately dropping what she was doing to come greet me at the door. "What are you doing here?!"

"Bringing you lunch, obviously.", I smirked, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her in for a kiss. "You know lunch breaks are made for people to actually eat, right?"

"And you know I hate bringing work at home.", she retorted, a cheeky grin coming my way as she pecked my lips once again. "I wanted to call you earlier but I didn't want to get in the way of your sleep.. which isn't what you should be doing, by the way?"

"Yeah well..", I trailed off as I took off my jacket and made my way inside her class, placing our lunch on her desk before sinking into a nearby chair. "Thankfully, my shift was quite uneventful, which allowed me to take a three hour power nap. And since I missed your sorry ass and I never came to see you at work, I figured I'd surprise you."

"Oh, you missed me?", she pouted as she took out our sandwiches, handed me one and sat on my lap.

"Didn't you?"

"Always.", she smirked, causing me to chuckle.

"Now eat before it gets cold, Miss Stevens.", I stuck my tongue out at her, an amused shake of the head coming my way.

We fell into a comfortable silence as we dug in, me not realizing how much I was in fact starving to death until I started eating.

I should've gotten more sandwiches.

"Is everything ready for Shay's birthday party tomorrow?", I mumbled as I swallowed the last piece of bread. "Is there anything you need me to do when I get home?"

"No baby.", she replied, her hand gently cupping my face as her thumb ran across my lower lip, no doubt getting rid of whatever food residue there was. "Everything's ready. What I need you to do is to get some rest and get ready for tonight's dinner."

Oh right, the dinner. One of Ashley's colleagues was turning 60 and he had the brilliant idea of hosting a dinner at a fancy restaurant, and I was her plus one. I really, really didn't wanna go, but it's no secret I agreed to it right away when Ashley asked.


"Yay.", I forcefully cheered, fist-bumping the air under Ashley's amused gaze. "Can't wait."

"You're a terrible liar, García.", she chuckled, leaning down to brush her lips against mine as her arms snaked around my neck and pulled me closer.

"You know..", I trailed off, bringing my lips to her neck as her body tensed up immediately, my hands not so subtly roaming her thighs. "We never got the chance to have sex in your class, Miss Stevens."

"Mm, are you suggesting we make up for that?", she husked, a low moan escaping her throat as I sucked on her weak spot.

"Hell yeah."

But just as I was about to reach for the hem of her jeans, there was a knock on the door, resulting in two annoyed groans to echo in the room.

With Ashley getting to her feet and quickly adjusting herself, she invited whoever it was to come in.

Huffing, I watched as a girl made her way inside the classroom, my eyes inevitably taking her in. She was a tall, skinny girl with long red hair tied up into a high ponytail, freckles all over her face that in all honesty suited her very well, and sparkly blue eyes that didn't even bother to acknowledge my presence whatsoever.

The fact that she was cute and sexy didn't bother me in the slightest. What really bothered me- actually, what was really pissing me off was the fact that she was shamelessly eye-fucking my girlfriend, and I swear to God-

"How may I help you, Miss..?", Ashley trailed off, seemingly having trouble to even remember this girl's name.

Way to go, babe.

"Come on, you seriously still don't remember my name, Miss Stevens?", she frowned, a teasing smirk coming her way.

Listen, you little sh-

"You wanted to ask me something?", Ashley questioned, unfazed by the girl whatsoever.

"No.", she deadpanned, subtly rolling her eyes in the process as she made her way to the desk and handed it to her. "I went home to grab the paper that was due this morning- oh, hi.", she greeted as she finally spotted me sitting behind Ashley's figure, her gaze taking in every inch of my body this time as she absentmindedly bit her lip under Ashley's unimpressed glare.

I just limited myself to a nod of the head, my eyes shooting daggers at her nonetheless as I couldn't wait for this bitch to leave.

"Is that all?", Ashley questioned after my lack of response as she quickly stacked her paper along with the others.

"Yeah, for now.", she smirked, her eyes landing back on her figure and lingering longer than I liked before she motioned for the door. "And it's Riley Smith, by the way."

Ashley didn't even bother to reply as she went to the door and locked it, a muffled squeal coming my way since as soon as she turned around, I was quick to smash my lips against hers. Snaking her arms around my neck, I pushed her against the door as my tongue found easy access in her mouth, eager to explore every inch of it.

Bringing my my lips to her neck and sucking hard on her weak spot, I quickly undid the button to her jeans and slipped a hand in her underwear, my fingers being greeted by two drenched folds.

"S-shit.", she moaned, one hand entangling itself in my hair and pulling me closer while she grabbed my wrist with the other, actually encouraging me to push my fingers deeper.

Truth to be told, I wasn't in a talkative mood. I was pissed off out of my mind and I was taking it out on her.

Hence why I found myself roughly thrusting and pushing my fingers inside of her as far as I could, her walls tightening soon after as she came unraveled before me, her moans quickly followed by a deafening silence as I wrapped my arms around her body and held her tight, my face still hidden in the crook of her neck.

"Alex..? Are you okay?", Ashley whispered after a while as she gently stroked my hair.

All I could do was shake my head. With my heart hammering against my chest, I had no idea what the fuck possessed me and I didn't like what I just did one bit.

"Hey baby, talk to me..", she cooed, pushing me away ever so slightly just to be greeted by a pair of green watery eyes. "What is it?"

"You terrify me.", I croaked out as I drowned into her now puzzled yet concerned eyes. "I-.. I just look at you and I just love you, Ash. And it still terrifies the living shit out of me, just like it terrifies me what I just did. It was as if I was trying to make a weird fucked up statement by-"

"Alex, it's okay.", she cut me off with a warm smile, gently cupping my cheeks and forcing me to look at her as I tried to look away. "You got jealous just like I did when that girl laid her eyes on you. And if by fucking me you wanted to make a statement along the lines of 'you're mine', then by all means, go ahead.", she subtly teased, a small smile escaping my lips as she planted a kiss to my forehead. "Cause I am."

I was indeed jealous out of my mind.

"I.. I just don't wanna lose you, period."

"And I'm not going anywhere, I mean it.", she whispered, brushing away a stray tear from my cheek as her eyes never left mine. "I love you baby."

"How is it that my heart still skips a beat when I hear you say that?", I questioned, a foolish grin creeping up on me.

"I could ask you the same thing.", she smirked, leaning forward to deliver a gentle kiss to my lips.

"Is that bitch giving you a hard time? Is she gonna be a problem?", I frowned, a soft chuckle coming my way.

"Relax, she's just a royal and annoying pain in the ass.", she reassured before seductively biting her lower lip. "She actually reminds me of a certain someone."

"I was nothing like her.", I groaned, rolling my eyes at her.

"You're right. You were worse.", she hummed, an offended gasp escaping my throat as I unsuccessfully tried to squirm out of her arms. "Too bad I had, and still have, a major crush on you."

"Nice recovery, Miss Stevens.", I smirked, blushing like a moron nonetheless.

She was about to bite back when her phone started ringing, resulting in us parting from each other's embrace as she walked to her desk in order to answer it. I took that as my chance to check mine as well, seeing I had several texts from Jess asking where the hell I was. Facepalming as I remembered I was supposed to grab coffee with her, I typed in a quick reply.

"Shit.", Ashley mumbled, eventually grabbing my attention.

"What is it?"

"Shay's school called.", she trailed off, taking in my sudden concern. "She's okay, no need to panic. However, there has been an 'incident', as the Principal put it, and they need me to go down there for a talk. He didn't give me other details-"

"Well, let's go.", I cut her off, grabbing my jacket and slipping it on.

"Alex, I have a class in 5 minutes, I can't just step out like this, not to mention I have a staff meeting later- fuck."

"Okay, then I'll go."

"Honey, you've been up all night, I can't ask you to-"

"You're not asking, I'm offering.", I smirked, leaning forward to peck her lips, a shy smile coming my way.

"You sure?"

"Positive.", I nodded as I made my way to the door, a cheeky grin on my lips as I took her in from afar. "You might wanna close your jeans back up and warn the Principal that it's gonna be me at the meeting."

"Whoops.", she grinned shyly, adjusting herself and grabbing her phone. "Thank you baby."

"No worries, Miss Stevens. I'll see you at home."


I rushed to Shay's school, wondering what the hell happened this time. She wasn't usually incline to get in trouble, but we could say that little girl sure had a temper when things weren't going her way, and this was definitely not the first time Ashley was summoned by the Principal.

It was however the first time that I had to go on her behalf, but I wasn't actually worried since my brothers were in the Principal's office all the time.

"Come in.", a male voice greeted me behind the door, a middle-aged man coming into view as I made my way inside. "You must be Alex, correct?"

"That would be me.", I nodded, stretching my arm forward as he stood to shake my hand. "Nice to meet you."

"Likewise. Please, take a seat.", he urged as he sat back down behind his desk.

Taking off my jacket, my eyes landed on a cheeky grin I knew all too well before landing on another little girl and what I assumed to be her mother sitting besides her.

"Uh, didn't see you there, my bad. I'm Al-"

"Whatever, can we get this over with?", she sighed in annoyance, brushing me off and blatantly scrunching up her nose at the visible tattoos popping out of my sleeve.

Well fuck you, ma'am.

Not so subtly releasing a scoff, I took a seat next to Shay, gently stroking her cheek before I brought my eyes to the Principal as he cleared his throat to speak.

"It was brought to my attention that Shay allegedly addressed Chloe..", he trailed off, gesturing to the grumpy child on my right. "Using an inappropriate term."

"Such as..?", I frowned, quickly annoyed by the slowness of this conversation as I fished a water bottle from my bag.

Just get to the point already.

"She called me the b-word.", Chloe huffed, folding her arms across her chest.

"You didn't.", I gritted under my breath as I brought my eyes to Shay.

"I didn't.", she repeated, rolling her eyes and flashing me a dead serious look. "I swear."

I studied her for a good ten seconds before coming to the conclusion that she was in fact telling the truth. It was true she was a troublemaker, but lying just wasn't in her nature.

"Yeah, right.", that bitch snorted, causing me to clench my jaw and the Principal to let out an annoyed sigh.

I was glad to see she wasn't just getting on my nerves.

"Well, did any of the teachers or other students hear her say that?", I inquired, focusing my attention to the man sitting in front of us. "Cause Shay never uses such terms nor is she exposed to them at home, so as far as I'm concerned, if nobody else heard her say that, it's Shay's word against Chloe's."

"As a matter of fact, no-one did.", the Principal deadpanned, a small smile coming our way as he looked at me from behind his glasses.

"So what, you're gonna take her word over my daughter's?", bitch inquired, causing me to literally swallow a groan.

"I'm not picking sides here, Miss- whatever.", he shrugged nonchalantly, not bothering to even look at her.

I could tell by his demeanor around her that she was in this office a lot, much to his joy.

"Anyway, whether she called her that or not, it was my job to call you both in today.", he added as he leaned back in his chair. "We have zero tolerance towards these kind of incidents, but since we have no actual proof going in neither one's favor, as Alex here politely pointed out, and since I'm in a relatively good mood today, I will let this one slide. Not before-", he quickly gritted as I saw the bitch's figure already standing up from her chair. "Not before the girls apologize to each other."

"Jesus- just apologize, you're making me late for my spa treatment.", I heard her mumble under her breath, causing me to roll my eyes as she nudged her daughter.

"I'm sorry.", Chloe huffed, not sorry in the slightest whatsoever.

Turning the cap on my water bottle, I had to look to my left as Chloe's apology was left unanswered.

"Shay.", I warned, subtly glaring at her.

"I'm not apologizing for something I didn't do.", she grunted, folding her arms across her chest and standing her ground.

"Just do it, I beg you.", I gritted, flashing a small smile towards the Principal as I brought the bottle to my lips and took a big gulp.

"Fine, I'm sorry.", she leaned forward to look at the other girl. "But 'motherfucker' doesn't start with a 'b', just so you know.", I then barely heard her mumble under her breath as she retreated back in her seat, my eyes going wide and my sorry ass choking on my water, resulting in me spitting it all over the place, Principal included.

This kid- crap.


"Oh my God, your mom is so going to kill me."

I'm not gonna lie, I laughed my ass off for the past two hours, but now I was dreading Ashley's reaction.

"I'm sorry, Alex. But that was funny.", she flashed me a toothy grin through the rearview mirror as she finished her ice-cream in the backseat of my car.

"It was.", I nodded, turning in my seat to look at her sternly. "What wasn't funny was what came out of your mouth, missy. You're lucky the Principal didn't hear that or else you'd be in serious trouble right now, you know that, right?"

"Yes..", she mumbled, looking down at her feet in embarrassment.

"And I don't want to hear it again, have I made myself clear?", I added, earning a shy nod of the head. "You're too young to be using such a language, not to mention pretty and sweet."

"I promise."

"Pinky swear?", I frowned, smiling at her as her tiny little finger wrapped around mine. "Now let's get you inside so I can get my booty trashed."

Climbing out of my car and shaking my head at the giggle coming my way, I helped her out and took her hand as we made our way inside.

"I gotta ask: where did you even hear that word?", I questioned, unable to recall a situation in which she could've heard it in the first place.

"I'm no snitch."

"I swear, you've been spending too much time with Chase.", I chuckled, opening the door and letting her inside.

We didn't even make it to the living room that Ashley's eyes were already burning holes into my soul from the kitchen, a pissed off look on her face that told me I had to weasel my way out of this one way or the other.

"Uh-oh, she mad mad.", Shay mumbled, flashing me a crooked smile.


"Don't.", Ashley hissed, raising her finger and pointing it towards me.

"Oh, I'm gonna argue with a six year old, I don't give a-"

"Seven, tomorrow.", Shay corrected, unfazed by the glare coming her way.

"Shay go to your room.", Ashley deadpanned, her eyes never leaving my figure. "I'll deal with you later."

Without further ado, she disappeared upstairs leaving me alone with a ticking bomb.

"Baby, before you go ballistic on me, let me explain-"

"Oh I'm very curious as to why the Principal called me and told me you gave him an unwanted shower.", she snapped, causing my stupid ass to stifle a laugh. "Alex!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry.", I raised my hands in defeat as I walked towards her, trying my best to refrain from laughing as I couldn't help myself. "Can I talk?"

"What can you possibly have to say for yourself?!", she grunted, failing miserably at hiding the small amused smile plastered on her lips as I wrapped my arms around her.

"Long story short..", I trailed off, lifting her and sitting her on the counter. "This girl accused Shay of calling her the b-word, to which Shay swore she didn't, and I believed her. The Principal then went on and on, blabbering about how they had zero tolerance towards these things and whatsoever. I then pointed out the fact that unless somebody witnessed the entire thing, it was Shay's word against the other girl's, to which he agreed. Hence why, he decided to let it slide but not before they apologized to each other."

"Still missing the point where you spat water all over him.", she frowned, tilting her head as her usual self.

"That's cause I left out the part in which your daughter apology was followed by a subtle' but 'motherfucker' doesn't start with a 'b', just so you know'.", I concluded, her eyes going wide in shock as a result. "The fact that I was drinking was just an unfortunate coincidence really."

"Oh my God..", she shook her head, a loud chuckle coming my way to my utmost relief. "What do I have to do with you two?"

"I'm sorry?", I shyly grinned, brushing my lips against hers.

"You're lucky you're cute."

"I'll make it up to you, I promise."

"Oh, I'm sure you will.", she rolled her eyes at me, flashing me a sexy smirk and pecking my lips in the process. "I'll have to have a talk with her th-"

"No need, I already did.", I cut her off, earning a funny look that I couldn't quite place. "She's aware of her mistake and she promised me she won't do it again. Whether you wanna ground her or not, that's up to you baby."

I watched her as she stared at me deeply in the eyes, that funny look never leaving her features. But before I could even question her about it, she pulled me into a passionate kiss that made me forget everything else. And I don't know why, but this kiss felt different from the others.

"Should we get ready for dinner?", I mumbled against her lips, well aware that we were about to get carried away.

Not that I would've minded.

"Oh, about that.", she whispered, suddenly stopping her movements. "Sky had a last minute emergency at work, Jess was talking unicorns and stoned out of her mind when I called her, and your brothers have a party tonight."


"Meaning, you won't be able to come with me cause the only babysitter I know isn't available tonight."


"Shoot.", I pouted, releasing a loud chuckle at the unimpressed look she was now giving me.

"You know, you couldn't be happier if I told you I magically turned all the water in the world into beer."

"Make it happen and we'll find out.", I smirked, causing her to giggle and shake her head at me. "I love you."

"I love you too, dork."


With Ashley being gone, it didn't take too much effort on Shay's part to convince me to order take out and eat it in bed while watching Frozen for the umpteenth time. Just like it didn't take long for me to wrap my arms around her and doze off in the middle of the movie, the exhaustion from the day clearly taking its toll on me.

Hence why, as I drifted in my sleep, I shot my eyes wide open as she was nowhere near me in bed, causing me to go into panic mode real quick.


"I took her to bed, honey.", I heard Ashley's voice coming from the door, my eyes snapping in her direction as I saw her leaning against the door frame, my body immediately relaxing and falling back against the soft mattress.

"Way to give me a heart attack, Miss Stevens.", I groaned, closing my eyes and fully intending on going back to sleep.

"Sorry, I didn't want to wake you."

I mumbled something I myself didn't quite catch as I sunk further into the pillow, the fact that I wasn't hearing her shuffle around the room causing me to open my eyes once again and look at her.

She was there, standing by the door and staring at me with the same exact look from earlier today.

"Care to share why you're standing there like a creep instead of taking your ass to bed?"

But I was met with further silence and a funny smile, making me wonder what the f-


"Marry me."

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