Change of Perspective (TodoBa...

By WokeASF

200K 6.5K 9.8K

When Bakugo and Todoroki get into a fight, what will Aizawa have them do? More

Intro Thingy
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five

Chapter Eighteen

4.1K 133 193
By WokeASF

Todoroki's POV:

We're going back to the main cabin after Bakugo slept for about another two hours. I fell asleep too, but when I woke up he was still out. I took that time to ask Midoriya to go out for me. He agreed immediately and told me that he was taking Uraraka and Iida. A few people found out we were dating because of this morning. I like the fact that people know Bakugo is dating me. Soon, I'll ask him to officially be my boyfriend.

We're holding hands and he got all flustered at first, but he calmed down a bit when I rubbed my thumb over his knuckles. He actually relaxed. It made me happy knowing that I could help calm his anxiousness sometimes. He really isn't okay. No matter what, I'm going to let him feel like it's okay to be himself around me. I'll make him feel comfortable enough to be that way. I'll accept him, no matter what. I'll always be in his corner.

When we open the door, some people look at us and dismiss it while others come up to us, asking questions. I can see Bakugo tense up a bit, but I squeeze his hand and he relaxes. "So it's true, you guys are together!" Well, what does it look like? "Oh my, Todoroki, you've got yourself a real winner!" Yeah, I do. "Is Bakugo a good kisser!?" Hell yeah he is. "Hey, could you guys shut up," Bakugo yells. Everyone stops talking and they apologize. "Okay, raise your hands for questions," he says. I look at him and when he looks at me I smile. I seriously can't stop myself from smiling when I see him. He smiles back and then turns around to look at our classmates.

A bunch of our classmates squealed at the interaction, including the ones who already knew. When he smiled at me, I couldn't help but feel so grateful for having him right next to me, holding my hand. Hands go up, waiting to be called on, so their question could be answered. Bakugo looks around and points at Jiro. "How long has this been going on?" He looks at me, clueless. I shrug, and say, "I guess for about two weeks. This is new." She nods and then Bakugo calls on Yaoyorozu. "I asked this question before, but I'm sure it was lost in the other questions. This one is for Todoroki. Is Bakugo a good kisser?" Everyone stops talking and they look at me, anxiously waiting for an answer. I feel my face heat up and Bakugo squeezes my hand, telling me it's okay to tell them.

"He's a great kisser. I hope to do more of it in the future," I say. That was the dumbest thing I could've said and that's exactly what came out of my mouth. Could I be more hopeless?

There are a few whistles, mostly coming from the Bakusquad. Bakugo looks so red and when more hands shoot up, he points at Kirishima. "Bro! When did you get those marks on your neck?" He scowls, trying to hide his embarrassment. "This fuckin morning!" He said it confidently and I couldn't help but laugh. He turns to me and glares. "What are you laughing at? You have some too," he says and quickly pulls down the hoodie that was covering my neck. There's an eruption of laughter. I can't believe he did that. He smiles confidently and I wink at him. His eyes widen and he looks at me like 'really'?

I can't help but laugh at his reaction and he sighs heavily. He turns to the people who are dying over our interactions. He points at Tokoyami. "I was wondering if you two have had a date," he says with boredom laced in his voice. "We haven't gotten to do that yet," I say. I feel bad for that, but today that'll change. I'll make sure he's comfortable and that he's having fun.

Aoyama jumps up and down like a maniac, so he gets chosen next. "How did you guys start all of this? What made you guys start liking each other?" He clarifies.

"It started with punishment from Aizawa and we switched bodies. We got to know each other and when we switched back, we stayed close. Now, we're here. It's only been about two weeks since we first switched, so this is new," he says. I nod and a few people put their hands down. After that, a few people leave. Some still had more questions though. Sero raised his hand and when Bakugo nods at him to talk, he asks, "Todoroki, what do you like about Bakugo?" His question seemed like he concerned for his best friend and I could feel Bakugo relax at that.

"He's... I don't know. He's him," I say, covering my face with my free hand from embarrassment. "He's an amazing guy and I really like him. He's funny and sweet. His smile makes my heart skip a beat, and when he laughs I feel like I'm floating. I like when he talks about stuff, so I guess his voice. I like it when his eyes are soft if he's playing games or watching a movie. When he bites the end of a pencil to focus on an assignment, I think it's the cutest thing ever. His hair is actually so soft and it smells amazing. Like coconut. Oh, and when he hugs me after a long day, I ca-"

"Okay! That's enough. Shut up Halfie," Bakugo says, interrupting me by putting his free hand over my mouth. I lick the palm of his hand and he pulls it back towards him, scowling at me. It was like he was asking for it. "Oi, what the fuck Half'n'Half!?" I smile and he scoffs, turning away from me so I don't see the huge blush on his face. He wipes his hand on his pants and I look at everyone to see that they're all looking at us with curiosity. "Aww that was really sweet Todoroki. You're obviously head over heels for my man, Bakugo," Sero says.

I let out a nervous laugh and nod. I really am. When people start leaving, I take Bakugo to sit down at the couch with his friends. The hoodie I lent him gives him sweater paws and no matter how hard he tried to fold them in, they keep unfolding. He doesn't pick the sleeves up because of the bandages, but he folds them up just so that they're not covering his hands.

I laugh a bit and he throws a glare my way. "Aww, come on. You look cute," I whisper to him so that no one hears. He sighs heavily and pushes me away. "I'm not cute," be bites back in a whisper. I wink at him and his eyes widen before he turns around to the TV. He's a soft guy and I can't believe that tonight, he's going to be my boyfriend. Oh my god I'm so anxious for tonight. It'll be great. "Did chicken Alfredo sound alright for tonight? I should've checked in with you first," I say. He shakes his head, waving his hand at me. "Yeah that's okay. I like that idea," he tells me honestly. I nod and sigh in relief. It would've been terrible if we were going to make something he wouldn't enjoy.

"Well, Midoriya should be back with the stuff in an hour or so. I sent him and he took Iida and Uraraka with him. I'm so glad we're doing this," I say. His face softens up a bit and he blinks meaningfully at me. I do the same and we hear a squeal. When we both turn to look at the culprit, we see that it's Mina. She laughs nervously as she scratches the back of her neck. "Sorry, I took a picture of this too. You guys are so cute!" Bakugo is back to scowling and he yells, "Don't be doing that shit without my permission. And I'm not cute!" He sighs heavily and falls back into the couch.

Sero hands him a remote and they start playing Super Mario Bros on the Wii. I watch as they play and see how they all work together. They get frustrated at times and Bakugo smacks Kirishima over the head when he let's a turtle kill him. Kirishima just laughs and Bakugo leans into me. I wrap my arm around him and then use my other hand to scroll on Instagram. Then I remember about Bakugo's phone. It was with him when I pulled him out of the water. It's probably broken. Have his parents called to see if he's okay? I'm pretty sure we can get his phone to work again.

"Hey, is your phone broken?" He shakes his head, not really paying attention to me since they're struggling to get past this one guy. "My phone is water proof. It's fine, I just haven't looked at it," he says. I nod and go back to scrolling. I decide to take a picture of him since he looks adorable in my sweater. I go to Snapchat and put on the filter that has star-looking things around the screen and snap a picture while he has his tongue sticking out. He's really into the game right now.

I switch the filter to one that has hearts on top of his head and I snap another one right as he looks into the camera. I save it quickly and I turn to look at him. He's frowning. "Tch, why would you do that?" "You look really cute in my sweater. Plus, you were so into the game and I thought, 'hm, now's the perfect chance to get a picture,' so that's what I did. Look," I say, showing him the two pictures. He just shrugs. I frown. "You look really good," I whisper into his ear. He doesn't move and I let our a breathy laugh. I guess the air hits his neck because he shivers instantly. I active my quirk. I completely forgot that he's always cold.

"Here, take a picture with me," I say, choosing the first filter again. I give a small smile into the camera and throw a small leave sign and he looks at me smiling at how I look. I snap the picture and save it. "Hey, I wasn't ready," he says. I smile and shrug. "I like the way you're looking at me in this one. We'll take another," I say. I pull up the camera again and this time he looks at the camera. He gives a small smile and I do too. I throw up a peace sign and gives a small thumbs up.

I save it and make it my lock screen. He sees me doing it and he shoves me. "Why would you make it your lock screen?" "I thought you look really cute and you have a small blush on your face," I say and go back to scrolling on Instagram. I get a message from Midoriya and I open it.

Midoriya- Hey Todoroki, they only had the really big containers of Mint Chocolate chip ice cream, so that's what I brought. I hope that's okay


Me- Yeah, that's okay. Don't worry about that. Thank you again for doing this


Midoriya- Of course! It's no problem


I notice that Bakugo had gone back to playing the Wii with Kirishima, Mina, and Sero. "Hey man, you wanna play?" I don't mind switching out for a while," Mina says. I shake my head. "No, that's okay. I'm good here." She nods and smiles. I turn a give a small kiss to the side of Bakugo's head. He smiles and turns to give me a small peck on the mouth and then looks around to see if anyone was watching. I look around too and notice that no one was, thankfully. It's still a bit weird being affectionate like this in public.

"Hey, is it alright with you that we're being like this? I like this, but are you comfortable with it?" He looks up at me and nods. His face is really close to mine since he was leaning into me. He has this small look in his eye and it makes me melt. I smile down at him and he does too. "Okay, good," I say before giving him a small kiss. He smiles into it and then he pulls away before saying, "Let's not do this out in the open too much though. People don't get to see me kissing you. You're mine." I laugh and say, "It's not like I'm kissing them. If I kiss you in public all the time, they'll know you're mine."

He frowns and nods. "Hmm, you've got a point," he says. I nod. "Yes I do. What's that green character's name? You know, the one that Mina is playing as?" He laughs. "That's Luigi. Kirishima is playing as yellow Toad, I'm playing as blue toad, and Sero is playing as Mario. You wanna try?" He goes to hand me the controller, but I don't grab it. I shake my head as I say, "No, no. You keep playing. I didn't want to play, I was just curious." He nods hesitantly and goes back to playing since they're on an important level. "I'm having a great time just being next to you. I'm just scrolling through Instagram is all," I say before reading a dumb meme. I smile a bit at the stupidity of the meme and like it.

I scroll to the next picture and read the next meme. My explore page is basically all stupid stuff that makes me laugh like a maniac at 3 am. I've started taking screenshots of a whole bunch since I started realizing my feelings for Bakugo. I'd love to show them to him and see his reaction. I noticed those small things. If I do something dumb, the first thing that pops into my head it 'hm, this would make Bakugo laugh' and I'd try to remember it so that I could tell him later. If something interesting happened, the first thing that would come to mind was 'I can't wait to tell Bakugo'. It's a bit weird, I guess. But, it's true.


It's officially one am. Everyone left the main cabin a while ago besides the Bakusquad and the Dekusquad. Midoriya got here a while ago with all the stuff and we've all just been hanging out. Bakugo is still leaning into me. I definitely do not mind. "Hey, I'm gonna go start getting ready. I never asked anyone to take your stuff to Kaminari's cabin, so I'll do that. Anything else you want me to take besides your bags?"

Bakugo nods. "Yeah, could you take my toothbrush and other stuff from the restroom?" I smile and nod. "Yeah, no problem," I say as I start getting up. "I'll see you in a bit," I say and he waves goodbye, watching me as I leave. I blink at him like I did earlier and he does the same before I open the door and step out, closing the door behind me.

When I get to the cabin, I walk over to the restroom, grabbing all of Bakugo's stuff. I put them neatly in his bags and grab them, taking them over to Kaminari's cabin. I place them near the drawers to the left and leave, making sure to close the door behind me. I excitedly walk back to our cabin and grab some nice clothes. I brought some just in case we were going to do something nice like go eat out as a class, but I'd much rather use them for this occasion.

I grab my my black turtleneck and black skinny jeans along with a pair of boxers. I head into the restroom to shower, putting on a playlist to sing along to. I put play on the music, making sure that the first song is the one from Strange Magic. The one me and Bakugo sang to on the floor in front of the main cabin. I smile remembering how we were laughing our heads off at our stupidity.

I turn on the water and when it gets to my preferred temperature, I start undressing and then get in. I sing along to that one, but then the song that Bakugo showed me started playing. I start singing excitedly, thinking about tonight. "I don't really give a damn about the way you touch me when we're alone. You can hold my hand if no one's home," I sing with a shampoo bottle in my hand as the water rinses the shampoo out of my hair. "Do you like it when I'm away? If i went and hurt my body, baby would you love me the same?" As I think, the song kind of reminds me of Bakugo. He can relate to this song.

He sometimes doubts that I want to be seen with him, which is completely crazy, but it's what he feels and that's a piece of the song. It's a sad song that shows the singer's emotions. His feelings are out in the open. I wonder how much of the song Bakugo thinks he relates to. I don't want him feeling sad when he thinks about our relationship. The song ends and it's another one that I know Bakugo knows because he hums it sometimes. It's Lucky People by Waterparks.

I get out of the shower after about 5 more songs and then start getting ready. After I dry myself, I put on some deodorant and then my clothes. I dry my hair thoroughly with the towel before trying to separate the red and white side of my hair. It usually messes up in the shower, but not so much when I sleep. I make sure no hair is on the wrong side. I add some gel just to be safe and then brush my teeth for safe measure. I really want this to go well for Bakugo.

I take a deep breath and then go over to the bed to put on my shoes. I take my dirty laundry with me and dump it into the laundry basket. I check the time and see that it's already 2:30. Oh jeez I'm nervous. I really hope he doesn't hate it. I finish putting on my shoes and decide to shoot Kaminari a text.

Me- Hey, Kaminari. Is Bakugo almost done or does he need more time?


Kaminari- Hey Bro! Yeah, he just needs his shoes. You can come right over already


I take a deep breath and put on some cologne. I check the mirror one more time to see if I look decent. I nod in approval at myself and smile. I grab the flowers that I told Midoriya to get that are on Bakugo's bed. I specifically told him to get Geraniums because I had been told by Kaminari that he had seen Bakugo at a flower shop looking at them and only those. I smile and make my way to Kaminari's cabin. When I get to the cabin, I knock three times and then Kirishima opens the door with a huge smile on his face.

"I presume you're here for Bakugo," he says formally, like a parent. I smile nervously because I'm dying from anxiousness and nod. "Uh- I- Yes, I am," I say, trying to regain my composure. "Is he ready?" Kirishima smiles and nods like a maniac. "Yeah. He was totally freaking out about this. It was adorable," Kaminari says from somewhere inside. I can't tell where because I can't see past Kirishima since he's not really letting me see the inside.

"I was not Dunce Face!" I hear Bakugo's voice and I smile. Kirishima moves out of the way for me to see Bakugo and when he sees me, he freezes and smiles nervously. I see how great he looks and how embarrassed he is. "Hi," I say to him as he walks towards me. When he reaches me, he says, "Hi." I hand him the flowers and he takes them. "Wow, how'd you know I like these so much?" I decide to ease the tension by making a joke. "Oh, you know, just stalker things," I say with a smile. He smiles widely, holding back a laugh at the stupid joke.

"No, Kaminari told me you took an interest in them," I say. He smiles and nods. "Okay you two. Have fun, but not too much fun," Kirishima says, pushing Bakugo out the door. Bakugo grunts at him and I move so that Bakugo can get out. Kirishima takes the flowers from Bakugo's hands and says, "We'll take these and your stuff back to your cabin. Enjoy yourselves, and Todoroki, if you hurt him, I'll skin you alive and make sure you feel the whole thing." My eyes widen and I nod. "I wasn't planning on it, so there's no need to make threats," I tell him, still shocked he used such a creative threat. He smiles and waves goodbye before shutting the door quickly.

I take this time to look at Bakugo and he smiles nervously. He has on a black, long-sleeved button up shirt. His black jeans fit him perfectly and they're tucked into some black doc martins. It's makes him look really good. His shirt also looks small around his arms, showing off his muscles. You can see that he's healthier since he's been eating. He doesn't look so skinny around his stomach anymore. He looks more like himself: amazing. "Hey, Todoroki, you can close your mouth," Bakugo says.

I blink and then look at him. "Sorry, you just look, um, like wow," I manage to say. I sound like an idiot. What if he thinks I only like him for his looks? "Not, that I only like you cause you're hot- I mean, you know?" I give up towards the end. If I kept rambling I probably would've embarrassed myself even more. Why am I so nervous? I've been fine until now.

"Sorry, I just got really nervous. I think it's because I really want this to go well. I want to impress you," I say. He still looks surprised by my awkwardness and hasn't said anything. "Thank you for calling me hot, I guess," he laughs nervously. "Also, I get that you're nervous. I'm always so comfortable around you, so I don't know why I'm being all nervous now. Let's just act like it's a normal thing, but of course, still a date," he tells me.

I nod in agreement and hold out my hand for him to grab. He does and I nod formally, trying to be amusing. He laughs and we start walking to the main cabin. "So, were you really freaking out?" He laughs a bit and nods, turning to me. "Yeah, I was really excited and nervous at the same time. I changed my shirt I don't know how many times," he tells me honestly. "Really?" I ask with a smile. He nods, half embarrassed.

"What about you? You can't tell me you weren't shitting your pants. I saw it with my own eyes," Bakugo says. I smile and groan in embarrassment as I open the main cabin's door for him. As we walk in, I say, "Yeah, it took me forever to get ready cause I wanted to look great for you. I hope I accomplished that." He nods quickly and says, "Yes you did. You don't even have to try and I'd be drooling over you." He laughs towards the end and I do too.

"I totally screwed up my speaking outside Kaminari's cabin right now," I say, remembering how stupid I was being and cringing. "HA! Yes you were," Bakugo laughs out. I watch as he dies from laughter, laughing along with him. It was pretty ridiculous. I can't believe I became a mumbling mess in front of him. "I was trying to be formal, and then I go on rambling about how hot you are," I groan. He laughs harder, tears spilling from his eyes. He's smiling so wide and I can't help but admire it. Fuck, I really have it bad.


Me and Bakugo finished making the food without any mess ups from me, thankfully. I looked up a recipe and now, we're eating. It tastes amazing. While we were cooking, Bakugo and I talked about ourselves some more. We talked about stuffed animals and desserts. YouTube videos and creators were discussed and now we're fighting about who is more attractive: Louis or Harry from One Direction.

It's obviously Harry, but Bakugo thinks otherwise. "It's Louis!" I shake my head once again. "Harry always looks good. You know how many glow ups he's had? And every glow up SOMEHOW gets better than the last," I say. He stops and leans back, pursing his lips. "Hm, that's true, but Louis is Louis! He's always been the hottest one there!"

"Wait! Why are we arguing about this? Who cares about Louis or Harry? I get you to look at every day," he says, taking a sip of his soda with ice. Wow, smooth. I smile and wink at him, trying to make him flustered for saying something like that so out of the blue. "Tch, why'd you wink at me?" I shrug and smile at him again before winking once more. "UGH! Okay, I get it, you're hot," he says, pouting. I laugh. "Well, I get to look at you every day too, so I'm clearly at an advantage. I guess I'll allow you to look at a picture of Louis every day too to make up for it," I tell him. He rolls his eyes as a blush creeps up his face. "Whatever, that was stupid," he says, waving off the compliment. This is fun. I hope he's enjoying this just as much as I am.

He finishes with his food and smiles proudly at me. I get a bit confused before he says, "I don't even want to throw it up." I smile at him and get up, walking around the table as he looks at me, clearly confused. I crouch down and kiss him happily. "That's amazing," I tell him. Oh my god! This is great. I'm so happy for him. He pulls me back down to kiss him again. He smiles into the kiss and I feel my heart melt at how amazing he is.

Okay, now to get some Ice Cream and take him for that walk. Midoriya hid a basket with blankets near the clearing I told him about, so we could cuddle together as we watch the sunrise. I check my phone. It's 5:46. The sunrise is at around 6:30, so we should probably get headed there now. "Ready to get Ice Cream and go?" He nods excitedly and gets up. I grab our dishes and he wipes down the table quickly before joining me in the kitchen to serve the Ice Cream.

When we had gone to the store after I went to the shrink, Bakugo had chosen Cherry Vanilla, but he later told me that his favorite flavor was banana nut. It was a something that he said randomly, but I had remembered, so I told Midoriya to get that flavor too. When I took the banana nut Ice Cream out, Bakugo looked at me happily. "How'd you know that was my favorite?" "A few days after we got the ice cream because of the shrink thing, you told me that banana nut was your favorite, but that day you felt like eating cherry vanilla," I tell him. He takes a while to remember, but when he does, he gets this look in his eye. It makes me feel amazing. "I can't believe you paid attention and remembered. I mentioned it briefly," he says, obviously still shocked.

"It's really not that big of a deal, really," I tell him, handing him his bowl of ice cream. He takes it and shakes his head. "No one really ever pays attention to the small things I say. It means a lot to me. It is a big deal to me, so thank you for paying attention," he says. "The problem is that no one would pay attention to the 'small things'," I say, making quotes with my fingers. "People shouldn't brush off those things about you. If you take the time to tell someone about yourself, the least they can do is pay attention," I tell him, handing him two empty cones before serving myself some mint chocolate chip ice cream.

"Well, still, thank you for being one of the people who does listen to the sma- or not small things," he tells me. "Also, it wasn't fair for me to say that no one pays attention to the things that I say, because people have proven to me that they do," he clarifies. I nod in acknowledgement. I grab myself two empty cones and put the ice cream buckets away.

As we walk outside, I tell Bakugo, "Just so you know, I'll always pay attention to what you say. Okay?" He looks at me and smiles, nodding. "I know, you've already proven that you will. Thank you for being you," he says. "Well, thank you for letting me be me so that you can enjoy yourself and be comfortable," I tell him. He laughs. "I got that, even though it was confusing," he says honestly. I give him a prideful smile. "I'm glad I wasn't too confusing."

He takes a bite of his ice cream and shivers at how cold it is. Both the ice cream and the weather is cold, so he's extra cold now. He was on my right, but I stop, wait for him to walk forward and walk behind him to his right, so that he's on my left. He looks confused for a while as we walk until I activate my quirk and get closer to him. I move my bowl of ice cream that has the two empty cones on top to my right hand so that my left hand doesn't melt it.

It's quiet as we walk. We just enjoy the cold and the beautiful scenery as we pass by. "You know, I really like you," I tell Bakugo. "I can't get over how much you make me happy. I know you think it's me helping you, but I feel like you're helping me too. I didn't need help, but I wasn't as happy as I am now. Of course, I liked my life, but since I've gotten to know you, it's gotten way better. I just wanted to tell you."

"I really like you too Todoroki. You've really helped me. You make me feel wanted. I feel like I can be myself around you. Of course, I don't always feel like I can tell people stuff because of my anxiety, but with you, most of that goes away. I've told you way more than I ever thought I'd ever tell anyone. I never planned on doing so, but now I'm comfortable enough to actually tell someone. And, that someone is you," he says. He stands in front of me, so I stop walking. He faces me and then hugs me. "Thank you again." His arms are around me and he's squeezing me so tight.

"I like it when you're you. I like that you are comfortable around me. I like you a lot," I say. "You say that a lot," he laughs. "And I'll say it every day until you learn to like yourself. I'm going to tell you every day why you're amazing," I reply. He pulls away and I point towards the clearing. He nods and walks towards it. It's on higher ground, and we can see the trees under us. We see the cabins. Bakugo just takes it all in and I watch as he looks at it all with amazement.

As he's still looking around, I put my bowl of ice cream down to grab the basket that has our blankets. I hug them and activate my quirk so that they get warm. I put two on the floor so that me and Bakugo can sit down and then I grab my bowl of ice cream. "Bakugo," I call. He turns around, and when he sees me he frowns. "When did you do this?" I laugh, "Right now. Now, come sit." I pat the space next to me and when he sits down, I wrap a blanket around the both of us. I make sure he's warm as we look around together.

It all looks so pretty and I know he'll enjoy the sunrise. It'll be great. He eats his ice cream and I start eating mine, breaking some of the cone at times to eat that too. "This view is amazing Halfie," he tells me, still looking around like a little kid.

We both finish our ice creams after a while. "Do you think that Kaminari and Kirishima would make a good couple?" He looks over to me for a bit. "Yeah, they already know each other, and from what I can see, they have great chemistry. I think they should date already, they'd make a great couple," I answer him. He nods and then some sunlight starts showing. He turns to look at the view and he gasps excitedly. I smile at the look on his face and he smiles widely as the sun starts spreading across the trees slowly. The light soon reaches us and the look he gives me when he looks at me with the sun hitting his face leaves me breathless. He looks absolutely happy and it seriously messes with me. He's beautiful.

I can't help but smile back at him. I take out my phone to snap a quick picture and when I have it out, lifted up to his face, he turns to me at just the right time. I snap the photo as the sun is hitting his face perfectly, making his eyes look like rubies. He has the huge smile on his face still and I look away from my phone to see that face for myself.

"Bakugo?" He nods, waiting for me to let him know what he wants. "Katsuki," I say, "will you be my boyfriend?" He tackles me into a hug and I hit the floor with an 'oof' as he laughs. "Of course, Shoto." He leans down to kiss me and I lift my head up so that our lips meet halfway.

Word Count: 5,809
Hello my people. It's Friday fuckin finally.
Anyway, I hope you all liked this chapter. Question: what kind of bear is best? Nah jk, but ily if you got that reference. The real question is: Would you all like smut? Next chapter will come out next Friday!! I love you all and thank you for taking time out of your day to read this<3

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What happens when Todoroki gets hit by a man-made quirk? (Idk hope you all like this) $mu+ WARNING
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COMPLETED AS OF MAY 16th, 2021 About 16,241 words Neither Todoroki nor Bakugo could ever seem to find out they had feelings for eachother. They thoug...
43.9K 914 22
It starts off as a normal training day when villains attack. Midoriya gets struck by one of their quirks which changes his gender? Everything is diff...