I Won't Let You Go

By agnethabjornabba

21.2K 468 600

It's 2019. 40 years have passed since Agnetha Fältskog and Björn Ulvaeus have long but separated and divorced... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Writer's Note

Chapter 29

295 9 14
By agnethabjornabba

Agnetha woke up from her nap feeling very well rested. She walked over to the bathroom for a quick pee but she also couldn't help but take a very good look at herself in the mirror. She was already noticing the changes in her body already and even though she felt a little insecure seeing herself in the mirror like that, she knew it would be worth it in the end and therefore, she couldn't change it for the world. Agnetha was excited for the arrival of her little bundles of joy and she knew that Björn would too.

Agnetha walked over to the kitchen where Björn had finished cooking his meal: a beef stew. It smelled really good but Agnetha was still suffering from morning sickness and couldn't stand the smell of the food. Agnetha immediately started gagging as she felt nauseous before bolting over to the bathroom where she started throwing up. Björn ran directly after her and held her as she threw up into the toilet bowl while making sure her medium length blonde hair wasn't in her face whatsoever. When she had finished, Björn had wiped Agnetha's face with some baby wipes and gave her a bottle of water for her to drink to keep her hydrated.

"Are you alright baby?" Björn asked once she finished sipping her water.

Agnetha nodded in response.

"Do you need help getting up?"

"No, I can do it Björn. But thank you though."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Björn, I'm fine."

With that being said, Agnetha got up but since she was still feeling very dizzy after that bout of morning sickness, she wasn't able to bring herself up at all. Björn took notice of this and without hesitation, he picked her up and lifted her to the kitchen table and sat her on her chair in front of the bowl of stew that he had made.

"Now young lady, time for us to enjoy this delicious meal. And we may have a special surprise at the end," Björn winked as he served himself.

"What surprise?" Agnetha asked curiously.

"You'll see."

Björn wasn't lying when he said that there was a special surprise in store for them. A few weeks earlier, in London, Björn had bought an engagement ring for Agnetha after having told Benny, Görel, Linda, and Christian his plans and they couldn't be anymore happy for Björn and Agnetha. They deserved it more than anyone after all. And by the end of the day, Björn and Agnetha would be engaged and pregnant, so double the happiness that they 100% truly deserve more than anybody in the world.

Björn texted Linda about their plans before setting his phone down and joining Agnetha for dinner. Linda, Jens, Christian, Isabelle, and the grandkids, along with Benny, Frida, Görel, Emma, and Anna all knew what was coming and they couldn't be any happier for Agnetha and Björn. Agnetha and Björn had a lovely dinner as the others were secretly entering the house and trying not to make as much noise as possible so Agnetha wouldn't be suspicious as to what was going on. On another note, Agnetha was craving for more stew, which makes perfect sense since she is pregnant with twins.

Björn gladly served her another bowl of beef stew and as Agnetha began eating away some more, Björn couldn't help but chuckle a bit. He was getting ready to execute his plans for Agnetha.

"What's so funny?" Agnetha asked as she looked up at Björn.

"Oh nothing sweetheart," Björn replied. "But let's not eat anymore after this serving."

"Why not?!"

"What if the children and grandchildren want some too?"

"True," Agnetha sighed. "I completely forgot that I would have cravings. Seriously, I feel like a pig."

"Anna, it's ok if you forgot sweetheart," Björn replied reassuringly. "And you're not a pig. You are the most gorgeous woman on earth who I'm blessed to have two children, four grandchildren, and now two more children with as well. Our babies will be so blessed to have a Mama like you."

"Aww thank you Björn!" Agnetha gushed. "That means a lot!"

"Oh and there's one thing missing."

"What's missing?"

"Music," Björn replied. "A-ha! I know just the right songs to play. Including my favorite one."

Björn took out his phone and connected it to the speakers using Bluetooth. From there, he started playing some of his favorite songs of all time. And these were all songs sung by Agnetha during her solo career and during the ABBA years as well. It was a playlist filled with 24 songs ranging from Jag var så kar to Chiquitita, I'm Still Alive, The Winner Takes It All, I Won't Let You Go, Sometimes When I'm Dreaming, Perfume in the Breeze, I Was a Flower, Past Forever, and ending with his all time favorite song from Agnetha: I Keep Them On The Floor Beside My Bed. The songs on the playlist started playing in the order that they were presented on the playlist itself as Björn began feeling nostalgic when it came to the very last song on the playlist.

When Agnetha released A for the first time back in 2013, Björn couldn't feel anymore happy and excited. In fact when the museum opened the same week Agnetha was in London promoting her album, Björn was more focused on Agnetha and her new album than the museum itself. He had also appeared in a documentary that had been made that talked about Agnetha and her life during the ABBA years as well as in the years after, along with Benny. Björn remembered fighting tooth and nail with Lena on that occasion. He just loved Agnetha too much that he'd do anything for her and this was also why he was also interviewed by a young female Australian reporter who had travelled all the way to Stockholm just to interview Agnetha and Björn.

And when Björn listened to A for the first time, he couldn't feel anymore prouder of Agnetha. And mind you, he was equally proud of her when all of her previous solo albums had been released. And like always, Björn had obviously picked out his favorite songs from the album but his all time favorite was the last song featured on the album: I Keep Them On The Floor Beside My Bed. From the moment, he first listened to that song, Björn immediately knew that the song was about him, especially since he remembered the little box on the floor beside her bed that she used to keep. That wasn't the only reason why Björn loved that song so much. He loved it because it brought back all the memories for him which Agnetha had described in full detail in the song itself. But the main reason why Björn loved the song so much was because Agnetha had actually written it herself. And that's what made Björn love her even more than he already had.

Agnetha herself had sung those songs expressing her love for Björn, even well after their divorce and after the ABBA years ended. In fact, she had even written some of these songs herself. However, Agnetha had written and sung these songs with a heavy heart, knowing that Björn would most definitely hate the songs that she had sung for him in her post ABBA solo albums, including the ones that she had written. She had cried floods of tears as she had written and recorded those songs and kept a strong front and a brave face for the producers that she had been working with at the time along with all the interviews and all the promotion that she had to do with each of these albums. Well, most of them but still. If only Agnetha knew how Björn really felt about those particular songs.

Agnetha kept a strong front as the songs on the playlist progressed. She very badly wanted to cry and breakdown over the fact that he was playing these songs in a playlist, but due to her high risk pregnancy, she knew better than to stress herself out. But Agnetha was feeling emotional for sure as they continued their dinner since Björn had actually changed his mind and helped himself to another bowl of stew. When he finished, Björn took the two empty bowls to the sink while Agnetha sat back and relaxed in her chair, trying hard not to breakdown.

He hates these songs.

I just know it.

But why is he playing all of them in a playlist?

Because he wants to torture me that's why.

I'm an old woman and I'm pregnant with twins.

He's doing this on purpose because deep down he hates me.

And because he hates me and these songs, he's trying to get me to miscarry our twins.

Why does he have to do this to me?!

I thought he loved me!

Nobody ever loves me and here I am pregnant with two babies who be born to a mother who was dumped by their father because of me.

I feel so unloved.

I feel so unwanted.

I'm nothing to anybody anymore.

Lena is always right about me and I really need to start accepting that more and more because it's reality.

Those negative thoughts invaded Agnetha's mind as Björn washed the dishes while texting the others and giving them the cue to come into the house slowly as he didn't want to make Agnetha suspicious. By then, the songs on My Coloring Book were playing and soon enough, Linda and her clan came into the kitchen.

"Papa, something smells good!" Linda exclaimed as she Jens, Tilda, Esther, and Signe walked in.

"I was just making some beef stew," Björn replied.

"And listening to Mormor's songs while you guys were at it," Tilda smiled.

"For sure," Björn replied.

"Anyways, I'm excited for the party to start," Linda said.

"What party?" Agnetha asked, while still trying to hold it together.

"Well not necessarily a party," Jens added. "It's more like a small family gathering."

"We thought that today would be a good day for us to have a small family gathering like this. Today just felt perfect and we knew you would automatically say yes to this idea so we didn't even bother asking you, Mama," Christian said as he walked in alongside Isabelle and Nike. The others all came in behind them as the songs on A started playing.

"Well of course I wouldn't mind having a family gathering," Agnetha stuttered. "But this is still a bit of a surprise."

"Well there's an even bigger surprise coming up, Chiquitita," Frida added. "And we didn't want to miss it."

"Do you know what the surprise is?" Agnetha asked.

"Nope, not a clue," Frida smirked.

Agnetha sighed irritably. Not only did she want to cry and have a breakdown over her songs being played but now her entire family and close friends were there along with their families were there and there was a surprise. As Past Forever began playing, Agnetha wondered if it was the surprise Frida mentioned was the exact same one that Björn had mentioned at dinner. Bubble began playing as soon as Past Forever ended and Björn quickly yet discreetly signaled to everyone else to get their phones out and ready to film once I Keep Them On The Floor Beside My Bed started playing as soon as Bubble ended.

Soon enough, I Keep Them On The Floor Beside My Bed started playing and everyone with the exception of Agnetha and Björn began filming the two lovebirds. Once she heard the song start playing, Agnetha grew even more emotional as this was the song that she was the most self critical about. She remembered sobbing her heart out and crying floods and floods of tears as she sat by the piano writing the song. From the moment she recorded and released the song, Agnetha automatically thought that Björn would hate her even more than she thought that he already had. If only Agnetha knew the truth when it comes to Björn's true feelings about this song in particular.

Björn noticed Agnetha's pensive mood and wanted to hold and comfort her right there and then, but he decided to go along with the plan regardless. He grabbed Agnetha's hand and led her to the middle of the living room and the two started dancing to the song as it progressed. Agnetha was taken aback by the fact that Björn actually wanted to dance to this song with her but her emotions were running through her all at once and she was still fighting a breakdown despite her pregnancy. As they continued dancing to the song, negative thoughts continued to invade Agnetha's mind.

He absolutely hates this song.

Yet he's dancing to it with me.

What can he possibly want with it if he hates it that much?!

And somebody please tell me the surprise already!'

Unless I'm not actually getting a surprise and that this whole thing was just a joke and they're all going to leave me here.

Alone and pregnant with twins.

Nobody loves me.

Nobody ever did or even tried to love me.

What do I keep doing wrong?!

Why am I so mentally unstable?!

Why can't anybody love me?!

As the song ended, it was time for the big surprise. Everyone squealed with joy and excitement when Björn got down on one knee and pulled out a box with an engagement ring on it as they continued filming this moment. Agnetha gasped in shock as the tears finally began rolling down her face and her hands flew to her mouth.

"Agnetha Åse Fältskog, I love you so much. I can't imagine spending the rest of my life without you and all of our children and grandchildren, including the two little ones growing inside of you. You make so happy Anna, words can't even describe it. I've wasted 40 years not being with you but I'm here now and I'm glad we've given a second chance and now I want to continue expressing my love for you even more. Agnetha Åse Fältskog, will you marry me?"

Not a single eye was dry at this particular moment and Agnetha's emotions were running high. She couldn't believe what she had just heard. In her mind, there was no way any of this could even be true.

So he really does love me.

I don't know what to say.

I don't know what to do.

I thought he always hated me.

Is that why he was playing my songs?!

And is that why everyone's here?!

They knew what was happening the entire time?!

Agnetha hesitated for a moment as those thoughts crept through her mind and looked at everyone. After a moment, she looked down at Björn again and looked into his big blue eyes. She couldn't resist saying yes to him. She just loved him too much.

"YES, YES! YES BJÖRN, I'LL MARRY YOU!" Agnetha exclaimed through her tears.

Everyone clapped and cheered as Björn's heart melted and slid the ring onto Agnetha's finger. He couldn't feel anymore happy and proud to have Agnetha back. The only woman he ever loved. Björn and Agnetha shared a deep kiss in front of everyone as they continued cheering. Soon enough, they stopped filming and they began to congratulate the couple now that they were engaged and pregnant. After many congratulations, Agnetha turned to Björn with a huge smile on her face now that her tears have subsided for the moment. She smirked at him and obviously had something to say.

"You knew about this, didn't you?" Agnetha asked, turning to Björn with a huge smirk on her face.

"I sure did," Björn replied. "And I invited the others as well."

"Were they involved in all of this as well?"

"Yes ma'am!" Frida exclaimed as she and Benny walked over to the two lovebirds to congratulate them even more.

"We wouldn't miss this for the world!" Benny added. "Seeing you two happy makes us happy as well."

"We love you guys so much!" Agnetha exclaimed as she, Björn, Benny, and Frida had a group hug.

After a while, Benny, Frida, Görel, Emma, Anna, and their families left while everyone else got ready for bed. Now that everyone is gone, Agnetha finally let her emotions run through and she began to sob as Björn brushed his teeth and got ready for bed. Björn without a doubt heard Agnetha's heart wrenching sobs and immediately ran out of the en suite bathroom and held her close.

"Anna, what's wrong baby?" Björn asked, sounding genuinely concerned.

"You really love me don't you?" Agnetha tearfully asked as she turned to Björn.

"Anna, I love you more than life itself," Björn replied. "You know I always want the best for you no matter what."

Linda had also overheard her mother's sobs and came into the room as well. Her heart broke at the sight of her Mama in tears and she immediately knew what the conversation was about.

"Oh Mama," Linda sighed. "I heard you from the other room. Why would you think that? You know Papa loves you more than anything."

"Linda," Agnetha replied through her floods of tears. "You know I'm nothing to anybody. I've never been loved before. And Lena is always right about everything she says about me and to my face, you know. I'm just worthless. Totally worthless and those songs that were played tonight, Oh My Gosh!"

Agnetha continued to cry as Björn and Linda looked at her sadly. Their hearts broke for Agnetha knowing that she is so loved by literally everyone. Björn, the children, the grandchildren, Benny, Frida, and of course all the fans. Björn and Linda also knew what Agnetha had been referring to with the last thing she had said, which broke their hearts even more. Agnetha literally had no self esteem whatsoever and it was painful to watch.

"You hate those songs Björn!" Agnetha tearfully exclaimed. "You hate them with a burning passion! You just played those songs for no reason!"

Agnetha began to cry even more and Björn and Linda became even more concerned for her. Björn quickly signaled to Linda that he and Agnetha needed some time alone and that he can handle this. Linda reluctantly left the room quietly but stood by the doorway just in case.

"Anna, it really hurts me to see you like this. Please stop crying. You're pregnant and too much stress is extremely harmful for you and the babies, especially at your age. And as for those songs that were played earlier, they're my favorite songs."

"Really?" Agnetha asked as she looked up at Björn with a pleading face.

"Of course," Björn replied. "Absolutely positive. I love every single one of those songs on that playlist and that last one, I Keep Them On The Floor Beside My Bed is my number one favorite song. You don't know how many times I've always played that song on repeat. My love for you is strong, Anna. You're totally worth it, sweetheart. You should stop caring about what Lena says because at the end of the day, she's just one person who also happens to be a troll and a hater. You have me, you have Benny and Frida, you have our entire family and friends, and we have our fans. Together, we are an army of people who love and care about you so much and we are always worried about you and we are always looking out for you. I love you so much, Agnetha. Words can't even fucking describe."

"I love you too, Björn."

Agnetha and Björn kissed afterwards as Agnetha's tears finally subsided. Agnetha eventually calmed down in Björn's arms, feeling safe and secure again and luckily, Agnetha didn't really stress herself out along with her unborn babies. Björn kissed Agnetha's forehead multiple times and the two lovebirds rubbed each other's noses before a smile began appearing on Agnetha's face again and Björn smiled too as a result. After another while, Björn spoke up.



"Do you still have them on the floor beside your bed?"

"The box?"


Agnetha immediately nodded and instructed Björn to walk over to the left side of the bed where she was and look under the bed. And sure enough, there it was. The box Agnetha had always kept beside her bed that was filled with old memories and many more memories to come.

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