Dangerous In Black (four)

By hals20t

257K 9.9K 614

Alejandro Martini has always been in charge of the business side of things; handling the deals and the money... More

Dangerous In Black (B4) Alejandro's Treasure
Quick Question
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Author's Ending Note
More Part 2

Twenty Five

6.1K 278 9
By hals20t


They'd found him.

Her father.

Elliot has tracked him to a safe house a little North East of where they were and the news had Allegro planning non stop. They were currently in a meeting where Allegro went over the plans of extraction. They were going in guns blazing; the end result was to make Sai an example of what happens when someone crosses with the Martini's.

"He'll be alive when you catch him, and we'll be moving him to a secure location where eventually he will be killed."

As Allegro said the last part, he looked towards Rome for a reaction but there wasn't one. She had already made her peace with the fact her father was going to die, she knew there were no if's and but's about it. She felt Dallas squeeze her hand gently and she smiled at her friend before returning her attention to Allegro.

"We leave at six this afternoon, everyone will report to Elliot for their equipment and the gym for a refill weapons, yeah,"

There was a chorus of answers before Allegro nodded, Rome watched as Laya lifted her arm as if she were in a classroom.

"So, when do you need me ready?" She asked.

Rome lifted a brow, "You're not going a place," Elliot butted in.

Laya pouted playfully, "I was just kidding," she chuckled while rubbing her stomach, she was just about ready to give birth any day now.

Allegro shook his head before they were dismissed. Moments later, Rome stood in their room with Alejandro who was dressing. He buttoned the last of his shirt before Rome smiled at him,

انت وسيم جدا
(you look very handsome) she said.

His grey eyes met hers and he shook his head smiling, "English or Italian baby,"

"You look very handsome," she muttered approaching him.

Her hand patted his chest slowly before going into her drawers and pulling out a shirt to change into.

"and what are you doing?" He asked.


"Tesoro, you aren't coming,"

Rome frowned, "What?" She answered.

Alejandro's hand found her cheek as he traced it gently, "You've improved so much and I know you can handle yourself but we can't risk it not yet, especially with that fact that we're going after your father, you can't come."

Rome scowled, "But who's going to watch your back!"

He smiled, "Don't worry, my brothers got me covered."

She didn't like but she knew even of she protested his mind wasn't going to change, "Dallas and Laya will be here as well,"

Rome sighed before nodding, "Alright."

Alejandro nodded as he checked his watch before grabbing her hand and walking out the door. Everyone was gearing up to go and Rome felt her nerves eating her alive. Greece came along and gave her a quick hug before they all walked towards the door, Alejandro hung back taking her in his arms and kissing her deeply.

"Be safe," she muttered.

"Always," he answered.


Who knew how long it would take but as Rome walked the clinic walls she stopped by Kylana's room to see the woman watching television. She smiled at her friend, "Hey," she spoke.

Kylana smiled back, "Hey, how are you?" She asked.

Rome shrugged, "I'm alright, just nervous."

"Don't worry, I'm sure they'll be okay," Kylana reassured her.

Rome nodded, "You know, after this is over, you'll be free— to do whatever you want. My father won't be around..... you'll be safe."

Kylana smiled, "I keep forgetting I'm not there anymore," she says sadly, "Most of the time I'm expecting him to come in with his belt and..."

Rome hugged her, "He can't hurt you anymore,"

Kylana nodded into her neck as she hugged her. The two embraced before Kylana leaned back, "You know, I'm so happy you're safe," she paused, "I was so worried he'd find you," Kylana admitted.

"I've been happy here and I'm thankful for them, they're my new family," she admitted.

"Good, because you deserve it," Kylana concludes.

"So do you," Rome says squeezing her hand.

Kylana gives her a small smile before Rome left the room and walked towards the kitchen where Laya and Dallas were making dinner.

"Do you think they're okay?" Laya asked.

"I'd like to think so," Dallas answered as she turned to Rome, "How's Kylana?" She asked.

"Good actually, when do you think she'll be completely healed?"

"In a few days most likely, then she'll be alright to walk,"

Rome nodded absentmindedly as she heard the sound of water falling onto the floor.
"Laya did you drop your cup?" She asked.

"No that was from something else!"

Rome's eyes widened into saucers as Dallas took her hand, "Did your water just break?" She asked.

Laya mumbled a yes before Rome ran outside to alert one of the men to round a car. Moments later they were in the car as it sped down the highway. Rome gripped Laya's hand as she took beep breaths. Dallas had sent a text in the group chat to inform everyone of what was happening. Rushing into the hospital, Rome and Dallas watched as the doctors took Laya onto a gurney.

"Wait can they come with me?" She asked.

The doctors seemed to just look at Rome and Dallas, "Please! Please!"

The doctors seemed to nod to appease her as Rome and Dallas followed them into the room. They clasped Laya's hands as the doctors prepped her. Rome had never witnessed anyone giving birth before and to say she was nervous was the understatement of the century, "Lay, I don't think the boys will be able to make it," Dallas said.

Laya nodded, "I know, but I'm ready to meet my babies,"

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