The Void (Rainbow 6 Siege x O...

By voidlupusofficial

7.7K 135 34

Logan Whitman is the most valuable asset of The White Mask. When a certain op goes south, Logan is captured... More

The Op
Where Am I?
Night One
A Choice
A New Life
The Fight
A Mission
Operation 'Oh Shit'
Well, that's not very nice (1K Special)
Getting to Know Her


180 5 2
By voidlupusofficial

Logan awoke with his heart racing and his body drenched in cold water along with something else.  Probably piss.  But that was the least of his worries.  Taking in his surroundings, Logan realized he was in some sort of small, green-blue cabin with a life raft pushed off to the side.  Trying to move, he realized he was bound by zip-ties to a metal chair.

Zip-ties ...Not as easy to break out of as metal cuffs but not impossible.

He wiggled his hands around, searching for the excess plastic.  Once he found it, Logan tightened it to the point of pain with his restrained hands.  Losing feeling in his fingers, he took a sharp breath and pushed out against them quickly.  With the amount of pressure put on them, the cords tore and let him free.  He immediately got up and searched for an exit.  Behind him was an ominous, white door.  He stepped forward and placed a hand on it, eager to escape, Logan turned the handle and pushed his way forward but was met with a burly man shoving him back into the room with a grunt.

"Fuck!" Logan yelled as he was thrown back.

He heard the door close and lock in front of him.

Welp.  I knew it wouldn't be that easy.

He got up and looked at the room closer.  There were several useless materials but one thing caught his eye, or rather, his schizophrenia's.


Don't know, don't care.

Hehehehehe, Brimstone go boom.

Wait, Chasm.  What did you just say?

Boom-boom time.

Brimstone is highly flammable and explosive.  That's useful, retard.

Okay, where?

Table on your left.

Thanks, Void.

Shut it and get us out of here.

Thanks to the wonders of a medical disability, Logan was now able to make a new door.  Kind of.  He still needed some more firepower and a way to detonate it.  Grabbing the brimstone, he searched around for more and found a bowl full of the yellow, sulfuric powder.  On a shelf, our protagonist finds matches and a small fuse.

They make this too damn easy.

Logan is about to apply it to the wall where you would normally take the raft out from but another thing intrigued him.  He found a soft cloth.

There is absolutely no way.  This is Amatex.

He pressed it into the Brimstone and lit the fuse.  Standing back, Logan yelled to himself.


A deafening explosion knocked him off his feet but allowed him an exit.

That's gonna leave a mark.

Getting his feet under him, Logan walked out into the freezing air where he finally realized what he was wearing.  A simple white t-shirt and combat pants.  His boots were still there along with his dog tags but his weapons and plate carrier were gone.  Steeping forward, Logan saw the vast expanse of water beneath him.  Then it hit him.

I'm on a boat.

At that moment, he was launched into the water by an unknown force.  When Logan finally resurfaced, he saw that a certain yacht had crashed, bow-first into a mass of snow and ice.  He made his way back to the deck and climbed back up.  The stranded operator looked around for an escape route and hopefully a weapon or clothes.

"LOGAN!" a familiar voice yelled.

Whipping around instinctively, the Irishman found the one and only Etienne Hansen staring at him with a smile on his face.

" BASTARD!"  He sprinted at the old man.  "Where the fuck are my teammates you piece of shit!"

Logan picked him up by the collar and slammed him onto the deck.


"Now, now, Logan.  No need to be hostile.  As for your friends, I don't know, nor care,  they were most likely obliterated when the plane crashed into the World Trade Center."


Tears streaming from his face, he raised his fist and planted it in the middle of the man's face.  Again, he pulled back and was about to let his fist go flying but was stopped with a hand around his bicep.  Logan looked back and saw a large man dressed in an Italian suit with a gun pointed at him.  He swung his legs in a roundhouse kick and kicked the gun into the water.  From there, the man reached towards his back and drew a knife.

"Well that's not fair now, is it?  Two on one and you have a weapon?"

The newcomer smiled.

"Okay," He said as he threw the blade into the ocean.  "I cede."

They all raised their fists and got into fighting stances.  Etienne moved first, running at Logan, he was unbalanced and thrown into the unnamed man.  Taking down both at the same time, Logan took this opportunity to deliver a swift kick to the man in the suit's nose, knocking him out.  From there, he grabbed Hansen and shoved his face into the water.

"Where are we?!"

He plunged his face into the water once more.

"Answer me!  Where are we?"

"B-Baff..." He choked and coughed up water out of his lungs.

"Baffin Bay."

"In-In Texas?"

"Greenland, retard."

"Greenland?  That's right by the UK.  How convenient."

Without him noticing, the man in the Italian suit had risen to his feet and was at Logan's back.  

"Buddy, when you kick someone while they're down, you better be damn sure they won't get up again."

His head whipped around to face the man and was delivered a closed fist to his face.  Powerful enough to knock him out, Logan fell into the water, unconscious.

                                                            T I M E S K I P

                                                         Two Months Later

"877," a voice called.

Moments later, a man appeared wearing some odd, cloak-like garment with his face hidden.

"You needed me," the man inquired.

"Yes, old friend.  You see, the men are having a bit of trouble with cleaning up the interrogation room.  Would you mind helping them?"

"Not at all, sir."

5 minutes later, the man in odd clothes arrived at the bottom deck of a frozen-over cruise ship.

"Hello?  Anyone there?" He said.

From the darkness, two silhouettes pounced onto him and placed a bag over his head.

"Hey! What the fuck!"

"Where are your friends, bitch?" one asked.

Before he could respond with a certain 'fuck you', he was punched in the face and knocked to his knees by the second unknown.  They dragged him by the shoulders to a room this man knew all too well.  They threw him into a chair and wrapped cords around his legs, wrists and upper torso.

"Listen closely, this is an electric chair, you don't talk, we shock.  This doesn't have enough power to kill instantly so we can torture you for around four hours before your heart gives out.  And even if you survive that, we have back up."

He unsheathed a knife and plunged it into 877's thigh.  Screaming out, he squirmed and struggled against the bonds.

"Now, Whitman, where is your little base?"

"," Logan breathed.

"Okay then.  Start with 120 volts AC."

His partner had hooked up some sort of modified car battery and started the machine.  Logan immediately felt a painful, nauseating feeling go through the cords.  After what felt like an eternity, it stopped.

"That was only 30 seconds.  You want to talk or you want some more?"

"You know what?" Logan choked out.  "I think I want some more."

The man laughed quietly, "You have no idea what you're in for kid."

Out of nowhere, the electric chair turns on and more power comes through the battery.  10,000 volts coursed through Logan's body, filling him with heat and pain.  He screams out and is met with more pain when the interrogator shoves his knife into the Irishman's other thigh.  Finally, the pain is dulled and drifts Logan into a deep sleep.  

                                                                 *      *      *

Waking with an ache in his neck and his body numb, Logan opens his eyes and realizes the bag was taken off his head but, sadly, his captors were still there.

"Awake are we?  You better be ready for round two," a tall man with short blonde hair said.

The other, who had brown hair and hazel eyes looked at him with hatred and cracked his knuckles menacingly.

"You're going to have to try harder than that to get some info out of me."

"That's okay.  We have our ways," he pulled out his knife and walked towards the operator.

"You don't scare me," Logan said with a smirk on his face.  

"You're not scared of me?  Oh, you will be."

He lunged at Logan and drove his knife into his forehead and dragged it down, over his eye and to his upper lip.  Logan screamed and pulled on his restraints.  Not knowing they were changed with barbed wire, he only caused himself more pain and injury.  But anything to dull the pain from his face was good enough for him.


Coughing up blood and in too much pain to speak, Logan motioned for the man to come forward.  He did so happily and with glee put his ear next to Logan's injured face.  Without warning of any kind, he lashed out and bit into the man's ear and pulled.  Hard.

A chunk of the fleshy membrane came off as the man shrieked and backed off.

Slowly, Logan raised his hand and clenched it but left one finger uncurled.  Judging from the man's newfound anger, he assumed the bird was a universal 'fuck you' sign.

"You have no idea how badly I want to kill you right now."

Logan drew a ragged breath, "We both know you won't.  You need me.  The problem is, I'm not saying shit."

"I may not be able to kill you but I can make your life Hell."

"Hell doesn't seem too bad.  Not after what I've been through."

The man growled and took one step forward before dropping to the floor with a red dot in the middle of his head and blood gushing out of it.

His partner came forward with a suppressed Desert Eagle.

"Etienne doesn't know what's happening yet, Logan, but he is getting a little suspicious.  We need to go, now."

"Who ... are you?"

"I work with Rainbow, my name is Jack Ryan, I'm CIA, kid."


"That's what I said."

"I know you, Cabot told me you were a retard."


"Hehe, yeah, him."

His savior pulled his arms free and helped him out of the chair.  He wrapped his arm around Logan's back and led him to the emergency exit.  Logan could just taste the freedom as they moved towards the door.  Suddenly, a gunshot rang out and pulled the both of them to the floor.  Looking back, he saw Etienne holding a revolver with a smoking barrel.  He turned his attention to Ryan who was coughing up blood.

"Mr. Jack Ryan.  I knew you were a little fucking rat since the start.  How would a little white boy like you be named Willie Randolph?  And besides, I'm pretty sure I would recognize Yankee's second baseman if he tried to join an organization like this."

With his attention purely on Jack, Logan slowly reached over for his Desert Eagle.  His finger inches away from the grip, his arm was crushed by Hansen stepping on it.


                                                           T I M E S K I P

                                                        1    Month   Later

Logan was sitting by himself at a fancy, wooden table laden with snow and a single cup of coffee with steam pouring from it.  Dressed in his cloak again, he stared off into space.  A familiar man caught his attention as they walked into the room.  Turning, he saw it was the one and only Etienne Hansen.  He sat down next to Logan and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Look, child, I am sorry to tell you this but, I was having one of our soldiers recon Hereford for our next attack and he saw your friend with another man."

"Taina?" Logan asked.

"Yes, my child.  Our spy saw her having...relations, you could put it, with a man with short blonde hair."

Feeling sick, Logan put his head down and let the tears flow freely.  He had kept them pent up since he was captured and now was the time to let them out.

"And, while I hate to be the bearer of bad news, your friends have given up on you and stopped trying to find you.  However, this is a positive for us, we can continue our work without interruption."

He patted his back and left Logan to his own sadness.

                                                             *       *       *

In a frozen-over lab, Logan was standing shirtless and wearing gray sweatpants.  Around him were scientists testing and experimenting with whatever scientists do.  Finally, one walked over to him and led him to a small gurney with test tubes and needles surrounding it.  Unnerved, Logan laid down in it and allowed them to poke and prod him with these tools. 

Etienne walked into the room with a flourish, and made his way over to the Irishman.  Smiling he looked at Logan and explained what was happening.

"So, Logan, we've been experimenting with a new serum.  We've tested it before and have had wonderful except for one side-effect.  They develop severe Psychosis.  Seeing as you already have Schizophrenia, we wondered what would happen when we tested it on someone like you."

"Wonderful, what the fuck does it do?"

"It enhances strength, speed, stamina, intelligence, metabolism, and decreases the negative effects of aging while also providing slight immunity to all diseases and viruses."

"So what, I'm gonna be Captain America or something?" Logan asked.

Etienne smiled and placed his hand on Logan's shoulder.


A/N: That's gonna be it for this chapter folks.  It was a long one so you can't be mad.  I love you and thank you for reading.  I hope you enjoy the story.  Now go to sleep and stop reading fanfiction. <3 Word Count: 2371

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