Kinky Dragon (Nalu story❤️)

By Mayastoriesss

72.5K 1.9K 883

Lucy lives a normal life with nothing out of the ordinary. No mistakes, no fake ness, and no distractions. Un... More

A/N ❤️
Will you..
𝐾𝑖𝑛𝑘𝑦 𝑑𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑜𝑛❦


1K 38 16
By Mayastoriesss

Why...why does it always have to be like this?

Why can't I just be happy with someone I love?


"Hey dragon" Touka appeared in front of me with a gun in her hand. Natsu lays on the floor as I stare at him worriedly to see his breathing body. "WHY?!" I look towards her.

"You thought this was over huh??" Before she could try and aim again a blast was shot towards her from Levy. "We will take care of Natsu. The guys will handle whoever else comes.

But you Lucy..." Levy walked towards me and looked me in the eye. "Handle that bitch" Levy had worried but determination in her eyes. I nodded my head and walked over to her powering up.

Now I was down the street surrounded by tons of people. She walked out in the open looking straight towards me. "You're really gonna fight me over Natsu?" I grin.

"This isn't about Natsu, this is about handling business between you and me" she cracked her knuckles. My eyes turned white and the scales grew brighter. "This is for Natsu"

In one swift and fast move I launched at Touka with a fistful of white powerful light. She quickly dodged it turning and landing a punch on me.

But surprised her smirking and dodging that moving her leg to kick her in her stomach. "HOW?" She holds her stomach in discomfort. I smirked at her actions.

"I knew this battle was gonna happen someday clown, I've learned combat from Natsu" I launched at her again punching her face seeing her fly back. "Did your affair partner Acnologia teach you combat?"

I cross my arms but realized half of my dress was ripped. When I first met Natsu he teleported something in his hand so maybe if I...

A white dress suddenly appears on me shoes? Okay that makes sense. Also two combat gloves appeared on my hand and...a headband? "This isn't fashion show bitch" she got up again.

"I'll win pretty and strong" I shrug my shoulders when we start fighting again. I was almost able to take her out when I felt a strong impact on my stomach.

I fell back in pain with blood spitting out of my mouth to the floor. "Worthless" I heard a familiar voice that I haven't heard in a very long time. "Glad to see you finally showed up...Lisanna"


"Happy to be here, I'm only fighting her for Natsu..she took him away and I plan to get him back" I lay on the floor still groaning in pain. ' I can take both of them out, I can do it!'

I get up again still surrounded by crowds of people. "LUCY!" Zeref popped up in the background. "Zeref!!! A little help here, two whores are trying to attack me" I was struggling to stand up.

"Don't worry I got you Lucy, I feel that Acnologia will be here soon so I will be waiting" he said. "so who the hells gonna help me?!", "ugh shut the fuck up already"

Lisanna jumped towards me with claws in her hand when suddenly a woman aimed at her with a burst of yellow magic. 'small' I thought astonished. "I GOT YOU LUCY" she started fighting with Lisanna.

"Thanks Mavis!" Lucy turned her eyes toward Touka with a glare of determination. "It just you and me now bitch" Lucy said launching at Touka again. "When you lose maybe I'll take Natsu for myself" she smirked at me.

"You fucking wish" Lucy kicked her in her stomach as Touka pushed herself back and aiming at her again. "Better hope he's still alive dragon" Touka laughed as they continued fighting. "Where did you shoot at in his body??" Lucy flew back on the floor coughing.

"In his chest, what else" she smirked still standing. "Where at his chest" Lucy glared at her again. "Not his heart, once I finish you, I'm taking Natsu" Touka grinned crazily while Lisanna and Mavis were still fighting.

"Give your hopes up Touka, Natsu is mines and will forever be mines, I'm not letting a low life rat and traitor like you take him away!" I get up and power up again hearing cheers and claps from everyone surrounding us.

'Okay, you can do this Heartfilia!'

~Natsu Dragneel~

"Oh god" my eyes shot open seeing that I'm laying in a bed. "NATSU YOU'RE AWAKE" Levy ran towards me. "What the fuck is going on, where's Lucy?? And why am I in a bed??" I looked down.

I suddenly noticed my chest and my eyes went wide. "You got shot by Touka, we figure Acnologia will be here soon so all the guys are outside looking for any sight of him" Levy said fixing her glasses.

"Where's Lucy," I said getting worried. "She...she's out in the city fighting Touka while Mavis is fighting Lisanna" Levy looked down. "Fuck" I got up and stumbled over to the door.

"No Natsu you can't you have to rest!!" Levy walked over towards me. "Don't worry Levy I'm fine, Lucy needs me. Where are the other girls at?" I turned towards her. "They are searching for Acnologia".

I turned again and walked out the door. She said no loud again but I ignored her. "Jesus NATSU" Gray ran over towards me. "Any sight of Acnologia?", "no" Gajeel said. "How's Lucy and Mavis Zeref".

"They are doing fine, Lucy has dragon slayer powers so she can get through this brother, and Mavis has the powers of everyone's hearts so she's using that to make sure we are all fine as well as her, they got this"

Zeref put a hand on my shoulder. I nodded my head and grinned. "Right". I put my shirt back on and button it up. "Natsu I feel that someone's coming" Jellal said looking around. "Great"

I transformed my clothes into a black shirt with a medieval retro jacket and some blacks dress pants with boots. "You look gothic" gajeel said laughing. "Fuck off" I grew a tick mark.

All of a sudden and blast behind me made me turn quickly. I grit my teeth but soon smirked. "Welcome...Acnologia" I said cracking my knuckles. "Happy to be here Dragneel".

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