The He And The She (COMPLETED)

By linzzchrono

4.6K 115 31

SUMMARY: Emette Romerole fell in love with Rishi Domnast the moment he saw her. As fate said to be cruel, he... More

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By linzzchrono

“I actually have a confession to make.” Emette started after a few pushes in his throat.

“You seem exhausted, Rishi.” Kerchen asked her daughter.

They are now on their way to Rishi’s apartment using Emette’s car. Kerchen’s sitting between her daughter and Rod while Marcel’s at Emette’s left. It took Marcel a while to convince her friend to receive the lift. Well, it was impossible to refuse Marcel knowing she has a persistent personality and a taxi would cost a lot.

“I’m okay. A little sleep deprived.” Rishi answered her mother with a forced thin smile.

Yesterday was too crazy. She and Emette spent the whole day cuddling each other on her bed after that heated shower. She was sure Emette tried his best not to do more than what they had after that but was obvious enough that he must have tried to satisfy his fill of the one-week holding back. Either way it didn’t matter. She enjoyed Emette’s company. Even without the love making.

“You shouldn’t push yourself too hard, honey.” Kerchen said.

Rishi giggled, realizing of how many times Emette had also said the same thing to her if he had the chance. “I don’t, mom. Don’t worry.” She made sure that her voice was one with no doubt while trying to get the courage from Emette’s eyes through his rear-view mirror. He actually adjusted it so he could see her at the back as well.

After 30 minutes, they’ve reached Rishi’s apartment. Emette and Marcel were also invited inside which was pretty convenient since they plan to have a serious talk with Rishi’s family.

When Marcel stepped inside the apartment, she was surprised by the trophies, medals and certificates lined up on her cabinet.

“These are not all, right?” Marcel, with twinkling eyes, asked Kerchen while pointing over the treasures.

“Some were left in mother’s house. We couldn’t really transfer everything. Plus, Rishi doesn’t really want them here.”

“Well, it does take some space.”

Good thing Rishi took the time to clean her apartment yesterday. Emette had left after nine and did everything until half past eleven when she is supposed to wake up early to prepare. Asking Emette’s help would be bad since she knew nothing will be done if they are together. Then she had a lot of trouble sleeping for she can’t forget what happened to them the whole day, resulting to her sleepy state.

She shook her head to wake herself again. She had done that a couple of times every since this morning and it helps a little. She went over to the kitchen to start pouring some tea which had been her habit whenever there are visitors.

When Kerchen, Rod, Marcel and Emette finally took their seat on the dining table, Marcel elbowed her son to initiate the talk that they are supposed to do. But when Emette was about to speak, Kerchen’s voice was heard.

“We really thank you for picking us up. Although I was sure I’ve told Rishi that there was no need.”

“Oh, we insisted.” Marcel said, flashing her usual bright smile.

“You, mother and son, could be doing some family bonding by now for who knows.”

“Actually,” Emette finally inserted his line after a few light clutches on his sides. “There’s a reason why we insisted the lift offer to Rishi.”

Kerchen’s brow reacted automatically after hearing the familiarity of her daughter’s name in his voice. “Oh? And what could that be?”

“I actually have a confession to make.” Emette started after a few pushes in his throat. He had never imagined that it would be this hard to face your partner’s parents – especially with something that they have.

Kerchen’s forehead wrinkled. “Oh no. Did Rishi do some trouble at school?” Kerchen took his tone differently.

“No. No.” Well, she did him a lot of trouble in a lot of ways he could think of. But those doesn’t even fall under ‘at school’ category so he left that. He swallowed air to earn some courage and said, “I’m actually in love with your daughter.” without removing his eyes on Kerchen. He wanted to know her reaction when he said it.

“You’re in love with my daughter?” Kerchen echoed just to confirm she heard him right. She received a nod. “In love?” This time, her jaw tightened. Kerchen felt her breathing getting rougher as she settles her fury in. “Does Rishi knows about this?”

Emette’s prepared. Even after seeing obvious anger from Kerchen’s eyes, he was long prepared for this so there’s no backing out now. “She does.”

Kerchen’s eyes narrowed. She used every energy she has left after their long flight from Alaska to control her anger. “What did she say?” Her solid voice indicated her almost-to-burst rage. And as if impatient of Emette’s answer, she repeated. “What did Rishi say?”

“I’m in love with him too.” Her daughter’s voice from behind said. She’s carrying a tray of tea. “I love him, mom.” Rishi repeated, as if not enough to reach her mother, with obvious fear shown on her face.

Kerchen turned half of her body to face her daughter, to see the truth through her eyes. “Is this what you’ve been doing while we’re working? Away from you?” Her voice’s volume increased, her eyes igniting. “Is this the thing you’re telling us that everything’s fine? How can everything be fine when you’re having a relationship with your teacher? Please don’t tell me you’re doing this to get those high grades, Rishi.” She couldn’t control her hands, waving in the air, as if to justify what she was asking or implying with her questions.

“No, I don’t!”

“No, she doesn’t!”

Rishi and Emette almost chorused. It made Kerchen to turn to the teacher.

Despite the anger in her eyes, Emette tried to swallow his fear and pleaded internally that his vocal chords won’t fail him. “Your daughter is a talented and intelligent girl. She’d never do low.”

“Intelligent?” She raised a brow. Her sarcasm topping any feelings she has through her voice. “Then maybe I should ask my intelligent daughter about what’s she’s doing with you, her teacher.”

Her mother’s words hit Rishi. She blink back all of the tears that are teasing her eyes, ready to fall any minute. How can she show her weakness now at a crucial time? She tried to open her mouth to speak but her mother didn’t give her a chance.

“I know it was our bad for leaving you on your own.” Kerchen’s voice turned low and sorry all of a sudden, showing her regret. “But we didn’t expect you to do this, Rishi.” She avoided facing her daughter.

Rishi, on the other hand, tried her best to hold on her tears but her mother’s words did a great job on pushing them through of her eyes. Kerchen was supposed to be angry with her. But instead, her mother became guilty and took her fault as their’s.

There was a small silence but Marcel broke it after seeing Rishi started crying. “Chenny, it’s not Rishi’s fault. No one can control who to fall for.” Marcel’s voice was soothing, showing she’s trying her hardest not to ignite more from Kerchen and at the same time, to comfort Rishi from tears.

Kerchen hesitated at first. She was feeling guilty and embarrassed to face someone like Marcel, a great model of a mother, someone she respects with all her life. But she pushed her head and eyes to face the woman. “So you knew about this, Marcel? And you didn’t say anything?”

“I figured they should be the one to tell you.” Marcel’s now using her hands to explain better but making sure they are moved with grace for reassurance.

“So you’re telling us now?” Her voice solidified once again in anger. Of course, she can’t blame Marcel if she thinks that way since this is her daughter’s business but as a mother, she should know what’s best for their children. But Marcel just let her son pursue her friend’s daughter even she knew that what they will have is something complicated?

Rod came to whisper something to Kerchen. She settled a little and swallowed her fury. She held her temples as she thought about the situation. So there was another silence.

Rishi couldn’t stop her sobbing. Now, her mother is angry towards Marcel who hadn’t done anything wrong. It was clearly her fault. She let the situation become something like this. But there’s nothing she could do now. She loves Emette and she’s ready for anything – even if it has to be her mother’s rage. “I didn’t mean to hide it, mom.” She tried to calm her voice, hide the shake and steady her balance with the tray at hand. She stared at the cups of tea while their liquids quake.

“But you did.” Kerchen flatly said, obvious that she’s trying to control herself.

“I was just… scared.”

“Yes, you were. Because you knew it was wrong.” She paused and looked over her crying daughter. She didn’t want her to be like this. It could have been their fault for leaving her on her own but they knew she’s smart and she knows what she’s doing.

‘But why this? She can’t control who to love? She has every option! There’s just two years. Can’t she wait? Can’t they wait? And Emette is supposed to be matured enough to think about these things.’ Kerchen started to massage her temples. This thinking is not even helping the situation.

“Just think about what other students will say if they found out about this.” Finally, Kerchen’s calm voice returned after a few inhales.

“If that’s what you’re worried about,” Emette started his lines. He wanted to end this. He doesn’t want to see Rishi cry in front of him while doing nothing at all. “I’m willing to resign.”

“So if you resign, you think her name will be cleared? She won’t be the topic of every rumor at school? She won’t get being the talk of everyone?” Kerchen countered. “Think, young man.”

Another silence came between them and only Rishi’s sobs can be heard. Emette clutched his hands on his sides to stop himself from going to the girl’s side so he could hug her. But to do that in this situation, it will make things worse. Now that Kerchen’s calmed down, any other actions would just lead to another rage.

Kerchen sighed. After some seconds, she stood from her chair that caught everyone’s attention. “Rishi, start packing. You’re coming with me first thing tomorrow.” And she picked her phone from her pocket.


Well, shit. To be honest, I had trouble writing this. I mean, I don't really want to show how bad Rishi's parents are, especially her mother. But, yes. I just want to point out, using Kerchen, about Rishi and Emette's flaws (which are not really THAT much - I should have made better lol).

Well, a trip to Alaska? Rishi?

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