THANTOPHOBIA ① g.weasley

By TheUnknownBrokenGirl

1.1M 44.6K 35.8K

❝my papa always told me that you can't trust anybody, no matter what.❞ ❝why would he say that?❞ ❝his own love... More

year one: diagon alley
year one: off to hogwarts
year one: feasting
year one: greasy-haired potions
year one: remind me
year one: new quidditch recruit
year one: children out of bed
year one: feathers and bludgers
year one: troll in the dungeon
year one: first games
year one: birthdays
year one: christmas
year one: mirror of erised
year one: fist fights and howlers
year one: stutters
year one: dragons
year one: caught
year one: lost point days
year one: forbidden forest
year one: we have your back
year one: puzzles
year one: book of memories
year two: andromeda tonks
year two: rescue mission
year two: i got a secret
year two: lockhart the loser
year two: truth from cousins
year two: cornish pixies
year two: barfing slugs
year two: the voices
year two: a chamber of secrets
year two: crazy rogue bludger
year two: hufflepuffs and duelling clubs
year two: an angry father
year two: diaries of a teenage boy
year two: cancelled quidditch
year two: spiders
year two: fool and fraud
year two: tom marvolo riddle
year two: second kisses
year three: new addictions
year three: crookshanks the mini tiger
year three: black dogs
year three: they suck the emotion
year three: bitchy slytherins
year three: taking a hit for a cousin
year three: spottings
year three: boggarts
year three: cedric knows all
year three: big brothers
year three: 394
year three: dementors in the playing field
year three: godbrothers
year three: family is family
year three: letter from sirius orion black
year three: expecto patronum
year three: murderer fathers
year three: snape hates hope
year three: quidditch final
year three: sirius orion black
year three: truth is revealed
year three: free once more
year three: lupin-black household
year four: ton-tongue toffees
year four: drama days
year four: quidditch world cup
year four: dangerous turns
year four: last days of summer
year four: triwizard tournament
year four: drama queen lee
year four: beauxbatons and durmstrang
year four: the four champions
year four: mean girls and best friends
year four: best friends split
year four: the first task
year four: love is in the air
year four: hope's truth
year four: the yule ball
year four: shaming articles
year four: the second task
year four: sirius and remus
year four: ivailo krum
year four: the prophecy
year four: the third task
year four: gone
year four: goodbye cedric diggory
little teeny tiny author's note

year four: sneaking around

12.2K 432 255
By TheUnknownBrokenGirl


❛You just want to fangirl over Viktor Krum.❜

Hope Lupin-Black sat on the bed of George Weasley, leaning back on the oak bed-frame. The two Gryffindors sat centimeters across from each other, their lips connected as they continued to kiss. As the two parted, Hope laid back onto the pillows.

"Who do you think will be our Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher this year?" questioned George, randomly looking over to his girlfriend.

Hope shrugged, running a hand through her hand. "Hopefully no one I'm related to, or someone who isn't psycho."

"Like Hogwarts would even have the luck."

As she let out a chuckle, Hope looked over to George. "I don't really care much about my studies. I mean sure they're needed, but there are more important things."

George Weasley furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "You don't care about your studies?"

"I care about Quidditch, George." she spoke as if it were obvious. "Duh."

"Might as well call you Oliver Wood." the teenage boy joked, letting out a light laugh. "Obsessed with Quidditch."

Hope stuck her tongue out in a joking way. "Who do you think will make captain this year?"

George shrugged his shoulders, then looked back to his girlfriend. "I would say you, I mean, you're bloody amazing."

"I don't know." she spoke slowly, looking down at her fingernails. "Harry might make captain, he's pretty talented--"

"Love, you were the youngest Quidditch player in this century." he insisted, looking baffled that she was doubting herself.

She only shook her head numerous times. "But Harry is Harry. He defeated a dark wizard, and everyone loves him."

George placed a finger and placed a soft kiss on her pale cheek. "You're amazing, Hope."

Hope's cheeks turned a bright shade of pink, and her flips formed into a smile. "Thank--"

Out of nowhere, the door to Fred and George's room slammed open to reveal a panting Ginny. Her face was a bright shade of red and she just kept pointing from Hope and George to behind her.


"Mum's home." she breathed out quickly. "Hope needs to come to my room. Mum can't catch you. Come on."

George's brown eyes widened quickly. "Shit, shit, shit."

Ginny grabbed Hope's hand, practically pulling her off of the bed. As the teenage girls stumbled down onto the floor, the Weasley girl looked over to her friend. "We need to go, now. Come on, let's go."

The two teenage girls sprinted down the stairs of the Burrow, giggling like mad women. Both almost falling over numerous times. Once they arrived at Ginny's bedroom, they plopped down on her bed continuing to giggle.

"You're my lifesaver, Gin." laughed Hope, burying her face in a blue pillow.

The Weasley girl let out a laugh, looking to her close friend. "When are you two going to start openly telling people?"

"Not sure--"

"Who have you two even told?" questioned Ginny, looking directly at the blonde girl.

Hope furrowed her blonde eyebrows, and looked up as if she was thinking. "Uh, well, I'm not exactly sure."

"Do you not know?"

"No, no. I know who we've told." denied Hope, holding her hand out while laughing. "Fred, Lee, Henry, you, maybe Neville? I think that might be it."

Ginny laughed loudly at Hope's obvious confusion. "Who're you telling next?"

"Definitely not my family." said the girl quickly, shaking her head furiously. "I mean, it's kind of just like if someone finds out they find out."

The ginger girl only nodded, picking up a hairbrush. As she brushed through her long hair, she spoke up randomly. "Do you know any single boys, J?"

Hope whipped around quickly, her grey eyes big and smile wide. "Is Miss Ginerva Weasley wanting a boy toy?"

"Don't even act like you're surprised." laughed Ginny, rolling her eyes playfully. "I can't keep crushing on the same boy forever."

"But you and Harry would be great--"

Ginny narrowed her eyes to her friend, shaking her head quickly. "J, he's into anyone but me. I need to move on."

"But we could be sisters--"

"You're literally dating my brother." exclaimed Ginny, looking directly at Hope. "Just move on, J. Your ship has crashed and sunk."

Hope fake pouted for a few seconds before bursting out into laughter. Ginny playfully pushed her friend onto the stack of pillows.

In that moment, the door opened to reveal Molly Weasley with a basket of folded clothes in her hands. She looked at the two girls and pointed to the stairs. "Girls, dinner's done."

"Okay, Mum."

"I want you both to wash up right now." she pointed from the blonde-girl to the ginger-girl. "Go, go."

Five out of seven Weasley children sat out on the backhill with the Lupin-Black girl. All of the teenagers held plates of Molly Weasley's delicious food in their hands as they looked out at the grove of trees.

"I cannot wait to move out and start working at the Ministry full-time." commented Percy, wiping his glasses on his shirt. 

"Congrats, Perce." said Hope, smiling to her friend. "On getting the job you wanted and all."

Percy returned a thankful smile to the small girl quickly. "Thank you. I just hope I can enforce enough rules--"

"Leave it to Percy to enforce rules." laughed Fred, which caused his older brother to roll his eyes.

"Like you'd know anything about rules."

Fred and George began to laugh as Percy rolled his eyes once more. "Perce, rules are literally meant to break."

Hope furrowed her eyebrows to the twins. "Do you two even know the definition of rules?"

"I'm just excited for the Quidditch World Cup." added Ron, smiling wide as they could. "It's going to be brilliant."

Ginny began to laugh loudly. "You just want to fangirl over Viktor Krum, Ron."

"Oh, Viktor," mocked Hope in a low-pitched voice. "Love me, choose me."

"Of course, Ronald," continued Ginny, holding a hand over her heart. "We can run off into the sunset together."

Everyone burst into laughter while Ron just stuck his tongue out at the two girls, arms crossed over his chest. "You two aren't funny."

"Oh, please." his sister laughed, punching his arm lightly. "We're the funniest people ever."

"Are you going with us to the Quidditch World Cup?" questioned George, leaning forward to make eye contact with his girlfriend.

Hope shrugged her shoulders. "Kind of. I'm staying with Ced the night before, but I'll be sleeping with Gin and Hermione while we camp."

George's eyebrows furrowed together quickly. "You're staying with Cedric?"

"Someone's jealous."

"Yeah, we haven't had a sleepover in ages." said Hope, still obvious to George's jealousy. "We need to look at Dragons and practice our flying."

The sound of the back door of the Burrow opening caused everyone to turn around. Molly Weasley stood in the door-frame, hands cupped around her mouth. "Hope James, it's 8 o'clock! It's time for you to head home."


Ginny looked up to her friend and smirked. "Let me know if you think of anyone."

"I'll tell you what I find, Ginny." laughed Hope, before turning towards Ron. "We're getting Harry on Thursday, right?"


Hope Lupin-Black sat at the kitchen table of the Tonks' house along with Andromeda and Nymphadora, who preferred to be called Tonks or Dora by her mother. All three of the women sat drinking tea as Hope brought up what Milo Bishop told her.

"I just don't understand this so-called prophecy." said Hope, the look of confusion mixed with annoyance clear on her face.

"Well," started Andromeda, taking a small sip of tea. "What all do you know about it?"

The teenage girl furrowed her eyebrows before speaking up. "Well, it includes me, Milo Bishop, Alexa Willard, and Draco--"

"Like our cousin, Draco Malfoy?" questioned Tonks, running a hand through her purple hair.

Hope nodded slowly, biting her lip as she nodded. "Apparently, there's going to be war and we have to save the world? I think this Milo Bishop guy is mental."

"Bishop?" asked the elder woman, narrowing her eyes. "Like the great Seer and Legilimens?"

"You're kidding."

Tonks let out a laugh as she shook her head. "I've heard of that family, they're quite popular. Ezra Bishop was the greatest Seer in all of Germany."

"It could be wrong though." Hope tried to negotiate, refusing to believe there would be war. "I think Milo is just worrying."

As Andromeda went to the pantry to grab a muffin, she looked back at the two girls. "But what if it isn't fake, Hope?"

"Can't we just hope that it is, though?"

"I think training would do you some good." the former-Hufflepuff commented. "Mum and I know lots of duelling tricks and the muggle ways of fighting."

Hope cocked an eyebrow at her cousin. "Muggle way?"

"Like with a sword or kicking--"

"I throw a great punch." smiled Hope, remembering all the great times she had thrown a perfect swing.

After a few more words regarding the muggle way of battling and some cool spells that Tonks had learned when she trained to become an Auror, the two girls ran to the back yard to practice. First, they practiced with swords and how to swing them perfectly.

As Andromeda watched from the window, she smiled proudly. Suddenly, there was a pop and Sirius Black appeared in her kitchen. He looked around until his grey eyes met Andromeda's blue.

"Andi, is my daughter here?" he questioned walking forward, his hair pulled back into a bun. "She was supposed to come home after hanging out with Cedric--"

"She's out back with Dora." interrupted the Tonks woman, taking another swig of tea. "She's showing her some of her Auror skills."

Sirius' dark eyebrows furrowed. "Auror skills?"

She looked to her cousin and smiled softly. "Look for yourself, Siri."

The Black man walked to the window where he saw his daughter practicing how to kick a person in the face. He quickly turned back to his cousin. "Is she learning how to kick someone in the face?"

"It looks like it."

"Why is she learning that?" he questioned quickly, almost seeing at a loss for words.

Andromeda widened her blue eyes and looked around her small kitchen. "Tea, Sirius?"

"Oh, yes, please."

She smiled warmly to her cousin as she stood up from her seat. As the Tonks woman poured the tea into another cup, she spoke up. "How are you and Remus doing?"

"We're fine." he said, almost too quickly. "We just have different opinions on how children should behave. Alphard is very different from Hope."

Andromeda looked to her cousin with furrowed eyebrows. "They are two different people."

"I don't think Alphard likes me. He avoids me for the most part, and only speaks to Hope or Remus."

"You were gone for a long time." she said as she sat down. "He doesn't know you, Sirius. Besides, it's Hope that has associated with our family."

Sirius groaned loudly. "But why? My mother is dreadful, why would she want to go to that house?"

"Your mother liked her." laughed Andromeda, leaning her head back. "But I am happy that she has female influences now. She grew up with none, Sirius."

In that moment, Nymphadora sprinted in the house with Hope following. The two girls slowed down once they saw Sirius sitting at the kitchen table.

"Dad," said Hope, grey eyes widened. "What are you doing here?"

Sirius just stared at his daughter, eyes narrowed. "You said you would come home after going to Cedric's, and this doesn't look like Cedric's or home."

Hope looked around the kitchen and raised a finger to her lips. "Huh, would you look at that. This isn't Ced's house."


"I must've got lost." insisted Hope, nodding as she spoke. "Somehow I ended at Andi's hose."

Sirius just pinched the bridge of his nose. "Your Papa is very upset, by the way. He's really fed up with you sneaking around."

"Sneaking around?"

Andromeda grabbed some muffins from behind her. "You must be going on your way, Hope. Here, take some muffins for your brother, freshly baked."

hey guys! i'm so excited to start this part, as i feel it is the goblet of fire that can start everything.
question, where is everyone from like country wise?

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