Oh, I Catastrophize (MHA)

By sagelike_sunshine

282K 11.4K 24.6K

After being left behind by All Might on the rooftop, Izuku starts to see the world in a different way. He rea... More

The prowl of the Night Cat
An unexpected turn
A bunch of scared heroes! What??
Meeting the Love Interest
Tests are Pests (part 1)
Tests are Pests (part 2)
Izuku shows who's boss
A Mix of Old and New
Something Wicked This Way Comes
Pain. Pain. Pain.
Emotions lead to luck
The world needs you...
Laughter is the best medicine
Tea and Explanations
Izuku gets a reminder
New recruits
Wriggle Like A Worm?
Curiosity Killed the Cat-
-Satisfaction Didn't Bring it Back
Put That "Concern" On Hold, I have Adrenaline Babyyyyy (USJ P1)

Paperwork is an Ideal Revenge Plan

10.6K 490 1.1K
By sagelike_sunshine

Izuku couldn't help but sigh as he walked to his first class. Even Aizawa raised his eyebrows at the way Mei had a death grip on his arm, glaring at anyone and everyone who passed by. 

Izuku was glad for the concern and honestly found it amusing. But he couldn't deny the fact that it was hilarious to watch her pout when he complained about how clingy she was. The sharp jabs he intermittently  received in his ribs was worth it.

Standing at the door, Aizawa watched them blandly before shooing Mei away with one hand.

She stepped back with no complaints and Izuku turned to enter the room. It wasn't that easy though, Mei deciding to grab the older man by the scarf, dragging him down to her height so she could stare directly into his eyes. The glare she pinned him with was downright frightening, although Izuku had spent enough time with her to be used to it. But being witness to the power it had over an outsider… well, it was certainly an experience.

"If he gets hurt today I'll have your guts on a platter, got it?" she asked, although it was clearly a rhetorical question. Aizawa's eyes widened a fraction before he nodded calmly and pried her hand from his scarf.

"I don't want him getting hurt either Hatsume. Yet his idiotic tendencies seem to obstruct our want to keep him relatively alive and not shot or stabbed." 

Izuku almost felt betrayed when they both aimed equal looks of disappointment towards him. He smiled sheepishly in return, thinking of all the dumb plans he had for future expeditions.

As their gazes left him to return to their… strange staring competition- could he even call it that?-, he took the chance they were presenting him with to rush into the classroom. 

His back felt stiff and sore as he sat on his wooden seat, pain ricocheting up his spine. Recovery Girl warned that it would feel this way for another week, although she would try to heal it as quickly as possible. Izuku knew she felt reluctant to heal it, hoping it would stop him from doing stupid things yet again. Everyone was well aware that wouldn't deter him.

Zoning out, he only returned to the present time when he felt a presence standing by his desk and looked up, meeting dark, almost black eyes that were sparkling with happiness. 

"I see there's a change in costume today." Those eyes roamed over the material covering the lower half of his face, just past his nose. Izuku knew what it looked like, having debated with his mum over if they should even make it for quite a period of time until they decided that his voidless mask should be used for actual vigilante work . This wasn't important enough to warrant such a drastic cover-up of his identity. 

The material that hid his face now was a sparkling silver. Thankfully it was metallic yet plain, only sparkling with ambience when the light lay against it in a certain way. Paired with the black tinted sunglasses and his normal cat-eared headphones, his identity was still hidden. 

Although just to be sure, he did have the hood of his comfy jumper up, small holes in said hood allowing the ears to peek through. 

"Well, I can't always be in that mask. People would take me for boring."

"Oh, of course. We couldn't have that Loki."

"Nope, never." Their matching grins were blinding to the rest of the class- well Kaminari's was… the blonde boy had to rely on the tone of Izuku's voice to figure out his feelings. Most of the class were staring at the vigilante extraordinaire who sat in their class like this the end of the world was approaching and they couldn't stop it. Loki took pride in their horrified gazes.

None of them had gotten into UA and expected to meet a vigilante who was well-known amongst many people.

"Sooo, did you see the tape?" Kaminari asked, quiet enough so that Bakugou wouldn't hear him. Though he needn't have worried. Izuku knew for a fact that Bakugou was too busy pretending to be mad at Kirishima's attempts to befriend him to do much.

Kaminari's golden locks were unruly and ruffled, as if he had been running his hands through it quite a bit. It led Izuku to a train of thought that was oddly morbid for so early in the morning.

Had people actually worried about him?

It was a strange thought. He knew that Mei would have, probably only because she would lose the most willing test subject for her babies and her partner in crime. Yet thinking of anyone else he had met, he couldn't help but find it hard to understand why they would be upset if he did pass away. 

"Yes, I did." The amusement shone through and Izuku couldn't have stifled his giggles even if he had wanted to. Remembering the video he had been shown led to other thoughts, when he had been loopy on pain meds and trying to take in the fact he was beside the most gorgeous insomniatic bastard he had ever met. He could still perfectly picture Bakugou's glitter covered face.

It was a conscious effort on Izuku's part to keep his voice low and unassuming. He wished he could have installed a voice modifier on the material near his mouth but there had been no time. Getting something comfortable while almost being useful was harder than it appeared.

"So, you liked it?" 

"Of course. What sort of question is that? Although I had decided to push that project off until a later date once I got injured but you three played it off perfectly."

Kaminari's grin was electric and Izuku finally understood why some people say that people's quirks suited their personality. In some cases he didn't agree but this… this he could see.

"Alright you bunch of headaches. Sit down." Aizawa's bored voice filled the room, people immediately finding their seats. 

The lesson started, something about the history of heroes. Izuku didn't even know why he was in the class- oh… because he had nearly died. That made sense. Nezu was punishing him with the boring work he had already learned.

Except that only gave him time to create more ideas. Nezu clearly hadn't thought it through. Or maybe he had.

Izuku could never really tell.

Aizawa dutifully ignored the pencil scratching against paper as Izuku drew device after device, some rough sketches while others had immaculate details and tips on how to improve them written in the margins. He hummed quietly while he worked, a tune that was stuck in his head from when he had been getting ready that morning and blasting music.

By the time the class was over he had filled eight pages of his notebook with drawings and his brain was buzzing with energy and thoughts.

The classes he had went by quickly, at least one person from each class nearly smothering him in attention. 

Then, as soon as the bell went for lunch he was greeted by Mei who dragged him rather forcefully over to the table to sit with the others. He noticed Momo sitting at the table, watching them all with tangible nerves drifting around her.

"Who's this?" he asked jokingly, already sipping a smoothie he had brought. The straw slipped up through his mask, which was good because he wasn't about to show his face in a cafeteria, thank you very much. He was rather hungry but the plans in his head were beginning to churn and stew as he thought of better ways to act upon them, which distracted him from his hunger.

All Might wouldn't know what hit him.

"We were hoping you could answer that question, Loki. But since you have no social skills, I guess we'll have to find out ourselves." Hiraku rolled his eyes good-naturedly when Izuku flipped him the bird.

“Or I just want you to find out for yourselves. I already met her Hiraku.”

The girl looked bewildered, her black eyes drifting over each of them, trying to understand what was happening.

"So, what's your name?" Shinsou drawled, picking at his food.

The girl sipping at her juice dainty, before replying. "Yaoyorozu Momo, but you can call me Momo. It's clearly easier." 


"Excuse me?"

"What's your quirk?" Mei asked impatiently, her foot tapping rapidly against the ground. Izuku could sense her excitement but knew they wouldn't get anything from Momo unless they played it right. And he wanted to watch them have patience for once in their lives.

"Ignore her. Why did you decide to sit with us?" The facemask muffled his voice slightly but he ignored it, eyes taking in her appearance once again, noticing the slight differences from when she had been out on the field.

Long black hair in a ponytail, obviously hurting her head slightly but the watch on her wrist implied she was from a rich family. From his knowledge, rich families preferred longer hair as it could be styled in a variety of ways which was a unique portrayal of their wealth. She was perched on her chair, perfectly poised as if ready for a photo shoot, which immediately confirmed what he thought. She seemed dainty and fragile yet Izuku could sense a fire burning under that posture that made her seem as small as possible. 

"The others were giving me a headache and you all seem like nice people. Plus I know Loki."

"Well, your headache isn't going to get any better around these ones," Kayo laughed, nudging her, Momo's smile a little strained. Those soft yellow eyes watched the girl beside her carefully. Izuku thought Kayo might notice Momo's uneasiness at the new people around her but she just turned to talk to Hiraku instead.

"Fair enough." Izuku went back to eating, listening as the others chattered around him, joyous and loud conversations about the best way to dispose of a body. Momo looked absolutely shocked by the conversation topic. When Izuku realised her gaze was focused on him he nodded inconspicuously to which she pursed her lips.

Eventually, she dropped her barriers and Izuku actually enjoyed her insight on the topic. He didn't even know how this had started but was too lazy to stop it.

Students had to find their enjoyment in something. If that something was weird chatter and a nihilistic point of view on the world around them then so be it. It was normal.

"Put It In A Cone's is better than Moshi Moshi's ice-cream parlour!" Hiraku shouted across the table, pointing an accusing finger at Kayo.

"They are both ice-cream. And, Moshi Moshi has a better selection of ice-cream. Sorry Hiraku but you're wrong." Kayo shrugged dismissively, unconsciously tugging at one of her horns.

"Guys, help me out here," he pleaded, puppy dog eyes aimed directly at Mei and Loki.

"We go to Moshi Moshi's. Sorry, Hiraku." Mei shrugged, popping another piece of her lunch into her mouth.

"Betrayal," he huffed, magenta eyes glaring at them all.

Kaminari piped up from where he had been eating, shoving a chopstick into the other's face. "Why do you think it's better?"

"They have bigger scoops."

"Bigger isn't always better," Mei chimed in with.

Before she could realise what exactly she had said Izuku took advantage of the opening. "And you would know how?"

Laughter spilled from the others, Mei trying to hide her grin but failing. This went on for so long that Izuku was sure the others around them were thinking they got hit by a laughing quirk.

In reality it was just dirty humour.

"So, Momo, what is your quirk?" Izuku rolled his eyes as Mei started up again, not expecting Momo to answer.

"Creation. Essentially I can create any material I so desire, as long as I know the exact genetic material and formula it's made of. They require my lipids though." Izuku could almost see Mei's eyes light up in excitement and he wasn't even looking at her. Maybe because his eyes were lighting up too at the more detailed explanation than during the assessment tests.

"That's so cool. You must be super useful then!" Kayo exclaimed, trying to stop Hiraku from climbing over the table and bouncing around Momo. Even Kaminari was looking at Hiraku like the boy was an alien.

"It's not that good, I mean, what if I can't make the things I need in a certain situatio-"

"Momo I'm gonna stop you right there," Izuku interrupted, not liking the way she was putting her quirk down," because your quirk seems almost invincible, apart from the fact you should always have food on you in order to increase the number of lipids you have. But if you can learn chemical formulas, as I'm sure you already have, then any object you make can be used multiple times and in different circumstances." In his rambling spiel, Izuku had completely forgotten to make his voice lower, although, thankfully, it was deeper than it had been a year previous. Thankfully, no one really seemed to notice, too caught up on his words, thinking over them.

Yet he could feel someone's gaze etched onto him, burrowing into his skin the longer it stayed there.

He shrugged it off, preferring to witness Mei hounding Momo about her quirk. He was pretty sure she was writing more in his notebook than he would have himself.


The bell rang and they parted, each going in the direction of their respective classes. Izuku bounced along happily, Momo and Kaminari walking beside him as they returned to 1-A's classroom. 

"What's got you so chirpy Loki?" she questioned, giggling at his strange behaviour. It was weird to see the usually stone-faced, bored vigilante practically hopping down the hallway.

"Oh, just some drama about to happen. Entertainment for the week is sorted m'lady," he laughed, winking in her direction. Shock painted itself across her face until she dissolved into laughter, pushing him in the shoulder.

They reached the class, returning to their seats just in time for the door to burst open loudly, slamming into the wall behind it.

Loki sat there calmly, witness to the awe spreading around the room like wildfire at the sight of the number one hero, All Might. Izuku nearly scoffed but held it back, rolling his eyes behind his tinted glasses instead.

"I am here!" he greeted, shouting far too loudly for Izuku's taste. Now that the childish idolism had been corrupted, he could see past the muscles and brawn for what All Might really was. An idiot. 

Soon, after a quiet bit of chatter, they were directed to change into their hero costumes. 

Although Izuku had nothing against the boys in 1-A he went to another bathroom and changed, keeping his movements to a minimum. The pain meds he had taken at the start of lunch were wearing off now, making him regret his hyper jumping around before this class. 

He took another tablet, gulping water down to ensure he swallowed it. Hoping it would kick in soon, he left, finishing clasping his gloves on just as he left the room.

Only to find a pomeranian waiting for him.

Bakugou stepped forward, a few inches taller than him, trying to use that fact to his advantage. 

Intimidation maybe?

"You listen here you little shit, just because you're a vigilante doesn't mean you're better than me, got it?"

"I don’t think I'm better than you Bakugou, I know I am." He pushed past the other harshly, expletives exploding from the boy behind him.

Walking to the control room they were directed to, he waited for the others. Kaminari was out first, standing beside Izuku. He was glad for the other boy because none of their other classmates had approached him thus far. Momo eventually appeared, looking uncomfortable and Izuku realised why when he saw the purple balls on the short figure who emerged soon after.

"You ok?" he whispered, glancing at the girl who was pulling at her costume and trying to cover up the exposed bits of skin. "Yeah, I'm fine."

It was clear she didn't want to start any trouble so soon into the year but Izuku was more than pissed about it.

Once the whole class stood there, scattered around the room, All Might began.

"So today will be a faux battle between heroes and villains You will all be randomly put into teams and pitted against one another. One side will be heroes trying to capture the villains and rescue a fake bomb they have. Everyone understand?"

He didn’t wait for them to nod before he began to pull names out of a bag he had prepared previous to this.

"Team A- Satou and Kouda. B- Iida and Shouji. C- Yaoyorozu and Mineta. D- Bakugou and Todoroki. E- Aoyama and Mina. F- Kirishima and Sero. G- Kaminari and Jirou. H- Uraraka and Asui. I- Ojiro and Hagakure. J- Tokoyami."

Just as All Might was about to continue, Loki stepped forward.

"What about me, Sir?" he asked, trying- he truly tried- to prevent the hostility from entering his tone...judging by the sidewards glances from his classmates he failed.

"Ahh, Loki. Well due to your… predicament I tho-"

Izuku raised his hand, palm facing the man before him. "Stop before you do something you'll regret dearly," he whispered, the menace in his voice echoing around the room. Most froze when they heard it, the abrupt change in behaviour completely unexpected and distressing. "Do not try to get yourself in more trouble than you already are. Please think before you speak."

The man considered his words before nodding. "I still do not think it's suitable for you to fight after your… injury."

Loki felt the anger building up again, which subsequently blocked out the pain that was ravaging his back. He knew that it wasn't healed fully, but he would be damned if that meant he had to stop doing what he loved and wanted to. And it wasn't because of his injury. That was just a convenient excuse.

"I think I can judge my strength for myself, All Might. I know when to quit. Unlike some people." His sly remark clearly hit it's mark when he saw the man's eyes widen.

"Fine. Team J- Tokoyami and Loki. Now move into your groups."

Izuku strolled over to the other boy, fascinated by the shadows that swirled around him, thriving in the dimmest corner of the room.

"Now for the teams against each other. Teams A vs E, G vs C, H vs F, I vs B, and D vs J. The first letter I called out for each pairing are the heroes. Will the first team of villains please go down to the gate in order to get your five-minute head start to plant the bomb.

The pairings went by quickly, Aoyama and Mina winning the first match by using Mina's acid to melt through floors and Aoyama's laser to push through walls. They worked well together and Izuku found himself interested greatly in Mina's ability, already designing support items that could better the usage of her quirk.

Kaminari and Jirou won against Momo and Mineta, which Izuku was slightly surprised by, although the two worked very well together, no matter how much Jirou tried to brush Denki off. Jirou had been able to find the bomb and the two 'villains' easily, when Kaminari then electrocuted them all. Momo's quirk usage was fascinating to Izuku yet she seemed to hold back just a bit, whether that was because Mineta was practically drooling over her and it made her uncomfortable enough to forget her arsenal of weapons or something else, he couldn't quite tell.

The next match flew by, Uraraku and Asui making a great team, flinging Sero and Kirishima out of the way before touching the bomb and completing their task. The fight they had before Kirishima's hardened state let up was insightful to say the least, and Sero's rather bland power was incredible to watch because of the unique way he yielded it. He made it have more potential than even Izuku would have expected.

The villains won in the last fight, Iida and Shouji becoming quite a force of power while working together. Izuku wished he had his notebook throughout all this so that he could take notes about their quirks. Sadly, he would have to rely on his mind, even if that wasn't a big problem. 

Taking his notes in code in front of others would have taken too much effort to explain.

Finally, his match arrived and he hopped up from where he had slumped on the ground, Tokoyami following behind him. They ran into the building as their timer started and Izuku turned to the other once inside.

"Hi, I'm Loki and I want to win this damned match no matter what, so please do explain your quirk."

The weird look he received from the other was worth it. Or he hoped it would be.

"Very well then. I had a sentient creature who aids me with my combat, Dark Shadow. I can control and direct him in any way I want, but light and explosions are his weakness. That means I'll have to stay away from Bakugou."

Izuku grinned.

"I'll take care of him."


Todoroki was already sick of his partner's attitude problem, although he tried not to show it. With his poker face, he was sure his emotions wouldn't be expressed.

The other boy was downright vicious, hands nearly constantly sparking and he already looked ready to kill.

Todoroki was far from an idiot and yet he didn't understand why the boy was getting so worked up. 

Yes, they were up against a vigilante known for their vicious and brutal takedowns, but Todoroki was hardly concerned. (He was furiously ignoring the fact that vigilante had been able to take him down during their assessments) Tokoyami was their biggest concern and only because his monster of a shadow creature could probably pulverize them if it so wished. 

"Bakugou, I have a plan fo-"

"Shut it Half-n-Half, I don't give a fuck about your plan. I'm going to beat that fucker up!"

His heterochromatic eyes ran over the other's ‘ready to maim someone’ posture and he sighed. 

The bell rang, indicating they could finally start. Before Todoroki could even utter a word, Bakugou was stomping forward, boots somehow silent against the ground under him. Todoroki kneeled, letting his right hand touch the ground gently, his ice spreading out in a monstrous wave, glittering in the pale light. 

"What the fuck did you do that for?"

"I want to win just as much as you Bakugou."

He doubted that the team they were against had seen that coming although Bakugou continued forward. They walked side by side, Bakugou grumbling under his breath, which Todoroki dutifully stayed quiet about. He didn't want to set the other off before they won. After… well that was fair game.

They cleared every floor, sweeping each one for any sign of the others. The ice under their feet crunched at times, thinner in some places than others. He couldn't see any footprints in the ice, even if their opponents had gotten free.

It wasn't until Todoroki thought of looking above Bakugou's head that he realised their mistake. 

Crazed, glowing green eyes gleamed as Loki's gloved hand reached forward, a small grey spherical thing dropping from his hands. 

It hit the ground with a small ping. The next moment they were surrounded with smoke. 

Bakugou immediately tried to spark his explosions but they couldn't see anything so it was useless. 

Todoroki heard another quiet ping and even more smoke unfurled. 

He felt a hand wrap around his neck and he began to struggle, vehemently refusing the urge that told him to use his left side, to burn the whole place down. He shot ice into the person's leg but their hold on him only tightened, to the point that he was struggling to breathe. 

There were voices in his ear, shouting and screaming for the person to stop, All Might's voice drowning them out but he couldn't make out what any of them were saying.

And then darkness surrounded him. 

He couldn't breathe. 


Now, Izuku wouldn't say he was villainous. 

But… when the opportunity presented itself, who was he to refuse some roleplay.

He knew All Might was watching. That was easily forgotten as he plotted with Tokoyami- who was surprisingly on board with most of his plan- and gotten set up.

The easiest part had been finding them. With his headphones he had heard the exact moment they stepped into the building and each one after that brought them closer to the villains. 

Now, Izuku truly didn't give a shit about the bomb. It could sit on the sidelines and not once be considered, because he knew for a fact that both of the 'heroes' would want to fight.

Pride somehow seems to get in the way of logical thought.

But what was pride to someone who had no self-worth?

"Loki, why have you considered asphyxiation as something Dark Shadow can do? You've known him for ten minutes."

"Well, it's not like I explicitly thought about it for your quirk."

"I don't know if that makes it better or worse." 

Izuku mask's expression didn't change from it's broad, grinning smile. "But don't you wanna… revel in the dark?"

Tokoyami sighed heavily, eyes closing in disappointment. They flickered open again after a minute, unable to refuse the call of the darkness. "Fine."

And so, it began, the plot to lure the two 'heroes' away from each other.

Loki had debated making replicas of their parents because these two screamed mommy and daddy issues, but Tokoyami stopped his fun before it could even start.

Now, with Todoroki slowly suffocating in the pitch-black creature that was Dark Shadow, Izuku could focus on Bakuhoe.

"Looking for someone?" he called out, baton at the ready for when the explosive blonde came his way.


He swung the baton, carrying the hit all the way through. It slammed into Bakugou's stomach, the boy doubling over in pain and surprise, coughing some of that harmful smoke out of his body.

Izuku was so glad he didn't have All Might's earpiece in his ear at that moment. He might get a verbal lashing for what he was about to do, one he would rather avoid.

"Aww, look! The lion's down and out. Wonder how he's going to be the best hero if he can't even catch one measly vigilante," Izuku taunted, hoping Bakugou would take the bait.

Which he did, just as Izuku thought he would. It was almost too easy.

Loki sprinted back past Tokoyami who slunk into the shadows as he passed, an unconscious Todoroki cradled in Dark Shadow's mass of pitch black.

At the end of the hallway Izuku stopped, waiting for the blonde to launch himself at the other. He didn't have to wait long.

Bakugou spun in the air, aiming an explosion with his right hand. Izuku prepared to move, yet he didn't notice Bakugou swapping hands at the last second.

The impact knocked the air from his lungs, smashing him through the wall and out onto the grass below. Victory blazed in the blood-red eyes that glared at him, such deep rooted animosity present in them Izuku thought Bakugou had figured out his secret.

Loki was just glad the other hadn't noticed the inconspicuous red ball lying beside his boots. Bakugou set off another explosion that hit the ball and Izuku couldn't help but laugh. 

Well, Izuku lay back and shut his eyes, letting the flash of light burst outwards. 

He was glad Tokoyami had hidden in the shadows of the building as that could have actually hurt the shadow clad boy.

It was technically harmless but, then again, it was made by both Mei and Izuku.

Izuku waited for about a minute until he felt a shadow falling over him, blocking out the sun he had been enjoying.

"I guess you can finally see again."

Bakugou's breathing was harsh above him, unfathomable rage stirring within those crimson eyes when Izuku cracked open an eye. The crackles of his quirk made sweat run down Izuku's back but he crammed the resurfacing memories into the fastest reaches of his mind.

Keeping his mind carefully blank, Loki twisted his body into a backflip, putting distance between the angry pomeranian and himself. 

His baton twirled in his hands jabbing at Bakugou, who aimed a small blast at the baton. It flew through the air, both of their heads following its descent as if they were in a movie.

If they were, Izuku had to wonder at how many people hated him by now.


Bakugou could feel the victory at the tips of his fingers. It was waiting for him to seize, to grab out of the air and fuck the vigilante over.

Maybe he could even rip that stupid, mocking mask off the vigilante's face.

Before he could do anything, he felt something hit his chest and heard it smash a second later, shattering. A sweet smell, pungent and reeking diffused in the air around him, his lungs dragging into breaths of the intoxicating scent.

His eyes became droopy, yet he tried to force himself to continue moving. He made it one step, two, before he dropped to the ground like a stone. Staring into that voidless mask, the last thing he heard before the darkness enveloped him was, "Well, wasn't that disappointing."


"Was it necessary to ensure their state of consciousness was lost before we accomplished the mission?"

Izuku kicked at Bakugou's limp form, just enough to jostle the boy a bit. "No, but it was enjoyable." The glowing grin of the mask lit up the shadows they were sanding it. Dark Shadow was out and leaning its head on Loki's shoulder while Tokoyami stood off to the side, watching the two aspiring heroes slumber in front of them. “Plus, it means All Might has to deal with the worst thing ever. Paperwork.”

“You don't appreciate All Might’s teaching, do you? He was never my favourite hero but I can admit he has talent.”

“If muscles and a flashy quirk are what you call talent my friend, you have been sorely misled.” Izuku faced Tokoyami, shrugging ruefully.

"Do you think they'll be ok?" he whispered, the concern evident in his gaze.

"They'll be fine. If you think they'd give up just because of this, you haven't seen anything yet. I've met many heroes- some briefly and others many times- but I have hope for the next generation. Slight hope, but hope nonetheless.”

"What was that vial of liquid you threw at him anyway?" Tokoyami wondered aloud.

"Neothyl. It smells sweet which tricks people into believing it's harmless or good, unconsciously breathing in more, although it's usually used more in liquid form, but fumes of any kind can usually be... effective. Knocks them right out."

Tokoyami stared at the vigilante beside him and wondered what the hell he had just gotten himself into.

(I am back!! With another chapter, finally. Apologies for my tardiness, I wasn't feeling the best and it took a lot to force myself to make this chapter. Thank you all for your comments and continued support, it means the absolute world to me. If you wanna join my discord, the link is in my bio. Love you all! <3 )

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