Pure Blood (Book two of the B...

By emanresu88

1M 51.1K 8.4K

In the midst of a war between vampires, werewolves, and humans not only is Kira gaining powers she doesn't un... More

Pure Blood (Book two of the Blood Series)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Question questions questions
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Technical Difficulties
Chapter 35 (FINAL CHAPTER)
End of the Book

Chapter 15

28.3K 1.4K 995
By emanresu88


My eyes opened slightly, but I couldn't quite hold them there.


This time I startled awake. "What?" I said, voice sleepy.


"Oliver? Kira? You guys in there?" A voice shouted. I sat up abruptly, confusion clouding my head. I looked to my side and saw Oliver laying on a bed, completely out of it. I smiled to myself as my memories returned. I looked at the clock and realized it was 10 past noon which meant that Jansen had come to get us for training, or whatever it was.

I climbed out of bed, unable to process how we'd slept so long, and went to open the door. As I pulled it open I came face to face with Jansen, who was about to knock again. Awkwardly he dropped his arm and cleared his throat. 

"Did I wake you up?" 

I nodded my head and bit my lip.

"I'll wake Oliver up and we'll be out in just a few minutes." Before he could reply I closed the door in his face and hurried back to the sleeping Oliver. I let out a sigh and roughly shook him. 


"Wake up." 

"Mmm, no." 

"Oliver, you need to wake up. Jansen is here." 


"Jansen- oh my gosh you're unbelievable." I hissed as he swatted my arm away. I yanked the pillow out from under his head and hit him with it.

"Hey!" He said in a raised voice, sitting up sharply. His eyes were black for a brief second out of anger, but they cooled immediately. 

"Jansen. Is. Here. Get dressed." I said in a whisper voice.

"You don't have to be so rude." He whispered back, glaring at me. After a moment of holding his glare, I started to giggle.

"You're funny when you think you're being intimidating." 

This only made him more annoyed. I got dressed in the bathroom, while he changed in the bedroom. I brushed through my hair, which was tangled unbelievably, and put it in a ponytail before rinsing my face off. When I walked out Oliver brushed past me and slammed the bathroom door in my face without a word. I in annoyance and let Jansen inside.

"You know we can do this later if you'd like." 

"It's okay, we shouldn't be sleeping away the day anyway." I muttered while shooting a glare at the bathroom door, wishing Oliver could feel it. Then I remembered I was supposed to be shy and scared. That load of crap needed to change soon.

"Hopefully he won't be too long." I said, smiling gently at Jansen. That was when the door opened. Oliver glared at me, so I dropped my fake happy look and turned to Jansen, who was looking nervous.

We all left the room and while I was walking behind them Jansen leaned in and started whispering to Oliver. 

Wow, whatever could you be talking about? 

I concentrated on listening.

"Dude, if you ever want Kira to like you, you need to relax. You're so stiff with her, and you seem angry all the time."

"I don't need your advice, but thanks anyway." Oliver said back, not bothering to look at him. Jansen sighed in defeat.

"How far away is the training fields?" I asked, wanting to at least talk.

"Oh, uh, only about 10 minutes on foot." Jansen said, looking back at me with slight surprise, as if he thought me incapable of asking a question.

As we walked through the city, I began to notice that not everyone was so friendly with the Fight. Some were waving at Jansen and saying hello, but there were many others who only glared as we passed. Some were even scoffing in disgust. I wondered why that would be, but it was something that could be figured out later. 

"So what exactly are we going to be doing?" Another question slipped out of my mouth. Again, he seemed shocked. 

"Just going over some basic martial arts and weaponry training. I want to see what you can already do, and what weapons might suit you best. I talked with Oliver about it yesterday, so I thought he would've told you by now." 

"He didn't." I said stiffly.

"Because I didn't think it too important. You don't need to act so offended." Oliver said, rolling his eyes at me. 

"I'm not." 

"You are too. Do you think that I can't tell? I've known you long enough by now." He said, a smirk touching his lips. I glanced at him, then at Jansen who looked a little pleased, as if he thought Oliver was taking his useless advice. I didn't know why, but his very presence was starting to irritate me. I didn't like the way he thought I was weak and frail.

"What is going to happen after training?" 

"I'll put you in a category. Don't worry, you won't be hurt at all during training." Jansen said. I clenched my jaw, and I felt my inner vampire laugh from inside me. I nearly jumped because she hadn't made herself present in my mind very often.

"He should be worrying about us hurting him." She scoffed. I smiled to myself, earning me more concerned looks from Jansen. 

He thinks I'm crazy.

"Maybe we are." 

What? I asked her. I didn't even think it was possible to have a conversation with your inner vampire. I'd have to ask Oliver about it later.

It is possible. We are the reason that mates can communicate mentally. That is, if the mates actually mated. She spoke, sounding as if she were scolding me for not having sex with Oliver yet. I ignored her comment and shrugged. Jansen slowed his walk so that he was next to me, leaving Oliver in the front to lead the way.

"Are you having a conversation with yourself?" Jansen asked, giving me a look of worry for my mental state.


"You always make faces, or laugh at nothing. And just now you shrugged." 

"Well I have very creative thoughts." I said, smirking at him for a brief moment. His jaw dropped and he momentarily stopped walking, before snapping out of his state. 

"Some would say that's unusual." 

"So you think I'm not normal?" I asked, keeping an emotionless face. He cleared his throat and looked uncomfortable. 

"Er, I didn't mean it like that."

"Kira, stop tormenting the poor boy. You know what he meant." Oliver snapped. I flinched at his tone for the sake of our act. Jansen was quick to defend me though.

"Oliver, it wasn't her fault. You don't need to get mad at her." He said.

"Would you give it a rest?" Oliver said, stopping and turning around to face him. I noticed that he wasn't really annoyed at all, and was definitely faking.

"I'm trying to help you." He said, raising his hands. 

"I don't need your help with anything." 

"Yes you do. You can't act like this here. It's going to get you in trouble. And you don't have the right to treat Kira so badly." Jansen said, gaining confidence. I knew he thought he was better than Oliver, but he needed to be careful because he was beginning to actually piss Oliver off. 

"Actually I can treat her however I please. She listens to me anyway. If I step out of line, so be it."

They were very close to each other, glaring heatedly into each other's eyes.

Ah the testosterone. I bit my lip, but I couldn't hold my words in.

"You too are so cute together. You're already fighting like an old married couple." I said, grinning.

"Oliver, I'm glad you finally found someone to be with. I told you that being gay wasn't something to be ashamed of." I couldn't help myself. The look on both of their faces was priceless.

"Y-you're gay?" Jansen asked, taking a step back from Oliver. Oliver shot him a glare.

"NO! I am not!" 

"Oliver, you don't have to hide it." 

"Shut up Kira!" 

"Hey, don't yell at her. She's right. You don't need to be embarrassed." Jansen said, although his cheeks had begun to blush as he shifted his stance. 

"I am not gay! And she knows damn well. She's just trying to get us to stop arguing." He said, slowly lowering his voice so that he wouldn't attract attention. The look he was giving me was deadly, but I only giggled. 

"Okay Oliver, whatever you say." I said, raising my hands in surrender. He let out an aggravated noise that sounded suspiciously close to a growl. 

"We, uh, should get going." Jansen said quickly, turning away from us and walking. I watched as he scratched the back of his head, no doubt massively confused. 

"I can't believe you just did that." Oliver hissed at me after a moment. I only giggled again. 

"I'm going to kill you." 

"Sure you are." 

"No, I mean it. You're so dead." 


"Stop that." He growled.

"Stop what?" I asked innocently. 

"That! Before I seriously get pissed off!" Oliver said, voice raising again as venom dripped from his words. Jansen looked back and I stepped away from Oliver. He was angry and I  felt like he might hit me at any given moment. The look on my face must have shown that my fear and surprise were authentic because Oliver's face dropped.

"Kira, I didn't mean-" 

"It's okay." I said quietly, starting to walk again to catch up with Jansen, who was smart enough to keep his mouth shut. Oliver sighed behind me, but continued to walk anyway. The rest of the trip was completely quiet.

When we arrived I wasn't too surprised to see a giant building that only contained a massive room and all sorts of training equipment. There were a lot of people sparring on the maps, which is what we were about to be doing. The large room was hot and stuffy, so I fanned myself for a minute. 

"Jansen!" A voice yelled. We all looked to see a man who looked to be in his mid twenties approaching us. He held a friendly grin and also had a patch on his shirt, telling me he was apart of the Fight. 

"Who is these two? They aren't the two who escaped from the vampire territory are they?" He had some sort of accent I'd never heard before.

"Yeah they are." Jansen answered, shaking the man's hand as he did so.

"You know about us already?" Oliver asked with a frown.

"Word travels fast in Fight. Don't worry, civilians aren't open to this information unless you tell them yourselves so you can trust that your secret is safe with us." He said. "A scouts honor." He added with a toothy grin.

"A what?" Oliver asked, giving him a confused look. For a moment the man seemed puzzled, but then shook his head.

"Never mind, I just promise I won't tell. The others shouldn't either." 

"You talk weird." I said, being more blunt than I'd meant to.

"Well I'm from the European continent. I was raised in an area that was known as Germany. I was transferred here with many others to help the losing battle our North American friends are fighting." He said with a laugh.

"So you're winning back home?" Oliver asked.

"I wouldn't say winning really. There isn't a fight at all, but the vampires from my home refused to help us because they are afraid of some growing power here." 

"Growing power?" Oliver asked with a frown.

"Yes, thought they didn't say. It's got to be a massive force to be reckoned with to scare off Klemins and Garen though." 

"Who are they?" He asked. I had to admit my curiosity was growing.

"The two great vampire leaders back home. They're both greatly powerful, yet merciful and kind." He said, smile upon his face. I had a feeling that he was often like this.

"I've never heard of them." 

"Well why would you have? They keep their business their own. I've never had the pleasure of meeting either, but my commander has met Garen. He told me personally that Garen intentionally kept his vampire kingdom out of American issues because the vampires here are most cruel and devious." 

"Honestly Otto, they don't need to be hearing of this. We came here to train, not to babble about vampires." Jansen said. His tone was stiff and held no room for argument. Otto held his hands up in surrender. 

"Okay, would you like any help?" 

"Sure, would you work on weapons with Kira? We're only testing today, so just rate her for now. I'll work with Oliver on hand to hand combat." 

"Alright. Come along Kira." Otto said, holding his arm out. I followed the direction that he signalled without a word. 

"So, uh, do you talk? You've only spoken three words to me so far." Otto said with a chuckle. I smiled slightly at his words and shrugged.

"I can talk." 

"So tell me about yourself." He said, pulling out a couple of wooden swords.

"What's there to tell?"

"I don't know. Favorite color, favorite food, hobby. Anything really." He said. 

"I like the color blue a lot. I had pizza once and it was amazing. And I enjoy drawing." I said, answering quickly, but with honesty. He laughed immediately at my response. 

"Well I have to say that you must be a poor tortured soul if you've only had pizza one time. How about after this I take you to eat some?" He asked, smiling sincerely at me. I grinned and nodded before thinking about it. I wasn't sure how Oliver would react to me eating with this guy.

"How old are you anyway? Do you know?" 

"I'm 17. My birthday passed not long ago, although I wasn't awake for it." I said.

"Why not?" 

I hesitated at his question. I'd been passed out for the better part of two weeks. 

"I... Well... You could say I wasn't feeling well." I said. I knew he would probably change the subject and I bit my lip for effect.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I didn't know it was a sore subject." He said. 

"It's okay." 

"If you ever want to talk about it, let me know." I felt like he was seeing straight through me for a moment, and it was startling.

"I don't think that's necessary." I said, looking away from him.

"So how old are you?" I asked, quick to get away from the look in his eyes. He was strange to me in a sense that I felt he was good at seeing through deception. On top of that I wasn't a very skilled liar, to say the least.

"23. I'll be 24 in a few months." 

"Really? You look a little older than you are." I said, again being blunt. He laughed it off again.

"I'm told that a lot, ever since I was a teenager. And I get the feeling you don't have much of a filter on your tongue, do you?" He asked with a chuckle.

"If you mean that I ask what's on my mind without thinking, then no I don't." I said, smiling lightly at him. 

We went toward the back of the massive room and I realized that Oliver was at the front. I frowned at the distance, but looked to Otto anyway.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing. So what are we going to be doing?" 

"Do you like Oliver? I mean as a person. He was your slave master, correct?" He asked, taking me by complete surprise. His serious tone made me feel as if I had to answer.

"Yes, I like him. He isn't as bad as others seem to think." I said, frowning now at Otto.

"If he hurt or frightens you please let me know. I can have the two of you separated for good." He spoke softly, yet sternly. 

My chest clutched at the thought, "No! Please don't separate us." I begged, eyes widening in fear.

Otto blinked several times with confused. "You truly want to be around him?"

"Yes, of course."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Jansen must have misread the situation." Otto rubbed the back of his neck, and for a moment, my inner vampire stirred. 

"Jansen?" I demanded, trying to keep my thoughts on topic. If I slipped up this soon, there was no telling how many lives would potentially be lost. I thought of the serum being used against Sam and all of the others that had retreated to our mansion, and steadied myself.

"Uh." His lips pursed- I wasn't supposed to know anything.  "We should get to work. I'm going to show you a few moves and I want you to try and replicate them." He said, pretending as if I hadn't said anything at all. 

"What did you mean?" I asked, putting a hand on my hip.

"It's not your business." He said, frowning at me with a bit of guilt.

"Sounds like it is." I said, feeling anger begin to boil.

"He just thought that Oliver could be hurting you. He only had your best interest in mind. Now that we know he isn't, all is well." Otto explained gently, hands raised. When I didn't reply he moved on and started teaching me moves. I found all of the combos to be easy enough, and surprisingly I enjoyed using the sword. At the end I was a bit out of breath because I wasn't using any of my vampire or elven strength. 

"I'd say you're a natural with the sword. If you're tired you can have Jansen test you in martial arts tomorrow." 

"Yeah, I think I'm done for the day." I lied. I wasn't that tired, but I was eager to get Oliver alone so that I could talk to him. As we walked over to him and Jansen, I noticed a small crowd had gathered and was watching the two. I picked up the pace and hurried to see what was happening. I was surprised to see both covered in sweat and grinning like crazy.

"You are an excellent fighter." Jansen spoke with a laugh.

"I know." Oliver clipped arrogantly, smirking wildly in a way that made him look almost boyish, "I'm surprised at your ability, actually. Shall we go another round, or call it quits?" 

"It looks like Otto and Kira are done, so I think we should be good." Jansen said, reaching for a towel on the ground and wiping some of the sweat off of his face. He tossed it to Oliver, who copied him.

"Kira said she'd finish her test tomorrow, but she's very skilled. I'd say around a level six with the sword." Otto said, smiling at me. 

"That girl a level six? I doubt that." A younger guy said. He wasn't wearing anything that indicated he was from the Fight, so I could only assume he was a student. 

"Don't judge by appearance Cliff. She's very good." Otto laughed out.

"I'd say Oliver is at least a level nine martial artist. He's better than I am. I'd have to have someone that's a higher level than me check to be sure, but he could even be a level ten." Jansen said, clearly addressing Otto only. 

"Okay, I'll let someone know and tomorrow I'll see if I can get Harvey to come out. I bet he'd love to spar someone closer to his level." Otto said with a smirk.

"Someone his level?" Oliver asked. 

"Yeah, he's the best that we have here, and the only level 13. Aside from him, there's only some level elevens and tens. I'm the only level 12 here, but I'll let Harvey have some fun." Otto said, grinning now. I was suddenly impressed with him. 

"Well I do love a good challenge." Oliver laughed and looked over at me. "You ready to go then?" 

"Sure, I'm sort of tired." I said, smiling slightly.

"No pizza today?" Otto questioned tentatively, guilt flashing in his eyes.

"Not today. How about in a day or two?" I offered, not wanting to blow him off entirely.

"Sounds good. I'll see the two of you later." Otto waved goodbye as we left the building.

"You were going to go out to eat with him?" Oliver asked me with a playful frown. I shrugged my shoulders. 

"He asked me. And pizza is good." There was a taunt in my tone. 

"Hmm. But you would go without me?" I looked up at him and he was giving me a fake 'hurt' look. 

I scoffed lightly and flicked my hair back, "I'd have let you come, so long as you were behaving," Oliver opened his mouth to say something when we heard a shout from behind, calling for him.

Jansen was jogging toward us.

Oliver's mouth twitched downward, irked by the interruption of our teasing, "What's up?" 

"I didn't know if you knew how to get back or not. It's pretty far away." Jansen implicitly offered. 

"I think we're okay. I remember how to get there."

"I'll walk with you, just in case." At his insistence, I fought a scowl, but didn't object as Oliver agreed. The two of them ended up talking about fighting the entire way back. I was surprised Jansen was suspicious of Oliver at all considering how well they got along. I sighed in relief when the kennel came into sight. 

"What?" Oliver asked, glancing down at me.

Innocently, I blinked, "What?" 

"You sighed." 

"I did. The two of you talked nonstop about fighting the entire way here." I said, peering up at him. 

Oliver grinned mischievously, "What, you have a problem with fighting?" 

The urge to roll my eyes was painful to resist, "No, I just think it's a boring topic," Jansen's lips parted with disbelief. 

Oliver, however, was quick to put me into a light choke-hold from behind, "I'm sorry, what was that?" He demanded, head cocked so that he could look at me simultaneously.

"I mean listening to conversations about fighting is awesome." My lower lip pouted with an obviously-fake tremor. "I could do this all day," He chuckled, satisfied with my correction, and gently released me. 

"So the two of you really get along, don't you?" Jansen murmured, more to himself than to us. I only huffed through my nose.

"Occasionally." Oliver answered with a grin. Sparring with Jansen had certainly put him into a good mood. 

"I'm sorry for doubting you." Jansen was earnest, and Oliver's shrug didn't seem to give him a sense of atonement for his doubt.

"It's all good. I'd be skeptical of myself if I were you too." 

Jansen must have talked to him as well.

"I'm tired, so I'm going to go take a nap. If you two want to go on a date or something, just be quiet when you get back." I said, yawning at the perfect timing. 

"Kira, honestly. Imply that I'm gay one more time."

"Or what?" I asked, glancing back at him and smiling at him.

"I might have to show you how straight I am." He challenged, smirking slightly.

"Oh? Anyone can fake being straight." I said, giggling as his smirk dropped and he glared at me. Jansen was dying of laughter as I walked away. 

"I think I'm going to go up to the room too. I'll see you tomorrow at school." I heard Oliver say just as I entered the building. I didn't stay long enough to hear Jansen's reply. They were probably still talking because he didn't come in while I was waiting on the elevator so I went up without him. I was in bed by the time he came into the room.

"Took you two a long time to say goodbye." I said with a giggle as his climbed into the bed beside me. At my words he froze and gave me a fake glare. In a flash, he was over me. His tongue flicked across his lips and before I had time to think, he kissed me. 

The quiet moan that escaped me at the contact was enough to make him smirk against my mouth. He pressed himself against me and his mouth moved with perfect synchronization with my own. After several heated moments, he pulled back. "What am I going to do with you?" 

"I can think of a few things," I chuckled back.

He grinned and slowly kissed my lips again. It was gentle and slow, unlike the last one. After he pulled back again I opened my eyes slowly and blush heated my face. 

"I'd say an afternoon nap is in order." He said, climbing off of my bed and into his own. 

"Yeah, but I can't promise that I won't sleep until dinner." I said, looking at the clock that read 2:26. 

"That goes double for me." He said with a deep yawn. 

I didn't say anything to him, and he was silent too. After several minutes, my mind began to shut down, and I fell asleep with thoughts of his lips against mine still floating through my head. 

~"Kira, wake up." 

"Hmm?" I asked.

"Get up. I'm hungry." Oliver's voice spoke. 

"I don't want to." 

"Well I want to eat, so you have to." He whined. Actually whined.

"Make your own food." I demanded as a dark grogginess prevented me from opening my eyes. 

"No way," Oliver nuzzled his face into my neck, moaning with anguish, "Pretty please,"

I slowly cracked one of my eyes opened and peeked down at him, only able to see the back of his head.  "Ugh." 

"Yes!" He said in victory,

"I hate you."

"No you don't." He countered smugly. 

I sat up and stretched with a groan, "What time is it?" 

"A little after five. You need to get up anyway, otherwise you won't sleep tonight." He said, like that excused him waking me. I stuck my tongue out mockingly. As I detangled myself from his arms, he complained further, but I climbed from the bed anyway.

I was pulling out fruit from the fridge when I heard Oliver hiss, "What the hell?"  I peaked around the small wall that blocked my view of the room, and there stood the last person I wanted to see. 


Third person POV

The sorcerer looked at his employer. Or rather the man who was threatening him into working for him. He was looking angrier today than usual. Nelson may be a sorcerer, but this vampire was terrifying. He swallowed before he spoke. 

"What has you in a fowl mood?" He asked, earning him only a glance.

"Nothing, I just think that I've been given certain false information. It isn't anything for you to concern yourself with." The vampire spoke.

"I'd like to be at least a little enlightened." 

"You wouldn't understand. For now we need to figure out how to get Oliver and Reagar away from Kira so that way we can bring her under our clutches." The vampire spoke. 

"Our, as in the rogues?" The sorcerer asked. 

"Yes, that is what I mean. The rogues let her slip away more than once already. I'll probably have to get her myself." 

"Well she trusts you, does she not? You were her master for so long so I would imagine so." Nelson said. 

"She does, but if I give anything away too soon she'll see straight through me." The vampire spoke. 

"So what do you plan on doing?" 

"First," He said, grinning evilly. "I'll need to get Oliver out of the picture."

Nelson swallowed again. A shiver ran down his spine at the vampire's horrid intentions. He wasn't evil, but he was being forced to do things he didn't want to because of this man- or rather- this monster. 

"But, isn't he -um- stronger, Sir?" He asked carefully.

"Yes, but that's no matter to be worried about."

Nelson almost didn't dare to ask his next question.

"Why not? He could kill you." 

Again the vampire laughed a cold and heartless laugh.

"Because," He said, leaning in toward Nelson until he was very close. 

"Oliver won't be able to kill me. I am, after all, his beloved younger brother." 


Sorry that it's been so long since the last update!! The surgery went well and now I can work again. 

Happy New Years! 

How about some New Years VOTES!!??? :) 

Don't forget to Comment too!!! 

Love, Ash <3

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