WWE-The Challenge-Rivals (Sea...

By SinnaMonnBun

22.2K 1.5K 2.4K

In order to win half a million dollars, the challengers must rely solely on one person.....their worst enemy... More

Author's Notes
Teams Reveal pt 1
Teams Reveal pt 2
First Night
Challenge 1-Road To Nowhere
One Sided Power
Elimination 1
Intoxicating Nostalgia
Challenge 2-Game Of Inches
Friend or Mastermind?
Elimination 2
At It Again
Challenge 3-Triple X Games
True Rivals
Elimination 3
Everybody Hates Roman
Challenge 4-Frogsmash
Friends No More
Elimination 4
Challenge 5-Frenemies
Head To Head
Elimination 5
New Formations
Challenge 6-Oil Change
The One Where They Hooked Up
Elimination 6
Coffee Bath
Spilling The Tea
Elimination 7 pt 1
Elimination 7 pt 2
Progression Amidst Tension
Challenge 8-Dunking For Dinner
Crossing The Twins
Elimination 8
The Cryptic and The Crazy
Challenge 9-Caged In
The Cult of Jericho
Elimination 9
New Rivals, New Feelings
Challenge 10-Weight For Me
Shot Through The Heart
Elimination 10
Challenge 11-Bombs Away
Tonight We Are Young
Elimination 11 (+announcement)
Challenge 12-Rampage
Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Elimination 12
Im A Hazard To Myself
Finals pt 1
Finals pt 2
The Final Decision
*Un-aired Scenes*

Challenge 7-Gasping For Air

317 29 27
By SinnaMonnBun

"Alright everyone, welcome to your next challenge here in beautiful South Africa."Hunter greeted them as they all clapped.

VC-Johnny-Whatever this challenge may be today, its critical for Tommaso and I to get this win. The numbers are dwindling, I'm pretty sure I pissed Alexa off when I said her name last week so...if we don't win...im positive that we're going to be heading into eliminations. We've been there already, its time for a new team to go in.

VC-Trish-We're standing here in what seems like.....a boatyard because theres boats all around us. Then I realized that I'm not seeing any platforms or obstacle courses or contraptions or anything. Its just us, Hunter and all these boats.

"Where's the course?"Trish asked.

"Oh, you're looking at it."said Hunter.

Everyone all looked around. They didn't see anything that looked like a usual challenge course.

"Are we racing boats or something?"Punk asked.

"That would be pretty cool."said Johnny.

"You're crazy if you think I'm gonna let any of you get behind the wheel of these boats."said Hunter, "Guys, today's challenge is a challenge id like to call Gasping For Air. And its going to be played.....15ft underwater."

The cameras panned across the horrified faces of everyone.

VC-Velveteen-Nope. Nope. He said underwater and instantly my heart started racing. Hell no.

VC-Brie-I don't know how to swim. I don't know how to dive. I don't know how to do anything underwater. Im used to being in water when it comes to these challenges but usually id have a life vest on. This is something completely new.

VC-Paige-Ya girl here don't know how to swim. I know how to doggy paddle....so...maybe that could work. I dunno.

"Im glad to see you're all prepared to get this started right now but......you're going to have to wait."said Hunter, "You guys will be doing this challenge.....tonight, when its pitch black."

"Whaaaat....."Lita covered her mouth.

VC-Kaitlyn-As if we werent already horrified enough.

VC-Charlotte-We have never done a challenge in the night before. Also,we've never done a challenge where we had to go underwater before. These are two new experiences for us and I have no idea how its going to turn out.

"Nope. Im going home. Tell me who wins."said Dream.

He looked over at his partner Aleister who didn't seem phased at all by the news.

VC-Seth-Hunter's really trusting us to swim in the ocean at night? Either he has a lot of faith in us or.....he just wants to see us meet our demise.

"So, you guys can chill out for a bit and enjoy the sunshine out here. I'll check back with you when its time. See you soon "said Hunter before he left.

"So you're just going to leave us here?"Seth asked.

VC-Mandy-We're going to be in open water in the night where we can't see a damn thing. We don't know whats going to be in that water with us. Im not looking forward to this.


9:30 PM

"Alright you guys ready to get this thing started?"Hunter said as he made his way back to where the Challengers were.

"No."said Dream.

"So first things first, you guys are going to be put into teams of four. The teams have been randomly selected and they are as follows."

Team 1:

-John and Roman

-Trish and Lita

Team 2:

-Aleister and Velveteen

-Alexa and Becky

Team 3:

-Tommaso and Johnny

-Nikki and Brie

Team 4:

-Chris and Punk

-AJ and Kaitlyn

Team 5:

-Seth and AJ

-Naomi and Mandy

Team 6:

-Sami and Kevin

-Paige and Charlotte

The pairs all got into their temporary groups.

"This challenge is called Gasping For Air. Here's how its going to be played."

-Teams will be put into groups consisting of one male and one female team.

-Played two teams at a time.

-Each contestant from each team will be going head to head.

-Players will have to dive 15 feet underwater to move a metal ring attached on a rope stretched 150 feet.

-There will be three checkpoint stations for contestants to stop and breath out of oxygen tanks (that are underwater).

-The team that has moved the ring with the longest combined distance wins.

-If a player pops back up from the water before they have reached the 150 feet, they will be disqualified.

"As you know, the winning guys team gets immunity and the winning girls team will get a thousand bucks. The guy team from the losing group will be sent automatically into the Stomping Grounds. This should be exciting. Good luck guys. Hopefully the sharks don't smell you."

"Thats not funny."said Dream.


All of the Challengers were transported out to the ocean where there were two large vessels anchored 150ft apart from each other.

VC-Naomi-We're out on the water, heading to the bigger boats and im thinking....Naomi....what the hell are you about to do with your life?

Three groups were taken to one boat while the other three were taken to the next.

VC-AJS-Im standing on this boat right now and looking out into the water. The wind is slapping against my skin and its freezing. Everything about this challenge is just eerie to me.

The teams stuck within their groups and began discussing strategy.

"Just a heads up, I've never been in a situation like this so if I suck today, just know that I'm sorry."said Nikki to her group.

"Me too. Just a disclaimer."said Brie.

Tommaso looked at them with emptiness in his eyes.

VC-Tommaso-They're already talking about how bad they think they're going to perform. Why the hell would they think that I would want to hear that?

VC-Becky-I used to be a flight attendant and when you're training for a job like that, learning to swim is very very essential. I got this in the bag.

"Im actually very excited to do this."said Aleister with a straight face and monotonous tone.

"Thats your excited face?"Dream asked him.


"So your excited face is also the face you use to express every other emotion that you feel which is.....just your plain ol straight face."


"I don't understand why you do reality tv. You should be working in a damn morgue."

PreVC-John, Roman, Trish, Lita

John-Not gonna lie, we have a pretty solid team right here.

Lita-All of you can swim right?

Roman-Of course.


Trish-Oh yea.

Roman-Of course Trish can swim. She looks like she's straight out of Baywatch.

Lita-All three of you look like you're straight out of Baywatch. I look like the one that usually needs saving.

Roman-Well I guess we got our team name.

Trish-Which is?

Roman-Team Baywatch.

Trish-I like it.

Lita-Well then, lets kick some ass tonight Team Baywatch.

"Alright first up we're going to have Johnny's team versus Aleister's team. Get into positions guys."

Round 1-Tommaso vs Aleister

The men were geared up with nothing but a pair of goggles and a body light.

VC-Velveteen-Its a bit of a relief to see that theres light under neath the water. We're not actually swimming in total darkness. Im still scared but...a little less now.

They stood at the edge of the boat waiting for the sound of Hunter's horn.

"Alright guys you ready?"He sounded his horn, "GO!"

The men submerged themselves into the water. They paddled into the depts successfully at 15 feet where they finally saw the rope and the metal ring. Tommaso got to his ring first and began gliding it smoothly across the rope. Soon after, Aleister got to his ring.

VC-Tommaso-Your body wants to float back up to the surface but you got to keep yourself anchored down there. Im not only gliding the ring across the rope but I'm using to keep me in the water.

Tommaso decided to swim past the first breathing station. There were two more down the line, he wasn't in a rush for oxygen yet.

VC-Aleister-Im dragging this ring across the rope and I can't help but gaze at my surroundings. Its magnificent. Ive never been 15ft deep in the ocean at night, its astounding. Schools of fish are swimming by me, paying no attention to the fact that I've just invaded their home. I saw a stingray, also oblivious to my presence. I look below me and....all I see is the mystical, mysterious darkness of the unknown. Like a bottomless pit. Finally, I was face to face with the abyss. Thoughts of what could be looking up at me from down there flooded my mind. Its enticing. I feel like I'm lost in a magical underwater world. If I can stay in this moment, I would. Here I am, nothing but a small spec of a human being in a world that is vastly unexplored;in a world that is larger than my own. Incredible.

VC-Tommaso-I swim past all the breathing stations because I was so confident that I didn't need oxygen yet but....I have about 30 ft to go and I'm really starting to need it now.

Tommaso began paddling quicker than he had before as panic struck him. Reaching the end of the rope became 100 times more important to him now.

VC-Tommaso-My mind is telling me pop up to the surface but my heart is telling me just keep on swimming. Im almost there.

Luckily Tommaso made it to the end of the rope and quickly swam back up to the surface where he took in a big gasp of air.

"God I thought I was going to die down there."he said.

A few seconds after, Aleister popped up over on his side. Both men were able to complete the challenge.

Hunter sounded his horn.

Round 2-Johnny vs Velveteen

"Okay guys, you ready?"Hunter asked.

VC-Velveteen-Im like...scared shitless right now but...this week is a guys elimination week so.....i'll do what I got to do to make sure I don't get sent into the Stomping Grounds.

VC-Johnny-Tommaso did great. He made it all the way. We can't really rely on Brie and Nikki at this point because they themselves think they might not perform too well so, I'm going to try to make it as furthest as I can.

"GO!"Hunter sounded his horn.

Both men dove into the water.

VC-Velveteem-So....I dive into the water...

VC-Velveteen-I couldn't do it. I begin panicking, I immeditaly begin feeling out of breath. I couldn't get it done.

A few seconds after, Dream popped back out of the water.

Hunter sounded his horn, disqualifying him.

At the same time, Johnny popped back up as well.

Hunter sounded his horn again.

Tommaso threw his hands up, "What was that? You gotta be kidding Johnny!"

VC-Johnny-This is totally my fault. I didn't properly fix the goggles on my face so when I went in the whole thing just filled up with water. I couldnt see a damn thing.

Both men scored a total distance of 0ft.

"Is the water cold?"Brie asked Johnny.

"Yea, its chilly."he said as he climbed back onto the boat.

"Oh god, I'm already freezing. I got goosebumps on my hand."she said.

"This is gonna be so difficult."Nikki complained.

VC-Tommaso-Our fate now lies in the hands of Brie and Nikki.........*sigh*

Round 3-Brie vs Alexa

"Alright girls, you ready? GO!"Hunter sounded his horn.

Both women pushed themselves into the water.

VC-Tommaso-Brie dives into the water, not even 5 seconds after her head pops back up. Thats another disqualification for us. Great.

VC-Brie-Not for the life of me could I have swam 15 feet down into that water. Not because I was scared but because I didn't know how too. I tried but I came back up.

Hunter sounded his horn.

Meanwhile, Alexa was already nearing the 15 feet descend. She finally made it to the rope, grabbed onto the ring and began gliding it across.

VC-Alexa-I wasn't close to the breathing station but it was about 10 ft away from me. I felt myself running out of breath so I started to panic and I resurfaced. The breathing station was fairly close but I couldn't wait.

Hunter sounded his horn. Alexa's total distance was 30 ft.

VC-Alexa-At least I didn't get disqualified.

Round 4-Nikki vs Becky

"Alright, you girls ready?"Hunter asked.

"Don't worry Nikki, you got this. Its easy. Use the rope to pull yourself."Tommaso advised.

VC-Tommaso-Maybe if I give her some words of support it may prompt her to give it her all. I get it, its a guys elimination week, this challenge is fairly difficult, its easy for them to not try at all. They're not going to face any repercussions. And why should they care about us? But hopefully if I be supportive, she could get this done tonight.

"You''re gonna do great Nikki. Its very simple."he said.

"GO!"Hunter sounded his horn.

The girls plunged into the water.

VC-Nikki-Its scary being down here because....you can't hear anything, the only thing you can see is what the light is shining on. Ive never been this deep down into the ocean, its insane.

"I hope she never resurfaces."said AJL, referring to Nikki.

VC-Becky-This is a walk in the park for me.

Becky made it to the rope and began moving the ring along the distance.

VC-Tommaso-So far Nikki hasnt resufaced yet. I can see her body light moving further into the water so it looks like she's making some kind of progress. My fingers are crossed.

Nikki also made it to the rope and began to move the ring.

She managed to glide the ring across the rope for a few feet until she eventually resurfaced.

Hunter sounded his horn, disqualifying her.

"We're fucked."Tommaso muttered.

Meanwhile, Becky had just left the second breathing station and began pulling herself and the ring along the rope once again.

VC-Becky-My legs are beginning to get a little tired, I can feel it in my calves but I gotta do like Dory and just keep swimming.

Becky was able to make the complete 150ft distance. When she resurfaced, Hunter sounded his horn.

VC-Becky-So far, I'm the only girl that completed the challenge and I'm feeling good about myself. Also, that was probably the coolest thing I have ever done.

Teams Results-

-Team 3-

Tommaso-150 ft




-Team 2-





-Team 1-



Trish-150 ft


-Team 5-





-Team 4-




Kaitlyn-35 ft

-Team 6-






After the challenge was completed, everyone was taken back to the boatyard. The Challengers all assembled in front of Hunter.

"How crazy was that challenge guys?"He asked.

"You have no idea."said Charlotte.

"It was probably one of the most difficult challenges we've ever had so to all those who were actually able to make it 15 ft down into the water, congratulations for giving it a go. A lot of you had impressive scores but....one group stood out above the rest. With a combined distance of 485 ft.....the winning group is the team of John, Roman, Trish and Lita."Hunter said as everyone applauded them, "John, Roman, congratulations you're safe from eliminations. Trish, Lita, you guys scored another thousand bucks, great job."

VC-John-Finally, our first win on this season. We absolutely killed it tonight. All four of us. I couldn't have asked for a better group.

"As for our losers......there were two groups that scored very low. Those groups are Team 6 with Charlotte, Paige, Sami and Kevin and Team 3 with Tommaso, Johnny, Nikki and Brie. With a total combined distance of 170 ft...todays losers are Team 3. Ladies, I hope you guys weren't thinking that just because its not a girls elimination week that it was okay to go out there and half ass this challenge. You can never, and I repeat never......get too comfortable in this game. Anyway luckily for Nikki and Brie, they're safe for now. Tommaso and Johnny, you guys will be heading straight into the Stomping Grounds."

"We were doomed from the beginning."said Tommaso.

PostVC-Tommaso and Johnny

Johnny-It is what it is you know. Im not mad. As a group we performed poorly so, back to the Stomping Grounds it is for us.

Tommaso-You performed poorly Johnny. Not me. I got the job done. Nikki performed better than you.

Johnny-You're right. Its my fault. I didn't adjust my goggles properly and because of that, we're the losing team. I'll own up to it, I don't care. You know what, even if we weren't the worst team tonight we would have still been thrown into eliminations. So I'm really excited to see who the girls are going to vote into eliminations because they're all allied up with the other male teams. Their scapegoats aren't there for them to cast their votes on because we're already going in. Nominations should be interesting.

"Well fellas, you can go on and get some rest. Ladies, i'll see you all for nominations. See you soon guys."Hunter said in a bit of a cryptic way.

Charlotte noticed a little smirk on his face.

VC-Charlotte-I don't know if the creepiness of being in this boatyard at 11pm is getting to me but...Im getting this strange feeling that Hunter's up to something.


A/N-Alrighty so here's the men's tournament. Voting for the women's tournament is still open btw!

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