The Secrets We Keep - Taekai

By ChiT00

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Kai and Taemin had their secrets. And each other happened to be one of those secrets. There was only two peop... More

the one where taemin admits his feelings
the one where shinee's gone
the one where jonghyun gives a chance
the one where EXO went on tour
the one where jongin confesses
the one with the talk
the one with the confusion
the one where sehun finds out
the one with the fight
the one with the move
the one with the playboy
the one where they do a couples photoshoot
the one where jongin says it
the one where they're honest
the one where they say goodbye
the one before our spring
the one with the aftermath
the one with the rosary
the one where he begins moving on
the one where jongin accepts it
the one with the truth
the one where they become SuperM
the one with the progress? or maybe not?
the one with the trip to america
the one with the boundaries
the one with the competition
the one where they figure it out
the one with the showcase
the one with the ellen show
the one where they're back to reality
the one with the start of tour
the one with their routine
the one with exo's meeting
the one at new years
the one with the 2nd half of tour
the one where they open up
the one where they adjust
the one with the vlive concert
the one where they're home
the one where they visit family
the one with the topic
the one where they talk about it
the one with the decision
the one where they return to America
the one with their free time in America
the one with the big news
the one with their return
the one with the calm
the one with the storm
the one where they tell everyone
the one with the worries
the one with the planning
the one with the kiss
the one with the inbetween
the one with the surprise
the one where they're in the NICU
the one where they adjust
the one with the visits
the one with the news
the one with the twins at home
the one with the date night
the one where jongin's alone
quick note - not an update
the one with the birthdays
the one with the late talker
the one with the break
the one where they work on them
the one with the end
epilogue - the one with the conversation

the one where everyone's back

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By ChiT00

Jongin was exhausted from the long day of practicing but there was no way he was missing the opportunity to go to Taemin's house as soon as he was done with his EXO schedule for the day in order to get the chance to see Taemin. Especially considering that EXO was going to be heading out to Japan the next day.

He had to admit though that getting the text asking for Jongin to come over so they could talk scared the living hell out of Jongin. It almost reminded him too much of their break up, even though that had just been a text saying that it was over.

As soon as he rung the doorbell, the door opened - Taemin pulling him into a hug while they walked backwards inside the house. Jongin shut the door behind himself.

"Hi." Jongin said, pressing a kiss to Taemin's temple.

"Hey." Taemin replied, taking a step back from Jongin. "How have you been?"

"I've been good, busy as hell but still good. How about you?"

"Missed you."

Jongin nodded, "I missed you too."

They were laying in Taemin's bed in silence, no sounds playing around them and not talking. Taemin's head was laying on Jongin's outstretched arm, Taemin running his fingers against Jongin's hand.

Jongin had a small smile on his face, eyes closed as they laid there together. He tilted his head, pressing his lips to Taemin's forehead.

Taemin laughed lightly, his lips finding Jongin's after a second. "You know I usually hate how quiet this place is." He whispered, their lips still close enough for Jongin to feel Taemin say it.


"Yeah, it's too quiet. I think I got used to the how loud the dorm was with all the guys and now I'm here... and it's just so quiet. But it's not so bad when you're here."

Jongin opened his eyes, finding Taemin looking at him. "I'll be here anytime you want me to be."

Taemin nodded, "Okay."

"You don't have to be alone here you know?"

"Nini - I'm so sorry for what I did." He said quietly, eyes searching Jongin's face.

"It's okay, Taem." Jongin said, "It's okay."

They had talked about it briefly when they were in LA, but they hadn't gotten into the subject too deeply. Jongin hadn't wanted to push it too much, wanted to wait for Taemin to really bring it up and start the conversation fully.

Jongin shook his head, "I never would have blamed you. Even the day I realized what was happening, I didn't blame you babe. It was a crazy time for all of us."

"But still I fucked up so bad and then didn't even try to fix things." Taemin said, looking away from Jongin. "I practically ran as far away as I could from you instead of trying to make it up."

Jongin used his free arm to reach over, touching Taemin's chin and turning him to look back at Jongin. "I love you so much - nothing could ever change that. I'll admit I was hurt but I was never mad, Taem. Not at you at least."

"I felt like a screw up, that's why I didn't want to work things out. Like I've said I was also hoping that time to myself would serve as a way to work past every thing that had happened."

"You're not a screw up. You're not even close to being a screw up, you're as far away from one as possible." Jongin said, "Losing you was worse than anything else I could have dealt with. There's nothing we couldn't have gotten through."

Taemin nodded, "I'm still sorry."

"We'll work through it together." Jongin said, kissing Taemin on the forehead. "That's why I was wanting to go slow about it this time around, to give us both time to work things out together."

Taemin smiled slightly, "Sorry that we couldn't exactly keep to your wish of taking things slowly."

"It's okay. We're doing things our way and I don't really care if we didn't do things slow. I think you put it best, we aren't the best at being patient. And I love that about us."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Jongin let out a yawn as he walked into the kitchen, spotting Taemin at the counter. "Good morning."

"Morning, I ordered breakfast for us before you head back out to practice."

Jongin walked over to where Taemin was, looking at the food Taemin had ordered them. "You still remember my favorites? You're amazing." Jongin said, smiling before he kissed Taemin on the cheek.

"Of course I do." Taemin said, "We were together for going on six years, there's no way I could just forget all of your favorites."

"Well you're still perfect anyway. And thank you for all the food, I appreciate it."

Taemin turned his head, pressing his lips to Jongin's. "You don't have to thank me."

Jongin connected their hands, squeezing for a second before he released Taemin's hand. They sat down at the table and began eating their food.

"So how do you think the tours going to be?"

Jongin tilted his head slightly, "I think Baek is going to make our lives a little more difficult than necessary. Especially now that they all know we're together. However I'm looking forward to not having to watch you flirt with Ten this time around."

Taemin laughed, shaking his head. "For the last time - I wasn't flirting with Ten. Not at first at least, after you admitted you were jealous there may have been a little flirting."

"You kept going on and on about how good he could draw."

"I love your ability to draw as well."

"You don't act like it." Jongin muttered, shrugging slightly.

"Oh my god, Jongin. I love your little bear drawings - love them so much. I'll tell you it daily if you want me to." He said, shaking his head.

Jongin smiled over at Taemin, "I'm sorry that I acted a little irrationally."

"A little?"

Jongin rolled his eyes, "Okay I overreacted a lot and acted really irrational in regards to you flirting with Ten."

"It's okay."

Jongin had noticed a step back in regards to their amount of texting, but he hadn't mentioned it. He figured that the amount of time he was putting into EXO's practices and concerts was adding into the lack of texts - as well as Taemin's busy schedule wasn't helping much.

EXO was in Japan for their October concerts so there was no chance of just stopping by to see Taemin in any free time.

"So hows lover boy doing?" Baekhyun asked, walking up to Jongin after they finished their soundcheck for the day.

Jongin rolled his eyes at the lover boy part, but he knew Baekhyun well enough to know it would be pointless to argue about it.

"I'm doing fine, Baek."

"Missing other lover boy?"

"A little, I'd be lying if I said I didn't. But we are both busy, so can't do much about that. Plus we'll be back together for SuperM's tour in less than a month now."

Baekhyun nodded, "Sounds like you two are adjusting well then."

"What are you, Baek? Our fairy godmother or something?" Jongin asked, raising an eyebrow. "What's up with the whole checking in thing?"

Baekhyun shrugged, glancing around for a moment. "Well in a way I am your alls fairy godfather... I mean I talked to Taem, told you to let him work himself, then helped you make Taem jealous which in turn led to you all getting back together."

"Well even then, what's up with all the whole checking in on us?"

"I just thought I'd check and make sure you all were doing alright."

Jongin nodded, "We are doing fine."

"Good to hear."

Taemin: How's tour

Jongin: It's going fine.
Miss you.

Taemin: I miss you too.
Taemin: Can't wait until
we're on the SuperM
tour so we're back with
each other.

Jongin: Only a couple
more weeks.

Jongin would be lying if he said he wasn't worried about how this time away from each other was going to treat them. Sure it was less than a month, but they had just gotten back together before they separated again - and to go even further, they had only gotten back to talking right before that.

So it was slightly nerve wracking for Jongin to have seen them go back to not speaking nearly as much.

On top of the stress from the concerts and practicing for EXO and not knowing where him and Taemin stood - there was also the practicing for SuperM that Jongin and Baekhyun were having to do in what free time they had.

They were practicing as hard as they possibly could in order to be ready for their tour in November.

And Jongin thought they'd be ready.

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