trust issues | NCT NoRen

By myheartueandlifeu

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"Why can't you just trust me, Jeno?" Renjun asked the boy. Jeno shuddered, hating that word. Trust is a word... More



443 29 61
By myheartueandlifeu

"You were amazing." Renjun smiled at him.

"Nah, there are people better than me." Jeno smiled, sitting up and sweeping his hair out of his eyes. His chest moving up and down and the sweat rolling down his neck.

Renjun tried to keep his cheeks from flushing. He didn't want to feel like this. He felt like he was out of place for thinking that stuff.

Of all the things, he really had to think that Jeno was kind of hot. Maybe YangYang and Ten were just getting to his head. There really was no way he would feel this for his friend.

He's just a little attractive... we been knew though.


"Hyung, were you the one that recorded Mr.Lee dancing?" Chenle asked him. They were just laying around on Renjun's large bed, scrolling on their phones.

"Hm?" Renjun hummed, not paying attention to his brother, he was scrolling through a Twitter thread that he wasn't even really interested in.

"Are you talking to Mr.Lee?" Chenle ticked his tongue, leaning over to see Renjun's Twitter. "I said, did you record Mr.Lee dancing?"

"Oh yeah. Wednesday after our last class." Renjun said, not finding it weird. He heard his brother sigh, making him roll his eyes. "I really don't understand why you have a problem with us being friends. He's literally 20 and I'm 20 as well. We both go to the same classes and we're partners for a project, so you might see him around."

"Oh ew. When he's around tell me so I'll go to Daehwi's or Jisung's." Chenle shuddered at the thought of seeing his brother and his teacher together in his own house. He got a hit on the arm by his brother, wincing a bit and hitting him back.

"Be nice. If you act like that when he's around, I'll abandon our project and beat you up myself." Renjun playfully hugged him tightly, feeling his brother squirm and yell out. Renjun began to tickle him, laughing at his reaction. Chenle wriggled around, both in pain yet he was laughing simultaneously.

"As if you could beat me up." Chenle panted out after his brother stopped tickling him. This was normal for them. It was the way they showed their affection sometimes.

"You're right. I can't. And that is exactly why I go to the gym nowadays with YangYang." Renjun chuckled, checking the time, seeing that he should probably go right now and meet up with his friend there.

"You only go to the gym so you can keep your ass big." Chenle slapped Renjun's butt, hearing his older brother yelp out when his hand made impact with it. He glared at Chenle who was a giggling mess on Renjun's bed.

"At least I'm not flat like you. Buddy you look like a white noddle." Renjun stuck out his tongue, seeing Chenle gasp and act offended. "I'll tell Jeno to take you guys more often to the gym. You'll need it."

"Don't you dare make fun of my flat ass." Chenle pointed a finger at him, hearing Renjun giggle.

"Come work out with me then. I can take you for free with my membership. Maybe then you won't have a flat ass." Renjun chuckled, rummaging through his closet for his gym attire.

"I'll pass. I'm too lazy." Chenle sighed, looking at the ceiling.

"Shouldn't you be practicing for Saturday?" Renjun asked his brother, hearing a gulp and seeing him tense. Renjun had a loose white t-shirt in hand that probably wasn't even his and a pair of athletic shorts as well. Renjun was pretty skinny and short so he wouldn't wear the giant basketball shorts. He would always wear either a pair of track pants or loose shorts that reached halfway his thigh. He was skinny enough to pull it off.

"Don't tell Mr.Lee I've been slacking. I'll practice later today." Chenle begged him, hearing his older brother chuckle and shove his clothes in a small drawstring bag that held his phone, wallet, AirPods, as well as his own water bottle. No, not a Hydroflask. Renjun once used it before being ridiculed by YangYang and his friends. He gave it to one of his younger cousins who begged him for it and exchanged $20 for it.

"I won't. You really think I'm that much of a snitch?" Renjun asked Chenle, seeing his brother shake his head. He smiled, patting his head and giving him a kiss on his forehead. "I'll be back in maybe an hour. Depends how YangYang and I feel."

"Okay. Bye Hyung!" Chenle waved to him, staying under Renjun's covers. He pulled out the remote control, scrolling through shows on his Netflix account. He was lucky Renjun let him use his account at home. He believed he had the best brother ever.

Renjun had just left the front door, texting YangYang to see where he was

i just passed the park that's in front of there
ill be there in like 5

ill be there soon

Renjun smiled, getting inside his car and pulling out of his driveway in one swift motion. He hated having to go to the gym, but it was worth it. Yeah he really did do leg exercises a lot, hence why Ten would joke about his ass being big. They just teased him because it was their thing. Teasing Renjun because he came out as gay two years ago and him wanting yo have a big ass all meant to them that Renjun was a bottom.

Well, they weren't wrong, but it was a joke.

"Oh, there you are." Renjun smiled, seeing his friend walking on the sidewalk with a duffel bag in hand. The gym was right around the corner and by the time Renjun finished parking, he could see YangYang getting closer to the doors of the building.

They would always go here and usually do the same workouts together just so they could be motivated. Renjun found it easier doing exercises with YangYang than doing it alone.

"Yang!" Renjun called out, shoving his phone in his pocket. The brown haired boy turned around, seeing Renjun approach him with a bright smile on.

"Oddly enough, you look happy to be here." His friend joked as they walked in, checking in by scanning their membership cards and passing through to the locker rooms where they would change quickly.

"I'm just glad to take out all my stress away right now. I had a long day at the Kindergarten and tomorrow is Chenle's performance. My parents will be there later so I have to wake up early for him."

"Sounds tough. Oh, and aren't you babysitting tomorrow too?" His friend asked him, shoving all his stuff into his personal locker and locking it afterwards, not before grabbing a pair of headphones.

"Yeah. I'll have Ten help out with that so I can film. I promised Jeno and all of the boys to film it." Renjun smiled, popping on his AirPods and hitting play on his exercise playlist.

"Ooh! I'm not that bad with children. I'll help." YangYang smiled.

"Sure, but you're better at helping me with the cameras and stuff. We'll have a specific spot to film. Jeno reserved it for me." Renjun said, leaving the locker rooms in a pair of track shorts and his white t-shirt. He was debating whether he should pin his blonde hair back but decided against it.

"Your boyfriend did all that?" YangYang joked, seeing Renjun roll his eyes.

"He's not my boyfriend. You should know more than anybody." Renjun sighed, getting ready to warm up on the treadmill. Today would be leg day and they both always did the same things together so they could get stronger together.

Although Renjun seemed smaller, he had more natural strength than YangYang. Maybe it was because of him running around a bunch of Kindergarteners all day. YangYang was a business major so he barely did any moving. His brain was the thing that was constantly working hard.

"Well~ I think he was getting jealous. He suddenly seemed quiet and pissed off."

"Yeah right. As if Lu- Oh shit..."

"What?" YangYang asked, seeing how Renjun's mood changed all of a sudden.

"Speak of the devil. He's deadass over there on the benchpress." Renjun said, sighing and looking away before Lucas could notice somebody staring at him.

"Jun, he ain't the only one. Your friend's right over there." YangYang pointed to the leg press where another familiar face was. "Are you kidding me? They're literally both so hot."

"Shut up will you. I came here to workout and as tempting as Lucas looks right now, I'm gonna do what I came here for-"

"Renjun? YangYang? It really is you two." They both froze, turning around to see a smiling and sweaty Lucas standing behind them.

"Oh hey, Lucas. I didn't see ya there." YangYang smiled, glancing at Renjun who seemed stiff.

"You guys go here? I've never seen you guys here." He smiled, wiping the sweat off his forehead.

"We usually come later in the day, but uh, I decided to head over early and get it over with." Renjun chuckled, lucky that he played it off nicely. He was celebrating inside his head, wondering what YangYang was staring at him for.

"Oh really? I was about to leave right now." Lucas smiled, his face heating up a bit and his hand scratching the back of his neck. "I'll see you guys tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Renjun questioned, tilting his head as he was confused what Lucas was referring to.

"You'll see, Jun. Well, I gotta go. Bye guys!" He smiled, waving at them both. Renjun smiled sweetly and waved, turning around to see YangYang giving him that knowing glance.

"I'm too obvious aren't I?"

"Extremely. C'mon let's get this over with-"

"Wow~ Jun I didn't know you go here." They both turned around again to see Jeno smiling at Renjun.

"I didn't know you go here too." Renjun smiled at him, seeing how YangYang's foot tapped impatiently at Renjun. "Jeno, this is my best friend YangYang. YangYang, this is my friend Jeno."

"Nice to meet you." Jeno smiled, extending a hand to YangYang. The latter glanced at the extended hand, looking annoyed. Renjun kicked his legs, hearing the boy wince and shake Jeno's hand. Jeno laughed awkwardly, looking back at Renjun.

"Stressed about tomorrow?" Renjun asked Jeno. The younger chuckled and nodded.

"Just a little. I decided to finally come back here in a while. Having a competition tomorrow and 7 kids to look after isn't so easy." The black haired boy scratched the back of his neck, looking at Renjun sheepishly.

"Good luck dealing with the monsters. You'll need it." Renjun laughed, seeing Jeno smile.

"Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow." Jeno smiled, patting Renjun's head and tunning off when the older smacked his hand playfully.

Renjun turned around still laughing a bit to see YangYang once again giving him that knowing glance.


"He loves Lucas, he claims. They're just friends, he said." YangYang rolls his eyes and makes exaggerated gestures with his hands, laughing afterwards.

"Shut your trap. No more distractions. Let's actually work out." Renjun chuckled, patting YangYang's back and stepping up onto the treadmill.

Damn... they're both pretty hot while working out... Wait no-


okay but imagine jeno and lucas working out...

i'd dieee

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