WWE-The Challenge-Rivals (Sea...

Por SinnaMonnBun

22.3K 1.5K 2.4K

In order to win half a million dollars, the challengers must rely solely on one person.....their worst enemy... Más

Author's Notes
Teams Reveal pt 1
Teams Reveal pt 2
First Night
Challenge 1-Road To Nowhere
One Sided Power
Elimination 1
Intoxicating Nostalgia
Challenge 2-Game Of Inches
Friend or Mastermind?
Elimination 2
At It Again
Challenge 3-Triple X Games
True Rivals
Elimination 3
Everybody Hates Roman
Challenge 4-Frogsmash
Friends No More
Elimination 4
Challenge 5-Frenemies
Head To Head
Elimination 5
New Formations
Challenge 6-Oil Change
The One Where They Hooked Up
Coffee Bath
Challenge 7-Gasping For Air
Spilling The Tea
Elimination 7 pt 1
Elimination 7 pt 2
Progression Amidst Tension
Challenge 8-Dunking For Dinner
Crossing The Twins
Elimination 8
The Cryptic and The Crazy
Challenge 9-Caged In
The Cult of Jericho
Elimination 9
New Rivals, New Feelings
Challenge 10-Weight For Me
Shot Through The Heart
Elimination 10
Challenge 11-Bombs Away
Tonight We Are Young
Elimination 11 (+announcement)
Challenge 12-Rampage
Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Elimination 12
Im A Hazard To Myself
Finals pt 1
Finals pt 2
The Final Decision
*Un-aired Scenes*

Elimination 6

331 28 34
Por SinnaMonnBun


"Alright everyone, welcome back to nominations."said Hunter as he stood in front of all the Challengers, "Before I start, I gotta ask....has somebody been living out here in the gathering area or what? Im seeing suitcases and clothes scattered about."

"Yea thats mine."said a shirtless Seth that looked like he just woke up.

"What happened? You got kicked out?"

"No....Sometimes its just hard having roommates. You end up seeing a lot of things you don't want to see."

VC-AJS-So...some things happened between Paige and I last night...um....I can tell Seth's not too happy about it. As far as I know, Paige and Seth weren't in a relationship but despite that, I feel like I need to talk to him about it man to man just to clear the air.

"Well, as you all know Bayley and Billie lost this week's challenge so they're automatically going into the Stomping Grounds."said Hunter as the pair went up and stood next to him, "Now I got to get them some opponents so without further ado, Chris, Punk, who will you be nominating to go into eliminations. Keep in mind, the team of Lita and Trish are safe."

"We'll vote for Brie and Nikki."said Punk.

"Any particular reason?"

"I just don't think they're that good of a team."

"We're not that good? We've been into eliminations and we've proved ourselves already. Why don't you try to do the right thing for once and throw in a team that hasn't been into eliminations yet?"Brie said.

"We have a right to vote for whoever we want to vote for. Don't tell us what we should and shouldn't do."said Chris.

"Im just saying, teams like Naomi and Mandy, AJ and Kaitlyn and Alexa and Becky has yet to go into eliminations. Why do our names keep coming out of your mouths?"

"Because I'm not working with you. You're nothing to me."said Chris.

VC-Brie-This game is being controlled by the worst people in this house. Its all about alliances, its never about who deserves it and who's proven themselves. Thats what I hate most about these Challenges.

"Alright, Johnny and Tommaso?"

"Alexa and Becky."said Tommaso.

"Are you serious?"asked Alexa, "I never said your names ever in nominations. Johnny...what...whats going on?"

"You put your hands on my partner last night so....I think its only fair."

"She also threw a drink at me."Tommaso added.

Alexa rolled her eyes.

VC-Johnny-I gotta stand up for my partner. He's my rival but....he once was my best friend. I hate to admit it but I care about him still. I know he cares about me too, he just has a hard time showing it.

"John and Roman?"

"Well, we have personal ties to almost every female team here except one so our vote will be for Becky and Alexa."

"Great."said Alexa.

"Seth and AJ?"

AJ started speaking, "Well...we haven't really gotten the time to discuss it yet-"

"Do what you want man."said Seth indifferently.

VC-Seth-I had half a mind to say Paige and Charlotte's name in nominations but....they're still our number one allies and....id just end up fucking things up more. I feel hurt...and betrayed...by both Paige and AJ. But its fine. One day...im gonna flip this whole thing upside down and do the unthinkable. Trust me.

Charlotte made sure to make eye contact with AJ, silently letting him know to do what she had told him to earlier.


AJ and Charlotte were seen talking on the front porch.

"Its unfair that she gets to come into this game mid way through. The game is basically almost over. She can't get a free ride to the finals AJ."Charlotte was telling him, "There are girls that have been working their asses off to be where they are right now, Becky needs to earn her stripes."

"Yea I understand."

"She needs to go into eliminations. She needs to put in the work."

"But...she is my friend."

"Just because she's your friend you're gonna let her get away scott free? AJ, please do whats right."

"I can't believe you're plotting against your best friend."

"Friends don't exist in this game AJ. You either got accomplices or enemies. And right now...theres no benefits for me if Becky were to be my accomplice."

"Alright, i'll think about it."/


"Well then, my votes going to be for......Becky and Alexa."

"Wow....."Becky said in shock.

"Whatever Becky, I'm sure Paige told him to do that."said Alexa.

"Excuse me?"Paige said.

"I thought we were cool AJ? Is everyone turning against me now?"said Becky.

"Its nothing personal Beck, I just think you got to put in some work to be here."

Charlotte proudly smiled.

"Kevin and Sami, who's your vote going to be for?"

"Duh, Alexa and Becky."said Kevin.

"Velveteen and Aleister?"

"This is a tough decision but....Kaitlyn and AJ."said Dream.

"Alright well, with four votes to their names, Becky and Alexa you're going in."

"Yea, its about time they started picking on me."Alexa said as she went up and stood next to Hunter.

VC-Becky-Jeez, I haven't even unpacked my bags yet. I just got here guys!

"Well, theres the matchup. Alexa and Becky versus Billie and Bayley. Forgive me for being so abrupt but....im going to need one member from both of the teams."said Hunter.

Everyone 'ooed'.

Looks of confusion masked the faces everyone.

"Right now?"asked Bayley.

"Yes. I need one person from each team to go put their uniform on and come with me. Your elimination round is tonight."

Everyone's jaw dropped.

VC-Naomi-Hold up, what? Usually eliminations takes place a day or two after nominations. What is he talking bout eliminations is tonight? And why does he need a member of each team.

VC-John-Hunter has a habit....of always kidnapping us.

The two teams quickly started discussing who would be going off with Hunter.

VC-Bayley-Yet again, Hunter comes and tells us he needs one of us to go with him. Im panicking. I don't know what this could be. Honestly, it could be anything. Im afraid that if I send Billie off with Hunter, she may have a lot more on her plate than she can chew. Just to be safe, I'm going to go with Hunter.

Both Becky and Bayley decided that they'd go with Hunter.

VC-Becky-Are we going to be buried somewhere, are we going to be hanging from something, are we going to have to face off in eliminations alone while our partners watch? We have no clue about anything and I'm hoping I'm making the right choice by going with Hunter.

Becky and Bayley got dressed in their team uniforms and followed behind Hunter. The Challengers watched as he led them away until they disappeared from sight.

VC-Alexa-I really hate when Hunter does this.


Everyone entered into the Stomping Grounds where they were met by Hunter, who they had seen a few hours earlier.

They saw him in all his glory but Becky and Bayley were no where to be seen.

"Alright guys, welcome back to the Stomping Grounds. I need to see Billie and Alexa."he said.

Both girls made their way over to him.

VC-Alexa-We're not seeing our partners but.....we are seeing these gigantic piles of hay.

VC-Billie-I am...very worried.

"Now, I know you're probably wondering where your partners are.......and well, you're looking at them."Hunter said.

Everyone gasped.

"I still can't see them."said Chris.

"We've taken the girls, locked them in a box and buried them under these piles of hay."

VC-Naomi-Hunter literally took them....and buried their asses.

VC-Bayley-Why does Hunter always do this to us, I have no idea.

"Well, this isn't the first time you did this."said Paige.

"Billie, Alexa, tonight you'll be playing a game id like to call Unburied. Here's how its going to go down."

-One player from each team will be locked in a box and buried under a pile of hay.

-The other members of the teams will have to dig through the hay to find their partner's box.

-The buried partners aren't allowed to yell, scream or do anything to indicate which box they're in.

-Once they have freed their partner, they must both race over to their next station and complete a puzzle.

-First team to complete the puzzle, wins.

"Pretty easy right?"said Hunter, "Well, theres one more thing....im not going to tell you which pile of hay your partner is buried under."

"Of course you aren't."Alexa folded her arms.

"Gear up ladies. Good luck."

PreVC-Alexa-Im feeling a bit confident about this one. Its fairly simple. I can dig through hay. However, I'm anxious for the puzzle because....im not too good with puzzles. Hopefully Becky can handle that part.

PreVC-Billie-I want to win. I want to win this money not only for me but for Peyton. I want to represent her in the final so, i'll give it my all tonight. This one's for you Pey!

Becky was seen completely drowned out in darkness in the box.

VC-Becky-Ive been in this box for about 30 minutes now and....I think I'm on the verge of freaking out. I can't see anything. Everything is black. Its hot. I can't hear anything. I feel like I'm out of breath. This is hell.

"Okay girls, are you ready?"Hunter asked both of them. They nodded.

"GO!"He sounded his horn.

Both girls took off racing towards the piles of hay. They jumped into it and quickly began throwing hay aside, trying to feel for the box.

VC-Billie-It is crazy how thick this hay is. Its literally layers and layers of hay. They're buried under there real good.

"Look at Alexa."Roman giggled.

VC-Roman-Alexa is literally swallowed up by this hay. All you can see is her head and her shoulders. She gotta be careful that she don't get lost in there, never to be seen again.

VC-Alexa-I can already tell my hand's going to be bleeding by the end of this.

The spectating Challengers all cheered for the team that they were rooting for.

VC-Kaitlyn-I feel like...if Bayley and Billie goes home, AJ and I are going to be next on the chopping block so....im rooting them.

Johnny stood silently and watched the action as it went down.

VC-Johnny-I feel bad about throwing Alexa in. I know that she's always had our backs because she became a good friend of mine but....She slapped Tommaso yesterday. Thats not cool with me. Yes, he's my rival and yes we have our problems but...He's the only one that I can really depend on. When she disrespected him, she also disrespected me.

The girls were still rummaging through the hay.

VC-Bayley-We were told that we couldn't scream or yell and right now, thats all I want to do. My anxiety is through the roof. I feel like I'm going insane.

VC-Alexa-I finally uncover the box. When I peep through the peephole....its freaking Bayley. I worked my ass off to make my way to Bayley....I knew this would have happened.

Alexa quickly began running to the next pile of hay.

"Thats Bayley! Thats Bayley over there!" Alexa yelled to Billie.

The girls switched places and continued from where the other had left off.

"HURRY UP ALEXA!"Chris yelled.

Billie cleared all the hay away from the box and opened up the doors for Bayley to get out. Bayley got up out of the box and they made a run for it to get to the next station.

At the same time Alexa opened up one of the doors of Becky's box.

"Open the the other one! I can't get out!"Becky yelled as she kicked the door.

"Im trying!"Alexa yelled back as she repeatedly tried to pull open the bottom half of the door.

"Dig the dirt out from under the door Alexa!"Chris advised.

With her bare hands, she began digging through the hard dirt, removing it so it would not block the door.

Bayley and Billie was seen at the puzzle station reading the instruction sign.

VC-Billie-At the puzzle station, we see these four metal posts. One of the posts has like 4 cylindrical blocks on it arranged from smallest to biggest.

The sign read:

Tower of Tico

-You must transfer this tower onto the far post.


-You can only move one cylinder at a time.

-When you move a cylinder you must place it on another post before you can move any other cylinder.

-You cannot place a larger cylinder on top of a smaller one.

"Wait what?"Bayley said as she reread the sign again.

"I think I get it."said Billie as she raced over to the posts to begin the puzzle.

(This is what they have to do)

Alexa and Becky arrived at the puzzle station, read the sign and got work.

VC-Alexa-I read that sign about 3 times but its like gibberish to me. I don't know what we're doing.

The teams began attempting the puzzle, moving the cylinders from one pole to the next.

Alexa went back to the sign and reread it to get a better understanding of what had to be done. However, it still seemed like gibberish to her. Thankfully Becky seemed like she knew what she was doing.

VC-CM Punk-This elimination can be anybody's game. Puzzles are equalizers. You can't predict the outcome. It all depends on how quick and focused the teams are. If you don't know what the hell you're doing then you might as well just throw the towel in and go home.

"Shit this is heavy."said Becky as she tried to lift the biggest cylinder out of the four.

"This is wrong. We gotta fix this."said Bayley as she removed one of the cylinders.

"Don't put that there! You can't put bigger pieces on top of smaller pieces Bayley!"Billie yelled at her.

"Oh right."

"Alexa, hand me that piece."Becky delegated.

The girls were back and forth, from one pole to another trying to get the puzzle right.

VC-Bayley-This is a lot harder than it looks I mean, the biggest cylinder weighs at least 60 pounds.

VC-Alexa-Becky is telling me what to do, where to put things and thats what I'm doing. She seems confident. Hopefully this doesn't cost me.

"Alright alright alright, I'm getting it. Im getting it."Becky said to herself as she worked.

VC-Becky-Basically you need to move the tower from the first metal pole and replicate it on the last metal pole. However, you need to do it one cylinder at a time and you can't put big pieces on small pieces. Its just a lot of rearranging and running around but hopefully I can do it before Bayley and Billie can.

VC-Bayley-This puzzle is a job for one person. Since you have to move the pieces one at a time, theres not much for Billie to do.

"Come on Bayley! Hurry up!"Billie yelled.

VC-Billie-I am so nervous like, my heart is literally racing!

"Check check check!"Becky called out to Hunter.

He went over and observed the puzzle.

(the fourth piece is there, its just out of frame.)

He sounded his airhorn, "Becky, Alexa, thats correct. Congratulations."

"Yes!"Alexa said in relief as she dropped to her knees.

"I gotta put in work? Well I'm putting in work now bitches! I aint no layup."Becky gloated to everyone.

Charlotte rolled her eyes.

VC-Charlotte-Im not finished with Becky just yet. She can act tough all she wants, she's not going to make it to see that final.

"Becky, Alexa, congratulations on your win tonight. You can go on and rejoin the cast ladies."

"You weren't getting rid of me that easy! I just arrived! Im here to stay!"Becky said.

Alexa went over and gave Billie a hug, "I'll miss you."

"This sucks."Billie whined.

PostVC-Alexa and Becky

Becky-Its refreshing to get this win. I knew these people weren't going to take it easy on me but guess what, they just gave me the biggest confidence boost ever. I hope they're not forgetting what I'm capable of doing. I aint no layup! Ive earned my stripes a long time ago.

Alexa-Oh, same here. I guess I can go ahead and add another elimination win to my resume. When are they going to learn that....they can try to get rid of me but I'm not going anywhere.

The Challengers all gave a round of applause (out of sympathy) to Bayley and Billie.

"Well, Bayley,Billie, you couldn't get the job done tonight."Hunter addressed them, "Unfortunately, this ends your time here in South Africa. Take care ladies, I'm sure i'll see you back here again in the future."

"Thanks Hunter."said Bayley.

The two waved goodbye to everyone and with that, they took their exit.

PostVC-Bayley and Billie

Bayley-I expected more out of this season. I feel like I didn't live up to the expectation I had for myself.

Billie-Peyton, I tried. Im sorry I couldn't do this for you. But at least now I'm coming home and we can finally be reunited.

Bayley-....Yea uh.....I am happy we made it this far though. Hopefully next season I'll have a better outcome.

Producers-Do you think its still fit to call both of you rivals?

Billie-...No...just because I don't like her doesn't mean she's my rival or whatever. I think a rival is someone that matches up to me equally. A rival is someone that I should be threatened by. I'm not threatened by her at all.

Bayley-.....Cool.....thats good to know. Im just ready to get out of here. Ive been stressed since the first day I found she was my partner.

"Well....you guys have two less people in the house."Hunter said, "Time is catching up to everyone. I hope the heat is getting to all of you. And remember....focus on what you flew all the way to South Africa for. See you soon guys. You can head back to the house."

VC-Seth-Its very easy to lose track of what you're here for. Even when you're feeling completely alone....you still got to be focused. When the people you were depending on spits in your face...you gotta push that to the side and keep on going. Its detrimental to let your emotions take control. You gotta harden up...and act like nothing matters. My time will come. Im sure of it.

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