Can I stay? (Gerard Way x Rea...

By Freyathegeekgirl

275K 8.4K 11.5K

You get to go to your first every MCR concert .. a dream come true and everything is perfect. Well until the... More

The Best Day Ever! (1)
The best time ever.. or so I thought (2)
My nightmare come true (3)
What do I do? (4)
Confusion (5)
The Aftermath (6)
Going Back (7)
Broken (8)
Dead? (9)
I will end them (10)
Finally back on track (11)
Moving Forward (12)
Pizza Night (13)
Backlash (14)
The Interview (15)
Anxious (16)
A/N sorry
The Thrill of it all (17)
Not what I expected (18)
Hide it (19)
Time for this to stop (20)
Getting into things (21)
For Real (22)
The good side (23)
The real me (24)
Trying to help (25)
Finally doing something good (26)
Stay Alive, stay alive (for me) (27)
Hide it, don't seem weak (28)
I knew all along (29)
Hiding something (30)
Don't let me go(31)
I need to stay.. please (32)
No hope now (34)
Fake? (35)
Please Understand (36)
just a small A/N
An evening to remember(38)
Where do I go?(39)
Bad Luck (40)
I'll make it better (41)
I'm here now (42)
Bloom (43)
Getting serious? (44)
You Remembered?! (45)
A night to remember(46)
The Surprise (47)
Bad turned Good (48)
He didn't tell me?! (49)
The End? (50)
I Love You (51)
Teaching Venom Tricks (52)
Let's sort this out (53)
Back to us (54)
Sorry (55)
Gang (56)
Not me (57)
I'm okay but..(58)
NO (59)
Shit (60)
A mess (61)
I didn't mean to.. (62)
Wrong (63)
Memories (64)
A day to remember (65)
Grounded (66)
Changes (67)
Sleep (68)
A delicous disaster (69)
Soft (70)
Party (71)
Questions (72)
Interview (73)
Intoxicated (74)
Alone (75)
Cute (77)
Luxury (78)
Disney Day (79)
Paradise (80)
Steam (81)
Water (82)
Slip (83)
Numb (84)
Anticipation (87)
Trial and Error (88)
Preparation (89)
The black wedding (90)
Gifts (92)
Arcade (93)
Conflict (94)
Help (95)
The End (95)

The Afterparty (91)

916 28 56
By Freyathegeekgirl

After the claps and Frank's wolf wistle dies down Gerard picks me up bridal style (which is a fitting name now that I come to think of it) and carries me back down the walkway and to the outside world. I cling to him with my head leaning on his chest and I just can't stop smiling. 

'Hey Y/N?' he says in a giddy excited way.. hehe way. That's my last name too now, omg. I'm Y/N Way haha I can joke about myself even more than I usually do. 

'Yeah Gee?' I smile looking up at him.

'I love you' he smirks placing me gently on the ground where the photographers are but before letting me go completely he pulls me in for another kiss as the rest of the guests begin to file out. He is like my breathe, and I could honestly kiss him forever, feeding off each others' oxygen. 

When we do part he's the one to pull away because I can't bring myself to do it and the photographer keeps staring. I whisper back with a cheeky grin, my forehead leaned on his, 'I love you more'.

We spend the next hour or so taking pictures with everyone and then everybody gets into these fancy black cars to take them to the meal so I just hover in awe of everything that's going on and wait for our car. I've barely been able to speak to Gee because he's so caught up with his family and the boys left early to sort some things out in the food place apparently so I'm just standing admiring the flowers and chatting to the photographer. 

I trace my fingers along the petals of a deep blue rose gently, in circles because it's beautiful and fascinating to me that something natural can be such a rich colour. I jump because a hand is placed on my shoulder and then ease up when I realise it's Gerard. I lean into him and he just gently rubs my shoulder when I hear clattering in the distance. I lift my head and see an old fashioned open carriage designed to look like it was born in the black parade with red roses, gold patterns and intricate details along the sides and pulling the chariot are two gorgeous matte black horses. I audibly gasp and turn to Gerard who just chuckles at me. 

'No way, there's no way this is for us. For real?!' I ask squealing a little bit out of excitement. 

'Of course it's for us, you silly sausage. Today is your day, and you should be treated like a princess because you are one.. well at least for today ' He smirks  gently moving my head so our eyes are locked together. I blush but turn back to the horses because it's always the corny and cheesy stuff that gets me.

I attempt to climb onto the chariot but because my dress is quite big I sort of fall but Gerard just laughs at me and pulls be up onto the seat. The journey there is beautiful and I just want to take it in. I try not to pay attention to all of the people glaring and taking photos of us but gerard keeps his hand against mine with his thumbs doing that circle tracing thing that helps to keep me calm. We pass houses, parks, gardens, shops and more until we finally arrive at a cool castle looking town hall with a turret at the back.

We jump out and head inside where most of the guests are seated already and a few others are just happily chatting in little huddles. Now normally, from what I've experienced of other weddings, the bride and groom sit at a big table at the front but the thought of there being heightened attention on me eating stressed me out so the tables have been organised a little differently so that everyone is equal and I'm on a table with Gee (obvs), Frank, Mikey, Ray and Kristen which I am very happy with. 

The evening passes in a blur of chatter, great food, bants and now it's time for the speeches.. I forgot about the speaches. Most of them are geniune but then Frank stands up, a little drunk, and makes his way to the podium. 'Brace yourself' Mikey whispers in my ear which makes me giggle.

Frank clears his throat and brushes the sleeve of his suit before speaking into the microphone. His speech goes like this:

'Hello guys and gals, friends and . . family I guess,

Gerard has been my bro for a long time and I'm grateful for that. He has laughed with me, cried with me, lied for me, performed with me, beaten Mikey at mario kart for me because I was in a bad mood and was too stubborn to do it myself but still wanted to beat him and it was bugging me because I didn't have the will to do it for myself.. wow that's a bit specific isn't it. Yeah sorry about that I thought you'd want something specific to delve your teeth into.. not like a vampire.. oh god okay you get what I mean ..'

He wipes his hand on the back of his neck nervously which makes me almost feel bad for him but some people are laughing and Gee can hardly contain himself which I guess is the purpose of the speech so I don't attempt to do anything and just sit back and enjoy the chaos that is Frank.

He clears his throat and continues:

'Y/N I haven't known you for too long and we've had our.. ups and downs I guess haha but you're like a sister to me and I wouldn't be half as crazy and MCR wouldn't be half as fun without you so there's that. Also, the bus wouldn't be the same without your snoring every night so that's another thing' he laughs looking over at me whilst I shoot him a death glance jokingly. 

'No but on a more serious note I wish you guys the best  and hope that through the future I'll get to see you two grow into the amazing people which I know you are and before this all gets too soppy I'm just going to leave you all with the hope that if we get Gerard drunk enough tonight we might get to see something like this again, thank you' and with that he leaves the podium.

A projector begins to lower and before Gee can do anything about it a whole hall of people on his wedding day are watching the iconic headphone dance. I start laughing like crazy as do a few people around me, Gee goes bright red and tries to shy away from the giggles sent in his direction and Mikey and Frank get up and start copying it which sets me off even more. I feel like I'm on cloud nine right now.

-----------------------time skip brought to you by Yungblud (because shits weird)--------------------------

It's about midnight and the party is winding down to a close so Gee has decided to book a taxt to take us to the hotel where we will be spending the night. We both promised to not get too drunk because a lot of family members were there and we didn't want anything embarassing to happen but nevertheless we are both tipsy and happy and warm. 

We arrive at the hotel and make our way up to the room where the staff have left us a gift and sprinkles rose petals on the bed. It's really sweet, like somthing you would see in a movie but it's real and it's happening. 

I walk over to Gerard and hug him out of pure love, and thankfulness.He grabs me back and pulls me in swaying gently before releasing again. A thought crosses my mind and suddenly I want to just let it out because I can and I need to say it before it consumes me. 

'Hey Gee' I smile gently

'Yeah' G

'Thank you, for everything today, it's been magical. But especially thank you for giving my family seats at the ceremony.. well my parents because I wasn't expecting it and it made me feel like maybe they are still watching me and just..'

He stops me mid paragraph to kissme gently holding my face as if it's something precious and I lean my forehead against his just letting the salty tears dribble down my face for a bit. He wipes them off and begins to speak

' Y/N they would have been so immensely proud of you, and they are watching always. They are your angels up in heaven and I'm just trying my best to treat you well enough until you can see them again. They deserved to be there and of course I would leave a seat. But listen to me, you are beautiful and perfect and strong and bold and brave and .. ' he tucks a loose piece of hair behind me ear.

'and?' I gently smile, I am so lucky to have this boy by my side.

'and mine' he laughs picking me up and utting me down on the bed. We are both laughing and fooling around and I feel like electricity. Buzzing and excited and more alive than I ever have been.

'Let's have some fun tonight yeah' he winks and I can feel his breathe on my neck.

'Of course' I wink back. 'It is our wedding night after all' 

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