Interception (Book 6)

Par Dijah_Love

1.8M 72.5K 138K

Four years into the future, about to graduate college, Aliyah and Marcus have both created new lives for them... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Authors Note
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 (Part 1)
Chapter 34 (Part 2)
Authors Note
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 (Part 1)
Chapter 50 (Part 2)
Chapter 51
Authors Note:Quick Vent
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58 (PART 1)
Chapter 58 (PART 2)
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69 | The Prelude
Chapter 70 (PART 1)
Chapter 70 (PART 2)
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85

Chapter 38

10K 490 731
Par Dijah_Love

Marcus P.O.V.

"What you up to in here little monster?" I leaned up agaisnt Bria's doorframe, smirking.

"Nothing, I was scrolling through instagram.....I thought you were suppose to be helping Mr.Kenny wash the dishes." She switched off her phone screen, sitting upright in her bed.

"Nah, he got it. I wanted to see what was up with my baby sis," I stepped inside her room, taking a seat on the edge of her bed.

"Hows school going?" She shrugged. "School is school, like always, nothing new,"

"Ight, staying away from the boys right?" She sighed, rolling her eyes. "Yes Marcus, I told you, the boys at my school are so gross, like really gross."

I chuckled. "And it's only gets worse when they're older."

".....I dont think Chris is gross," She said with a half of smile. I sucked my teeth, wishing she would grow out of whatever infatuation she had with Chris.

"Chris is gross, and too old for you still, and will always be to old for you. When you gone move on from that?" She shrugged.

"When we get married," She smiled.

I frowned, nudging her. "Stop playing with me."

"Marcus," I turned my attention to Bria's doorway to see mama standing there with her hand on her hip.

"Kenny is downtairs doing the dishes, waiting on you," I sighed. "Im talkin to Bria."

She tilted her to the side, looking at me. "You and Bria will have all the time to talk tomorrow, up until you have to leave, Kenny will be leaving in a few, and he wants to speak to you."

I sighed again.

"Ight," I mumbled.

"Okay, Im going to shower, goodnight y'all."

"Night mama," Bria and I both said at the same time. Whe she left, I took a big deep breath, standing up from her bed.

"Ight well, goodnight."


I turned around to walk away, but the sound of Bria's voice stopped me.

"Hey, you know my birthday is coming up right?" I chuckled. "Maybe I do, maybe I don't."

She smiled. "......Are you getting me something?"

"Maybe I am, maybe Im not."

"Marcus," She said in a chuckle.

"Ight, you know I got you." A huge smile spread across her face. ".....Can you give me a hint?" I shook my head. "Nah, you'll see when you get it."

"Fine," She mumbled. "It better be good." I laughed.

"And you better behave long enough to be able to get it, mama told me about the slick mouth you've been having lately, just because you're turning 13 doesnt mean you're grown."

She sighed. "You sound like mama, and I know, Im working on were way worse than me, just because I was younger doesnt mean I forgot, you cursed alot in this house."

I sucked my teeth. "This ain't about me, it's about you, don't be disrespectful to mama ight? She's your only parent and she takes damn good care of you, just mind your mouth, got it?"

She noddedd. "Okay."

"Cool......goodnight, I love you ugly."

"Love you too."

I closed her bedroom door, and took one last deep breath, heading downstairs.

Aliyah P.O.V.

I threw my purse up on my shoulder, hopping out the Uber Giselle and I were in.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" I shook my head, holding onto the car door.

"No, it's fine, go back to the hotel with De'Angelo, i'll text you as soon as I figur out what's going on." She nodded.

"Okay, be safe."

"You too, let me know when you make it."

"I will."

I let out a small smile before shutting th door, watching the Uber drive off. Once they turned out of the hospital parking lot, I made my way inside as quickly as I could.

I had no clue what was going on, but when daddy called me and told me to get down here to Mercy hospital becuase they're had been a accident, I panicked imeediately. He wouldn't even  give my any details over the phone, but I could hear mama hysterically crying in the background, so I wasn't sure if she was okay, but then again, if she wasn't I don't think daddy would've been so calm either.

I stepped inside the hospital, making my way up to the reception desk, when I heard daddy call my name.

"Li-Li." I turned my attention to him,  and immediately ran towards him.

"What's going on???? Is mama okay?? Why was she crying??" He sighed, grabbing both of my arms. "Your mama is fine.....I just got her to calm down."

I frowned. "Calm down? Daddy what's going on?" He sighed again.

"There was a accident at your Aunt's engagement party.......We found Stasia......covered in blood and past out on the bathroom floor."

My eyes widened. "What??"

"Yeah," He said in a sigh. "Now, I just got your mom to sit down and breath, while we wait on the doctor to come out, and give us a update on her condition, he should be out in a few minutes."

I was silent.

"...O-Okay....take me to mama." He nodded, placing his arm around me, as we walked down the hallway.

I could feel the tears welting up in my eyes from the thought of everything going on, I knew Amara and mama had to be a mess right now.

We turned the corner, revealing everyone sitting in the waiting area. I looked around to see Auntee Kerri and Ellis, Mama, Amara, Marissa and Tony here.

Daddy walked me over to where him and mama was sitting, but I couldnt take my eyes off of Amara, who was silently crying, being comforted by Marissa and Tony.

I looked over at mama, who was leaned over in her chair, holding a tissue to her face, as if she was crying.

I swalloed hard, slowly sitting down in the seat beside her. "...Hey mama."

Once she heard my voice, she automatically looked up at me, reavealing her red face, and smeared makeup.

She quickly pulled me into a hug, and I hugged her back. "Thank god you're here." She said in a shaky voice.

I held onto her for a few more seconds, before, letting her go. "Mama.....what happened? Is Auntee Stasia okay?"

She wiped her face again, before taking a deep breath. "......Stasia has breast cancer."

My eyes widened. "What?" Mama nodded.

"Apparently it was diagnosed awhile back, but she's been keeping it a secret from all of us, and making Amara and Tony do the same thing as well,"

I was silent. My eyes began to sting a bit as I glanced over at Amara again, who was still somewhat crying.

"Amara filled us all in once we got to the hospital......she said that Stasia has been doing the treatments for months, and just a couple weeks ago, she was diagnosed as a stage 3."

My eyes began to fill up with tears, confused by all of this new information. "...W-Why didn't see want any of us to know? H-h-how long ago was she even diagnosed?"

Mama shook her head. "Almost a year ago, according to Tony,"

"Oh my god." I mumbled. "Well is she okay?? What happened to her??" I could see mama's eyes filling up with tears, as she was trying to force herself to explain to me what  happened tonight.

"....We're not sure what happened to her exactly, but we found the restroom.....past out on the floor, in a ton of blood," Mama looked down at the dress she was wearing, and my eyes followe her gaze.

I gasped, looking at mama's dress that had streaks of blood all over it. "...We called 911 as soon as we found her but......she didn't have a pulse." Mama's voice cracked, as a few more tears streamed down her cheeks.

I placed my hand over my mouth, as a few tears escaped from my eyes. ".....I-i-is she alright?? D-do we have update yet?"

Mama shook her head. "No....when the ambulance came they started to perform CPR on her, but only one person was allowed to ride with her, so of course we let Tony go......he said that they were still performing it on her when we got to the hospital,"

I sat there silent, in shock of everything mama was telling me.

I opened my mouth to speak, but the sound of a man's voice stopped me.

"Are you all the family of Nastasia Smith?"

We all immediately stood up, nodding our heads.

The doctor looked around at all of us, before speaking again. "...We were able to sucessfully revive Ms.Smith once she and the EMT team reached the hospital."

"Thank you jesus," Tony said, taking a sigh of relief, and holding Amara close to him.

"Unfortunatey," He started again.

"The blood that you all stated she was covered in, came from the lungs, in something that we call Metatstatic Breast Cancer, Or secondary breast cancer, meaning the cancer has spread to the lungs."

We all we're silent.

"Which would make sense, seeming as how our records indicate that Nastasia was diagnosed as a Stage Four a little over a month ago, it would be normal for her to start experiecing symptoms from the cancer spreading."

Tony frowned. "Hold on, what are you talking about a Stage Four? The last update we got on Stasia's diagnoses was that she was a Stage three.....and that was almost 3 weeks ago now."

The doctor paused, reading through Auntee Stasia's file. ".....Im sorry, but our records are showing that Dr. Williamson, diagnosd Stasia as a Stage four almost a little over a month ago. We performed a chest xray at one of her treatment visits because she complained of Dysponea, which is Breathlessness. We found then that the cancer cells were present in both lungs. Accoridng to Dr.Williamson's notes, he discussed new treatment options with Nastasia, which she then stated that she would have to think over with her fiancee, and call back, but she never did."

We all we're silent.

"Normally, we give patients two days to talk to their husbands or wife's about treatment before we begin reaching out, due to the fact that we prefer to begin treatment almost immediately, especially in a case as serious as Natstasia's.....our records indicate that we have contacted multiple times a week over the course of the last month, trying to see what she had decided so we can begin treating her. I can see the numerous amounts of voicemails we have left here, both by Dr.Williamson and his nurses.

Tony shook his head. "Im not understanding any of this," He started.

"If all of this is true, why didn't any of you contact me? If she was not answering or returning calls, why hadn't any one contacted me or my step-daughter?" He asked, motioning to Amara.

"And what's your full nam sir?"

Tony sighed. "Antonio Wright."

The doctor nodded, flipping through a few more pages in her folder. "You and a.... Amara Baker were officially removed from Nastasia HIPPA form by her personal request the day after we diagnosed her with the Stage four cancer."

I placed my hand over my mouth in shock, as I held onto mama's arm.

Tony frowned. "What?? That doesnt even sound like something Nastasia would go. What reason would she have to remove me, and most importantly, her only child from being able to discuss anything pertaining to her health??? That doesnt make any sense, something is going on here."

The doctor nodded. "I completely understand for you to consider such behavior out of character, but taking into consideration that we have not been able to reach Ms.Smith since the time she was diagnosed, and her requesting both of her immediate family members to be removed from her HIPPA fom says to me that she was most likely trying to keep this information to herself, for whatever reason."

Amara shook her head. "My mama would never do that, we've been the only two people supporting her this whole time, becasue she did not want anyone else to know, and start treating her differently, there's no logical reason as to why she would keep this from us now." She wiped her wet face, folding her arms across her chest.

"Im sorry," He started. "I know all of this may be alot to take in, and Im unsure, just as you all are unsure as to why Ms.Smith chose to keep this all hidden, but the fact still remains that the cancer has progressed and spread, and we need to discuss what to take place next."

Tony sighed, quickly wiping his wet eyes and clearing his throat. "What are her treatment options?"

"We're preparing her for a new chest x-ray as we speak, just to re-confirm that the cancer has not spread to anymore vital organs......depending on that, we can discuss what her best treatment options will be."

Mama sighed. "And if the cancer has spread.....then what's next?" Mama asked, with a shaky voice.

"I can't say." He started. "It depends on the her caseit would most likely be the liver or the heart, but we will do a MRI as well to confirm no cancer cells in the brain."

Mama shook her head, as her eyes filled up with tears again.

".....I'll be back out with a update for you all once all testing is complete.

Tony nodded his head slightly, as the doctor walked away from us.

Once he was gone, Tony took another deep breath, clearing his throat, trying his best not to cry. "...Thank you all for being here." He started.

"I appreciate everyone for staying and waiting with Amara and I until we heard something on Stasia's condition."

"....I know first hand how long these tests take, and it would be unfair to you all to have you stay here and wait until they are over,"

We were silent.

"I'll make sure to update you all on Stasia's condition once all the tests all ran, it's been a long night, and everyone needs to get rest and get back to their kids and significant others." Tony let out a small weak smile. "Please, go home and rest, Amara and I will be fine, and we will update you as soon as we hear anything."

"Well Im going to stay," Mama said, wiping her face again. "I won't rest without knowing what's going on with my sister." Tony nodded. "Okay."

I watched Auntee Kerri and Ellis stand up from there seats, hugging both Tony and Amara, before making their way over to mama and me.

"We're out Simone, Ellis was my ride here and I have to get back home and check on my baby," Mama nodded. "Okay, drive safe."

The both of them pulled mama into a tight hug, before hugging me as well. "Text us as soon as you here from the doctors." Mama nodded. "I will."

I looked over at see Marissa hugging Amara tightly, before walking over to mama and I. "Goodnight Mrs.Alsina, I'll most likely be back in the morning to check on Amara, but I have to get home to Sky."

Mama nodded again. "Okay baby, goodnight." Marissa hugged mama, before turning to me.

She let out a small smile, and I did the same.



"....How are you?" I asked, seeing as how this was the first time I had seen or heard from her since Sky's birthday party.

"Im better.....much better." I nodded."'s my niece?" She nodded. "She's good, working my nerves as usually."

I smirked a little.

"....Excuse me mama," I grabbed Marissa's hand, stepping off to the side, where we were alone.

".....I know this might be a bad time to talk about any of this......but I did plan on coming by to see you and Sky before I flew back home......I've been reaching out to you ever know."

She sighed, nodding her head. "I know....I wasn't ready to anyone....but, Im good now, like I said, Im doing alot better." I smiled. "That's does that mean it's okay for Giselle and I to stop by then?"

She frowned. "Giselle's here?"

"Yeah, we're in town for the Panther's game," She nodded. "Oh, well then yeah.......I heard about Ronnie's injury awhile are you two holding up?"

I sighed, shaking my head. "We'll talk about that when I come by.....Im really happy to see you though.....I miss you like crazy,"

Marissa smiled. "I miss you too.....but Atlanta isn't a place I need to be right now."

"I understand," I said lowly.

She looked over shoulder at Amara and Tony, who were sitting down in their chairs, obviously distraught.

"......I'll be back in a few hours to check on the meantime, can you watch her for me?"

I looked over at Amara, before placing my focus back on Marissa, unsure of what to say.

She sighed. "Goodnight Li." She hugged me one last time, before making her way down the hallway.

I turned my attention back to the waiting area, and walked over at mama and daddy. "You need a ride back home babygirl?" Daddy asked, as he pulld his keys out of his pocket.

I shook my head. "No, Im gonna stay with mama,"

Mama looked up at me, and let out a small smile.

"Okay, y'all be safe, and call me if anything." I nodded. He pulled into a hug and kissed my forehead, before leaning down and kissing mama on the lips. "And I'll be back first thing in the morning to check on you, ok baby?" Mama nodded. "Okay, go, get some rest."

He kissed her cheek before walking away from the both of us.

Once he left,  sat down in his seat, holding onto mama's hand. Every now and then I would glance over at Amara and Tony, since we were the only four people left here.

I rested my head back on the back wall, thinking about everything that was going on.

Miranda P.O.V.

"You okay back there baby?"

I quickly glanced in my rear-view mirror at Olivia who was in my backseat, with her eyes closed, praticing her breathing.

"Im fine mama," She said in between breaths.

I took a deep breath, slowly releasing it, as I tried my best to get through traffic. "I can't believe that son of a bitch didn't even give you a ride to the hospital, he's such a poor pathetic excuse of a man I tell you," I shook my head, weaving between cars.

"It's fine," She started again. "Like he said, it isn't his baby," She took another deep breath, holding onto her belly.

"Still." I started. "Its the principal, your fucking water broke and you needed to get to a hospital as fast as you could, and this bastard decided to go to his musty club instead, I swear I cannot stand him."

I saw her head drop down, as she groaned, probably from the contractions that wer finally started to hit her.

"Forget Carlos mama, my baby's father is gonna meet us at the hospital, I didn't want him there anyways. I just need to focus on my breathing because these contractions are finally catch-"

She groaned again, throwing her head back.

"Breathe baby, just breathe, we're almost there."

I could see a few tears rolling down her cheeks as she tried her best to breathe through the pain.

I used my free hand and reached down in my purse, pulling out my phone. I kept my gaze between the road and my phone, as I dialed Rich's number again.

Amara had left me a voicemail, in a panic, stating something had happened to Stasia, and they were on the way to Mercy hospital. Since Olivia called me a few minutes after I got her voicemail, I went straight to get her, without calling Amara back.

I put the speaker on, placing th phone on my thigh. I took a sigh of relif once I heard Rich's voice.

RICH: "Hello?"

ME: "Where are you?"

RICH: "Uh, on the way home? Is everything okay?"

I sighed.

ME: "No everything's not okay, Im on the way to the hospital with Olivia, her water broke, and I also got a voicemail from Amara saying something happened with Stasia, and they were heading to Mercy hospital."

RICH: "What??? When was this?"

I frowned a little, taken back once I heard the concern in his voice.

ME: "Im not sure, maybe like 30-40 minutes ago, Im taking Olivia to Mercy, since it's the closest, do you have any missed calls from Amara??"

RICH: "One, I was going to call her back once I got in the house, but Im turning around now, I'll meet you there."

ME: "Okay, I'll see you you."

Once I didn't hear anything I glanced down at my phone screen again, to see that he already hung up. I sighed, placing my focus back on the road.

Marcus P.O.V.

"So tell me Marcus," I watched Kenny wash of one of the plates, before handing it over to me to dry.

"How's your rookie season been treating you so far?"

I shrugged a little bit, drying the plate with one of mama's dish towels.

"It's been ight I guess, can't complain." He chuckled.

"That's it? You got drafted to the NFL, and all you can say is it's good you guess?" He chuckled again, shaking his head. "You kids today crack me up."

"....I mean, it's dope." I started again. "Im just really getting my feet wet, Im finally in the game, so that's good, especially this early, I heard rookies normally don't even get a chance to touch the ball for about a year."

He laughed. "And that's definetely the truth," I lifted a brow. "...How you know?"

"I used to play pro bowl back in the day." Both of my brows shot up, as he handed me another plate to dry.


He nodded.

"Yes sir, Im not sure if you ever heard of the Arizona Falcons, but I played for them back in 92."

"Yeah I know them," I said surprised. "What happened? Cause no offense, I don't know how you go from playing pro ball to working at Wal-Mart."

He chuckled again. "That's true, but if you must know, I got injured."

I was silent.

"It cut my career short, I played for 2 years, and then I had to hang it up after that, I couldn't recover properly to pick up the ball again."

"Damn," I mumbled. ".....What was the injury?" He took a deep breath, handing me a cup to dry.

"I tore my ACL and my meniscus, needless to say,  things were pretty bad." He chuckled.

"Yeah, forreal," I said lowly. "....Getting injured is on of my biggest of our star players on our team tore his ACL......I havent heard much about how he's doing, but he's been out for awhile...its crazy."

Kenny nodded. "Injuries are every football players biggest fear, no matter how good you are, and the most scary thing about it, is that it can happen at any time,"

I watched him rinse off the few forks and spoons that were in his hand, before handing them over to me.

"Yeah, that's facts."

I frowned a little, once I thought of something.

"Wait, so what was all that you were saying at dinner, about how that was the first time you've watched a game from the stands and not from your couch??" He smirked.

"Well that's the truth, either I've been on the feild or watching from my couch, I never had the experience of sitting in the stands, having that different point of view."

"Oh." I said lowly. "Makes sense......does my mom know you used to play?" He nodded. "Yeah, she thought that maybe we could do some bonding over football, because I heard through the grapevine, you really arent a big fan of me," He chuckled again.

"...Nah." I started. "I ain't never said I didn't like you......i just dont know you like that, if Im being honest, I just thought you was some creep ass store manager tryna push up on my mama, and that I didn't like."

He laughed.

"Okay fair enough, but I hope after speaking with me tonight, I still don't came off as a creep ass store manager thats tyring to push up on your mom." He said, quoting me.

I smirked a little. "Nah, I can take the creep part still tryna push up on my mama though,"

He laughed again, shaking his head. "Wow, if you aren't a reflection of me when I was your age, I don't know who is." He laughed again.

"I get the whole protective role you got going on with your mama, trust me, we have alot in common, son." I frowned a little, wondering what he meant by that.

"What you mean?"

"Well." He started, beginning to wash another dish. "I lost my father at a young age, just like you." I was silent.

"He left behind me and my youngest sister, and my mother of course," He continued.

".....Once you lose the male leader of the household, there's something that just calls your spirit to become that leader that your father was, especially if your now the last male in the household." I nodded slowly.

"I made it my job to protect and see about both my mother and my little sister,  if that meant, making her lunch or dinner, helping her with homework, taking her to school or blocking any man that tried to make their way into my mother's life."

I was silent.

"....I saw first hand the hurt my mother experienced when we lost my father, and I made a vow to myself to never let her hurt like that again, so it then became my job to run every man out from her life, in fear that they would leave her or hurt her emotionally or physically."

He sighed, shaking his head. "But what I didn't realize," He started again, handing over the two glassed he just finished washing.

"All that protecting I called myself doing, was stopping her from experiencing real love from a real man, that could not replace, but act as a father figure in my sister and I's life."

I nodded. "So that's what you'r saying you are?"

He shook his head. "No, what Im saying is, I protected my mother up until a point where a man came into her life, and proved his worthiness, not only to her, but to me and my sister. Once he did that, everything else fell into place and it was easy to let go. And Im happy that it was, because my mother got to love again, and my sister and I got another father in our life that I didn't even realize I needed until he stepped into that role and took care of us."

"Unfortunately," He started. "My mother passed away a few years back, and he followed suit just a couple months after her death, that's how attached they were."

Both of my brows shot up in shock.

"But, I thank god that I allowed him in my life to love me and my family, otherwise, I would have most likely been the reason my mom would have never loved again, and I would have never gotten a chance to experience a healthy relationship with a male again."

I was silent, watching him dry his hands off on one of the dish towels.

"Well, these are all done, you need help with the drying?" I paused for a second, shaking my head.

"....Nah, Im good.....I got it." He nodded. "Well I appreciate your help....tell your mother I'll be back in the morning to take her to work?" I frowned a little. "Something wrong with her car?"

He shook his head no. "No, I just like to drop her and pick her up if I can, one less thing she has to do, that's all."

I nodded slowly. "Oh.....ight."

He pulled his keys out of his pocket, walking over to the front door. "Have a goodnight Marcus."

"You too."

He unlocked the door and pulled it open, about to walk out, when I spoke to him again.


He held the door open, turning it my direction.

"....Just don't hurt her, okay?" He gave me a nod.


I slightly nodded back, hearing the sincerity in his voice. "Goodnight Marcus."



Aliyah P.O.V.

I looked down at my phone screen, checking the time. It was going on 3:30 in the morning, and the doctor still hadn't been out to give us a update on Auntee Stasia's test results.

I glanced over at mama, who was leaned up agaisnt the wall, finally asleep.

She was trying to get me to take a nap, so I wouldnt be exhausted, but I knew she needed sleep more than I did. I knew that as soon as we were able to see Auntee Stasia, mama wasn't going to leave her side until she was released from the hospital, so I knew she needed her rest more than I did.

I smileda little to myself, happy that she stopped fighting me on it, and took a nap. I glanced over at Amara and Tony, to see how they were doing.

Tony had his head leaned back on the wall, with his arms folded across his chest, asleep, while Amara sat there, awake beside him. She was no longer crying, but her face was very red and puffy as she sat there, with her arms folded.

I rested my head back,taking a deep breath, hoping someone would be out soon to update us. The uneasiness I was feeling in my stomach from all of this was killing me, so I could only imagine how mama and Amara feel.

I turned my head back in her direction once I seen her stand up from her seat. She walked past mama and I, wiping her eyes.

I watched her turn the corner down the hallway that led to one of the cafeteria's. I bit down on my bottom lip, contemplating if I should follow her. Even though neither one of us had acknowldged each other this whole night, mama's whol talk to me early about being the bigger person wouldn't leave my head for whatever reason.

I glanced over at mama one last time to make sure she was sound asleep, before I stood up, fixing daddy's suit jacket that was draped across her like a blanket.

I took a deep breath and walked to the corner, turning down the same hallway as Amara.

I walked all the way down the hallway, not sure which way she went, but I just settled on turning in the direction of the cafteria.

I stepped inside the same cafeteria area, and scanned the room with my eyes, until I seen Amara, opening up her purse as she stood infront of one of the vending machines.

I took a deep breath, before walking over to her, standing behind her.


She looked over her shoulder at me, befor turning around again. "Hey."

I tilted my head to the side, unsure of what to say. "....How are you holding up?"

She took a deep breath, bending down to reach whatever she just bought. "Im holding."

I nodded slowly. ".....I had no idea Auntee Stasia was sick......I can't imagine the burden that's been weighing on you this whole time....keeping a secret like that,"

"Yeah," She mumbled. She walked past me, beginning to walk away.

I sighed, turning around. "Amara,"

She continued to walk, ignoring me as if she didn't hear me calling her. "Amara." I called again.

"Amara, wait." I stepped up to her as quickly as I could, grabbing her arm.

She sighed, turning back around to face me. "What?"

"Look," I started. "Regardless of whatever happened between you and I, your mom is my aunt, and I love her as much as you do. Nothing that happens between you and I is more important than what's going on with her."

She sighed, shaking her head. "So it takes my mom passing out in a bathroom, for you to finally have something nice to say to me? You can save it Aliyah, our mothers are best friends, pratically family, so by default, our families are intertwined, but were not blood technically." I was silent.

"I dont care about you being here, if this was your mom, I would be here too, but you can spare me this fake reconciliation moment you're trying to have right now. It took all of this for you to speak to me, first at that, which comes off fake as fuck in my book, so I appreciate you being here and all, but spare me whatever you're trying to do right now."

She turned back around, continuing to walk away. I frowned, catching  back up to her, pulling her back again.

"What's your problem?" I started. "Im trying to be the bigger person here, and not let whatever drama that's going on between us get in then way of what's important, and that's coming together for your mom."

She shook her head.

"No, you're only being the bigger person because you have a guilty conscience, and now that something has happened to my mom, you would feel bad for not atleast speaking to me in a situation like this, I know you Aliyah, I have always known you, nothing has changed about you, you're still the same self-absorbed, selfish 18 year old I fell out with back in high school."

"And you're still the same hard-headed 18 year old than runs away from her problems without facing them head on, if you want to lay it all out  there, we can, the only difference between you and I, is that Im not going to run for the conversation."

She paused for a second, looking me up and down. "Okay, fine, we can finally have this talk, if you think you're ready to hear what I have to say."

I shrugged. "Try me,"

"So what I don't understand," She started. "Is why you have beef with me? There's plenty of reasons for me to have beef with you, but what I cant rap my head around is what the issue is that you have with me." She folded her arms across her chest, waiting for me to answer.

"My issue with you is your mouth, as it always been," I started. "Im nost sure if you remember, but you said alot of foul shit about me when we fell out back then,"

Amara frowned. "And what about th things you said to me?? I think you must got me confused with yourself, I don't recall ever speaking on you failing the third grade because of something determental going on in your life, or speaking on your poor relationship with your father, and throwing that in your face, or calling you a whore that sleeps around."

I was silent.

"Those were all things you said to me, I may have called you a few names back then, but I never hit below the belt. I never spoke on the real issues in your life that I knew you were sensitive about, and I could, If I wanted to be that evil bitch that you still paint me out to be."

"You were so caught up in your own life as always, that you couldn't even see your best friend drowning right beside you, I don't even recall  you ever trying to figure out what was up with me back then."

I frowned, shaking my head. "That's a lie, I did, on multiple occasions, but you pushed me out. You pushed me out like you do with everyone around you who cares about you. You did it to me, you did it to Marissa, and I heard you did it Auntee Stasia back then too. What did you honestly want me to do Amara??"

She shook her head. "You tried once, maybe twice. But as soon as something more important happened in your life, you disappeared. You completely left me. I mean, Marissa and I eventually made up and then she was there for me, but we've been best friends since we were in diapers, it' needless to say that you know way more about m than Marissa does."

I was silent again.

"I did push everyone away back then, with reason...I was going through alot," I could see the tears forming in her eyes, causing my eyes to sting.

"So much shit was going on at home. Like with my dad, I was struggiling to accept his new relationship with Miranda, struggiling to accept his new "bond" with Olivia, and how different he still treated me without even realizing....I was still struggiling with the fact that I have no good memories of my parents ever being together, or being able to talk or sit in the same room with one another."

"I was struggiling with my fucked up "relationship" with Ty, and him playing with both Olivia and I's emotions back then. I was struggiling with the embarrasement of being 19, still a senior in high school, it was a lot going on at that time, all that  you were aware of."

I sighed. "I was aware, but you always acted like nothing ever bothered you, how was I supposed to know how bad you wer struggiling if you're covering everything up with this I dont give a fuck exterior?? You've always been tough, for as long as I can remember, it always seemed as if nothing phases you,"

She shook her head as a tear rolled down her cheek. "Im human Aliyah, of course things bother me. I was never expecting you to read my mind, or see through my act, but how many times did you genuinely sit down and ask me anything about what was taking place in my life??? You were aware of all of this, and it never crossed your mind to check on me? Knowing that besides my parents and yours, you are the only person who knew how stressful my home life was when I was little, hince the reason why I failed the third grade to begin with."

"And then to throw that shit in my face when got into a argument. That was low and foul, since you wanna discuss what's foul."

I sighed, knowing she was right.

"Look, just like you, I was going through something too.....why do you think I became such a huge bitch back then?? I found out this huge family secret that caused me to look diffrently at everyone around me, and I started to lash out, because I couldn't take it, and unfortunatelty our friendship took a hit from it."

I took a big deep breath, slowly releasing it. "We can sit here and go back and forth about who said what and who hurt who, but at the end of the day the fact still remains we were both hurt by each other, period."

She was silent.

"You felt like I was too absorbed in myself and my own life to see you drowning beside me.....and you're right, I was."

Another tear ran down her cheek, but she quickly wiped it away.

"There's no excuse in the world for me to throw all those hurtful things in your face,and for that, Im truly sorry."

"I was hurting, and my hurt turned into this whole new attitude, and a new profound bitchiness that I was using to cover up the pain I was feeling in my heart."

"I am so sorry, Im so sorry for leaving you alone to experience everything you went through senior year on your own," at this point, tears were falling from my eyes, but I had to get this apology out to her.

".....Marissa told me back then that you were pregnant...and ended up having a abortion."

She looked off to the side, as if she was embarrased, as tears kept flowing down her cheeks.

"I knew, and I still let me own anger get in the way of atleast checking on you, and I've always regretted that......I know that whole process had to be scary as hell to go through, without any of your real friends by your side."

She cleared her throat a little. "...Thank you."

"...Im sorry for everything that transpired between us back then, even for things that aren't my fault, I apologize for everything."

She nodded. "....I accept your apology."

I smiled a little. "I always heard you went to therapy  back then to sort out the issues you had with your dad.....that's great....Im proud of you....I know how hard it is for you to open up about that."

She nodded. "It was, but it was got to the bottom of alot of my personal sleeping around."

I nodded. "Thats good,"

"Im actually.....celibate now, so the therapy helped me take a new walk in life....Im happy that mama forced me to go through with it."

"So am I." I started. "Im happy to hear you're doing well."

"Thanks.....and Im sorry too, for any hurt or pain I caused you back then, I was beyond fucked we now....and I did push everyone away and give them a hard time to show genuine concern about me,"

I chuckled. "It's fine, you wouldnt be Amara if you didn't."

She smirked.

Silence filled the space around us for a couple of seconds before I spoke again. "....Regardless of whatever ever happens with us, know that I'll always love and care  about you, blood couldnt make us any closer, your my best friend, and most importantly my family, and I love you genuinely."

She smiled. "And I love you too."

We pulled each other in a hug, and held one another, soaking in the other's embrace. A few more tears fell down my cheeks, and I guess the same was happening to her because I could feel the motion of her wiping her face.

Once we let go, we immediately grabbed each others hands.

She looked down at my ring on my finger and smiled slightly. "Congratuations on your engagement by the way......I noticed the ring back when we met up at that lunch Marissa set up in Atlanta, I said it was beautiful in my head, but I guess since we're speaking now, I can pay you the compliment."

I laughed, wiping my face again. "Thank you."

"I knew you would be the first to get married out of all of us, something about you just screams wife." I chuckled. "Thanks."

Our smiles, quickly faded a way, once the realization of where we were and what was happeneing started to set in again.

I held onto her hands tighter than before, taking a deep breath. "......Auntee Stasia will be fine."

I could see her eyes turning glossy again. "Hopefully the cancer hasn't progressed, but if it has....there's still treatment options for her.....she'll be good."

Amara nodded, wiping away her tears again. "I just can't believe she left me in the dark like that, she's gone over a month without treatment Li, and Tony and I new nothing about it."

I shook my head. "Who takes her to her appointments normally?"

"We hired her a aid that takes her when Tony can't, but apparently she let her go after the visit where she was re-diagnosed." Both of my brows shot up. "What?"

"Yeah, I called her to see what was up, and she explained that mama let her go, but still had been paying her for all the weeks she wasn't working......she's just been pretending to go out with her aid and go to her appoinments for a whole month."

I shook my head in disbelief.

"Wow......none of that makes sense though.....why would Auntee Stasia do that?"

She shrugged. "I don't know, I refuse to believe that she wanted to purposely keep Tony and I in the dark, but honestly, that's what it's looking like."

"Im just ready to see her because I have so many unanswered questions that wont let my mind rest until they are answered."

I nodded. "I get it, but you should try to take a small nap, I'll stay up in the meantime, and then mama should be awake soon, and she can stay up and wait."

She shook her head. "No, Im good, I can't. I really do appreciate you being here, but I know you just flew out here today.......go home and get some sleep."

I frowned, shaking my head. "I've been here all this time, a few more hours wont kill me."

She sighed.

"I know it won't, but that's not the point, just please, go home and sleep, I'll call you as soon as we here from her doctor."

I paused for a second, not really wanting to leave, but I knew that I did need the rest.

".....You sure?" She nodded. "Yeah go, I'll be fine, besides I have Auntee Simone if anything," She smiled a bit, causing me to smile.

"Okay.....goodnight....Tell mama I left please."

"I will.....Night."

Amara P.O.V.

I watched Aliyah down the opposite hallway, towards the exit of the hospital. I took another deep breath, trying to calm my  nerves, as I made my way bac towards the waiting area where Tony and Auntee Simone was.

I opened up the small pack of cookies I bought from the vending machine, eating one, hoping it would help with the uneasiness I felt in my stomach.

As I made my way towards my seat, I heard daddy's voice behind me.


I turned around and automatically rushed to him once I seen him.  He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest.

"How are you baby?"

"Im okay," I said with half a shaky voice. "What happened with your mom?? Miranda told me there was a accident, is she okay?"

I sighed, stepping out of his embrace. ".......Can we sit please?" He nodded. "Yeah...sure."

We walked back over to the waiting area together, taking a seat away from Tony and Auntee Simone who were still sleeping.

".....Im not sure how to tell you this, so Im just going to say it.......Mama has breast cancer."

He frowned, silent. I examined his face, seeing the hurt and confusion written all over it.

"....What? Since when?"

"....She was originally diagnosed almost a year ago." His frown deepend. "A year ago??? Why am I just finding out now?" I sighed.

"Mama made Tony and I promise to keep it a secret until she was ready to tell everyone....but Im just now realizing that that day may have never came."

He glanced over at Tony, before placing his eyes back on me.

"Why did she not want to tell anyone." I shook my head. "She didn't want anyone treating her differently because of it," He shook his head in disbelief.

"I can't believe this." He started. "What happened to her?"

".....We found her passed out in a restroom covered in blood....the doctors said that the cancer has spread to her lungs, and the blood that was over her was from coughing it up all over herself,"

He stood up from his seat, slightly pacing back and forth. "It's spread? So she's a Stage Four?" I nodded, as my eyes began to sting again.

"W-W-Why did she not share any of this me? W-we have a child together, I think I have a right to know whats going on with her health, especially something this serious."

"Im sorry daddy," A warm tear fell from my eye. "I promised her, I couldn't break that promise.....she wouldn't have trusted me after that."

Daddy sighed, taking a seat beside me again, pulling me into him. "It's not your fault, I don't blame you......Nastasia will be fine, okay?" I nodded agianst his chest, quickly wiping my eyes again.

"Amara, there you are." I quickly looked over to see Miranda making her way towards us. I wiped my eyes again and stood up, walking towards her for a hug.

She pulled me into her chest, resting her head on top of mines.

"Im sorry, I got down here as fast as I could, I got caught up with something else and-"

"It's fine." I said, cutting her off. "You're here now, and that's all that matters."

I held onto her, and she sighed. "How is she?"

"We don't know yet, but we did find out that mama's been hiding the fact that she was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer a little over a month ago, and hasnt started treatment for it."

"Oh my god." She said, placing her hand over her mouth. "The cancer has spread??"

"Too her lungs," I said softly. "The doctors are running more tests on her to make sure it hasnt spread anywhere else since it's been over a month since she's been in. They have to do all of that first before being able  to give us a real update."

Miranda nodded. "Everything's gonna be okay Amara, your mom is a fighter, she's tough."

"I know." I mumbled. "Are you staying to wait with us?" I sat back down besides daddy, and she followed suit.

"Yes, but I may have to leave and come back a few times........there's actually something I need to tell you.....and I don't think they'll ever be a good time to say this."

I frowned a little. "...What? What is it?"

She took a deep breath, before opening her mouth to speak, but the sound of the doctors voice cut her off.

"Family of Nastasia Smith,"

His voice called all of us to stand up, and for Tony and Auntee Simone to wake up as well.

"How is she doc?" Daddy asked, speaking up.

"We've finished with the MRI and the Chext Xray, and the good news is.....there was no cancer cells in the brain  or in any of the other vital organs."

Tony and I took a sigh of relief. I felt slightly better, but I had a feeling he wasn't done yet.

"The bad news is," He started again. "Since Nastasia's last chest xray over a month ago, the cancer cells have duplicated in size in the lungs......have any of you noticed a change in her breathing at all?"

Tony and I looked over at one another. ".....Not that I have noticed,"

I shook my head. "Neither have I."

The doctor nodded. "Well unfortunately," He said, taking a deep breath. "...We have Nastasia stable, but she's been complaining of chest pain and she's still been coughing up excessive amounts of blood.....all not too good signs of her overall health right about now."

We all were silent.

"Im afraid of putting her through a more aggresive chemo, with her current status, but we will see how things are looking in the next 24-28 hours before I make a final decsion, if the level of chemo I want to complete for her is ruled out from her health, I'll most likely recommend keeping her on the same chemotherapy, more often, and we would want to monitor her here, either way it goes, meaning she would need be be ammitted today."

My eyes filled with tears again, not even sure what to think.

"I would also probably recommend switching some of the meds she is taking, again, we would want to her to be here so we can monitor her for any life threatning changes."

"...A-And what about surgery?" Tony asked speaking up.

"Surgery would normal be our first option if her cancer originally started in another place in the body, like the bowels or the bones....we normally dont operate for breast cancer, and I honestly dont think she would be well enough to commit to surgery, it would be a major operation."

Tony nodded slowly. "Ok.........can we see her?"

The doctor nodded. "Yes, one at a time, but please, be aware of her state. She's stable, it does not mean she well, her breathing is a little stagered, and as I mentioned before, she is still coughing up a good amount of blood still, we are working on trying to manage her cough symptoms, just a heads up for you all."

Tony nodded. "..Thank you doctor, we appreciate it."

"It's was my pleasure....Ms.Smith's room is the last on the left. You all may visit her for the next hour, after that we recommend a few meds for her and trying to get her to sleep." He gave all of us a small smile, before walking back down the hallway.

Once he was gone, Tony turned to us, clearing his throat. "Amara should go first," He said, speaking up.

"Then Simone," He said, looking over at her.

He looked over at Daddy who was standing beside me. "After that, we'll figure out who's next."

Tony and daddy stared at one another for a minute. Tony broke his gaze, looking over at me. "Go ahead Amara, go see your mom."

I nodded, taking a big deep breath. "I'll be back." I said to everyone.

"Be strong baby," Auntee Simone said to me, as I walked down the hallway.

My heart began beating faster and faster the closer I got to mama's room. Once I was inches away from the door, I paused, taking a calming breath. I blinked away any of the tears that were still present in my eyes, before slowly stepping inside the room.

I stood right in the entrance for a second, taking in all th tubes coming out of her and a million monitors that were around her bed.

My eyes filled with tears again, as I took in how pale mama had looked. Her eyes were closed, so she had no clue that was here, looking at her.

I let a few tears roll down my cheek, before I took a few more steps inside her room. I guess the sound of my heels on the tile floor caused her to become more alert, because her eyes began to slowly open.

"Baby," She said, trying to put a small smile on her face. Her voice was hoarse, most likely from all the coughing she had been doing today.

"Hey mama," My voice quivered a bit, as I walked up to her beside. I glanced over at the bowl that was sitting beside her, stained in blood, probably from her coughing.

".....Are you okay?" I asked, examining her white-washed face.

"Im fine," She said, slowly reaching out for my hand. "Im so sorry for scaring you," I shook my head, feeling my eyes burn. "Don't apologize, it's fine." I wrapped my hands in hers, softly holding it.

"...Where's Tony?" She asked.

"He's in the waiting area.....he'll be in to see you," She sighed. "Okay....I have something to tell you."

I nodded. "I think you have a few things that you need to tell  me mama, like why didn't you tell us that the cancer spread?? Why would you go so long without any treatment?? Why did you have Tony and I removed from your HIPPA form?? You know no one in the hospital can contact us without your permission."

She placed her other hand on top of mine. "Amara, just hold on.....there's reasons behind all of that, but there's something else I need to tell you that I've been keeping from you for a few weeks now."

I frowned. "...What?"

"Tony and I are married."

My frown deepend. "What?? Since when? And how?"

"Since two weeks ago," She said through her hoarseness. "We went down to the courthouse a week after her proposed and completed all the paperwork.....we planned on telling you right after the engagement party,"

I sighed. "Im happy for you mama, I am......but my focus in on your health right now, and why you kept Tony and I in the dark, especially me."

She sighed, but her sigh quickly turned into a dry cough. She sat up a little and leaned over the bowl they had resting beside her, coughing hard, letting the blood come out of her.

I jumped a little at how hard she was coughing, and what was coming out of her. I closed my eyes since I couldn't take seeing her like this.

Once she was done, she turned back to me, as if she was out of breath. "This is why I kept you all in the dark."

I frowned again. "What are you talking about?"

She rested back in her pillow, resting her body. ".....If you all knew it was this bad, I would've been forced to make a decision about treatment."

I nodded. "Yeah, and with good reason, seeing as how you never got back to your doctor in over a month, Im sorry, but that's beyond irresponsible of you mama, how could you do that?? You know how serious any stage four cancer can be."

She shook her head. "I know, and my mind was made up already and-" Her sentence was cut short from her coughing once again.

"...My mind was made up already, and I didn't need you or Tony or these doctors trying to persuade me otherwise."

"Your mind was made up about your treatment?? Why would any of us get in the way of that? As long as you choose the best treatment option for yourself, you know Tony wouldn't get in your way, and neither would I."

She sighed. "I made my mind up, but not about a treatment option baby, that's what Im trying to say."

I frowned. ".....I dont get what you're saying.......if you've made up your mind on something that's not treatment, then what is it?"

Silence filled the space around us, for a few seconds, until I caught on to what mama was saying.

"No." I said, shaking my head. "No, I-I-Im not letting you do that, and neither will Tony, Im gonna go grab him,"

I let go of mama's hand, making my way towards her door, when she called me back. "Amara, don't do that, please come here."

I paused in my tracks, unsure of what to do next. I couldnt believe what I was hearing. I couldnt believe what mama had decided to do without even speaking with me first about all of this. It wasn't fair, and I couldnt handle it.

I kept my back turned to her, as I dropped my head, letting th tears pour out of my eyes.

"Amara, please come here," She said again, will full hoarseness.

I slowly turned around, walking back over to her.

"Sit." She gently pulled me down on her beside, sitting up. "I don't need you crying, okay? by the looks of your face, you've been crying enoug tonight, please dont shed anymore tears over me okay?" She lifte up her limp hand, wiping my face.

"I already know what you think about my decision, but my mind is made up," She started. ".....This isn't how I want to live my life, ammitted in a hospital, feeling drained and tired every second of the day, chemotherapy and different medications being shoved down my throat daily.....I don't want to do it.....I won't do it."

I shook my head, letting more tears roll down my cheeks. "You're giving up," I started. "You're letting the cancer win by choosing this mama, I thought you said you were always gonna fight,"

She nodded. "And I did baby, and the cancer kept progressing.....this isn't me giving up, Im choosing my own destiny this way,"

I shook my head again. "You have so much more life to live though mama."

"More life to live to do what exactly? Get married? Have kids? Experience real love? Make everlasting friendships? Travel the world?"

I was silent.

"I've done all of that already, everything I ever wanted to do in life, I've done it. Im not missing out on anything,"

"But mama-"

"Amara." She said, gently placing her hand on mine. "Look at me." I turned to her, looking her in the eyes. "I've made my decision."

"....B-But what about me? I need you."

She softly smiled. "I won't ever leave you, you'll carry me in your heart, and I'll do the same, so I'll always be with you."

I was silent.

"..I've raised a head-strong, independent, resislent woman, you don't need me as much as you think you do Amara, you're everything I wish I was at your age,"

".....I know this may be hard to accept, but I need you to be strong for me okay? I know you can do that for me."

I slightly nodded.

"....I wanna have a chance to talk to everyone individually and tell them myself....I love you so much."

"I love you too mama,"

"Come here."

I wrapped my arms as tightly as I could around her, hugging her as if this was my last time doing so. I closed my eyes, letting more tears fall down my cheeks, and mama softly rubbed my back, telling me everything was gonna be okay.

Once we seperated, I held onto her hands, looking at her wet face.

"....Who's coming in next to see me?" She said, wiping her tears.

"Auntee Simone." She nodded. "Send her in for me,"

I held onto her hands for a few more seconds, before letting them go.  I kissed her cheek before making my way out of her room.

I made my way back to the waiting area, trying to put my best face on for everyone.

"Auntee Simone," I started. "She's ready for you."

She nodded, standing up from her seat. I gave her a quick hug, before taking my seat beside Tony.

"How was she?" He asked. "Very pale.....her voice is super hoarse from all the coughing, but....uh....she's in good spirits." He took a sigh or relief, leaning back in his chair.

"Thank god, I knew my baby would be okay....Im just hoping that things start looking better for her in the next 24 hours, we need her back on schedule with her treatment as soon as possible.

"Yeah." I mumbled.

Simone P.O.V.

I walked up to Stasia door, slightly knocking.

"Knock, knock."

She looked over at me, slightly smiling. "Simi."

I rushed over to her beside, and pulled her into a hug, automatically beginning to cry.

"....You scared the hell out of me," I mumbled against her hospital gown.

"Im sorry," She said with a super hoarse voice.

Once we seperated, I sat down beside her, pushing her messy hair away from her face. "Stasia why didn't you tell me-"

"Simone," She said, cutting me off.

"I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want to be reminded of my cancer every single day by everyon treating me diffrently, Im not saying it was right, but it's what I did for myself and my sanity, but I am sorry for keeping it from you,"

I sighed, shaking my head. "I knew something was up with you, the weight loss, the new haircut all of a sudden, you always looking so pale and white-washed.....I knew you were keeping something from me, I just didnt think it was something this drastic."

"Im so sorry," She said  again. "I hope you can understand and forgive me."

"Of course I forgive you.....I forgiven you for worse," We both slightly chuckled, but her smile soon faded away.

".....There's something I need to ask of you."

I nodded, sitting up straight. "What is it?"

".....I need you to promise that you'll look after Amara for me." I paused, before slowly nodding my head. "...She's my goddaughter, I'll always look after her regardless....why are you asking me that?"

She sighed, looking down in her lap.

"......I've decided not to continue and treatment for the cancer."

She lifted her head up, finally looking at me. I could see the slight pain written over her face.

"W-What?? What are you....what are you saying?? Why not?? Do you think you're not strong enough? We're all here supporting you Stasia, there's no reason to be af-"

"No,'s not that." She said, interrupting me. She coughed a few times, before continuing.

"....I don't want to live this way........medications, chemo, immunotherapy....I just cant do it.......I've been reasearching this since they diagnosed survival rate is honestly slim to none Simi, I dont want to spend my remaning time cooped up in a hospital like this, I refuse."

I was silent for a few seconds. ".....Everyone's case it different, there may be a low survival rate, but people do survive."

She let out a weak smile, shaking her head. "My mind is made up.....when the doctor comes back I plan on telling him what I decided.....I just haven't yet so I was able to speak to my family first."

My eyes filled with tears. "What about Tony?"

"I'll speak with him.....he's my husband, Im sure he'll eventually understand."


She smiled. "We signed the papers two weeks ago, we're officially married."

"Oh, Stasia," I pulled her into another hug, wanting to feel so happy for her right now, but everything was bittersweet.

"I need you to watch over my baby for me," She said, as I let her go. "....I know that none of you may agree, but this is my decision and my life.....most likely the inevitable may happen sooner, but thats the chance im willing to take at this point."

I sighed, shaking my head.

"You're right, I dont agree. My mind cant even wrap around the thought of you not being here.....I haven't known a life since the age of 18 that hasn't had you in it.....we may have had our fights and falling outs, but you were always just a phone call away....knowing I cant pick up the phone and call you"

"You're more than my best friend, you're my sister....and I love you tremendously."

She smiled. "And I love you just as if you love me as much as you say, I need you to be accepting of my decision,"

I grabbed onto her hands, holding them tightly. "....I  don't agree with this....but isn't my decision to's yours....and I have no choice but to accept it."

She sighed. "Thank you."

"....I love you."

"I love you too girl."

We held onto one another, silently crying.


Aliyah P.O.V.

The next morning, I slowly stepped down the cold steps, making my way towards the kitchen. I only got a few hours of sleep in, but I knew I needed to get back down to the hospital to check on mama and Amara.

Amara had texted me, saying they got an update, but she wanted to give Marissa and I all the details face to face, so to come down as soon as we could.

I stepped down the last step and walked into the kitchen, to see daddy leaning up agaisnt the sink, taking a sip from his coffee mug.

"Morning daddy,"

"Goodmorning baby girl, how you holdin up?" I sighed, pulling open the fridge door.

"Im alright, about to grab something quick, and go back down to the hospital.....are you coming?" He nodded, taking another sip from his mug.

"Yeah, Im gonna try to go down there and see if I can convince your mama to come home and shower, and take a decent nap before she goes back."

"Well goodluck with that......I heard there was a you know what it is?"

He nodded. "I do....your mama called me and told me, but you should go down and hear about it yourself."

"...Okay." I said lowly.

"....You've been doing okay though?" He asked, changing the subject. "Yeah daddy, Im fine."

"You sure? No issues with you and that boy?" I sighed, knowing he was referring to Ronnie. "Ronnie and I are fine daddy."

"....How's he doing? I heard he's injured." I raised both of my brows, shocked that he was actually interested.

"Wow, you actually care now?" He sighed softly. "Well according to your mama, I have to learn how to accept the decisions you make, even if I feel that they are dumb as hell, to show you that I love you and Im here for you." I slightly chuckled. "Thanks.......well if yo must know, Ronnie's been improving, he's doing his physical therapy and getting better everday."

"Good," He mumbled.

I opened my mouth to speak, but the sound of my phone vibrating in my sweat pants pocket stopped me. I quickly pulled my phone out of my purse to see mama calling me.

"It's mama," I answered as quick as I could, placing the phone to my ear.

ME: "Hello?"

MAMA: "Aliyah."

I frowned a little once I heard the distraughtness in her voice.

ME: "Yeah, you okay mama?"

I looked up at daddy, who had now looked concerned, as he sat his coffee mug down.

MAMA: "Where's your father?"

She asked, as her voice began to shake.

ME: "He's right here infront of me, what's wrong? Is everything okay?"

MAMA: "I need y'all to get down here......right now."

Her last word turned into a slight sob, causing my heart to race and butterflies to begin in my stomach.

ME: "Okay, we're leaving right now, what's wrong?? What happened??"

I motioned for daddy to follow me. He grabbed his keys that were luckily sitting right beside him, as we made our way to the front door.

ME: "Mama??"

I asked again. I quickly stepped into my slides, and switched the phone to my opposite ear.

ME: "Hello mama? Are you there?? What's going on??"

Daddy pushed open the front door, allowing me to walk out first. I still couldnt hear anything from mama  on the line, but all of a sudden, I started to hear sudden sobs, that I knew was hers.

I walked towards the car as my eyes began to sting, from hearing her cries.

ME: "....Mama...?"

I asked again.

ME: "....W-What's going on?"

MAMA: "S-Stasia.......she.....s-s-she's........she's passed."

I froze dead in my tracks once I heard mama confirm what I was hoping wasnt true.

Hot tears began to pour out of my eyes, as I stood there frozen, holding the phone to my ear, listening to mama sob on the other line.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dont hate me for this y'all, cause I know its coming

Thoughts on this chapter??

Stasia in the Multimedia (Her character in the first book, and now)

Continuer la Lecture

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