The Dark Fire(C)

By Dealova94

114 112 0

"Dark Fire, the place where a group lives. A place that is under the symmetry of the earth, and this place, n... More

thirty one
Part 35


1 1 0
By Dealova94

But the shadow suddenly disappeared without a trace. I also looked down listlessly. I see my body more transparent because of the blinding white light through my body. I narrowed my eyes and closed them because of glare. Slowly I blink my eyes. My head feels very dizzy and heavy. When my eyes were fully opened, I was already in a chest without a lid. I wonder when I was transferred here?

I started to wake up and look for someone outside. I don't understand what happened to me. Am I dead and alive again? Means I'm suspended animation?

I started out from the stuffy room. It turns out it's morning. I see, a young man is standing and staring at the situation below him.

"Sorry," I softly.

The young man was shocked then looked at me. He too immediately glared and hugged me immediately.

"I thought you were dead. I was very sad when I saw you faint earlier, "he said, hugging me.

"Never mind. Where am I now? What happened?"

"There is a battle between ..."

"Srrtt! Duaarrr! "

The sound of explosions bombs and arrows reciprocated. Thousands of Vampires fought each other. It turns out that the Lord of the Green Fire still exists and will attack the people of Dark Fire.

Thousands of troops are ready to fight. Armed with spears and bows, the Dark Fire people believed they could defeat the Lord of Green Fire and his army.

I looked Aland fixedly. He too nodded and smiled sweetly at me.

"I'm still not ready to do all this," I complained.

"Believe we can. Even fifty years can, "

"Dark Fire has changed a lot. But I am sure. Their passion has changed for the better. I'm sure, we will win, "he continued again.

"OK. I'm just worried we will separate, "

"Distance and time don't matter if we separate. Believe me, no one will become the blood of all these battles. I'm afraid this is the last day I see you, "he said.

I also looked down. A flying vampire is ready to be my mount and Aland is fighting. I still doubt this fight. Even though we have many troops, I feel pessimistic and the chances of victory are slim.

"Already, don't think about defeat. Be optimistic we will win, "

"Alright, sir, mind reader. Now I understand one thing. Why does that damned vampire bother me? That's because he wants me dead. And that way, he can win, we can definitely meet again tonight, "

"If so, let's fight. Come on, let's go! " Aland said loudly.

The second army of Dark Firepun immediately launched and assisted the first troops. The fight between them is very fierce.

I'm still getting ready with Aland to attack with the last troop. My heart feels out of place. Anxiety and fear began to haunt my mind. Cold sweat has run down my face.

"I know this is difficult. Just trust in yourself, "he said. I nodded.

For fifteen minutes the second army was at war. And now only the third army had to advance there. I still sat down while swallowing. Many Dark Fire people have become blood in this battle. But there are also many opposing forces that have been lying lifeless on the ground. Even more than the people of Dark Fire.

"OK! Now we have to leave. Are you really ready? " Aland asked.

I nodded while swallowing. Aland immediately looked ahead while seeing the resistance of Dark Fire.

"Alright, this is the time. One, two, three, seraaanggggg! "


The voice of the people of Dark Fire was loud in my ears. They immediately ran scattering towards the battlefield. Aland and I have begun to plunge and move to begin to lead the resistance. I hold the spell book in my hand. And I brought a bow and arrows on my back. While Aland is still ready with his sword.

"Can you use magic?"

"No," I said.

"The people of Dark Fire can do some magic elements. Let me read how they plan. And after that we make plans to destroy them, "

"Why didn't you just tell that?"

"Hahah, I just remembered this time," he said.

He too immediately looked at the people under the field. Those who are at war. Alandpun looked at the Lord of Green Fire who was standing tall on the monument symbolized by Green Fire. Aland looks closely at him.

"I can read it. Now you stay here. I will go down and immediately tell you this, "he said.


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