WWE-The Challenge-Rivals (Sea...

By SinnaMonnBun

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In order to win half a million dollars, the challengers must rely solely on one person.....their worst enemy... More

Author's Notes
Teams Reveal pt 1
Teams Reveal pt 2
First Night
Challenge 1-Road To Nowhere
One Sided Power
Elimination 1
Intoxicating Nostalgia
Challenge 2-Game Of Inches
Friend or Mastermind?
Elimination 2
At It Again
Challenge 3-Triple X Games
True Rivals
Elimination 3
Everybody Hates Roman
Challenge 4-Frogsmash
Friends No More
Elimination 4
Challenge 5-Frenemies
Head To Head
Elimination 5
Challenge 6-Oil Change
The One Where They Hooked Up
Elimination 6
Coffee Bath
Challenge 7-Gasping For Air
Spilling The Tea
Elimination 7 pt 1
Elimination 7 pt 2
Progression Amidst Tension
Challenge 8-Dunking For Dinner
Crossing The Twins
Elimination 8
The Cryptic and The Crazy
Challenge 9-Caged In
The Cult of Jericho
Elimination 9
New Rivals, New Feelings
Challenge 10-Weight For Me
Shot Through The Heart
Elimination 10
Challenge 11-Bombs Away
Tonight We Are Young
Elimination 11 (+announcement)
Challenge 12-Rampage
Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Elimination 12
Im A Hazard To Myself
Finals pt 1
Finals pt 2
The Final Decision
*Un-aired Scenes*

New Formations

316 26 12
By SinnaMonnBun

"Who do you guys think is the strongest girl in the house?"Sami asked as he, Chris and Seth were in the living room.

"Definitely Trish." Chris responded.

"Of course Chris is going to say that."said Seth.

"No I'm not just saying that because's she my girl but out of all the girls here, I think she's the most well rounded one. She's strong, she's smart, she's a nice person, she's smoking hot. Cant get better than that."

Sami's eyes shifted to Charlotte who was nearby, "Charlotte, who is someone you wouldn't want to go up against in eliminations?"

Charlotte kept stirring her tea, "I'll take on anyone. I don't care."

"Oh come on. There has to be at least one girl that you're worried about."said Seth.

She shrugged, "No."

"We all know its Trish. She whooped you last season."said Chris.

"You guys only won because I had Bobby as a partner. If Trish and I went head to head she wouldnt make it out alive. Especially if its a physical elimination."

"Yea, sure. Okay."Chris said sarcastically.

"Look at me. I am in every way shape and form better than your little girlfriend Chris. I am genetically superior-"

"You're just tall. Thats the only thing intimidating about you."

Charlotte fake smiled, "Oh yea? Take a look at everything I've done on these Challenges Chris. Im more than just tall. I am The Queen of The Challenge and you know it."

"Thats a little far fetched considering you never won a final."

"You just can't go a day without making someone want to punch you in the face can you?" she said.

"I really enjoy pissing people off."he nodded.

"I can tell."

VC-Charlotte-I don't get why everyone thinks Trish is this big badass. It keeps me awake at night. She's done nothing to achieve that status. I don't think she's any competition to me at all. At the end of the day I know that I'm the strongest girl here and if anyone wants me to prove it then i'll gladly do it.


"Were you worried at all that you were going home last night?"Lita asked Tommaso. They were both in the pool. Tomasso's hand was seen around her waist.

"Did I look worried? Did you see me hesitate at all? As soon as Hunter blew that horn I was focused and ready to go."

"I would have hated it if you left. Id be all alone with no one to keep me company at night." Lita teased in a seductive way.

"Oh yea? So you wouldn't move on to another guy and forget all about me?"

"Like who? Do you see all the other guys that live in this house? Do you for a split second think that I would want to be with any of them? I feel like I'm living in a circus sometimes."

Tommaso laughed, "They're all a bunch of clowns."

VC-Tommaso-Its no secret around the house that Lita and I have been spending a lot of time together. We get along great. She's definitely not a girl like Alexa or Mandy, thank god. I don't know if when the show is done if this thing between her and I is going to continue but I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts.

VC-Lita-I told myself that I'm not going to fall for anyone on this season of The Challenge but....when there's a sexy beast of a man like Tommaso in the house, whats a girl to do?


"So you've been single since Temptation Island?"Billie asked AJS. They were sitting on the living room couch conversing.

"Yup. Ever since I got my ass dumped on the beach."

"So why haven't you moved on yet? Are you still hung up on Lexi?"

"Oh no. Not at all. I'm over that. I just haven't been getting around much. Ive been focusing on myself mostly. Work kept me busy. Never really got a lot of time to think about moving on."

"And what about Lacey. That girl seemed like she was about ready to have babies with you."

"I....dont know. We talked for a little bit but...I needed my space."

"Okay so...be honest with me AJ....when was the last time you had some action?"


"No like, I'm concerned. Im not trying to be weird. When was the last time you got it on? Was it with Lexi like forever ago?"

AJ hesitated to answer, "Well.....I did go to this bar some time ago and hooked up with this lady."

"How long ago was that?"

"About...2 or 3 months ago?"

"You've got to be joking me. You need to get laid."

AJ nervously chuckled, "Id.... rather focus on the game."

"Oh don't be a dill."

"A what?"

"Is there anybody you have your eyes on at least?"

"Not really. A lot of the girls here I'm really good friends with or I just won't ever have those feelings for."

"So what was so special about Alexa?"

He took a deep breath in, "I.....dont know. All I knew was that for a time...she loved me and I loved her."

"So you had no pre existing feelings about her before you guys started dating?"

"Honestly, getting together with her was so unexpected for me. I came here on season one with the goal being to go to the finals,not get myself into a relationship but....it happened."

VC-Billie-Poor AJ. I think if a crackhead said that she loved him he'll marry her. I don't think he personally knows what love feels like.

"I think you need to loosen up more. Alexa's not holding back. I think you need to stop being so tense and enjoy things a little more. You're always so focused and angry and scary. Have a good time while you're here. I know that you're trying to win the game but.....its okay to have fun too."

AJ nodded, "Yea..... you're right."

"I know."

VC-AJS-Billie's right. I cant remember the last time I had fun. Ive always been so caged in that, I forgot what freedom's like. Im finally here on The Challenge as a single man and...its about time I take advantage of that.


"Who are your number one allies right now?"Chris asked Mandy and Alexa who were in the kitchen.

"I think it has to be Roman and John because of Naomi."said Mandy.

"For me its probably Velveteen and Aleister or maybe Johnny and Tommaso but.....I don't know. We've never actually agreed on anything. Tommaso doesn't like me for some reason so I don't know if I can fully depend on them."said Alexa.

"Okay, hear me out. I know we haven't exactly been close to each other but.....im willing to work with you girls"said Chris.

"Oh really?"Mandy asked skeptically.

"The more numbers the better right?"

"How do we know we can trust you?"asked Alexa.

"Truth be told, I'm a very loyal man. You scratch my back, i'll scratch yours. For nominations, i'll never say either of your names."

"You know Punk and I have history. How do I know that he's not going to say my name."asked Alexa.

"Because I'm the one that runs our team okay. Im the brains, he's the.....he's there. Whatever I say goes. So are you in or are you in?"

"Wait wait wait.....obviously Trish and Lita are your number ones."said Mandy, "If it ever comes down to Trish and Lita or Naomi and I....then what are you prepared to do? Because I'm ready to make you and Punk my number ones but only if I get the same thing in return."

"Look, you guys already have your number ones right? Good, don't change it. Im not asking to be your number one, I'm just asking for an alliance. Because you're right Mandy, Trish and Lita are my number ones. However, im envisioning a final where its Trish and Lita, you and Naomi and Alexa and her mystery partner, ya dig?"

"But why us?"Alexa asked.

"Oh my god all these questions! Its either you want in or not? If we join forces we're going to be an unstoppable force. Deal or no deal baby, take it or leave it."

"Who else are you guys working with?"asked Mandy.

"Just Trish and Lita. Thats it. Listen, you guys have no idea how much power is going to be on your side if you do align with us."

Alexa and Mandy looked at each other.

VC-Mandy-Naomi and I already have John and Roman on our side. If we do join forces with Chris and Punk then....we'll have two of the strongest teams in the house on our side. Theres 6 remaining female teams in the house. Only three is going to the finals. I want to do whatever it takes to be one of those three.

"Im in."said Mandy.

Alexa nodded, "Me too."

Chris smiled.

Little did the three know, John was eavesdropping their whole conversation.

VC-John-So apparently...Chris is trying to assemble a blond death squad of some sorts. He basically now has half of the girls working with him. The more numbers he gets on his side, the bigger and stronger he grows. The more power he'll be able to have. And the more dangerous he becomes. If he continues to do what he's doing......he has a chance of easily making it to the finals without even breaking a sweat and id be damned if he gets that opportunity before I do.

John went out of his way to find one person. AJL.

VC-John-I know Punk had been trying to pull AJ under his wing and right now, I absolutely can't let that happen.

He found her in her alone in her bedroom.

"Can I talk to you?"he said as he walked into the room.

She blushed, "Sure."

He sat next to her on her bed, "I know I already warned you about working with Punk but.....just in case your mind was swaying a little I just wanted to let you know that Punk and Chris are trying to form alliances with everyone in this house. So if you join forces with them, that means nothing. They'll cast you aside like trash when they're done using you."

"Who else are they working with?"

"Mandy, Naomi and Alexa. CM Punk and Chris has not yet proven why they deserve to be here let alone have this much power. Don't fall into their trap okay. They're not going to be on your side. Its literally us against all of them."

"Can I ask your opinion on something? Its something thats been bothering me."she tucked her hair behind her ear.


"Do you think Sami got together with Kaitlyn just so we won't say their name? Because...Kevin and Chris are best friends and obviously they have links to Sami. Do you think Sami is just manipulating her? I felt like everything just happened so fast between them."

"I....dont know. I won't doubt it. You can't trust anyone in this game."

"Well.....anyway, thanks for letting me know whats going on. Its good to know someone at least cares. I feel like no one ever tells me anything so....thank you for....looking out for me."

"Like I said, I got your back."

She reached her arms out for a hug. He was a little confused as to why she wanted a hug but he went in for it anyway.

VC-AJL-I found it suspicious that all of a sudden Sami has an interest in Kaitlyn. Sami and Kevin are obviously really close to Chris and Punk and I can't help but think that Sami is just using Kaitlyn for his protection or maybe even Chris and Punk's protection too. I'm going to have to let Kaitlyn know whats going on before we get burned in the end.

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