The Dragon Parents

By The-Dragon-Hearted

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Sequel to The Dragon Father This story takes place years after The Great Dragon King, Acnologia's, death. His... More

Guide to Characters
Prelude: The Tale
Chapter 1 - Chaos in the Morning
Chapter 2 - Dragon Heir
Chapter 3 - Dissension
Chapter 4 - Deserving Heir
Chapter 5 - Wendy's Announcement
Chapter 6 - Calm Before a Storm
Chapter 7 - Suddenly Gone
Chapter 8 - Dragons Dream
Chapter 9 - Missing
Chapter 10 - Rebellious
Chapter 12 - Traps and Schemes
Chapter 13 - Bait, Lure, & Catch
Chapter 14 - Master Riki
Chapter 15 - Returned
Chapter 16 - Off to the Rescue
Chapter 17 - To Persevere
Chapter 18 - The Power of Family
Chapter 19 - Arrival of the Guilds
Chapter 20 - Never Resurrect the Apocalypse
Chapter 21 - I am so Proud
Author's Note

Chapter 11 - Gone, gone, and gone

317 16 62
By The-Dragon-Hearted

Nashi and Storm made their way through the woodland under the blanket of night. They trekked up the trail trying as quickly as humanly possible to leave Magnolia behind them before anyone could realize they were gone.

"So... off to beat up some bad guys?" Storm chuckled, he looked to the girl at his side, his blue eyes glimmering with light-hearted excitement.

"Oh yeah," Nashi grinned, her salmon hair was held up in a wild ponytail and there were a few strands that were thrown over her face. Her eyes burned with an intense fire that Storm hadn't seen in a while.

Nashi felt alive. Even if it was stupid, even if it was going to get her grounded for... well... forever. She was doing something, she was helping. Nothing felt better than the night wind in her hair and the promise of adventure ahead.

"You are the stupidest people I've ever met," a voice rang out in the night which made Nashi jump, a small fire bursting to life on her head, which she quickly patted out.

"Who's there!?" Storm demanded, his palms glowing a faint blue light as the air around him grew cold.

"Calm down you two, it's just me," a voice sighed. Lance strode from around the trail corner, a pack over his shoulder and his brown eyes looking at the two of them unimpressed.

"Lance!" Nashi hissed, betrayal in her voice.

"Calm down, I didn't tell Mom," Lance rolled his eyes as he said so. Storm glared at him but dropped his guard.

"What - What are you doing here!?" Nashi demanded.

Lance looked at her unbelievingly. "I'm going to a tea party. What do you think I'm doing, Nashi? I'm helping you go do whatever the hell you're going to do so I can help Dad!"

"I told you to stay behind!" Nashi hissed.

"And I decided I wasn't," Lance retorted.

"Who's gonna watch out for Igneel and Emma!?" Nashi demanded.

"They'll manage," Lance chuckled. "Now come on, I actually packed supplies so we can get to where we're going." At his words, he rearranged the pack over his shoulder and smirked at the girl.

"I... What kind of supplies?" Nashi asked, pausing in her argument.

"Oh, you know; Food, water, magical stuff that might help, food, jewel, did I mention food?"

Nashi rolled her eyes but smirked. "Alright, Lance, welcome to the group that's gonna get grounded.

"Oh yeah, I'm so dead," Lance grinned with his toothy smile.

With that, the three set off. Lance grinning, Storm looking at Nashi and sending discrete glares at Lance, and Nashi beaming as she looked up at the stars.

Nashi put her fist in the sky and grinned. "I'm coming, Dad."

(A few hours later)

"Nashi," Lucy knocked on the door, biting her lip. She looked down the stairs, listening to Igneel argue with Happy over the breakfast table. It was late in the morning and Lucy highly doubted that the girl was still sleeping.

She knocked again, "Nashi, sweetheart, breakfast is ready."

There was no answer and Lucy wondered if the girl was ignoring her. She couldn't really blame her, there was probably a lot on the girl's mind. Lucy pressed her forehead against the door.

Why was parenting so hard?

"Nashi... I know there's a lot going on. I know it's scary and that you're stressed but... I can bring breakfast up if you want." Lucy waited for a response, there was none. 

"Nashi?" Lucy questioned, concern building in her heart. This was wrong, Nashi wasn't this quiet... ever. She opened the door and threw it open.

An empty bedroom met her and a suspicious window with it's curtains open wide. That was wrong, Nashi always closed her curtains after sunset. Lucy looked around the room wildly, spotting a small slip of paper with a note scribbled on to it which was strewn on Nashi's desk.

Hey Mom. Went to find enchanter who took Dad. With Shiro, Kina, Shido, and Storm. Please don't kill me when I get back.

         ~Love, Nashi

Lucy clenched the paper. She should've expected this. She did expect this, this was Natsu's daughter she was dealing with. Heck, this was her daughter she was dealing with. 

"Nashi," she grimaced. "Please be careful."

"MOM! MOM! MOM! MOM!" The two Fullbuster twins yelled, tumbling over one another in their matching blue PJs as they are up to their mother who was laying in bed, just awakening.

Juvia sat up groggily, as did Gray who was at her side.

"What's the matter?" Juvia asked, rubbing her eyes.

"It's too early you two," Gray moaned, pulling a pillow over his head.

"Storm's gone!" Ame and Silver yelled in sync.

"What!?" Juvia and Gray asked, also in sync. Gray sat bolt upright and Juvia's eyes widened.

"His bedroom's window is open and he's gone!" Ame explained frantically.

"He dipped out on us!" Silver huffed. "The jerk."

"Where'd he go!" Gray yelled, leaping out of bed, stark naked.

Silver and Ame didn't look amused.

"Gray, darling, you're a bit exposed," Juvia giggled, getting out of bed. She wore a light blue nightgown and made right for Storm's room down the hall.

Gray, meanwhile, fumbled about as he tried to find his boxers.

"Uncool, Dad," Silver deadpanned.

"Lance, Lance, Lance, Lance, Lance," Emma demanded, banging on Lance's door.

"I recommend you not," Pantherlily chuckled, flying past.

"He needs to stop sleeping in! We're in a crisis here!" Emma growled, glaring at the door. "I'm breaking it down."

She raised her two fingers and signed the word 'Mace'. Suddenly, she was holding a hefty mace in her small arms. She lifted it over her head and with all her strength, she brought it down into the door, breaking a huge hole in it with a huge 'crash'.

From in the living room, Levy sweatdropped at the sound and mentally prepared herself to ask Laki for another door when she saw her again. Kuro and Kurui looked to one another from where they sat on the carpet and grinned knowingly.

"LANCE! GET UP!" Emma demanded as the magic mace disappeared. She peered through the hole in the door before kicking it open.

"LANCE!?" Emma demanded, stomping the room.

There was no response.

From the living room, Levy sat up, wondering why she wasn't hearing the familiar sounds of arguing.

"MOM!" Emma called worriedly.

Levy was by her side in moments, scanning the empty room.

"Lance!?" Levy asked concerned.

Pantherlily ran into the room as well.

"Where is he!?" the cat demanded.

"I dunno," Emma answered fearfully.

Levy stopped when she saw a note among the sheets of Lance's bed.

Gone out to do bad stuff. Took food and metal silverware. I'm sorry. Love you!

Levy looked at the note and her gaze hardened. 

"Lily!" Levy demanded. The cat looked up at her.


"Remind me that Lance is grounded when he comes back," Levy sighed.

"Back!?" Emma demanded angrily. "You mean he left!? WITHOUT ME!? THAT BASTARD!"

There are two things you should know about Fairy Tail:

1) Tell them to not do something, and they're practically guaranteed to do the exact opposite.

2) If family or friends are in danger, try to stop them from helping - I dare you.

As soon as Nashi, Storm, and Lance took off, everyone at the guild knew it was only a matter of time until the other brats did the same. It was evident in each of their eyes, none of them wanted to sit still - even if by moving they wouldn't accomplish anything.

Levy, Freed, and Lucy spent days and nights trying to find anything that could help them find what dimension the dragon slayers were sent to. Guildmembers flocked back to Fairy Tail to try and protect the dragon slayer kids and Wendy before any other dragons showed up. Mermaid Heel, Lamia Scale, Sabertooth, and Blue Pegasus all took it upon themselves to search for the runaways and scour for anyone who could be remotely connected to this mess.

The Magic Council wasn't contacted because they wouldn't have been of any help in this situation. If anything, they'd publicize the matter which would only send more challenger dragons to Fairy Tail's doorstep. Stupid Council.

All-in-all, it was a terrible mess. Everyone was tense and jumpy. Patience was short and more than a few members struggled with the stress.

Kakumi was one member who was worse for wear. The young thirteen-year-old had large bags under his eyes and was doted upon by Mira seemingly all the time. Nova mirrored her brother... in a more aggressive and protective manner.

Two days after Nashi and her gang had run off, the guild received yet another dragon challenger. This one came for Kakumi. The poor boy had the worst of luck. The blonde almost fainted when the forty-foot tall black dragon landed before the guild and roared his challenge.

"Alright, I'm murdering this one!" Nova yelled ragefully, seeing her brother's state.

"You can't challenge Kakumi, he's too young. He's not even a drake yet!" Mira arguing fearlessly as she strode out the doors and glared at the dragon.

"Then let him surrender his hereditary crown," the black dragon sneered, smoke billowing out of his nostrils.

Everyone in the guild tensed, magic power fluctuated and glares were thrown at the dragon. Victoria was helping to fan Kakumi who was unconscious on the floor, dead inside.

"Kakumi, darling, you're gonna have to get up," Victoria hissed, shaking the boy a bit.

"Imagonnadieeee," Kakumi mumbled in his delirous state.

"I demand that title!" the dragon growled.

"I recommend you leave. Now," Mira growled.

"You would be wise to heed the words of a mother," a voice rang out. The black dragon's long neck swiveled, allowing the beast to see the dragon behind him. Not a dragon, a wyrm.

Amenista, the wyrm who had been guarding Wendy's nest, stood in the street of the city, her snake-like body resting on its warm stones.

"Bold of you to speak, wyrm," the dragon spat with a growl.

"You say that as if it were an insult," Amenista commented. Her neck stretched and she tilted her head, "And yet you're the one here demanded a child to fight you."

"I'm demanding the crown of dragon king," the black dragon snarled. "The child has no need to fight if he gives it to me. If not, I have no issue slaying him."

From in the guild, Kakumi made a little squeak in his fearful paralyzed state. 

"You're gonna be fine!" Nova scolded her brother.

Amenista clicked her tongue and flicked her tail in response to the dragon, clearly bothered.

"Very well, if you will not listen to reason... then I will give you a fight," Amenista stated simply.

"That's not required," Mira spoke up. She was radiating magic power, so much so that the pebbles at her feet were hovering in the air. "I can deal with this."

"No, no," The black dragon laughed, turning his body so he could square up with Amenista. "If this wyrm wants to fight, I say I'm game. I could use a warm-up."

"Shall I propose a wager," Amenista offered.

"Please," the black dragon sneered.

"If I win, you leave and never consider challenging this family again. If I lose, well I suppose my life is all I can really forfeit," Amenista sighed nonchalantly.

The black dragon was clearly bothered by her composure. He towered over the snake-like wingless dragon. She was thinner than him and the scales that covered her looked like snake scales compared to his thick jagged black ones. Yet, the wyrm showed no fear. The dragon noted the scars that crossed the wyrm's back and his wariness grew.

"I suppose that would be... reasonable," The black dragon concurred.

"Amenista, this is not necessary!" Mira yelled.

"It is," Amenista growled, her entire persona changing. She tensed, muscles rippling under her thin scales as her body twisted and curled around, her claws digging into the stone street and her teeth glimmering in the sunlight. 

Everyone in the guild looked out apprehensive, hardly making out the small wyrm's features from behind the large black mass of scales.

Without warning, the black dragon lunged, his mass charging forward with a roar. Amenista stayed curled up on herself until the last possible moment. Then, she moved with lightning speed, striking as a snake would. Her body dodged the black dragon's mindless lunge as her own small head went right for the eye on the left side of his head.

Blood splattered and the black dragon screamed in shock and pain. It stumbled back, wings flapping nervously as he shook his head and blindly knocked into a few empty buildings. His left eye was a marred mess of blood and muscle while Amenista looked as composed as ever.

The black dragon looked up in shock with his one good eye at the wyrm who was glaring at him.

"Leave. Or your right eye will go next," Amenista sneered, blood dripping from her jaws.

The black dragon was so stunned that there was no room for fear. With a small bow of his head, he took to the sky.

Everyone watched him go and then looked back to the wyrm in shock. Amenista walked up to the guild and sighed, glancing at Mira.

"I am sorry... It seems my anger acted up once again," Amenista sighed, rubbing her bloodied face on her own body to clean the scarlte blood off of her snout.

"Thank you," Mira told the wyrm.

"No need for thanks. I cam bearing some good news," Amenista chuckled, the blood on her face wiped away. The wyrm looked behind her and let out a small call. A small metallic head peeked out from an alley down the street.

"What is that?" Bickslow asked.

"It's adorable, that's what it is," Lisanna answered.

"Come, it's safe!" Amenista soothed.

A small metal dragon scrambled into the road before flapping its way over to the guild doors. It was a small thing, yet plated in thick silver plates of scales. It looked at the guild and cleared its throat. It was about the size of a large dog which was tiny for a dragon. Smaller than a hatchling.

"I am one of the tungsten dragons," it explained in a small squeak of a voice. "I came to deliver a message to the mages of Fairy Tail. My Uncle has heard of a terrible rumor about Lord Gajeel's disappearance and is rallying a group of his loyal dragons to fly to Magnolia to assist until the true dragon kings can be found."

Everyone's eyes widened a bit.

"The tungsten dragon?" Kinana asked.

Rosemary looked to Nova to see if she had any idea about what the hell was going on. Nova had none.

"Thank you for venturing this far to tell us," Erza commending the small dragon.

The little metal dragon looked very proud. "Uncle gave me the mission to tell you all! All the challengers coming are shameful and as soon as the dragon kings return, they will all be cowards once more!"

He sounded slightly boastful and slightly reverent.

"Tell your Uncle that we thank him," Kinana smiled.

"I will! And... when Lord Gajeel returns... could you maybe... mention me?" the little Tungsten dragon asked hopefully. 

"I don't see why we'd have a problem with that," Lyon chuckled with a shrug.

"Yeah, just tell us your name little buddy," Gray agreed.

The little dragon practically began shaking with joy and started wagging his small metal tail, making little thumps as it hit the wood.

"My name's Tug!" the little dragon offered with a small yip.

Every guild member made a silent pledge to protect this innocent miniature dragon.

"Alright, Tug, we'll tell Gajeel about this message you delivered," Lisanna assured the little dragon.

"Alright! Thank you! I'll be back with my Uncle and Father super soon!" Tug promise, leaping up on his claws before turning and flapping into the air.

Amenista watched him go and then looked to Mira. "Found the poor thing hunkered under a vendor in the middle of town, was scared of being stepped on so I brought him here... and then, of course, found that black dragon."

"Why's he so small?" Mira asked.

"Who knows," Amenista chuckled. "But it makes him a wonderful reconnaissance man and messenger."

"So we're gonna have some serious dragon power to back us up! Sounds awesome baby!" Bickslow laughed.

"Those dragons are real men to behave so honorably!" Elfman laughed.

"We are very lucky," Kinana agreed.

"Now if only the rest of our luck would change," Mira murmured.

"Indeed," Erza agreed.

A few hours passed and Victoria finally coaxed Kakumi out of his fearful state and over to the bar where he slurped down a juice and sat there in mixed shame and shock. That was, until Nova came over.

She jumped up and leaned back in her seat, looking to her brother who was fidgeting.

"What's wrong?" Nova asked.

"Nothing," Kakumi growled. That was new... Kakumi was growling.

"Nothing?" Nova teased.

"I'm fine," Kakumi assured her, looking away. Nova shook her head, not believing him, but not pressing either.

Kakumi looked around to make sure no one was listening before he looked over to Nova.

"I wanna go after Nashi and Lance," Kakumi breathed.

"What?" Nova asked, snapping her head over to look at her brother.

"I want to find dad," Kakumi whispered. "I'm not doing anyone any use here... I'm just bringing dragons."

He expected Nova to argue, tell him how stupid he was, tell him this was a bad idea. But... this is Nova we're dealing with. 

The white-haired mage leaned back in her seat and grinned. "Sure. We'll sneak out tonight."

"What!?" Kakumi choked.

Nova winked at him. "If you wanna go find Dad, I'm sure as hell not gonna stop you."

"B-but Mom will... you're not gonna talk me out of this?" Kakumi questioned.

"I'm not worried about Mom, we can be sneaky," Nova smiled. "Like Ninjas."

"I..." Kakumi was about to argue but realized that he was the one who had proposed this dumb idea.

That night, Kakumi and Nova slyly evaded their Mother's watch and slipped out into the streets of Magnolia where they met with three familiar girls. Rose Vastia, Rosemary Scarlet, and a very peeved looked, Victoria Strauss. Rose had put her white hair up in a braid, same as Rosemary, and the two were wearing some light armor. Victoria worse a tight short dress and six-inch heels. All of them had a pack over their shoulders and a spark in their eyes.

"Why are they here?" Kakumi asked.

"Cause I asked em' to come," Nova explained with a grin.

"B-but they're all girls," Kakumi whined under his breath. 'Stupidly strong scary girls' he thought though he didn't say it out loud.

"Is there a problem?" Nova asked dangerously.

"No," Kakumi sighed reluctantly.

The girls all look up to Nova and smiled.

"Alright, the dream team's all together," Nova grinned.

"I dunno about 'dream'," Victoria scowled, glaring at Rosemary.

"I agree, it's more nightmarish," Rosemary sneered.

"Guys... can we not," Rose sighed.

Kakumi deadpanned and started re-thinking this plan.

Rose Vastia placed a magility link on her wrist and looked to the group. "This should connect to Nashi once we're close enough to her. She should recognize my magic power and so she won't resist the link... unlike my Mom who'll try to link to us so... everyone stay on your guard and if your feel yourself getting Magility linked, tell me."

"Got it," Rosemary nodded.

"Alright! Off we go! Let's go find my old man!" Nova grinned, grabbing Kakumi's arm and pulling him down the streets, the three girls on her heels. 

"OH! SO NOW I SUPPOSE EVERYONE CAN RUN AWAY, EXCEPT ME!!" Emma yelled the next day as she stood on a table and vented, her face red in fury.

"I'm going to kill that brat," Evergreen fumed in the back, trembling in motherly rage as she spoke of Victoria. "She took my six-inch heels too!!"

"Link," Meredy willed, trying to form a magility link to one of the missing kids. "Damn, it's no good! They're all to good at hiding they're magic."

"Why did we teach them so well?" Lyon sighed, face palming.

"I know, we should've seen this coming," Gray moaned.

"Juvia hopes they're all alright," Juvia willed.

"So, to take stock, the only brats left are Igneel, Emma, both sets of twins, the triplets, and Simon," Wakaba sighed, doing a headcount.

"Yup, and you babies aren't gonna run away, right? Right," Bickslow laughed, as he held all three of his kids who were giggling.

"I'LL RUN AWAY! I'LL FIND LANCE! JUST YOU WATCH OLD-TIMER!!" Emma yelled angrily, glaring at Wakaba.

"You tried to, remember? Pantherlily caught you before you got to the door," Igneel pointed out.

"Aye sir," Happy agreed.

From the back, Pantherlily smiled as he ate his kiwi.


"BRING IT ON!" Igneel yelled back.

The two went at it in the guild that was surprisingly barren. Basically everyone was out searching for the missing kids now, or fighting off challenger dragons.

"It's so unfair!" Silver demanded, stomping his foot. "I'm not even a dragon slayer! I won't be in any danger! Why can't Ame and I go on a job!"

"Because your 'job' will be going after your brother which is going to put you in danger," Juvia answered crossly.

"No! We'll be good!" Ame pouted. "I promise mom, we won't destroy anything, or flood anything, or drown anyone, or give anyone frostbite - "

"Or bring down a building," Silver added.

"Or make the blood rush to someone's head by controlling the water in their blood," Ame added, sounding a little guilty.

"Or freeze rain into ice daggers," Silver sighed.

"Or make it rain!"

"Or cause an ice age."

"Or a tsunami!"

"We'll be good!" the twins pleaded in unison.

"No," Juvia answered, unimpressed. She then walked away.

"Dammit," the twins sighed in sync.

"What are we gonna do?" Ame asked her brother.

Silver looked to be planning. "Well... we're not hanging around here when there's mischief to be had."

"Brilliant," Ame nodded. "While you do that, I'll make a plan on how to actually get out of the guild and not just get us grounded for no reason."

"Yeah, yeah, you do that," Silver nodded. He then ran off to cause trouble.

Igneel and Emma's brawl ended a few minutes later. Igneel had a bruised cheek and Emma had a bruise on her forehead. Both were scowling as they sat at the bar, slurping up juice boxes.

"I'll beat you next time," Igneel growled.

"I'll kill you," Emma threatened.

"You can try," Igneel grumbled.

Right on cue, Ame walked over and sat down next to Igneel.

"Hey, you two," she whispered inconspicuously as she used her magic to pull a bit of water from a pitcher behind the counter before proceeding to play with the water as is sat suspended in the air, making it form all sorts of shapes.

"What?" Igneel asked, watching as Ame formed the water into a ship on the waves and then a dragon.

"You two wanna help me do something dumb?" Ame asked the younger kids.

The two looked at her, their eyes grew narrow.

"Like what?" Emma asked.

Ame smirked. "Like... runaway?"

"Are you crazy?" Igneel huffed. "We're already in trouble."

"And we've tried," Emma added aggressively.

"But you didn't have me," Ame smirked.

"What are you going to do?" Emma asked, unimpressed. "Splash em'?"

"Before I tell you, I've gotta know if you're game," Ame smiled, crossing her arms.

"Well of course I wanna do it!" Igneel nodded. "I want to go beat up bad guys. If Nashi can do it, I should too!"

"Good," Ame smiled, fingergunning at the two. "Just wait for the signal and then bolt for the door."

"That sounds like a stupid plan," Emma recognized.

"Calm down, trust me," Ame reassured the dark-haired girl before looking around. She looked at the water she had been manipulating and threw it up into the air.

The water arced and fell down right on the head of Wakaba and Macao.

"THE HELL!?" Macao cried, now wet.

Ame gave a little giggle and then scampered off into the guild, looking for the one other person she needed for this plan to work. 

"Simon! Simon!! Simon!!!" She yelled, tackling the poor boy who was walking towards one of the tables, a plate of food in hand.

"AME! STAWP! You could've made me drop my cake!" Simon cried, pushing the girl off of him, his plate of food still held high and steady.

"Simon! We need your help," Ame continued, sitting back and staring at the boy.

"We?" Simon grimaced. "If this has something to do with a prank, I'm - "

"Igneel and Emma want to go find Nashi and Lance," Ame hissed.

"Okay... and?" Simon asked, sitting with his legs crossed as he began to eat his cake, a fork in hand.

"We've gotta help em'. Your big sis dumped you too, we've gotta go and make sure they're alright!" Ame pleaded.

"Oh yes, so that when this all goes horribly wrong we can be in a hell of a lot of trouble," Simon sighed, arching his eyebrow.

"Please Simon. We have to try... if we sit around here we'll just go mental! We can make it if you help us!" Ame pleaded, her eyes wide.

Simon tsked but then sighed. He too wanted to go find his older sister, Rosemary, and make sure she was alright.

"I can't do that, I'm the oldest in the guild, I can't bring an army of children after Rosemary and the others. Lance, Nashi, Storm, and Rosemary will kill me... and then I'll get grounded by Mom," Simon explained.

"Either you help us out, or we figure out how to go alone, with no protection, no supervision, and absolutely defenseless," Ame shot, crossing her arms and glaring at the boy.

"Nothing about you is defenseless," Simon deadpanned.

"Are you helping us or not!" Ame demanded.

Simon sighed and weighed his options before groaning; "Fine."

Ame's eyes twinkled mischeviously, "Wonderful. When I give the signal, you do your flash of super bright spacy magic."

"It's called Heavenly Body Magic - "Simon began to correct.

"Yeah, yeah, just make everyone freakout, got it!?" Ame demanded.

Simon finished eating his cake forlornly, knowing he was going to regret what he was about to do. Meanwhile, Ame scampered up to the second floor of the guild where she jumped on her brother, wrapping an arm around his neck and grinning as she looked at him.

"I just got us a ticket out of this guild," Ame chuckled.

"Yeah?" Silver grinned.

"Yeah... you ready for some chaos?"

"Born ready."

"Juvia has a feeling that something bad is about to happen," Juvia announced, looking across the guild.

"That's never good," Wakaba sighed.

"It is rather quiet," Gray agreed.

"Quiet!? WHERE THE HELL ARE THE TWO FULLBUSTER BRATS!?" Macao demanded, still drying his hair off with a towel.

"HEy! They may be BRATS but their MY BRATS!" Gray yelled, in his boxers.

"Gray my darling, your clothes," Juvia pointed out.

"HEY! ADULTS!" Ame's voice rang through the guild and they all looked up to the girl who was standing atop the second floor railing, grinning.

"Ame, what are you doing?" Gray asked, hurrying to get his pants back on.

"Simple Dad, I'm running away," Ame grinned. "Sayonara!"

With that, she raised her palms and blasted a torrent of water for the adults.

"Ame, you are in trouble!" Juvia yelled, putting up a water shield to defend herself and Gray. Bickslow jumped up atop his dolls, holding his kids as the water crashed into everyone else save Simon, Igneel, and Emma.

"Phew, that was close," Bickslow announced. His triplets laughed.

"Sorry Dad, you can ground me later!" Silver laughed jumping down from the second story and freezing his sister's water, locking everyone in an icy embrace.

"THIS IS THE SIGNAL, YOU IDIOTS!" Ame yelled at her three other comrades.

Igneel and Emma bolted for the door while Simon contemplated his life before casting a small level spell that made the entire guild light up in blinding golden light.

"Silver! Ame! you're in so much trouble!" Gray's voice sounded out in the gleaming light. "AND SIMON! JUST WAIT UNTIL ERZA HEARS ABOUT THIS!!"

There was the sound of ice being broken apart by Gray's magic but the only other thing that was heard was Ame's giggles as her group of delinquients raced out of Magnolia with help from her water magic.

"We're so dead for this," Simon sighed, regretting his decision.

"That's what makes it so fun!!" Ame giggled. They all were standing in a water bubble of hers that was rolling down the streets of Magnolia with help from her brother's ice which was making a smooth path before them.

"How are we gonna find Nashi?" Igneel demanded.

"We'll figure that out later," Ame dismissed. "Let's just revel in our escape."

"So... where are we going?" Simon asked as they ran.

The group deadpanned.

"We'll... figure that out eventually," Ame laughed nervously.

"We're. All. Dead." Simon groanedabhjdk.

(The brats being brats and being lovable brats the whole time. Honestly Ame and Silver's relationship is what I strive for with siblings)

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