Into The Shadows ✘ Harry Styl...

By Unnecessharry

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sometimes you just need to escape More

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By Unnecessharry


"Hello, sweetie Rosa Joy." The nickname he called me brought chills and complete anger to me. I hate this man and I thought he was dead!

"Stop." I said through my teeth, restraining myself from standing and trying to do something about him.

"Okaaaaay." Zayn interrupts. "You do know why you are here, right? Zayn questions me. I shot a glance at Harry, whose head was staring down at his lap and tied wrists.

I thought about it for a second. Harry wasn't suppose to tell me about The Black, so if I told them that Harry told me everything, then they'd probably kill one of us? Probably Harry?

"No, I don't know why." I lied, a bit angrily. Zayn lets out a laugh.

"Sure you do." He says, placing his hand on my bare knee. "Come on, speak up."

"I don't know why I'm here or who you are- im so confused I can't! I only know that man and I don't know how you know me or Harry." I said, referring 'that man' as my father. I hated calling him my 'father' because he doesn't deserve that title.

"You sound like you're hiding something." My dad laughs. "You were always a horrid liar."

My hands balled into fists. That man is so fucking stupid.

"Look, Rosie, darling-"

"Don't call me that."

"Okay, fine. Rosie. We all know that Harry spilled every last bean in the bag the night he was filthy drunk. And by the looks of him, it's obviously true." Zayn says, referring to Harry. His hands extended through his curls, indicating he was stressed and frustrated. It also looked like he was about to cry, which broke my heart.

If anybody were to die here, it should be me. I caused all of this, I'm the one who dragged harry into this mess. If I wouldn't have done that, Harry wouldn't have had to join this hell hole of a business. He'd still be in North Carolina with his loving mom, dad, and sister. I missed his sister so much.

"Fine. Yes. I told her. I told Rosie Brookland every single thing she could know the night I was drunk." Harry says, choking out the last part. "But if you were to kill anyone, it would better be me. That's all I hope."

"Harry, no! You can't do that to me," I yelled, wiping tears away from my cheeks with my sleeve, "Im the one who dragged you here and if it weren't for me you would still be with your beautiful and loving family instead of involved with these fucking freaks!"

"Rosie." Harry spoke, his eyes shadowed over with water, making his eyes shine at me. I was on the verge of having a mental breakdown or screaming so that the entire universe could hear it.

"Kill them both, huh?" My dad says, smiling at the situation in front of him.

"No, no. Because one has to suffer the loss of the other, so I guess I'll just do a random pick." Zayn laughs. He pulls out a black fun, placing his chin on top of it as he thinks.

"Fuck you!" I said angrily through gritted teeth.

"Maybe since Harry's name starts with an H, and Rosie's starts with an R," Zayn smiles,"what I'm trying to say is H comes first in the alphabet so he should be the one gone forever."

"Reasonable." My dad agrees.

"No! No! No!" I sobbed, dropping to my knees. "No, you can't do this!" I screamed through cries. I glanced up to Niall who was sitting, staring at the floor.

"Please! Please don't take him away from me! He's the only person I have in my life and the only person I've ever loved." I confessed. "Please." I whimpered. A wave of sons came afterwards as my forehead connected to the cold flooring. "You can't do this to me."

"Maybe it would just be better if you didn't watch." Zayn smiles, squatting down as he twirls a strand of my hair around his finger. I look up, to see Harry broken down , his head in his hands.

"Can we have some minutes." Harry mumbles softly. Zayn nods, and they all exit the room.

I go as quickly as I could to Harry, bending over his legs to kiss him. His knees separated as he sat, letting me come closer.

"Why." I whimpered. "I love you so much." I cried, staring into his glossy eyes. "Why did I fall in love with you." I sob.

"Because we are meant for each other, sweetie. I made a bad choice and it's all my fault. This is the only way, okay?" He says softly. "When you leave here, I want you to go back home. Home, home. But go to my house. Explain to my parents everything for me, tell them it was all your fathers fault because it was. Say he murdered me. They'll know to protect you and keep you safe. I left cash above the refrigerator just in case this happened. It's for you, take it, and leave immediately, do you understand?" Harry speaks.

I want to pass out, but I nod anyways, sounds of sobs ringing through the air.

"Rosie, darling. I love you so, so much. But every rose has its thorns and unfortunately this is a big thorn. I need you to understand that, you need to move on after this. Erase running away from you life, move back home, and-"

"Harry, no. Don't say it. I can't- don't." I said. "Please, you can't Harry." I yelled through my uncontrollable cries. By now I can't even breathe, and my lungs felt heavy, let alone my shattered heart.

"You have to forget about me." He whispers. "Forget about everything, okay? It will help you. Find someone new, explore the world and finish college. Start a family and have the best fucking time of your life, Rosie." Harry smiles. "That's all I want from you."

"HARRY! NO!" I screamed, pounding on his thigh with my tied hands. "I can't do that! You're the only fucking person that cares about me on this planet! I only feel safe when I'm with you, not your parents or whoever!"

"But Rosie, I didn't. I didn't protect you, can't you see?" He says, looking around. "I promised you that id keep you safe for as long as I loved you. And I failed."

"No you didn't Harry. It's okay, no you didn't- just please. Do something, anything!" I cried and cried. I didn't realize my eyes had been closed until Harry's warm lips met mine, and I opened them to see his closed.

This was the last time our lips would ever touch again.

"Alright, move it." Zayn smirks, walking in from behind me.

"I love you." I said, my face centimeters from his eyes our foreheads touch. I didn't care that everyone was standing behind me. I was about to lose the only person I've ever cared about in my entire life.

"I'll be waiting for you, and I'll make sure I have your pancakes ready for when you join." He smiles, leaning in for one final and lingering kiss. Zayn grabs my shoulders, dragging me feet in front of Harry.

"Don't make her watch." Harry says sternly to Zayn. "Please."

"Okay, well, uh..." Zayn says, apparently thinking.

I look to Harry in front of me, though he seemed so far away. Yet, if only I knew just how far away he's really going to be in just a few minutes. His eyes grew even more teary, as one escapes from his eye. Then another, and another. His eyes never left mine, it felt like he was drilling a hole through my head with his longing gaze.

Then, out of the corner of my eye, I see Zayn nod to someone behind me.

Then everything turns black.

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