Her Heart or Mine ( MCD Garro...

By FreeFlyer68

99K 2K 834

Y/n arrives at Phoenix Drop and decides to live there with a peaceful happy atmosphere. She becomes best frie... More

A/n: Before Zane's Rage
Arriving at Phoenix Drop
Laurence Already Did
Their Feelings
He Can Cook
He's Trapped
Going to O'Khasis
Meeting the High Priest
Saying Goodbye
Still Flirtacious
He Came to Phoenix Drop
A/n: Important
He is Dangerous
Should You Go
Laurence's Change
Waking up in O'Khasis
Zane is Evil
A Little Moment
Meeting Someone New
Making Him Jealous
His Offer
New Home
Learning Potions
Finding the Truth
A War has Started
My Bride
It Happened a Month Ago
His Reaction
The Wedding

Is this a date?

3.2K 65 87
By FreeFlyer68

   " Hey, Donna. How are you? "

   " Right now, it's crazy. "

   " How? "

   " Well, I found out my husband is a werewolf. My mother won't approve of it because she is a cat person and she hates dogs with a passion. So, all in all, great! "

   " I'm sorry. "

   " It'll work out somehow. "

   " Yeah, plus Aphmau knows about the situation, doesn't she? "

   " She does. "

   " Then you have nothing to worry about. If you talk with Aphmau about it she's sure to help you. "

   " Thanks, Y/n. "

I nodded at her and started walking away from the market. I had just bought some fairy lights to hang up around my house. I was walking away when I felt my hand being grabbed from behind. I turned around and saw Garroth standing there.

   " Y/n do you want to go with me to the new cafe? "

   " There's a new cafe? "

   " Yes. It's close to your house. Have you not seen it yet? "

   " No. I guess wasn't paying attention. "

   " Well let's go. I've been craving a blueberry cake. "

   " Alright, you giddy boy. "

   " I am a man. "

   " I don't see one. "

He let go and ran behind me. Before I knew it he picked me up. He carried me like a bride and smiled at me.

   " I am a man! "

   " Garroth! Let me down! "

   " No, I'm going to carry you to the cafe. I'm going to show you I am a man! "

   " Geez! "

He carried me from the market to the maid cafe and he didn't break a sweat. He pretended to drop me but he didn't break a sweat. When we got to the cafe it seemed like a normal house. A sign hung above the door and it had a picture of bread on it. We walked inside and the interior was pink and white. I saw Aphmau and two other people sitting at a table. One woman had fire like hair with light blue eyes. The other was a mi'fwa. She had pink hair and golden eyes Her ears and tail were black and she wore a maids outfit. Garroth finally set me down and the mi'fwa walked up to us.

   " Please follow Kawaii~Chan this way. "

   ' I guess her name is Kawaii~Chan. '

We followed her to a table that sat in front of the window.

   " What would you two like? "

   " Blueberry cake. "

   " Cookies, please. "

   " It'll be right out. "

Garroth looked at me with a questioning gaze.

   " Only cookies? "

   " I want a cookie, and I want to see if she'll make one giant cookie or multiple small cookies. "

   " Excuse me. "

I looked to the person that was talking to me on the side. It was the woman who had the fire like hair.

   " Yes? "

   " Do you know Laurence Zvhal? "

   " Yes, he's my friend. "

   " You're Y/n, right? "

   " Yeah, how did you know? "

   " I'm Cadenza, his sister. He asked me to make some clothes for a friend of his here in Phoenix Drop. I recognized the clothes you were wearing. "

   " Oh, yes. I only had two pairs of clothes then and he said he could get some for me. It was hard to give him my money to pay you. "

   " I bet. He told me how you kept giving him the money and wouldn't stop. "

   " I wanted to make sure he paid you for working on the clothes. "

   " Well, he did and you look wonderful in them. "

   " Thank you, but I have to give you credit. The clothes are amazing. "

   " Well, if you ever need more, let me know. I'm going to be opening a shop here in Phoenix Drop. "

   " Alright, thank you. "

   " KawaiI~CHan has your cakes and cookies. "

   " I'll leave you two alone for your date. "

Cadenza left and I looked at Garroth his face was red. Kawaii~CHan giggled at him and called him a strawberry and he shooed her away. Kawaii~Chan had brought me six cookies. They were fresh because they were still warm on the plate. Garroth's blueberry cake looked delicious and he seemed to be enjoying himself as he ate it. He couldn't stop smiling and he wouldn't take a breath to talk. I started eating my cookies and we both finished quickly. Garroth gave Kawaii~Chan money and as we walked out Aphmau grabbed my arm and Garroth stopped beside me to hear what she had to say.

   " Are you two on a date? "

   " W-W-W-We defiantly are n-n-not. I don't t-t-think about h-her in that way. "

   " Oh, I see. Well, you two have a good day together. "

Garroth and I walked out of the cafe and he said he had to go and watch the gate. I said goodbye and walked back to my house.

   ' Why does it hurt that he said he didn't like me in that way? I couldn't like him, could I? I can't. He likes Aphmau anyway so, it wouldn't work out for me in the end. But it still hurts. '

I picked up my bow and arrows. I had decided to start learning how to shoot with a bow and arrow. I'm decent at it but I'll get better at it.

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