One Directions Big Break

By cboy650

67.1K 1.5K 447

Lena Cooper finally made it. She's made herself famous, not become famous by being Liam Payne's baby sister... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Authors note
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty three
Authors note
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four
Chapter thirty five
Third book!

Chapter twenty two

1.6K 40 27
By cboy650

Lena's POV

"That's not how you do it!"

"Well then how do you do it!"

"Not like that!"

"Would you two stop it!"

"Some of is are trying to sleep!"

I groaned. There was no going back to sleep now. I rolled out of bed and pulled on a pair of yoga pants. It was hot in Australia. So what if I slept with no pants on?

I shuffled out of my room and towards the yelling. Michael left his own room at the same time, giving me a sympathetic smile. I returned it and we walked to the kitchen.

"I'm telling you all you've gotta do is turn it upside down like this!" Calum exclaimed.

"No! It doesn't work! See?!" Luke cried, demonstrating that turning his iPhone over did not achieve what he wanted it to.

"You're doing it wrong!" Calum cried.

"Would you guys please shut up?!" Ashton, who was leaning into the fridge, called.

"Why don't you try it then?" Luke demanded of Calum, handing him the phone.

"What the hell are you two going on about?" Michael asked beside me.

The two arguing pair looked up and began shouting things at Michael about who was right.

Ashton appeared out of the fridge and saw me in the doorway. He grinned and set his drink down before coming over and hugging me.

"You act like I was gone." I said, smiling as I hugged him back.

"I always miss you when you're not right next to me." He murmured.

"Cheeseball." I joked.

Ash rolled his eyes and kissed my cheek. "Did they wake you up?" He asked.

"Yes." I said, leaning on him. He wrapped his arm around my waist and hugged me sideways.

"I tried to shut them up." He told me.

"I know. I heard." I said.

He chuckled and started walking towards the fridge again, bringing me with him. "Hungry?" He asked.

I nodded and he handed me a granola bar. "Eat that and I'll cook you something." He said.

I shook my head. "That's fine Ash. I just want this for now. I'll eat more later." I said.

Ashton frowned. "You've been doing that a lot lately." He said.

"I just don't typically eat in the mornings. I'm fine." I said.

He eyed me a moment before shrugging it off and replacing his arm around my waist.

"Okay. Look. Why don't you two give up playing the game for now and eat something?" Michael said to Luke and Calum.

"But whyyy??" Calum demanded.

"Because you woke me up arguing over this stupid game." Mikey said.

"And Lena too!" Ashton called.

"And Lena too." He added.

I smiled as Calum pouted and Luke shot me a grin. I rolled my eyes at his cheekiness and Ashton rubbed my back.

"What do you want to do today?" He asked.

"Well, how about I meet your parents? We are in Sydney, after all." I said.

"And we won't be here much longer. We're returning to London in two weeks." Calum said, leaning on the table.

My heart thudded a little. My time in Sydney had given me a chance to get over what happened in London. With Liam and Harry and everyone else. I hadn't seen or spoken to any of them since I left. And the boys I was with now hadn't either, simply because we left for Australia the day after I arrived at their home in London.

But now we had to go back...

I never knew what became of Kathryn. I wasn't sure if she'd stayed with Niall or gone home to America. I also stayed clear of the media. I may have told Harry he needed to move on, but I couldn't say that I wanted to watch him move on. The closest link I had to him-or any of them-was Ed. Stacey was still fake-dating him and the last thing I heard about Harry was that he was doing okay. I was both hurt and relieved by that. But i had told Ed not to tell me anything else. That was about two months ago. Now I was moving on myself. I had Ashton.

"And I've been your girlfriend for two months and haven't met them." I said.

Ash smiled. "We can meet them today. I'll call them." He said.

"Good." Luke said. "I know they'll like her."

Luke had made his move on me right after we'd come to Sydney, but I'd told him it was too soon after Harry. Then he'd gotten a new girlfriend, which unfortunately didn't work out. But while they were together, Ashton had confronted Luke and said that he wanted to be with me. Luke, being the sweet guy he is, told Ashton to "get some" and that he supported us. Since I'd lost Zayn and Kathryn, Luke was my best friend.

"Of course they will. Who wouldn't?" Ashton said, kissing my temple.

"PDA!" Calum yelled, covering his eyes.

He was just like Louis at times.

Ash laughed and, as soon as Calum uncovered his eyes, began to kiss my jawline.

"Ahh! Gross! You are nasty!" Calum yelled.

"Oh, shut up!" Luke playfully said, nudging him. Michael had vanished-probably back to bed.

"When will you call them?" I asked Ashton.

"As soon as you'd like." Ash replied.

I thought about it. "How about in an hour?" I asked.

I glanced over to Luke and Calum as I said it, they were going into the living room.

"Why an hour?" Ashton asked.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and jumped. Ash caught my thighs and held my legs wrapped round his waist, smiling lightly. "Because I want to to do something." I said, kissing him.

He smiled even bigger against my mouth. "It's ten in the morning." He said.

The memory slammed into my mind without warning.

"Seriously, Liam?! It's only ten in the morning!"

Harry and the others came thundering up the stairs.

"Too late." Louis said.

"You knew?!" I demanded of him.

"Yeah. We do share a wall. Why else would I be up this early?" he asked.

I glared at him.

"What? did you really want me to tell you I can hear Liam have sex in his room? Should I also tell you he likes to use handcuffs and make Sophia call him da-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP LOUIS!" I shouted. "Just shut up. Oh my fucking god my brother uses handcuffs. Fucking shit."

"Angel?" Ashton asked, prodding me out of the flashback.

"Yes?" I asked, turning back to press my lips against his.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked. He sounded concerned.

"All the things we could do in an hour." I said with a devilish smile.

Ash grinned hugely and kissed me. "Then off we go."

Harrys POV

I opened my bedroom door and slammed it shut. Living alone sucked, but I couldn't stand living with the band without...her.

I couldn't even think about her without pain in my chest. The world hadn't heard from her since she left. Liam had told people in an interview that Lena had turned eighteen and moved out, and One Direction's baby sister was no longer the worlds favorite subject. When I was asked about her, I told them that she'd moved away and we were no longer in touch.

"So you're single?" They'd asked.

Though I couldn't quite believe it was true, I'd answered yes.

The world had, however, been watching Stacey Kelley. Her album had gone virile, and she was all over the place. I was both glad and angry about it. Rumor had it she was going on tour with Ed and another rumor had it that she was going on tour with Five Seconds of Summer. It wouldn't surprise me if it were the latter. Luke did have a thing for her, after all.

I tried to avoid it as much as possible. Lena was certainly one thing:poison. After she left, everyone in the apartment turned on Liam. He fought against us for hours, trying to get through to us. The first person to take his side was, surprisingly, Zayn.

"She did treat him awful at times." He'd said.

"Some friend you are!" Kathryn had shouted.

After Zayn went Louis, and then Niall. I finally caved, understanding why Liam thought he should've sent away Lena. Kathryn was next. Last, shockingly, Lottie. She, in fact, still found Liam in the wrong. He never got to her. But Lena had been tearing the band apart. She did, in a way. Zayn had moved in with Perrie, and I'd moved to LA. Louis had his own apartment in London and Niall had gone with Kathryn back to the States to live in New York. Lottie moved in with her brother and Liam lived in our old apartment with Sophia, who'd agreed with Liam's decision wholeheartedly. Surprise surprise. We were still together, despite what people thought, but we weren't as close as before.

One thing was for sure.

I wasn't over her.

I hit play on my stereo and laid back in my bed.

Only he can unlock. My broken music box.

Broken Music Box is about you.

I felt the tears on my cheeks. I needed her. I needed to find her. She'd written a song for me, and I'd written one for her as well.

Counted all my mistakes and there's only one. Standin out from the list of the things I've done. All the rest of my crimes don't come close. To the look on your face when I let you go.

I could only imagine the pain on Lena's face when Liam kicked her out.

So I built you a house from a broken home.

I bought this huge apartment in LA in hopes that one day Lena would return and come back to me.

And I wrote you a song with the words you spoke.

There was another song I'd written about her, but no one else could hear it. Not till she came back.

Yeah it took me some time but I figured out. How to fix up a heart that I let down.

Maybe if I'd paid more attention. Maybe if I'd just taken her and run away with her before this happened.

Now I'm searching every lonely place. Every corner calling out your name. Trying to find ya but I just don't know. Where do broken hearts go? Where do broken hearts go?

Where was she?

Yeah the taste of your lips on the tip of my tongue. Is at the top of the list of the things I want. Mind is running in circles of you and me. Anyone in between is the enemy.

I needed her.

Shadows come with the pain that your running from. And love was something you never heard enough. Yeah it took me some time but I figured out. How to fix up a heart that I let down.

Lena didn't get treated like she should've. But I knew how to fix that now. I just had to find her now.

Now I'm searching every lonely place. Every corner calling out your name. Trying to find you but I just don't know. Where do broken hearts go?

Who was she with? Was she alone?

Are you sleeping baby by yourself. Or are you giving it to someone else? Trying to find you but I just don't know. Where do broken hearts go? Where do broken hearts go?

If Luke had hurt her in any way...

Tell me now. Tell me now. Tell me where you're going you feel afraid?

(Where do broken hearts go)

Was she okay?

Tell me now. Tell me now. Tell me will you ever love me again? Love me again!

God I needed her to come back. Did she even love me anymore?

Now I'm searching every lonely place. Every corner calling out your name. Trying to find ya but I just don't know. Where do broken hearts go? Where do broken hearts go? Are you sleeping baby by yourself? Or are you giving it to someone else? Trying to find you but I just don't know. Where do broken hearts go? Tell me where you're hiding out. Where do broken hearts go? Come on baby cause I need you now. Where do broken hearts go? Tell me cause I'm ten feet down. Where do broken hearts go? Come on baby come and get me out. Come on baby come and get me out. Come on baby cause I need you now. Where do broken hearts go? Where do broken hearts go?

I had a feeling Liam knew damn well the song was about her. But he didn't say a word.

I picked up the note Lena left and began to reread it. I considered trying to look for her again, but I knew it was no use.

I turned on the radio and laid back in my bed, listening to random people talk. That's when I heard it.

"The rumors are true! Ashton Irwin is finally taking his girlfriend of two months-London's own Lena Cooper-to meet his parents in Australia before they return to London and go on tour with Stacey Kelley." The talk show host said.

My fucking god. She's with Ashton.

I found her.

And it didn't matter.

I just had to post this I mean I worked hard and I mean, come on. Don't hate me for kicking Lena out! Or for breaking up Harry and Lena-or Hena, as I've taken to calling them-or for making her date Ashton. It's all part of the plan!


Thank you all so much for reading this!

Also, soon I'm going to start writing an Ashton Irwin fanfic. It's called The Lies We Tell Each Other. I've got a cover for it and I'm about to start writing. I hope y'all will read it!

Love you all!


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