My Big Secret

By HaveFaith101

136K 3.2K 781

READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!! I wrote this story when I was 12/13 so it is poorly written. I don't plan to edit it... More

My Big Secret
1. Meet Sophie.
2. Miss Attention.
3. Home sweet Home.... with Ash
4. Welcome to Penny's
5. "Ride of your life!"
7. Uncivilized Banana
8. What hurts the Most
9. Another bite in my ass
10. There you'll be....
11: I cant keep it in
12: Everything Burns
13: Unbreak my heart.
14: Time Can't erase....
15. Impossible
16: I knew you were trouble
17. Maybe... I could be happy...
18. Every time I try...
19. It's not right
20. Coming back.... to sorrow
21. She needs me
22. Words dont come with ease
23. Moments in time
24. Saying goodbye
25. Stay with me part 1
26. Stay with me part 2
Alternative Ending

6. You're Beautiful

4.2K 120 38
By HaveFaith101

So here you are Chapter 6. I hope you like it, it's Ash and Sophie's first date on side is this song I really love and I think it works well with this Chapter, and also on the side is Ash and Sophie.



Chapter 6: You're Beautiful

I woke up to find the smell of bacon and pancakes. YUM! At least they cooked, I thought to myself. I got up from the sofa. OH MY GOD I'm never ever sleeping on it again. My back  

was aching really badly; I did some random stretches as I walked to the kitchen. I stopped in mid track when I spotted Take away boxes from Penny's. What idiots, couldn't be asked to cook themselves. I sighed and went up to my room leaving the sweet savoury smell alone in MY boring old kitchen. Yes My kitchen if they were never going to cook then it was my kitchen. I reached my room and entered. I closed the door behind me and sniffed the air. The whole room smelt fresh and crisp like laundry. I glanced at my bed to see that the linen had been changed. At least Jake does some things but not enough. I let my thought drift away and got changes I changed into a pair of leggings, plaid shirt and a long black cardie. I brushed my hair and pulled it up into a pony tail.

I then started tidying my room; this was my routine nearly every Sunday. As I was vacuuming the carpet my phone went off beeping the lyrics "wake me up inside, call my name and save me from the dark," I really loved this song and My Immortal by Evanescence. They were the only songs that I liked the rest were too depressing. I grabbed my phone and looked at it. My phone was saying that I had a text from an unknown number. I unlocked my phone and read the text.

Unknown: Hey Soph, its Ash. Bet I scared ya. Just 2 let u know, b ready by 7 n dress formally.

Me: How did u get my number?

Ash: Baby, I'm not gonna tell ya sorry

Me: fine. C u later

Ash: Bye

I saved Ash's number into my phone and I glanced at my at my clock it was already two o'clock. I flung open my door and ran down the stairs into the lounge. As I ran I accidently knocked someone down and I came down with them. I opened my eyes to see Jack half glaring half smirking at me.

"I'm so sorry," I apologized. I felt really uncomfortable since he was lying on top of me and boy was he heavy.

"You're so beautiful," he smiled.

Wait what? Jack's never said anything like that to me before.

"Umm thank you, could you-"

"What the hell is going on?" a voice yelled. Jack quickly jumped up and helped me up.

"I tripped and brought him down with me," I explained to Jake and walked into the kitchen to start lunch for the boys. Surprisingly the kitchen was spotless and lunch was already cooked. I looked in the oven to find pizza, sticky chicken bites and garlic dough balls. I quickly peered in the bin and saw loads of cardboard take away boxes from our local pizza restaurant.

"Guys when are you gonna learn to cook for yourselves," I groaned shaking my head but couldn't keep smiling since they ordered something instead of me cooking, I took everything out and served the guys and myself, I didn't take very much, I guess the nerves of my first date were getting to me. I brought their plates and my own to the dining table and began eating. I bit of a small mouthful of pizza and chewed very slowly. I looked up and saw the guys were staring at me like something was wrong.

"Sophie tell us now what's up with you-" Alex started to say.

"Are you pregnant?"

"Oh my god is Ash the father?"

"SHUT UP! I'm not pregnant but I've got a date with Ash tonight," I mumbled the last part.

"Oh you're nervous?" Jake stated. I looked up and nodded my head.

"Do you know where he's taking you?" Alex asked.

"No, he just told me to dress formally," I explained.

"Oh, cool," he replied. We continued to eat but in silence, when everyone was done eating I took the plates and washed up. I finally finished and was soaked; we seriously need a bigger sink. I glanced at the clock it was already 5 o'clock. Oh fudge muffins. I've only got two hours to get ready. I ran upstairs, like mad to get changed A.S.A.P.

I went into my room and flung open my wardrobe, I looked at the dresses that my brothers didn't burn because they knew that my mother gave them to me and they were really pretty and non-nerdy. I found a lilac strapless knee length dress that had a purple bow sash tthat went around the waist, it would be perfect. I also found a curling iron set in my vanity draw. How did that get there?

I started styling my hair into loose curls, when I was done I pinned the front side bits back. I started to work on my makeup, purple eye shadow, mascara, eye liner and clear lip-gloss. I used to always watch my mum do her makeup when she went out to important meetings she always used to go to them all of my family did, I was told that I couldn't go because I was too young.

I glanced at the clock it was already 6:15, wow time flies. I quickly put my dress on and my black ballet flats and tights. Never wore heels since I couldn't walk in them and I liked my height, being short. I sprayed a little perfume on myself and put some jewlwary on, silver bangles, ear rings and a silver heart locket that my dad left for me he was supposed to give it to me for my 18th birthday.

DING DONG DING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I looked at the clock it was only quarter to 7, he was early. I grabbed my small silver bag and put my phone, keys, hand cream, make up and my wallet just in case. I was so nervous, that I felt like throwing up but I didn't.

"SOPHIE COME DOWN NOW, ASH IS HERE!" Jake yelled from downstairs. I could imagine him with a smirk right now.

"COMING!" I yelled back. I grabbed my bag and made my way downstairs. The last step on the stairs creaked and everyone heard it. Great. (Note the sarcasm) I walked off the stairs and stood in the hallway. Ash came out of the Lounge and stood next to me, he was staring at me so I took the opportunity to look at him or check him out. He was wearing a white shirt, black trousers and a blazer.

"Sophie, you look amazingly beautiful," he complimented. I blushed so badly that it made him chuckle.

"Thanks Ash you don't look too bad yourself,"

"Sophie," I turned to see who called my name and faced the trio or in other words my brothers.

"Yes," I answered.

"Be home before midnight, we've got school tomorrow," Jack said a hint of seriousness in his voice.

"Of course," I said. Ash grabbed my hand and said

"Let's go," I felt the electrical tingling feeling in my hand which Ash was holding, it was travelling dangerously slowly up my wrist then to my arm. We walked out of the front door then to his red Ferrari. I was really grateful that he didn't bring his bike. He opened my door and I got in. he jogged to his door and got in the car, that reminded me the boys hadn't fixed my car yet how much I missed driving. Ash put the key in the ignition and started driving we were silent for a few minutes until he broke the silence.

"You really do look beautiful Sophie," he smiled.

"Really? Thank you," I blushed again.

"I mean it,"

"Don't guys usually say sexy or hot?" I asked shyly, he turned his head to look at me taking his eyes of the road.

"What? Heck no. when a guy says a girl is hot he is only looking at her body, when a guy says a girl is pretty he is only looking at her face but when a guy says a girl is beautiful he is looking at her heart and her looks. Trust me when I say you're beautiful, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen," he finished and leaned to kiss me on the cheek. Wow, no guy has ever said anything like that to me before.

"Thanks Ash," I mumbled quietly, hoping that he wouldn't hear.

"You're welcome, babe,"

"Ash?" I asked.

"Yeah, babe," I blushed at the name.

"Where are we going?"

"Look outside," was his reply. I looked outside noticing how dark it got; I scanned around and saw the forest. Ash stopped driving and got out; he opened the door for me and held out his hand for me to take. I got out and smoothed my dress a little while he wasn't looking.

"Do you trust me?" Ash asked all of a sudden. Did I trust him? I asked myself.

"Umm yeah I do why?" I asked confused.

"Turn around," he ordered, I did what he said and felt something go around my eyes.

"Ash," I called out really scared.

"I'm here Soph, don't be scared," he soothed, he kissed my neck and I immediately felt safe.

"Babe, we're gonna walk now be really careful, I'm going to guide you so you need to trust me," he said. I nodded my head and he put his arms around my waist. We started walking down a path for some time.

"Soph watch out there's a massive rock," Ash warned.

"Ermm where?" I asked since I couldn't see.

"Here I'll help you," Ash said, I found my feet being lifted off the ground, he was lifting me up.

"Can you put me down now, please?" I asked quietly. As much as I loved Ash touching me I didn't want him to go too far.

"Hang on a second," I could hear the smirk in his voice, I bet he knew the effect he was giving me.

Finally, after what seemed the longest five minutes of my life, he set me down on something soft. I reached up to untie the blindfold but he beat me to it. I blinked a few times and looked around and looked on what I was sitting on; a blanket. I looked back up and up to the sky, the stars were shining brightly then I've ever seen them. I heard the trickling sound of water and realised Ash had taken me to a Waterfall. It was breath taking, the waterfall had light projecting all around it and the starry night complimented the scenery very well. The waterfall was a nice view what else was nice was that I was sitting on a blanket surrounded by cushions and a huge oak tree where Ash was leaning against.

"Ash it's beautiful," I smiled and sat down on the blanket and crossed my legs to make myself comfortable.

"Yes you are," he smiled. He sat down next to me and spread his legs wide. I stared at him in confusion. He patted the big space in the middle of his legs for me to sit. I gave him an unsure smile.

"Come on babe, I don't bite," he teased. I sighed and sat down in the space, I leaned on his seriously hard chest that felt like a brick wall but warm and comforting. Ash wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"I wanna know a bit more about you, let's play 20 questions," he suggested.

"There not much to know but okay,"

"Okay first question: favourite colour?"

"Purple, isn't obvious,"

"Okay, you're right,"

"You're favourite colour?"

"Black and now Blue,"

"Favourite animal?" he asked me.

"Monkey," I answered straight away.

"You're favourite animal is a monkey," he scoffed.

"Yeah, what's wrong with that," I defended.

"Most girls would say a dog or a rabbit, you're different but a good different," he smiled and played with a piece of my hair.

An hour later.

I knew loads about Ash; he had three siblings; two brothers and one baby sister. He loved rock music and RnB, loved coke and he managed to admit it me that he used to smoke but stopped when he got sick of being criticised Ash's favourite animal was a wolf, his hobbies were, running, training, fighting, listening to music and also hanging out with me and his little sister. Ash found out from me that before my waitressing job I was a babysitter. My favourite drink was Oasis summer fruits. I loved pop music and 80's. he also knew that i absolutely loved charm bracelets, when my parents were around every Christmas I always got a one no matter what the theme of the bracelet was. My hobbies were, reading, cooking, listening to music and going for walks.

"Are you hungry?" Ash asked.

"Yeah a little bit," I answered.

He jumped up, making me feel cold and lost without his embrace, and walked away. Where the hell did he go? I was waiting for ages but he didn't come back. Great, he's leaving me in the woods, I thought to myself.

"BOO!" A voice scared the hell out of me. I screamed really loudly that the person clamped their hand over my mouth. I looked into those blue eyes that I fell in love with; Ash. He moved his hand and kissed the edge of my jaw.

"You idiot, you scared me," I whimpered.

"Sorry babes," he apologized while I blushed like mad.

"I love it when you blush," he smiled and stroked my cheek. I looked down and changed the subject.

"Right, what have you got to eat?" I asked. Ash brought out a basket and opened it, I peered inside and saw; picnic food. Mini sausages, sausage rolls, jam tarts and brownies.

"It's not much but I didn't know what to bring," he said a little guilt in his eyes.

"Ash," I grabbed his hand "It's wonderful," I smiled and he leaned in to kiss me on the lips, but it was just a brief peck. We began to eat, sitting opposite each other. After we were done Ash wanted to finish the game of 20 questions with one last question.

"Do you believe in Myths?" he asked.

"Hmm it depends what the myth is, but no, I don't believe in myths," I answered truthfully.

"That's fine," he answered.

He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine, I quickly kissed him back and he pushed me down gently so I was lying on my back. He licked my bottom lip asking for an entrance and his sharp teeth grazed my lip. I opened my mouth and left him to it. He lips moved to my neck and kissed the hollow spot.

"Sophie, I'm not who you think I am. I'll explain it all soon but this is going to hurt," I heard Ash whisper but I was too caught up to listen properly. Those were the last words I heard before I felt sharpness in my neck and let the darkness consume me.


Oh no! What did Ash do to Sophie???? (shocked expression)

HAHAHAAHA... I left a cliff-hanger for a change


Authors note: Hey all

1.I'm thinking of Changes Ash's character to Taylor Lautner. So please let me know if I should make that descion or not.

2. Would you like a Point of view from Ash or should I just let Sophie explain her story?

3. Also I've changed Bentley's name to Jake, I thought it was better beacause a Bentley is a car. If somewhere in my previous chapters says Bentley let me know and I'll change it to Jake straight away.


Vote, Comment and maybe an Fan/

Please Let me know how it is. I made it extra long for you guys.

Dhana (HaveFaith101) xoxox

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