My Guardian Angel wants me to...

By iiiStyx

482 46 1

There are multiple blessings in life that a person may attain. As such, those angels present people with cert... More

Script 1: Guardian
Script 2: Horyo
Script 3: Crossfire
Script 4: Newsletter
Script 5: Prey
Script 6: Vulnerable
Script 7: Paranoia
Script 8: Friday
Script 9: Information
Script 10: Bickering
Script 11: Currents
Script 12: Stubbornness
Script 13: Interaction
Script 14: Smile
Script 15: Seeker
Script 17: Self Defense
Script 18: Check Up
Script 19: Preparation
Script 20: Interrogation
Script 21: Gang Affairs
Script 22: Fake
Script 23: Meanwhile
Script 24: Introductions
Script 25: Nightmare
Script 26: Waking Up
Script 27: Bench
Script 28: Challenge
Script 29: Vision
Script 30: Forced Fight
Script 31: Conversation
Script 32: Investigation
Script 33: Knowledge
Script 34: Group Chat
Script 35: Bathroom
Script 36: Abandoned
Script 37: Interruption
Script 38: Stall
Script 39: Climax
Script 40: King Nothing
Script 41: Results, Good Ending
Script 41: Results, True Ending

Script 16: Visitor

10 1 0
By iiiStyx

"Here to visit Juzira Tonijo," smiled Julie at the front counter.

"Please sign in on this attendance sheet and your affiliation with him please," replied the nurse at the counter.

As Julie walked down the empty barren hallway, she thought to herself, "I wonder how Toni is doing all this time. I haven't seen him in a while.. No doctors and patients around here, so it must be break time."

In her hands were flowers that she thought would be nice for Juzira. As she arrived at Juzira's door, she knocked before opening, gasping at the sight of the person trembling on the ground. His hands were stained in paint and his face was crying. She dropped the vase of flowers in shock, looking around the room.

"I-I think I made a mistake!" stuttered Julie in surprise, "This isn't Juzira Tonijo's room, correct..?"

"Kirima..." mumbled Yokai Goober from right behind, "It seems I've underestimated Juzira's popularity. This person seems to be affiliated with him as well!

I assume you know what to do, correct..?"

"Y-Yeah.." mumbled Kirima hesitantly as his jaw unhinged, opening up his gigantic mouth.

He shoved his hand into his mouth and began to pull out a machete. He fixed his jaw and looked at Julie with a cold stare.

"Quickly, Kirima!" yelled Yokai Goober, "Before she escapes!"

Julie pulled on the handle to quickly close the door, but Kirima threw the machete at her. He missed, but the machete was stuck in the door just as Julie tried to close it! In shock, she let go of the door and fell down to the ground, inspecting herself to see if she had any injuries.

The door slowly creaked open, where Kirima made his move and lunged at Julie, pulling her into the room. Julie yelled in fear and instinctively grabbed the machete on the ground, using it to whack at Kirima. Kirima yelled in pain as his arms were getting bloody from Julie's resistance.

"Keep pulling, Kirima!" yelled Yokai Goober as he closed the door, "No one is in this hallway around this time anyways! Calling for help is futile! We need to ensure that everyone dies!

You can treat your wounds later when you've ensured that you won't die!"

Kirima was crying at this point. He didn't ask to live down this path, yet it seemed like Yokai Goober was pressuring him to do so. Due to Kirima's quick weakness, Julie was able to kick him in the face and crawl away from him.

She slowly got up, grabbing the machete from earlier and pointing it towards Kirima, her eyes filling up with tears, "What the hell are you? I'm not afraid to use this! Where's Juzira Tonijo?"

"Isn't it obvious?" explained Kirima in the same voice as Yokai Goober, "He's all gobbled up. There's no turning back from this! Soon enough, everyone will forget about him anyways."

In anger, Julie ran towards Kirima, shoving the machete right into his stomach!

"You fool, Kirima!" yelled Yokai Goober, "Why didn't you react quick enough?"

"I... I thought that she would be afraid and try to run away..!" thought Kirima in pain and shame, "I didn't think that she would straight up attack me!"

"She's just a damn human," said Yokai Goober angrily, "Deal with her already! You're a damn Horyo!"

Kirima began to unhinge his jaw again to pull something out, but Julie had used the machete to block his arm from going inside his mouth.

"In all my research with Horyo and Guardians," said Julie, "I've never seen one manifest such a physical gift! Yet, it's that physical gift that lets me easily recognize what your gift is wether I'm a human or a Horyo! Any human can easily tell that your guardian gift is to pull out any object from within your mouth! You're that obvious!"

"This damn—!" grumbled Yokai Goober.

"Let go of me!" yelled Kirima in total pain and anger, pushing Julie to the ground.

She dropped her machete on the floor, looking up to find Kirima's crying face yet again.

"He..." thought Julie in fear as she backed away, too far to grab the machete near Kirima's feet, "He's completely lost it... His mental state is so unstable. That guardian of his must be messing with him too much!"

"I didn't ask for this, damn it!" yelled Kirima in pain, his bloody arms waving in a tantrum, "Why!? Why!? Why!?"

Confused and panicked, all Julie could do was stare at Kirima as he cried at his own despair. She was watching as he slowly backed up to the wall, his hands to his eyes.

"Get a hold of yourself, Kirima!" yelled Yokai Goober in anger, "You're so close to killing her! Hurry it up!"

"I can't!" cried Kirima, "I can't do this anymore!"

"Yes, you can!" smiled Yokai Goober creepily in his clown-like attire, "After all, this is all self defense right? Look at your arms and how she wounded you.. You have to defend yourself from such a threat!"

As Kirima talked to himself, Julie slowly crawled towards the machete that Kirima had backed away from. She was so close to threatening Kirima to back off, then make a break for it to leave out of the room and call for help. She just had to grab the machete!

Kirima looked at his arms and hesistantly mumbled, "Y-yes... self defense.."

"Look out, Kirima!" yelled Yokai Goober, pointing at Julie, "She's about to grab the weapon! Stop her before she does!"

Julie shrieked in horror as both she and Kirima jumped for the machete.

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