New Beginnings

shellyjohnscns tarafından

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What do you get when you cross an ex prostituting single mother to two wayward teenage daughters who trouble... Daha Fazla

Thirteen Years Later
Now or Never
How the Smith Stole Christmas
The Town With Pep
Meet the Andrews
Welcome to Riverdale High
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
Working 9 to 5
Love is in the Air?
The House on the Hill
Lies and Deception
The Attack of the PTA Moms
Let's Ride
Out of the Fire and into the Fire Again
Visible Cracks
Moving Swiftly Along
It All Falls Down
Repairing the Cracks
It's My Party, I'll Get Mad If I Want To
Suspensions and Confrontations
Never Break Up a Catfight
Tending to You
The Perfect Frame
There's Only One Bed
Return of the Mack
Deadbeat Dad
Parents Night
On the Road Again
Never Felt Love Like This Before
The Morning After
Papa, Can You Hear Me?
The Party and the After Party
Battle of the Bands
Change of Plans
Love, War and Tragedy
Life After Death
First Steps
Cat's out of the Bag
Prom Night I
Prom Night II
Fox Forest
Under Pressure
Facing Reality
Crashing Down
Trouble Ahead
Taking the Leap
An Announcement
An Announcement II
Modern Day Brady Brunch
The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 60

A Step into the Past

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shellyjohnscns tarafından

A/N: Despite what the contents and themes of this fic may have you believe, I am very much PRO sex work and solicitation and incredibly supportive of the profession, as any real feminist/womanist should be, and I will call for the decriminalisation and ending the stigma around the profession for as long as I'm breathing.

I just wanted to establish that first and foremost because writing this chapter in particular made me realise that throughout this story, I've portrayed it as something negative and may have unintentionally gave readers the impression that I am highly against it and that's it something that should be frowned upon. I'm telling you now, it isn't.

However, for stories to be at their best and heighten the drama, you've got to steer into a rocky path every now and then.

With that being said, I hope you enjoy this chapter, and don't forget to vote up and comment at the end ❤️


January 2001

Alice had attended many parties throughout her adolescent years, some within her own home, getting drunk and dancing the night away to forget her troubles and escape the chaotic hell of a life she lived. It was her favourite past time, but this high school party in particular was different.

Instead of downing as many beers and shots as she could in a corner on her lonesome, or putting on a show on the dance floor, she was upstairs, in the company of the very handsome and very charming jock Bryce Jackson.

He was certainly her type, physically speaking anyway, and it had pleased her very much when she caught his eye on her, the very eye that had been on her all night. It was only inevitable that she ended up straddling his lap in with her arms wrapped securely around his neck, grinding down on his semi hardened member while his large calloused hands caressed her hips underneath her cotton white vest shirt.

"You're so fucking hot Alex." Bryce complimented in an aroused daze, unaware of his minor name screw up.

"It's Alice, dude." She corrected unimpressively before diving back into his thin pink lip. "Do you have anything?" She breathed out in between their kissing before taking a moment to remove her shirt.

Slightly pulling back as her vest fell to the floor, he smirked cockily and reached into his front pocket of his jeans, holding the slightly bent and tatty foil packet up to her face. She wondered if it was still usable, or even in date but at that moment, she couldn't care less, she just wanted to get down to business.


"You got talent Smith." Bryce revealed in a pleased huff, pulling his pants up around his waist and buckling his belt as he grinned towards her like a Cheshire Cat. Unbeknownst to Alice, his radiating happiness was due to the fact that she was the best lay he had ever had, but he wouldn't admit it out loud.

"So I've been told." Alice responds smugly as she pulls the duvet to her chest. She reaches her hand down to the floor, searching for her long discarded bra and clipping it on before resting against the headboard. "Maybe, we should do this again?" She suggests, a seductive smirk donning her face.

Bryce halted his dressing for a moment, his face dropping slightly before releasing a nervous chuckle. "Yeah, maybe." He croaks quietly before turning to the door and unlocking it.

He glanced back at her in the bed, watching her raised eyebrows shift as she waited for a straight answer. "I'll see you around."

And with that, she watched as he left, feeling positive about the possibility of having a new man in her life, but for now, it was back to her existential hell.

She made her way home on her lonesome, walking most of the distance after attempting and failing to hitch a ride, but then again, no sane person in town would want to drive anywhere near where she lived. A derelict, long neglected and poverty stricken trailer park on the outskirts of town.

The sickly feeling that arose in her stomach every time she entered her own home, what was supposed to be her safe space, never ceased to amaze her.

Rather than being met with a sensational aroma of lit candles and air freshener, her nostrils were forced to tolerate the smell of stale cigarette smoke, dark liquors and drugs, marijuana or crack mostly.

The coffee table stacked with ignored bills, empty bottles and used cigarettes, the television set displaying a fuzzy screen that played on a loop in the background, the curtains drawn to block out any form of light, the walls torn and damaged and the sink and kitchen countertops filled to the brim with dirty dishes. This trailer truly depressed her to no end.

She glared down at her mother in pure hatred and disgust, as the woman lay across the couch, snoring for the whole park to hear. She was no doubt passed out, but Alice was way past giving a damn at this point.

Every time she looked at her mother in this position she felt nothing but apathy and emptiness, and if anything positive came out of this horror she found herself in day in day out, it was the determination to escape this hell while she still could and do everything she could to never end up like her mother.


"Guess who?!" Alice chirps seductively as she runs towards Bryce from behind, gripping his waist and taking him by surprise.

He turns around immediately, slightly unimpressed and annoyed at Alice's surprise greeting, and his facial expression goes totally over her head as his emerald green eyes have her totally mesmerised.

"You wanna hang out at the arcade after school? I know someone who can get us tokens."

"No, I don't think so." Bryce states bluntly before turning back around, stunning Alice slightly. Her thick threaded brows bumped together into a mild scowl before circling him and standing directly in front of him, demanding to know the reason behind his sudden cold attitude.

"What do you mean, you don't think so?" She mocked the last part. "And what's with the attitude?"

"I mean, I'm not interested, take a hint Alice!" He barked at her, refusing to let her down gently.

"So what? I was just a quick lay to you?!" She snaps, folding her arms across her chest in disgust.

"Well when you put it like that, yeah." He nonchalantly confesses as he rubs the back of his neck. "You're hot, and I was bored."

Her body stiffened at the remark as her eyes burned with hatred and she tried her hardest to reign it in. "Well fuck you then!" She spat at him before storming off in a rage, vowing to never let herself get into this position with an asshole jock ever again.

The remark itself didn't hurt all that much, it was the fact that she really thought she had a chance with this guy, and he genuinely interested in more than her body, but of course she was wrong, and she wouldn't be making that mistake again.


February 2001

"Do you think Coach Fisher will let me sit out since I'm on the rag?" Stacey George questions her as she removes her t shirt for Gym.

Alice darts her eyes up towards the naive blonde, a suggestive look crossing her face
as she tightens her sneakers.

"The same Coach Fisher who made Amber Donovan do the 12 minute run with a sprained ankle? I don't think so." She adds with a chuckle, turning herself back around before the date and time suddenly hit her.

Her smile fades, eventually turning into a frown as it suddenly dawns on her that her very own monthly visitor is running rather late, and has yet to make an appearance.


The bell of the local pharmacy rings as Alice pushes through the door in a huff, still reeling over Bryce and her fury being twice as venomous knowing she's possibly pregnant.

Knowing for sure was the next step, but paying the full price for the pregnancy tests stacked upon the shelves in front of her was not an option. This was one of the many times her sticky fingers would come in use.

Taking advantage of the busy cashier at the front desk, who was occupied by another customer, she quickly reached her hand out for the small blue box containing the test and anxiously shoved it into her bag before making her way out, trying to appear as cool and calm as possible. The last thing she needed right now was to be arrested for shop lifting.

She had practically run back home to her trailer in the pouring rain, wanting to get the test over and done with as soon as possible but was met with the sounds of blaring music from the trailer.

Another one of her mothers wild and unnecessary parties was happening.

Her face scrunched together in disgust and discomfort as she entered her trailer to see roughly eight or nine occupants prancing carelessly around the living room two sheets to the wind and higher and than kites as some cheesy 70s rock played on her mothers crackling speakers.

A cloud of smoke flooded throughout the whole room as the strong fumes of dark liquor and class a drugs made her stomach turn immediately.

Alice took a quick glance around as her anger began to boil over at the state of her home before storming down the hall towards the bathroom, missing her highly intoxicated mother by seconds as she slammed the door shut behind and tried her best to drown out the unwanted and unpleasant noises on the other side.

Still clutching tightly onto the strap of her bag, she rested herself amongst the back of the door, exasperatingly running her fingers through her golden mane before releasing a saddened sigh of relief. Calming herself down, she finally plucked up the courage to do what she came in here for in the first place.

She anxiously dug through the bag, searching for the pregnancy test box and pulling it out once she did. She glared down at the white box with glassy eyes and trembling hands, struggling to remove the device from the packaging and making her way to the toilet once she did.

The following three minutes felt like the longest time ever, and also the biggest waste, as it confirmed what she already knew. Those two blue lines that appeared once the second hand on her stolen watch ticked past the number 12 for the third time stared right back at her fiercely.

This was it. She was pregnant, knocked up, with child, and strangely enough, she didn't react the way you'd expect any pregnant 17 year old to do so. It was just something she had to accept and move on with. She didn't think much of it in the first place.

Suddenly, a loud thud against the bathroom door pulled her out of her racing thoughts. Her head snapped up from the positive test immediately as her expression switched from nonchalance to horror in a flash upon hearing her abusive mother on the other side.

"Who the heck's in there-" Her drunken mother slurred before pushing her way in and almost tumbling to the floor in front of a newly frightened Alice.

She waved the bottle around in her hand, gesturing towards the white stick in her daughters hand as Alice stood from the toilet and wiped a single tear that fell down her porcelain cheek as fear and panic began to arise within her the minute she saw her mothers face.

"That what I think it is?" Karen questioned sternly.

Alice knew what was coming next, the second Karen's face fell red with anger, her narrow jaw clenched and her hand tightened around the glass beer bottle.

"Mom, please, just listen-" Was all Alice managed to croak out through tears before watching her mother bare her teeth, suddenly being ambushed by a bare smack to the right side of the face.

Karen menacingly stepped closer towards her crying daughter, a scowling look upon her face as stood directly in front of the teen.

"You really are nothing but a disappointment huh?" Karen spat before gripping onto Alice's wrist and dragging her out of the bathroom and towards her bedroom.

However, Alice wasn't going to put up with her mothers backlash and attacks this time around. She had endured enough of it all throughout her childhood, but this was the final straw for her.

"Well the feelings mutual!" Alice snapped back, turning her expression from horrified to furious as she stared her mother down.

What followed soon after however, was the furthest thing from what Alice was expecting. After a few choice and hurtful words from her mother and the two of them lashing out towards each other, stunning everyone around them and resulting in thrown ornaments and dining ware, Alice's clothes were being tossed out onto the porch, courtesy of her abusive mother.

Anybody would tell you that their parents throwing them out of the house is probably their worst nightmare and biggest fear, Alice however, felt a sense of relief and liberation, beyond happy to be out of her demonic mothers clutches once and for all.


"You sure I can stay here?" Alice croaked sadly as she anxiously strolled through the graffiti and clutter filled damp infested squat occupied by many runaway troubles teens in town.

It's been two days since her mother kicked her out onto the streets without a care in the world for her, and sleeping rough just wasn't going to cut it. Young, scared, desperate and alone, she had nowhere else to turn for solace, this poor excuse of an empty and neglected apartment filled with teen gang members, drug dealers and troublemakers was currently her only option.

"Yeah, whatever." The chain smoking dark haired young woman answered nonchalantly. "As long as you're useful that is." She added with a smirk, eyeing Alice up and down cunningly.

Alice darted her eyes off to the corner before rolling them skyward. She caught on to the implication rather quickly and pursed her lips in thought. "Stole a couple wallets on the subway. Those rich fat cats in suits going into the city don't even give you a second look, makes it easier to rob 'em blind." Alice admitted boldly as she folded her arms across her chest and gave the "landlord" one final head tilt.

"I'm impressed." The dark haired haired girl nodded proudly before preparing to leave. "Well, make yourself at home."

Unfortunately, her current living arrangement didn't turn out to be as hunky dory as she hoped. Three weeks in, after pure chaos, constant fights amongst residents and vandalism, the apartment buildings other occupants had had enough, and one last drug crazed party was the final blow.

Before she knew it, blue lights and sirens were blaring outside of her cracked bedroom window and barrelling down the door very soon after, dragging everybody out for a number of crimes included squatting, possession and dealing.

She couldn't afford to get arrested, and had no choice but to escape out of the window with her one bag on her arm as quickly as she could in a panic, and unfortunately, it was back to a life on the cold and rough streets.


"What did you say your name was again?" The petite brown haired nurse at the front desk asked her in a nasally voice, holding the telephone to her ear as she tried to multi task.

"Alice. Alice Smith." She repeated in a hoarse but saddening tone as she fiddled with her bruised knuckles and unkept fingers under the cut off gloves she had managed to steal from a local clothing store. Her nasally and groaning voice courtesy of the cold she had caught hadn't gone unnoticed either.

Stood in the large white room, surrounded by many women and girls, all likely going through the same internal battle as she was, she couldn't help but think about how many of them possibly didn't want to be there, or didn't even think they'd ever end up in a place like this, but as she knew all too well, Gods plan had a different route for everybody, and some people got lucky while others didn't.

"The Doctor will see you now."

Alice's face remained stoic as she nodded in acceptance, slowly backing away from the counter and clutching onto her bag strap tightly. It contained everything she had, which wasn't much so she had learned to appreciate it and had become very protective of it. Over the weeks, she had witnessed too many people on the streets have their belongings stolen from them in the blink of an eye.

She walked down the hallow fluorescent lit hallway, with only the sounds of her light feet in her tatty and torn combat boots hitting the floor being heard before finally entering the doctors office.

Taking her seat and remaining reserved as she anxiously looked around, her eyes suddenly fell on the Doctor in front of her, writing down notes that were far too messy to decipher.

"And how old are you, Miss Smith?"

"Seventeen." Alice croaked before her face fell crimson red. Admitting her pregnancy and age out loud to others was still a bit of a challenge for her. Every time she did, she could literally hear the judging happening in their minds.

The Doctor behind the desk offered a sympathetic look, that felt somewhat patronising to Alice. "Still young eh?"

She nods. "I uhm- I just feel like, it's the right thing to do."

"I understand that." The Doctor responds before returning to the files on her desk. "And don't worry, many women and girls who come here feel the same way but sometimes it's for the best."

Alice anxiously clutched onto her abdominal area as the doctor began to ramble on about the upcoming procedure and process, but it was difficult for her to actually listen when her mind floated away elsewhere and she officially zoned out while it raced with thoughts.

Second thoughts to be specific. She didn't even know exactly why she was here. To terminate her pregnancy, yes, but it suddenly dawned on Alice as she sat in that chair that she wasn't exactly here based on her own decision. Abortion was never something that crossed her mind personally. The only reason she was here was because of how she was made to feel about the pregnancy in the first place and all the people that had judged her and made her feel ashamed of it, like it was a problem she had to fix immediately.

Deep down, she didn't want to go through with this. A small part of her had considered it for possibly a millisecond but ultimately, this was still a baby, her baby, something so precious that could be the making of her, that could change her life forever and give her purpose, and this was nobody's decision but her own.

"Miss Smith?" The doctor calls softly, snapping Alice out of her trance instantly. "You are listening, aren't you?"

Alice's wide blue eyes blinked rapidly as she pulled herself back into their discussion, more than sure of what her next move was going to be.

"I'm so sorry." She apologises rising out of her seat. "I can't do this, I've changed my mind."


September 2001

"And what will you be naming this little one?" Alice's midwife wonders as she happily peers through the secure pink blanket at the newborn infant in her patients arms.

Alice pondered it for a minute. Despite having plenty of time on her hands to come up with the perfect name, it had been at the very bottom of her list of priorities in the past few months.

Getting out of the dingy motel room she had been occupying for months and finding her own apartment was one. She wanted nothing but the best for her baby and trying to achieve that with no job was hard enough.

She was a 17 year old high school drop out, unemployed, technically homeless, financially scraping by via stolen wallets and credit cards she miraculouslly hadn't been arrested for yet.

The system she had formed of eyeing up the perfect candidates based on their suits and watches, followed by appearing to be a regular and innocent poor passenger they didn't look twice at and taking advantage of their elitism and stupidity as they foolishly placed their wallets in their back pockets.

She knew it was wrong, and risky, but none of that mattered at the end of the day, the security of her child came before her morals, and looking down at the tiny infant gurgling in her arms, she didn't even care, or feel the slightest bit guilty.

"There's this film I used to watch as a kid, while my Mom was, passed out or high as a kite, watching it seemed to be my only comfort, my only escape."

"What was the movie?" The nurse asked curiously.

"Pollyanna." Alice says proudly. "But I think I'll call her Polly for short."

"That's beautiful." The nurse speaks, smiling down at the two of them. "I'll be right back to check on your blood levels." The midwife kindly informed her, fluffing Alice's pillows once more before leaving the room.

Alice gazed her soft sapphire eyes down onto her fidgeting infant daughter, her breath hitching in her throat as she anxiously stroked her baby's puffy rosy red cheeks.

"You're so beautiful." Alice croaked in disbelief as she clutched Polly closer to her chest, her heart fluttering as the baby's lips twitched into a tiny smile. "Thank God none of your douchebag father got through." She chuckles, looking back and mentally kicking herself at the thought of even entertaining Bryce. In retrospect he wasn't that cute, nor was he really that good in the sack, but no matter how much she tried, looking down at Polly she couldn't hate him that much. At least he gave her something worthy.

"I'm sorry I can't give you the perfect family you deserve, with a Mommy and Daddy, and nice big house with a white pickett fence, but I'm gonna give you the best life possible, I can promise you that, because you're the best thing that's ever happened to me, the only thing I've ever done right, the only good thing in my life. I love you so much and I can't always give you the world but I will die trying. I love you Polly."

A small crystal clear tear fell down her face as her skin tingled with warmth. Polly was so perfect, so innocent, and she hadn't felt this happy in a long time. The feeling of being a mother and holding little Polly in her arms was beyond surreal she couldn't even explain it. She didn't have much to show for her life, but staring down at the infant in her hands filled her with pride and satisfaction nonetheless, and made her feel she had accomplished enough. She was the only thing she had ever got right, and that was more than enough for Alice.


August 2002

"No, no, no Polly, don't touch that!" Alice warned as she spotted the tot reaching for her heated curling tongs. She pulled the little one away just in the nick of time, seating her on the bed as far away as possible, catching her innocent little face and giggling slightly.

Nobody ever said that adulthood and even motherhood were easy, but when you're catapulted into the experience, with little to no guidance, it proved to be just as difficult as everybody made them out to be, and boy did Alice relate to that strongly once the realities hit her.

Despite having two half decent jobs, cleaning the motel rooms by day and working at a bar every Friday and Saturday night, she still struggled every now and then to make ends meet. Financial struggles were something she had always prepared for, but she never thought things would as rough as they had turned out to be.

Another late summer night had fallen, meaning another busy night serving drinks to Boston's rowdiest crowds and dealing with her highly unpleasant boss.

Alice stood in front of her frail mirror, stood on the fold out table of her motel room, running a brush through her newly dyed dark hair. She had always fancied a change.

She checked over her make up once more, adding the final touch ups before hearing a knock at her door.

Rising from her chair she strolled over to open it up.

"Finally!" Alice exasperated with relief upon seeing her baby sitter on the other side, who was a little younger than expected, just some 14 year old from the neighbourhood who was surprisingly mature for her age and needed the money.

"Sorry, couldn't get away from my Mom, had to sneak out." The young teen causally said as she slumped down into Alice's bed and lifted Polly into her lap.

"It's fine, I'm just a little on edge right now." Alice informed her as she put her coat on at the door. "She can watch TV until 8, but after that just give her the bottle that's in the fridge and put her to bed."

"Roger that." The babysitter responds, watching Alice as she waves goodbye to the two of them and exits the room in a hurry.


The Viper bar, one of the more underground bars and social clubs of Boston, and also one of the more sleaziest. It was a common nest for drug dealing, with its owner selling and supplying and regular club goers using the place to draft up clientele.

Alice however, steered clear of all of it. Her life was full of drama and crazy antics already, she didn't need to involve herself in any of the illegal activities that went on in her wokrplace, so she kept herself to herself, never spoke a word about it, never made a fuss over the deals she witnessed with her own eyes.

There however, was one perk that came with it, some of the dealers that frequented the club were ruggishly handsome with a daring edge of mystery about them, the very edge that she was always regretably drawn to, and she could never resist them no matter how hard she tried.

"Double Tequila." A hoarse but mysterious voice requests of her.

She slowly turned from her position behind the bar, her thick but perfectly shaped eyebrows rising at the sound of him speaking, only to find a 21 year old cocky appearing man she recognised as one of the regular peddlers, sat on the bar stool, smugly leaning over the bar as a mischievous grin donned his face.

The first thing she noticed about him up close was the questioning tattoos on his forearms, that poked out of his sleeveless checkered shirt, resembling a scorpion and a dragon, along with the smooth slightly southern tone in his voice and the dark blonde beard he was clearly trying to grow out. He was certainly a bad boy, from the wrong side of the tracks indeed and if the drug dealing didn't give that away then his physical appearance and demeanour certainly did.

The corner of Alice's ruby red lips flicked upwards as she suggestively narrowed her eyes towards him and walked his way, preparing to make his drink.

Their hungry eyes remained locked on one another as she lowered her hand underneath the bar to reach for a glass, catching his eye on her cleavage but for some odd reason, instead of calling it out, she just grinned instead.

Whether it was the pulsing heartbeat within her or the rush of blood racing through her indicating her clear wild attraction to him in that moment, she didn't care, all she could think about was the tantalising way he bit down on his lower lip, exuding such a dangerous amount of confidence, and increasing it just that much by reaching in his back pocket for his cigarettes, taking one out and boldly lighting it.

"Feel free to keep checking out my tits." Alice shockingly blurted out as she handed him his drink over the bar, before resting her elbows on top, clasping her hand together and leaning over, giving him a more explicit view of her assets. "Just make sure you tip generously." She added with a cheeky smirk.

The mysterious sandy blonde Male smugly chuckled, reaching into his back pocket for his wallet and taking out what seemed to be a twenty, much to Alice's surprise.

Releasing a laughing like huff, she damn near snatched money from him, lifting it into the air to examine its accuracy before nodding with pursed lips and slipping into her bra.

"You got a pretty name for that pretty face?" He randomly asks her, taking another long drag of the cigarette in his mouth and twisting his lips to the side to release the smoke. His forest green eyes still remained on her gorgeous face and hour glass figure.

She's beyond flattered, her cheeks turning crimson red as she bites down on her lip. "Alice. And yours?"


It would be only a few months of domestic bliss with the infamous Brody before Alice realised that the bad boys, while thrilling and tantalising as they can be, were also danger prone, unreliable and not worth the risk, and out of her blossoming relationship with the rough and rugged drug dealer, she got more than bargained for.

Living together under the same roof as two young and damaged souls with feisty and fiery personalities and hatred of authority of any kind and doing whatever they could to make ends meet, along with having a toddler in tow, was naturally a recipe for disaster, and in retrospect, Alice was well aware of that but the thrill of having a new and exciting man in her life outweighed that.

She learned the hard way what his attitude towards housework and domestic duties were as she found him to be a mild slob and found herself doing the bulk of cleaning and tidying, and it didn't help that he adopted a very sexist attitude towards it either.

Naturally, the culmination of failed communication and finding equal ground within their household, having a lot of responsibility thrown at them at such young ages, Brody's wandering eye and constant financial problems resulted in constant rowing and bickering between the pair, albeit immature and minor, but rowing nonetheless. And sometimes, Brody would even just walk out on them, but they could never stay away from each other long enough, and it was never long before they were making up and apologising to each other, in the more physical way, and all was forgotten between them. Their chaotic energy and clashing personalities always got the best of them in the end.

Things changed for the better once Alice fell pregnant. She noticed him mature slightly and become much more hands on with not only housework but with Polly too, who he had always loved but never fully committed too the way she had hoped, and once she gave birth to Elizabeth, nicknamed Betty, she hoped to have the perfect family she'd dreamed of since she was a little girl, but life has a funny way of catching up to you and pushing you down in the dirt.

With two mouths to feed and the police on his tail and cracking down on all local dealers, Alice had to go back to working full time rather than part, doing any form of bar work she could, and Brody essentially had to up his game and at least seek more subtle employment in the street pharmaceutical business, which involved working more underground, and a couple years down the line it proved to be his biggest mistake, as he met the one and only Hiram Lodge in the process.

The head of a criminal empire, reckless, narcissistic and ruthless, were just some of the words used to describe the infamous crime Lord. You don't build a reputation like that without stepping on a few heads on your way up to the top. He had half the city doing his dirty work on a regular basis, Brody included. Drug trafficking, selling, prostitution, murder, extortion, you name it, he was right at the centre of it all, pulling the puppet strings on every poor soul that fell for his undeniable charm.

At the start of his criminal career, he remained in the shadows, a faceless yet threatening figure who kept his identity hidden, all while keeping up a facade of the perfect family and business men as his lackeys worked for him from city to city. He didn't even live in Boston. It wasn't until his perfect family imploded that he left his home town, settling in Boston permanently and putting all his energy into building up his empire with a closer eye.


November 2005

"It's gonna take more than a night out and free drinks this time you fucking asshole." Alice loudly spat at Brody as the two basked in the ambience and atmosphere of the VIP section of the club. Once again, he had gone awol after a fight with Alice with no explanation, to only to again return like everything was normal, and Alice was ready to give him a piece of her mind. This recurring theme had gone on far too long and it was beginning to irritate her.

Brody relaxed back into the leather seating, his muscled arms stretching and resting along the material as he puckered his forehead irritably. Her feisty and ballsy nature were certainly a turn on, except when she was directing that energy towards him, that's when it had the opposite effect. "Christ Alice, I came back didn't I? And your crazy ass is lucky I did. Just drop it."

Alice disapprovingly arched the brow nearest to him before she threw back one of many shots of the night, clenching her eyes shut and sucking her lips into a prune like form as the taste of the fiery yet strong liquid rushed through her mouth and down her throat. "Don't fucking tell me to drop anything!" She angrily slurred, making it harder for Brody to fake her seriously. He knew she'd be completely sloshed by the end of the night.

"I had Betty in my room, nearly every night crying for her 'Daddy'." She mimicked. The combination of alcohol, adrenaline and anger running through Alice's bloodstream caused her to be more snappy than usual. "You disappear for six months and you expect me to just sweep it under the rug?"

"You told me to get the fuck out!" Brody defended strongly with bug eyes.

"I didn't even really mean it!" Alice screeched in a childlike tone, suddenly remembering what occurred the night he left and feeling a surge of guilt. It is true she told him to leave in a rage, but she didn't think he'd actually listen. Her reasons for doing so however, were totally justified where she was concerned. She remembers vaguely, but he had messed up with their rent payments for the third time, courtesy of problems with his extra curricular activities and his unknown boss.

She reached for a bottle of tequila opposite her before struggling to remove the cap, and downing a concerning amount in one go and proceeding to verbally attack him.

The sounds of her tipsy ramblings and ranting began to slowly fade out as Brody caught one of the security guards stood outside of the clubs office give him a stern but knowing look.

He wondered what was needed to be handled now. Smuggling over the over the border? Shutting up a snitch? Ditching a body? He wasn't eager to know, but he was going to find out anyway.

Catching him beginning to leave, Alice sat up in an instant, scoffing and parting her lips as she knit her brows in frustration. "W-where the hell are you going?"

"I've just gotta handle something, in the office. Stay here." He nonchalantly advised before making his way to the door.

"What the hell for? We're not finished here."

She received no response, much to her surprise, and just watched as he entered the office. She was well aware of the work he engaged in, and didn't have an issue with it theoretically speaking, but something about the way his expression dulled the second he stepped away from her had her curious.

Her curiosity only managed to get the best of her once she realised he had been in that office for much too longer than she'd liked, and without missing a beat, she grabbed her clutch purse, stood from the couch and stormed over there, the alcohol running through her system giving her the courage to do so even with the burley security guards stood right outside.

Ignoring their frivolous conversation, she immediately pushed her way past them, opening up the door and walking further into the office to find Brody and an unknown man sat confidently behind a desk.

"Alice, what the hell?!" Brody hissed.

"Alice?" The smartly dressed man repeated in a pondering tone before rising from his seat. "So this is the girlfriend huh?" He questioned cockily, poking his tongue in his cheek as his eyes drifted towards the her, fully focusing on the slim fitting red bodycon followed by her stroking facial features.

"And you are?" Alice sassily spoke before folding her arms over her exposed chest, giving the smug man a little head tilt to emphasise her attitude.

Rolling his head back in a light chuckle, he began to button his blazer before moving around the mahogany desk and approaching her. "Sorry, where are my manners."

Reaching out his thick calloused Rolex covered hand for her to shake, he introduced himself more formally. "Hiram. Hiram Lodge."

Alice narrowed her eyes in wonder, strangely taken aback by his seemingly pleasant manner and polite attitude before reaching her manicured hand out and clasping it with his. She had already figured out this was Brody's boss, and he wasn't at all how she pictured him to be. She imagined a 6ft, ugly looking, cheap suit donning, cigar smoking stereotypical mobster carotid types you'd see in TV, but he was a stark contrast.

To say Hiram was besotted by Alice was an under statement, he became fixated with her the minute she entered the room, practically salivating at her appearance and almost forgetting Brody was present.

And in that moment of shaking her hand, he decided she was going to be his by any means necessary, because what Hiram wanted, he got, at any cost, and he wanted Alice.


February 2006

"Visitor for Brody Scott please?" Alice delicately groaned out in disappointment and embarrassment, glaring at the ground and refusing to look up at the prison guard at the front desk. She had a seemingly cheery Betty on her hip and a fussy Polly holding her hand by her side.

"Daddy?" Two year old Betty chirped in her arms as her eyes gleamed.

Alice chuckled sadly looking down at the innocent tot before sweeping one of her fallen golden curls out of her face. "Yeah baby, we're gonna go see Daddy."

Exhausted, stressed out and flustered were only a few of the emotions Alice had been feeling over the past few weeks. She had yet to tell the girls that Brody had been arrested and charged for possession of a class A drug, heroin to be exact, and she honestly didn't know how to. So far, the only thing she seemed to be excelling at was hiding her turmoil over the situation from the two of them. They were both so young and innocent. This was the last thing she wanted the two of them to go through.

"I wanna go home!" Polly whined with a silly pout before folding her arms over the table in the visitors rooms they had been directed to.

"Later Polly!" Alice unintentionally snapped at the four year old, quickly softening her hardened face as she saw Polly's eyes begin to glisten, immediately regretting her mild outburst. "Mommy has something important to do, okay? And then we can get ice cream, okay?" She told the young girl as she stroked her chubby little face, watching as her tony lips curled into a smile at the mention of ice cream.

Seconds later, the prisons inmates began to slowly walk out of their cells and down the hall towards the visitors room. Alice caught a disgruntled Brody at the corner of her eye, looking worse for wear and donning a hideous blue uniform. It certainly wasn't his colour.

"Brody!" Polly called putting excitedly jumping up and down in her chair before being told by Alice to calm down.

She bounced a smiling Betty on her lap as he miserably strolled over to the table, trying to keep a relatively happy face on for the girls.

He felt the disapproval and disappointment radiate from Alice the minute he sat down. Her scowling face and fierce narrowing eyes making it more clear.

"You not gonna say anything?"

"Oh I've got a lot to say." Alice snapped before leaning into the table. Here we go, Brody thought.

"2 fucking years you're gonna be locked up in here?" Alice hissed, trying to remain as calm as possible in front of the girls but her scowling face and soaring rage making it difficult.

"How am I gonna make ends meet? I'm a part time barmaid for Christ sake!"

It wasn't the fact that Brody had been arrested and charged for possession and that she had lost her boyfriend that infuriated and worried her in that moment, it was the fact that with his position, she was now back to square one; single parent struggling to get by.

She had underestimated how essential his presence was for her. Over the past few years, the two of them had an adequate income and jobs that allowed them to be present to watch the girls when needed. Little did she know she wouldn't be able to appreciate it for very long before it was snatched away from her and boy did she feel it the weeks following her visit with Brody.

With money being tight, and two young mouths to feed, it wasn't long until Alice began to explore much darker and complex ways to make money.


May 2006

Softly tapping her red painted nails along the mahogany bar, Alice glanced right and left, pursing her plump glossed lips in thought as she scoped out a potential client.

This was new territory for her, searching for business in prestige hotels. She had been told by one of her fellow solicitors that these establishments were where the real money was made, which made perfect sense. They were packed to the brim with rich men in high professions, away from their homes to due work and eager for a night of excitement and willing to pay anything and anyone for it. She honestly didn't know why it never crossed her mind before.

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes." A deep yet sharp Male voice pointed out from behind her.

Recognising the tone, Alice's eyes crinkled into wondering slits immediately, soon turning around to find Hiram stood behind her. Her round face twisting in mild disgust before gulping down the martini in hand.

"What are you doing? Stalking me?"

A smug cackle like noise left his mouth as he strolled closer to her, resting his arm against the length of the bar and moving down to her ear. "Just enjoying the view actually."

She felt her breath hitch in her throat, feeling his own against her neck as a slight tingle ran down her spine. She knew he had a thing for her, it became abundantly clear with the way he couldn't take his eyes off of her during their first meeting. They were gleaming with lust the entire time, and there was no doubt in her mind that he was picturing doing so much more than shaking her hand in his head.

What she failed to fully acknowledge though, was that the feeling was mutual. He had an undeniable charm about him that intrigued her highly and made her squirm in his presence, but she'd be damned if she ever admit it out loud.

"So what's a fine woman such as yourself doing at this establishment?" He asked with a cocky grin on his face as he stared into her wondering eyes.

"I don't think that's any of your business." She sassily counterattacked before returning to her drink.

Truth be told, he didn't need to ask, he knew exactly what she was doing there, he was just trying to spark up a conversation between the two of them.

Reaching into the inside pocket of his blazer, he pulled out his wallet, a smug smile gracing his face as he watched her head slowly turn and glare down at the many $100 bills placed inside. "What about now?"


Clutching the silk duvet to her chest as she felt the silky smooth material run up and down her legs, a flustered and slightly worn out Alice glanced out at the cityscape and night sky as a shirtless Hiram prepared their beverages in the corner.

She didn't expect that the events of her night would take her here, but she wasn't complaining, she felt the best she had in years, and feeling that way in five star hotel suite was just the cherry on top.

"You're not from here, are you?" Alice prompted as she took the newly filled champagne glass from Hiram.

He chuckled, locking eyes with her and bringing the glass to his lips. "You would be correct." Hiram answered with a glint of cockiness in his eye before sipping the sparkling liquid and swallowing it down, soon returning to the window.

"I knew it." Alice brags, a wave of triumph gleaming all over her face. "So where are you from?"

With his back still to her, he halted his drinking, a feeling of uncertainty flashing across his face briefly before turning around and being met with her curious face.

"New York. Born and raised. Moved here a few months ago."

Alice nodded politely as he mind began to ponder. "So, you moved from the ideal city, for your line of work anyway, to continue it here? In Boston?" She questioned him. It wasn't exactly a place known for its organised underground crime.

As Alice continued to press him about his business and life in New York, showing no signs of giving up any time soon, painful reminders of what he had lost back home surged through his mind. Moving to Boston was supposed to be a fresh start.

"Not exactly." He groaned, not even turning around to look at her. "My ex-" He began, releasing a shallow breath. "She walked out one day, took my kid and never came back."

Hiram was a very reserved individual, and he wouldn't normally reveal something so personal to a complete stranger, but with Alice however, he was happy to be an open book, anything to up his chances of getting with her.

"I gave her everything, and it still wasn't enough." He reveals in shame, hanging his head down as he circled the rim of his glass before finishing the last drop. "So then I decided, it's better to be alone, isolate yourself, hide yourself emotions as best as you can because people the people you love, the people you trust? They just fuck you over in the end."

"I know the feeling." Alice croaked, clutching the duvet to her chest tighter as she glared at him sympathetically, thinking about how she'd been constantly let down by the closest people to her.

"I'm sorry about Brody." Hiram says sincerely after watching her expression dull. He figured Brody was the one she was referring to as she said what she said. "You're not the only one that lost out, he was one of my best runners."

"Don't be." Alice scoffed in annoyance. "He hasn't called, hasn't approved any visits. Wouldn't be surprised if he just skips town the minute he gets out. He doesn't give a damn about anyone but himself, so now here I am, having to get paid for sex just to make ends meet."

As Alice whittled on about having to do what she did, a lightbulb practically flashed over his head, followed by a disturbingly cunning smirk gracing his features.

"You know, I can help with that."

Alice knit her brows together, scrunching up her face feeling a little confused. "What do you mean?"

"Well instead of you, walking the streets, uncertain if you'll pick anybody up, you could move up into the high end leagues, make more money, build up reliable clientele."

She listened intently to what was being said, and truth be told he was making a lot of points.

"You and I?" He waved his finger back and forth between them as he sat at the edge of the bed. "We're not so different. We know what we want and we go out and get it, no matter the costs. I think we could make a pretty good team, don't you think."

She sassily folds her arms across her chest. "Oh yeah? How so?"

"My contacts? Your talents?" He arched his brow as the corner of his lip curled upwards. "Just think of the potential."

"I guess from a business point of view it works." She agreed. It was a wild offer he was laying out on the table, but if it meant more money and reliability, then she was all for it.

"You know, when I first met you, I thought you were a total asshole. Guess I was wrong." Alice said softly. Her eyes darted down to his lips, watching as they slowly parted upon staring at her, and she couldn't help but bite down onto her plump lip.

"Yeah, guess you were." Without missing a beat, he leaned in to her lips, kissing her passionately as his hand ran up her spine and lowered her down onto the bed.

She gladly reciprocated, running her hands through his hair as she smiled into the kisses, blissfully unaware in that moment that it was just the beginning of a doomed relationship.

A/N: This probably wasn't the kind of chapter you were expecting, and it's okay if you didn't really like it, but I wanted to write about Alice's past in this fic regardless as I felt it was necessary for readers to understand her fully.

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