Saiyan of Canterlot High!! (M...

By Math4523

53.1K 474 368

You are (Y/N) (L/N), the name you gave yourself. Guess I should start from the beginning, you are a Saiyan. A... More

Opening 1
The New Student and The New Friends!/Frieza Returns!
Gathering the Gang!!/Battle for the Earth!!
Sleepover at (Y/N)'s!!/Launch Returns!!
Android 21!/Another Roommate!!
Even More Girls!!/An Expanding Harem!!
Champa and Vados of Universe 6!/Another Tournament!
Universe 7 vs. Universe 6!!/Round 1: Buu vs. Botamo!
Opening 2
Rounds 2 and 3!!/Battling Frost the Fraud!!
Round 4!!/Piccolo Fights a Robot
Rounds 5 and 6!!/Vegeta vs. Cabba!/Sunlight vs. Kefla!
Final Round!!/Hit the Assassin!!/Girlfriends from Universe 6!!
Hanging out with the Girls!!!/Visitor from the Future!!!
The Friendship Games Begin!!/Sci-Twi (Human Twilight)!!
Cell's Revenge!!/Girlfriends from Crystal Prep!!
Opening 3
Legendary Super Saiyan?!/GOKU'S MOM?!
Mother and Son Reunite!/New Vegeta!
Broly the Legendary Super Saiyan!!/Welcome Cheelai and Gine!!

Warriors of Earth vs. Frieza's Army!!/Love with the Girls!!

3.1K 28 52
By Math4523

You guys soon arrive in a canyon, and just right in front of you, is Piccolo himself. 

Rainbow: Demon King Piccolo! 

Twilight: He looks really intimidating. 

(Y/N): Hey there Big Green. 

Piccolo: I told you to stop calling me that a long time ago. 

(Y/N): I know, but I can't hold myself. You know why I'm here. 

Piccolo: Frieza and Cell are here. I can sense them. 

Nail: Yeah, and you were still meditating while you sensed them. 

Kami: You could have gone along with Vegeta while you were at it. 

Piccolo: You both need to shut up! 

Pinkie: Who is he talking to?! 

(Y/N): Nail and Kami they live in his mind. 

Piccolo: Ugh, let's just get this over with. 

Piccolo takes off. 

Rarity: He seems a little grumpy. 

(Y/N): He's always like that. But he's also a good friend too. He just doesn't like showing it!! 

Meanwhile with Goku. 

Goku rounded up his best friend Krillin, the little guy's wife Android 18, and their old mentor Roshi, the dirty old turtle hermit. 


Android 18 


Goku: And that's why I need you guys there. 

Krillin: Hey, I'd do anything to help Goku! And I'll make sure that I won't die! 

18: You better not die on me. It's going to be hard to explain to Marron what happened to you. 

Krillin: I know. 

Roshi: Well, I was hoping to live more of my life in peace, but hey, this old fossil still has fight left in him!! Alright Goku, it'll feel good to fight with my favorite students. 

Goku: Great to hear!! Let's go!! 

With Bulma and Jaco. 

Bulma flew Jaco's ship over to the battle ground, which where Frieza's ship landed, near the canyon. 

Jaco: Would you be careful next time!!!!! I could have died there!!

Bulma: Look on the bright side, you didn't! 

Jaco: Be grateful that I am helping!! 

Soon enough right in front of them, were a whole bunch of Frieza warriors!!! 

Jaco: OH CRAP!! 

Frieza and his ally the bug android Cell stood on top of the ship. 

Cell: So when are they going to be here?! 

Frieza: Oh quite soon my friend. Just give it some time. 

Soon enough everyone shows up on the battlefield!! 

Frieza: I told you!! Looks like the Baby Seals have come!! 

(Y/N): Hey Frieza, it's time you stopped slaughtering innocent people!! 

Frieza: 92. 

Goku: You're evil has gone on for too long, it's time for you to pay!

Frieza: 355. 

Sunset: Uh, what are you- 

Frieza: Oh no please, go on don't mind me. 


Frieza: Huh, 419. 

Twilight: Okay seriously, what are you doing?! 

Frieza: Oh this is just a hobby of mine, I hear these heroic speeches a lot. So, I made a checklist of how many times I heard certain lines. 

Vegeta: Ugh, you bastard. 

Frieza: 190! 

(Y/N): Uh okay. How about .... "I'M GOING TO PUNCH YOUR FACE!!!" 

Frieza: (Chuckles) Oh my!! 12. 

(Y/N): UGH!! 

Frieza: Now then, men, you either face their wrath, or you die by my hands. 

Ginyu: Well you heard them men!! Go! 

(Y/N): Well here we go. 

Soon enough, everyone is fighting against Frieza's men, throwing punches and ki blasts everywhere!! 

Krillin: Alright then!! How about some of this!! Destructo Disk!! 

Krillin throws his energy disks slicing throw several grunts. 

18: You actually remembered to use that?! 

Krillin: I know!! It's awesome!

18: Focus honey!! 

Roshi continued to smack everyone with his cane, and punch through them. 

Frieza Grunt: This old man is too strong!!

Roshi: Never underestimate the elderly!!! Kamehameha!!!! 

Roshi buffed up and used his energy wave technique to continue damage!! 

Meanwhile, Piccolo and Gohan, Goku's son were fighting against Dodoria and Zarbon. 

Zarbon: Is that the best you can do?! You know for a filthy simian, you're average!

Gohan: I'm not the one who smells like body glitter. 


Dodoria: Hey forget about it Zarbon!! Why don't you use that move?! 

Zarbon: Oh right! 

Zarbon begins transforming  and turns into a beast version of himself!!

Zarbon: NOW DIE!! 

Gohan goes SSJ, and then uses his Masenko to distract both of them, then he knocks the two villains together, long enough for Piccolo to ready his attack. 

Piccolo: Ha, got you now!! Let's see you both dodge this!! Special Beam Cannon!! 

Nail and Kami: More like a drill cannon! 

The attack vaporizes both of them in an instant!!


With you, Goku, Vegeta, and the girls!! 

(Y/N): Alright Frieza, how about we settle this one to one?!

Frieza: Killing any filthy monkey is fine by me!


(Y/N): No, you and Goku take on Cell. Remember what he did to Trunks?! 

Vegeta: Right!!! 

Goku: Nice wordplay there. 

(Y/N): Thank you!! Girls, the Ginyu Force are all yours. 

Girls: Alright!!

Frieza: Fine then. Once I kill you. Goku, Vegeta, and those ladies are next!! Then all your other friends!! And then this entire planet!!

(Y/N): Keep talking bastard!! 

You fly off after him!! 

Cell: Perfect, I'd rather fight Gohan. But you two will work just fine! 

Vegeta: You'll be regretting that Cell! 

Goku: Alright bring it on!! 

They take off as well!! 

Ginyu: Alright men. You all have your orders!! Eliminate them!! 

Ginyu Force: RIGHT CAPTAIN!!! 

(Play from 0:02-1:26!)

Girls: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..........................................................

Twilight: Why do we get the weirdos?! 

Adagio: Better than nothing I guess. 

Ginyu: Ginyu Force attack!! 

Ginyu Force: Yes Captain!!!

With Bulma and Jaco!! 

Jaco used karate and his blaster to take down all of his attackers, all the while, Bulma just hid behind him!! 

Bulma: Would you watch where you fire!! You could hit me!!

Jaco: Alright, no need to be annoying! 



At that moment, Beerus and Whis appeared next to them. 

Beerus: So what did we miss?! 

Bulma: Beerus?! 

Beerus: Hello Bulma. Do you have any ice cream?! It looks like (Y/N) is going to fight. And I do love a good battle!!! 

Bulma: Yeah, I brought some just in case! 

Bulma takes out a huge sundae for the both of them! 


Whis: Not so fast Lord Beerus, that's for the both of us! 

Beerus: You're not my mother Whis!! 

Whis used a stern look at Beerus! 

Beerus: Right. I know!! 

Back with the girls!! 

Twilight, Sunset, and the Dazzlings were fighting Captain Ginyu, while Rarity fought Jeice, Rainbow fought Burter, Applejack fought Recoome, and Fluttershy and Pinkie fought Guldo. 

Pinkie used a bunch of random logic, including bubblegum bombs, and hammer to smash the little green frog man. Fluttershy just tried to avoid any psychic attacks!!

Pinkie: Fluttershy, what are you waiting for?! He's not that tough!! Don't drop your guard!! 

Guldo: Oh that's right. You don't want to. Keep up your guard and don't drop it, not even for an instant!

(Play from 0:09-0:010) 

Pinkie: Wait what are you?!

Pinkie: Going on about. 

Pinkie gets crushed by a steamroller!! 

Fluttershy: PINKIE NO!! 

Guldo: Did you see that?! That was a taste of my pow- 

Fluttershy punches Guldo knocking him out!!


Guldo: Ouch. 

Pinkie lifts the steamroller off of her. 

Pinkie: What was that?! 

Fluttershy: PINKIE!! YOU'RE ALIVE!! 

Flutters runs up and hugs her friend. 

Pinkie: Wow this guy was weak. Was that really supposed to hurt?! 

With Rainbow and Rarity. 

Rainbow: Come on Snake Man is that all you've got?! I can handle this!! 

Burter: Hey, you may be fast, but I'm still the fastest in the universe!! Hey Jeice now!! 

Jeice: On it mate how would you like some of- 

Rarity hits Jeice in the face. 


Rarity hits Jeice again. 

Rarity: If you would just stop talking and hit me I would. 

Jeice: Ow!! What did the captain tell us to do again?! 

Ginyu: (flashback) Jeice, if you ever find yourself being punched repeatedly in the face, always remember to-

Rarity cuts Jeice again with another hit. 


Rarity: Seriously are you going to dodge any of my attacks?

Jeice: Oh that's what the captain. 

Rarity hits Jeice again!! 


Burter: Well you've got very nice hair, you have a beautiful shade of red, and honestly, you're the only guy I actually trust on this team. 

Jeice: I MEANT ATTACK HER YOU DAMN BASTARD!! But thanks you know, that did really cheer me- 

Rarity hits him again. 

Jeice: I think you broke something that time. 

With Applejack! 

Recoome: Alright little lady!! Let's see if you can stand up to me!! The Unstoppable, Mighty, UNBELIEVABLE, RECOOOME!! 

Applejack just punches Recoome in the gut. 

Applejack: Sorry, you left yourself open in the guts, so I just attacked you. 

Recoome collapses. 

Applejack: Well that was easy!! 

With Twilight, Sunset, and the Dazzlings. 

The girls keep hitting Ginyu constantly, as if he is expecting them to! More and more magic blasts keep making the captain tired. 

Sunset: Is he planning this or something?! 

Aria: Dude, dodge or fight back. 

Twilight: What is up with you?! 

Ginyu: Oh you will see. Now then!! 

Ginyu moves upward and prepares his body switching technique. 

Ginyu: CHANGE!!! 

Twilight: Wait a minute. 

(Y/N): (flashback) Twilight, remember this, Captain Ginyu can change bodies with people. So, you need to find something else to make him be at a disadvantage!!

Twilight: I got it!! Girls, find something! He's going to take one of our bodies!!!

Sonata: Ooh I got it!! 

Sonata spots a frog and throws it into Ginyu's beam. 

Ginyu: NOT AGAIN!!! Ribbit!! Ribbit!! Ribbit! Croak. 

Adagio: Ah that was fun. 

Ginyu Force: Captain!! 

The Ginyu Force quickly grab their captain and they begin retreating, to parts unknown!!

Meanwhile, you, Goku, and Vegeta, who are all in SSJ God form, are fighting against Frieza and Cell!! 

Punches and ki blasts are exchanged a lot, and soon enough Frieza grows tired of this. 

Frieza: Alright, that's it!! Let's put an end to this!! 

Frieza begins powering up to maximum power! His skin has now turned golden!! 

(Y/N): What the?! 

Frieza: Surprised Monkey?! This is my new form, Golden Frieza!! I will obliterate you into nothing!! 

The battle intensified, and after a while, you were getting beaten down!!

Frieza: So monkey, what do you have to say?! 

(Y/N): I'm not scared of you, you race wiping, racist, lipstick wearing, self-centered, bastard!! BRING IT ON!!! I'LL KEEP FIGHTING YOU TILL I DIE!! AND I'LL MAKE SURE EVERYONE I CARE ABOUT SURVIVES!! 

You manage to keep up with Frieza, using all of your training techniques and skills. 


You punch Frieza again in the gut, causing him to cough up blood, you punch him over and over again, until he begins to tire out!! 

(Y/N): Not so tough now huh?! 


(Y/N): Not really fitting last words now huh?! Kamehameha!! 

You blast Frieza with a Kamehameha wave, and he is obliterated into nothing. 

Cell: Well crap this is bad. Sorry folks, but I have to go!! 

Cell uses instant transmission to escape!! 

Vegeta: Hey come back here you coward!! 

Goku: Let it go Vegeta, he's not worth it for now. 

Vegeta: Tch, fine!! 

(Y/N): Man that was rough. 

You fly over to the girls, who are looking tired from their fight. 

(Y/N): So, I was awesome wasn't I?! 

Rainbow: Way awesome!! 

Fluttershy: You were incredible!! 

Adagio: Dude, you have the moves alright. 

Aria: I could barely notice what you were doing!! 

Sonata: You're cute for an alien!! 

Sunset: (whisper to Twilight) Uh, should we do it now?! 

Twilight: I think so!! As Princess of Friendship, I think you deserve a reward. They all began kissing your face!! 

(Y/N): Uh girls, is there something wrong?! 

Rainbow: Dude, we all love you!! 

Applejack: Yeah, even if you are an alien, you're really nice, and hot too! 

Rarity: And we had a discussion while you were fighting out there. 

Pinkie: We want to share you!! 

Fluttershy: If it is okay with you. That is. Hopefully! 

(Y/N): Well this is actually really sudden. But you girls are so adorable, I can't say no!! So I guess I can go for it!! I'll accept all of you!! 

The girls all hug you in response!! 

Vegeta: You know, I would question how my brother was able to do this. But I think he can keep a relationship in check.

Goku: Considering you and Bulma Vegeta, I see that happening. 

Vegeta: What about you and your wife Kakarot. Not so peachy huh?! 

Goku: Uh, yeah ... sure. I hope Chi Chi doesn't kill me for being gone for so long. 

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