THANTOPHOBIA ① g.weasley

By TheUnknownBrokenGirl

1.1M 44.6K 35.8K

❝my papa always told me that you can't trust anybody, no matter what.❞ ❝why would he say that?❞ ❝his own love... More

year one: diagon alley
year one: off to hogwarts
year one: feasting
year one: greasy-haired potions
year one: remind me
year one: new quidditch recruit
year one: children out of bed
year one: feathers and bludgers
year one: troll in the dungeon
year one: first games
year one: christmas
year one: mirror of erised
year one: fist fights and howlers
year one: stutters
year one: dragons
year one: caught
year one: lost point days
year one: forbidden forest
year one: we have your back
year one: puzzles
year one: book of memories
year two: andromeda tonks
year two: rescue mission
year two: i got a secret
year two: lockhart the loser
year two: truth from cousins
year two: cornish pixies
year two: barfing slugs
year two: the voices
year two: a chamber of secrets
year two: crazy rogue bludger
year two: hufflepuffs and duelling clubs
year two: an angry father
year two: diaries of a teenage boy
year two: cancelled quidditch
year two: spiders
year two: fool and fraud
year two: tom marvolo riddle
year two: second kisses
year three: new addictions
year three: crookshanks the mini tiger
year three: black dogs
year three: they suck the emotion
year three: bitchy slytherins
year three: taking a hit for a cousin
year three: spottings
year three: boggarts
year three: cedric knows all
year three: big brothers
year three: 394
year three: dementors in the playing field
year three: godbrothers
year three: family is family
year three: letter from sirius orion black
year three: expecto patronum
year three: murderer fathers
year three: snape hates hope
year three: quidditch final
year three: sirius orion black
year three: truth is revealed
year three: free once more
year three: lupin-black household
year four: sneaking around
year four: ton-tongue toffees
year four: drama days
year four: quidditch world cup
year four: dangerous turns
year four: last days of summer
year four: triwizard tournament
year four: drama queen lee
year four: beauxbatons and durmstrang
year four: the four champions
year four: mean girls and best friends
year four: best friends split
year four: the first task
year four: love is in the air
year four: hope's truth
year four: the yule ball
year four: shaming articles
year four: the second task
year four: sirius and remus
year four: ivailo krum
year four: the prophecy
year four: the third task
year four: gone
year four: goodbye cedric diggory
little teeny tiny author's note

year one: birthdays

15.1K 637 523
By TheUnknownBrokenGirl


❛I think you might just be my new best friend.❜

December came quickly, and snow covered all of the grounds at Hogwarts. Within the last few weeks, the four Gryffindors had found a lot of information on Nicolas Flamel, Fluffy, and Professor Snape. With as busy as everyone was, no one seemed to notice that Hope's birthday was approaching.

Hope Lupin-Black woke up on the morning of December 14th, more cheerful than usual, she even got up early to read a new book on magical creatures. As she got out of bed, four letters sat on her desk. One from Remus, one from her Grandfather Lyall, one from Augusta Longbottom, and one from someone named Andromeda Tonks.

Leaving them on the desk for later, Hope walked downstairs to see Alfie Lupin-Black and Cormac McLaggen already waiting down there for her with a small cookie with a candle in the center. As they walked toward her they began to sing the muggle birthday song.

As they finished the song, Hope's smile widened. "This is very sweet, thank you, guys,"

"No problem, Hopie," Cormac smirked, making her narrow her eyes at Alfie for telling him her childhood nickname. "I hope you like the cookie, the house elves made it just for you."

"Call me 'Hopie' again, and I'll hit you so hard your grandchildren will feel it. But thank you, Cormac," she said, turning to her brother. "And thank you for starting my birthday off great, Alfie, really."

"Birthday?!" a voice exclaimed from behind them.

The three of them turned quickly to see Fred and George Weasley standing at the bottom of the stairs. The Lupin-Black girl ran forward, shaking her head. "Would you two shush?"

"Little Lupin, we didn't know it was your birthday."

"We must celebrate."

She only shook her head, placing both her hands over the third-year boys' mouths. "It isn't a big deal. Now, let's forget you heard anything and head down to breakfast, boys."

It seemed that most of Hogwarts had arrived at breakfast by eight in the morning, and every Gryffindor sitting at the table took notice of the unusual joy radiating off of Hope. Though, only five could tell the true reason.

Neville Longbottom took the seat next to Hope, smiling at her. "Happy Birthday, Hope. Still following your plan of keeping it on the low?"

"Sure am, but thank you, Nev," she replied. "I got your Grandmother's letter, though I haven't opened it yet, I'm saving it for later."

"Good, she said there should be a package arriving by lunchtime," explained Neville, a grin appearing on his face. "And I bet you can guess what it is."

The Lupin-Black girl's smile widened. "Macarons? Maybe even her famous raspberry creme macarons?"

Potions came around right after breakfast, much to Hope's dismay. She dreaded having to sit in the cold dungeon listening to the boring voice of Snape for two hours. And the fact that he always singled her and Harry out just made things worse.

"I do feel sorry," said Draco Malfoy, eyeing Harry as he walked by. "For those who have to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas because they're not wanted at home."

Harry seemed to just ignore the chuckles coming from Crabbe and Goyle, yet Hope's blood just continued to boil. The Potter boy grabbed ahold of her arm. "Hope, no."


"You're not going to cause a scene over this," he shook his head. "He's not worth it."

Potions was dreadful as usual, but since the Holidays were coming up Snape took the time to lecture them for two hours straight. After class, Hermione, Ron, Harry, and Hope walked down the dark chilly corridors of the Dungeon. Only to see Hagrid with a big fir tree coming around the corner.

"Hey, Hagrid, do you want any help?" asked Ron, sticking his head through the branches.

"Nah, I'm all right, thanks, Ron."

"Would you mind moving out of the way?" sneered Draco from behind them. "Are you trying to earn some extra money, Weasley? Hoping to become a groundskeeper yourself when you leave Hogwarts? I suppose that hut of Hagrid's must seem like a palace compared to what your family's used to—"

Hope dived forward, trying to hit the Malfoy boy just as Snape came around the corner. "Lupin!"

"She was provoked, Professor Snape," said Hagrid, as Ron pulled her off him. He stuck his head out from behind the tree, trying to see the Potions Professor. "Malfoy was insultin' Ron's family."

"Be that as it may, fighting is against Hogwarts rules, Hagrid." snapped Snape, glaring his eyes at the Lupin-Black girl. "Five points from Gryffindor, Lupin, and be grateful it isn't more. Move along, all of you."

The three Slytherin boys pushed roughly past the tree, shaking it and making the needles drop everywhere on the floor. As Draco Malfoy went to leave, he only smirked at the Gryffindors before running off.

"I'll get him," whispered Hope, cracking her knuckles against her hand. "One of these days, I'll get him—"

"I hate them both," Harry rolled his eyes, picking some needles off the floor. "Malfoy and Snape."

Ron looked over to the Lupin-Black girl with a thankful smile. "Thanks for defending me, Hope."


"Come on, cheer up, it's nearly Christmas," Hagrid beamed. "Tell yeh what, come with me an' see the Great Hall, looks a treat."

The four Gryffindor first-years followed Hagrid and his tree off to the Great Hall, where Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick were busy putting up all of the Christmas decorations.

"Ah, Hagrid," greeted McGonagall. "The last tree, put it in the far corner, would you?"

The hall looked breathtaking. Different types of holly and mistletoe were hung around the walls of the Great Hall, and twelve towering Christmas trees stood around the room, some sparkling with tiny icicles and lights, others glittering with what looked like hundreds of candles.

"How many days have you got left until yer holidays?" asked Hagrid.

"Just one," replied Hermione, before turning to her friends. "And that reminds me, Hope, Harry, Ron, we've got half an hour before lunch. We should be in the library."

"Oh yeah, you're right," realized Ron, tearing his eyes away from Professor Flitwick, who had golden bubbles blossoming out of his wand and putting themselves onto the branches of the new tree.

Hagrid followed them out of the hall, furrowing his brows as he questioned. "The library? Just before the holidays? Bit keen, aren't yeh?"

"Who do you think we are, Hagrid?" laughed Hope. "Ever since you mentioned Nicolas Flamel, we've been trying to figure out who he is."

"You what?" Hagrid looked shocked, only continuing to shake his head. "Listen here, I've told yeh to drop it. It's nothin' to you what that dog's guardin'."

Hermione Granger let out a sigh, speaking softly. "We just want to know who Nicolas Flamel is, that's all."

"Unless you'd like to tell us and save us the trouble?" suggested Harry, with a hopeful smile. "We must've been through hundreds of books already, and we can't find him anywhere. Just give us a hint, I know I've read his name somewhere."

"I'm sayin' nothin'," Hagrid spoke flatly, turning to go back to the Great Hall.

Ron Weasley looked at his three friends, looking more intrigued after Hagrid had acted like that over it. "I guess we'll just have to find out for ourselves, then."

"Hey, I'm going to find Alfie before lunch, cause I promised Fred and George I'd do something with them for lunch," Hope told her friends. "He leaves tomorrow for Christmas."

The Potter boy looked at her confused. "You're not going with him."

"No, it's a family thing. My Papa just needs me to stay here," she put on a convincing smile. "It's okay, though. I just wish any other day could've been the day before Christmas break."


"Well, it's my birthday—"

The three friends looked surprised beyond words, as they exclaimed. "Birthday?!"

"Yeah, it's no big deal," the Lupin-Black girl shrugged her shoulders. "I'll catch up with you after lunch, and don't go telling everyone it's my birthday. It's not a big deal."

As Hope Lupin-Black wandered around Hogwarts looking for her brother or the Weasley twins, she stumbled upon the icy Quidditch pitch. With Christmas coming up, there were no practices or hardly even people out there.

The young first-year sat there shivering in the winter air but admired the beauty of the snow that covered the ground. She thought about the different plays they used that made Gryffindor amazing, wishing she was in a game. Hope sat alone until a light-haired pretty boy from Hufflepuff wandered over to her.

"You look freezing," he commented, taking the seat next to her. He looked down at her barely covered arms. "Don't you know that you should wear a jacket when it snows?"

She looked down, laughing at herself. "I suppose I forgot that."

"Here," the Hufflepuff boy took off one of his jackets. "It's a good thing I wear two."

"Thank you—" Hope began to say.

"Cedric," he introduced himself with a smile. "Cedric Diggory."

"Thank you, Cedric." she returned the smile, shaking the hand that he held out. "I'm Hope, Hope Lupin. I'm from Gryffindor."

Cedric's eyes widened at the mention of her last name. "Lupin? Like the expert on Boggarts?"

"That's my Grandfather, Lyall," she explained, shrugging her shoulders. "Trust me, he can go on for hours about Boggarts, Poltergeists, any dark creature really."

The Diggory boy's jaw dropped, as he spoke. "That's amazing, I wish my dad or anyone in my family would do something interesting like that."

Hope shook her head, trying to comfort her new friend. "I'm sure your dad does something cool."

"Not really," Cedric denied. "He's mostly against magical creatures, but I think he needs to open up. Maybe he could see the good in all creatures. Most of them don't mean harm, they are just misunderstood."

"Everyone just thinks creatures are born to be cruel all hours of the day," she seethed. "Like werewolves, like really it's not their fault. Some are born into it, some are bitten, but just because they're deadly one night out of the month, doesn't mean they can't be a loving human every other day."

"I think you may just be my new best friend, Hope," his smile widened. "No one has understood these things like you before."

"Same for you, Cedric."

Later in the night, Hope Lupin-Black sat at her desk eating the amazing raspberry macarons as she opened letter after letter. Though the one letter that stood out was from Andromeda Tonks. She set down her snack and picked it up.

Dear Hope James Lupin-Black.

I wanted to wish you the happiest birthdays, my dearest cousin. You may be the only one of us Black heirs to turn out great. Your father wanted me to tell you he says happy birthday, as well as from us. Me, my husband Ted, and daughter Nymhadora wish you the best birthday as well.

I know you may be curious as to who I am, but I'm your father's first cousin, Andromeda Tonks. I know you've been told not to talk to us, but I wish for you to know you can. Sirius wishes for me to tell you how much he misses you and hopes you are well.

In the bag are some sugar quills and jewelry, I had Dora help me pick them out so I hope you like them. If you need anything, I am an owl away. Us Black women have to stay together throughout anything. If we were not able to meet anywhere, you are heir to your Grandmother Walburga's old home. Which is for your use at any time.

Happiest of birthday's Hope,

Andromeda Tonks

rewritten 08/10/2022

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