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"Shush! Don't tell anyone!" Shay is a young woman whose stuck in a toxic abusive relationship with a crazy m... More

Part 1❤️
Part 2❤️
Part 3❤️
Part 4❤️
Part 5❤️
Part 6❤️
Part 7❤️
Part 8❤️
Part 9❤️
Part 10❤️
Part 12❤️
Part 13❤️
Part 14❤️
Part 15❤️
Part 16❤️
Part 17❤️
Part 18❤️
Part 19❤️
Part 20❤️
Part 21❤️
Part 22❤️
Part 23❤️
Part 24❤️
Part 25❤️
Part 27❤️
Part 28❤️
Part 29❤️
Part 30❤️
Part 31❤️
Part 32❤️
Part 33❤️
Part title
dont beat my ass 🥲

Part 26❤️

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I woke up to the sound of laughter and Tay's loud mouth ranting about something unimportant.

Slowly, I forced my eyes to open and adjust to the new light. Looking down, I noticed I was wrapped in a big blanket and I had two pillows underneath my head.

"Oh, look whose finally up!" Tay said, stopping midway in his sentence as he looked me up and down in disapproval.

"What are you looking at me like that for?" I laughed as I stretched my arms and legs, doing a little shake.

"I don't know..I'm just, disappointed.." He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"For what?" I questioned.

"Shay, please don't mind his ass. He's been saying he's disappointed in everyone and don't even have a reason" Misha shouted from the kitchen.

He smacked his lips and placed his hands on his hips... "Liar!"

"Before y'all even start arguing...I'm about to go home" I interrupted and stood up.

"For what?" They both said.

"Lucas hasn't came out the damn room yet, she always trying to hit me. And I can't be a crackhead by myself! Shay you gotta stay!" Tay pleaded.

"You get hit because you do dumb, irresponsible things Tay, and seriously, why are you leaving?" Misha sighed, coming out the kitchen.

Now that Tay had said it, I noticed Lucas wasn't in the room, once again.

Was what I said that bad?

Nah, he's just being dramatic.

I even tried to apologize..He's just a little hurt, he'll get over it.

"For one, I need to brush my teeth and I need clothes so I can shower." I insisted as I started to neatly fold my blanket.

"Oh just ask Lucas for a toothbrush, he's got a lot of spare ones. And we'll go get you some clothes, we've got to stop by the house anyways." Misha argued, grabbing her keys off the counter.

"And maybe call Mason on the phone while we're gone for some company?" She smirked and wiggles her eyebrows.

"Hell naw, fuck his country ass! Team Lucas! Team Lucas! Team Lucas!" Tay chanted, pumping his fist in the air.

"Bring your slow ass out the door." Misha rolled her eyes and marched ahead of Tay.

"Misha you think I should get a shirt made saying 'Lushay'? On the back with a picture of them on the front?"He asked.

"What the fuck does that even mean?"

"Lucas and Shay mixed together!" He gasped dramatically as they exited the house.

Lord help that boy.

So..I was now alone in the house with Lucas. I'm Pretty sure disaster was bound to happen.. Let's just hope he stays in the room until they get back

Sighing, I grabbed the now folded blanket, tossing the two pillows on top with my free hand, and began walking towards the closet to put them away.

"Need some help?" A deep voice asked from the back of the hall, startling me.

Before I knew it, Lucas and had took everything out if my hand was putting it in the closet.

"Thanks." I mumbled awkwardly.

"Your welcome.." He stated calmly and walked around me to the kitchen. "Want something?" He asked from in front of me as I stood there froze.


I meant to say it in a confident tone be it came out in a unsure and wobbly squeak.

"You okay?" He asked scrunching up his eyebrows.

I thought quickly for a response.

I could lie and say I was fine, or I could be completely honest. which is what I preferred..

"No, actually.. I'm not." I blurted out in a hurry.

He relaxed his face and leaned back on the counter. Now that he was further away, I could see what he was wearing.

All he had on was red basketball shorts.. he was topless, allowing me to see every muscle he had from his waist up. And lord, it was a good sight..

"Well what's wrong?" He asked, interrupting my small daydream.

"To be honest Lucas, I don't not get you." I sighed nervously, walking in the kitchen.

"What don't you get, Shayla?" He smirked, tilting his head to the side.

Now he was confusing me once again..I was starting to think he liked doing that.

"I don't get what game your suppose to be playing.. you were just mad at me and now your not." I scoffed.

"Who said I wasn't mad?" He raised an eyebrow and shrugged.

"So you are!"

"I didn't say that either."

Completely puzzled now, I didn't know what to do.

"Oh, and I forgive you Shay." He chuckled, walking around me to the pantry.

"Right." I mumbled.

He laughed as he grabbed a bag of chips.

"What's funny?" I asked, now getting irritated.

"You. Your overthinking it.. I said I forgive you and yet you still don't believe me."

"Because your lying!" I groaned in annoyance.

"Okay, if you wanna say I'm lying, then I'm lying. Cool?"

I chewed on my lip and closed my eyes tightly.

"Whatever, you win! Can you give me a toothbrush so I can brush my teeth and leave?"

"It's in the bathroom inside the drawer." He instructed as he opened the fridge to get a water bottle.

I shook my head and quickly exited the kitchen.

If I was suppose have a good day today, it was definitely ruined..All because if Lucas's confusing mind games

I got to the restroom in absolutely no time since it was right down the hall, and started to brush my teeth. I made sure to do it slowly so I could take up more time, I really didn't want to see Lucas.

His games were tiring.. If he seriously like me and no games were being played, then I could openly say I liked him too. But with him always switching up his emotions, it made me feel like he was bound to break my heart or play me. And I wasn't looking for another person like that.

All I wanted to do was go home to my brother and live the life I was kept away from. Not be in my kidnappers house who I could possibly have feelings for.

I rinsed my mouth out and put the spare toothbrush away.

Going back into the living room, I saw Lucas was still there. He was typing away at his phone with a look of determination. Whatever it was, it wasn't my business anymore so I didn't want to involve my self in it

I sat silently on the couch and watched tv..Trying to mind my own business.

"Tay said they're making an extra stop so they won't be back until later." He mumbled, not looking up from his phone.

"Oh." I secretly rolled my eyes.

"What's your problem?" He asked, walking over where I was, putting his phone away. "You still think I'm mad at you?" He chuckled.

"I don't care about you being and at me."

"Really? Your attitude telling me different."

I scoffed and brought my knees up to my chest, deciding not to answer him.

"How you want me to prove it to you?" He insisted, stepping a bit closer to me.

"You don't have to prove anyth-"

He interrupted my sentence by grabbing my neck tightly and pressed his lips against mines.

My head instantly went nuts and I just sat there froze. Do I kiss him back? He could be just tricking me once again..

"Oh well.."

I Did what my gut wanted me to do and I kissed him back..
Dragging the heavy body away from the lonely ally, i made a mental note to clean up the trail of blood that was leaking from a hole somewhere in the bag.

I groaned in annoyance as I watched the ruby red liquid spread out into the cement. Luckily, no one had passed by or went down this ally.

I grunted heavily as I heaved the bag up and into the dumpster.

Lucas thought he could have easily got rid of me, little does he know, he never could. No matter how hard he tried.

The person he sent was a dumbass.. easy to fool.

When I woke up, somehow I was on a plane. How did I get there? I don't know. What I did know was that Lucas had something to do with it.

Clearly this was deeper than Mylow.

He was after me for something much more valuable to me. And I knew what.

It was actually hilarious that he thought he could have Shay.

Back to what I was saying earlier, the person he sent was easily convinced with a few offers of cash. Sadly he won't be able to get it, he'll be in a dumpster instead.

I chuckled softly to myself once I tossed his body completely inside.

This was just a setback, if Lucas wanted me dead, he needed to do it himself of else I'll keep coming back until Shays mines and he is no longer alive.

"HEY! Put your hands above your head and step away from the dumpster!" A forceful voice announced as I heard the sound of a gun click

I stopped and held my hands up, slowly backing away.

"What's in there?" He questioned from behind me.

I laughed lowly and shook my head.

"I said what's in there you son of a bitch!!"

Next thing I knew, I was thrown against a rusty gate with my face pushed deep into it.

"Spread your legs!"

I smiled and did as told. He didn't know what he was dealing with...It was so funny that people thought they have a upper hand on me..

He started to pat all the way from my legs up to my chest, stopping when he go to my waist.

"You got a license for this?" The officer asked, pulling out my gun .

In one swift movement, I turned around and punched him as hard as I could on the side of his neck.

Like I knew, he blacked out in an instant due to the fact that I punched him in a nerve.

Now I had extra shit to deal with, I didn't need the police on my ass.

"Get rid of the body..Nobody will ever know he's missing."

"No, frame it on somebody else!"

"Don't listen to those dumb asses, make him work for you! You'll get more information then you ever will."

I sighed and shook my head. I was gonna do it my own way..

I grabbed the bottle of lighter fluid that I brought with me and and opened it.

Next I picked up the unconscious officer and tossed him in the dumpster as well.

I squirted the flammable liquid all over the trash and the bodies, making sure every drop was getting put to use.

Taking out a match, I scratched it aginst it's container and watched as the small stick glow with heat.

It was funny how this little flame was about to make such a big explosion.

I chuckled lightly and threw it. In less than two seconds the whole ally was now lit up by the steamy heat of the burning dumpster.

Now the only thing I had to do was get Lucas out of the way.. Evrything else will fall into place by itself...

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