𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 ↠ the 100...

Af wtrmellonsugar

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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷┊ 𝗙 𝗘 𝗔 𝗥 𝗟 𝗘 𝗦 𝗦 ❁ཻུ۪۪ ━ 𝒂𝒅𝒋𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆 /ˈfɪr.ləs/ 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘯𝘰 𝘧𝘦𝘢𝘳 : 𝘢 𝘧... Mere

𝖠𝖼𝗍 𝗈𝗇𝖾
𝖠𝖼𝗍 𝗍𝗐𝗈
𝖠𝖼𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝗋𝖾𝖾
𝖠𝖼𝗍 𝖿𝗈𝗎𝗋


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Af wtrmellonsugar

"So, we're just going to abandon them?"



The morning sun broke through the cracks in the canopy of trees above, lighting up the dirt path ahead of Reyna, decorated with outgrown roots, wildflowers and fallen leaves that crunched beneath her feet.

Outside the wall the world was still, a stark contrast to the flurry of activity on the other side. No sign of a grounder attack presented in the stillness of the forest, the peace only deterred by an occasional waft of wind.

The bomb had delayed their plans, and from Jasper's only a few grounders had been affected. And it was because of that fact that fear clutched at Reyna's heart. It had since the moment she'd heard they would detonate a bomb.

All night she'd spent tossing and turning, unable to sleep. Thoughts of Darius kept her up, left her mind in a whirlwind of worry and dread. Her head raced with conflicting emotions, torn between her loyalty to her people and her love for Darius, the man fighting on the other side.

The deafening silence weighed heavily on her, suffocating her with its uncertainty. Her hands trembled, her breath caught in her throat, as she whispered his name into the emptiness.

And then, amidst the bleakness of the surroundings, a glimmer of color caught Reyna's attention. Woven in one of the trees was a delicate purple flower. Her heart skipped a beat as she picked it up, cradling it gently in her palm.

Tears welled up in Reyna's eyes, a mixture of relief and anguish flooding her. The presence of the flower meant that Darius had survived, that he was still out there, fighting. In that moment, the weight of their opposing sides faded away, overshadowed by the comfort this little plant had brought her.

With newfound determination, Reyna clutched the flower close to her heart, a symbol of hope and a reminder of their unwavering connection. She knew that she had to find him, to assure herself that he was safe. Her allegiance might lie with her people, but her heart was entwined with Darius, and she couldn't bear the thought of losing him.

Another glimpse of purple caught her eye and as she neared it she saw more of them, all entangled on the tree trunks. The flowers guided her toward to a lake they'd trained before, toward him.

He stood with his back turned to her, still clad in the clothes he'd worn the night before. His sword by his feet, his bag discarded on the grass.

The weight disappeared from Reyna's chest, lifted by the sight of him standing there.

He turned around and Reyna's steps faltered for a moment before she rushed towards him. Tears streamed down her face as she reached out, her trembling hands finding his, as if to reassure herself that he was truly there, alive and breathing.

"Darius," she whispered, her voice filled with a blend of anguish and joy. Darius's gaze softened, his own eyes shimmering with emotions that mirrored her own. He reached out, gently taking the flower from her, his touch a reassurance that they were still together, despite the forces that sought to tear them apart.

His eyes, tired yet filled with a profound tenderness, locked onto hers. "I'm here, Reyna," he replied, his voice laced with a mix of weariness and determination.

Reyna's arms wrapped tightly around Darius, her fears and anxieties melting away in the warmth of his presence. His scent filled her senses, and she could feel the steady beat of his heart against her chest. It was a tangible reassurance that he was here, alive and safe in her embrace.

Tears welled up in Reyna's eyes again, a mixture of relief and pent-up emotions cascading down her cheeks. She held onto him as if she could never let go, as if by holding him tightly enough, she could protect him from any harm that might come his way.

Darius's arms encircled her in return, pulling her closer, as if seeking solace in her presence just as much as she sought it in his. They stood there, holding each other, in a silent understanding of the weight they had carried through the night.

Time seemed to stand still as they clung to each other, their breathing slowly synchronizing, their heartbeats merging into a steady rhythm. It was a moment of sanctuary amidst the chaos of their lives, a brief respite from the trials they faced.

When she pulled away and took in Darius, she smiled. His warm fingers traced her cheeks, caressing her skin and slowing down her stream of tears.

Without a word, their lips gravitated towards each other, their breaths mingling in the space between them. In that fleeting moment, time stood still as their mouths met in a gentle, yet passionate kiss. Reyna got lost in that kiss. The world around faded into insignificance, all worries she'd had overshadowed by the feel of him there.

When they finally pulled apart, their foreheads rested against each other. But as the weight of their shared moment settled, Darius's gaze turned somber, and a sense of urgency colored his voice. "Reyna," he began, his tone filled with a mix of regret and determination, "I need to tell you something."

Reyna's brows furrowed in concern, sensing the gravity of his words. She tightened her grip on him, silently urging him to continue.

"There are plans in motion," Darius confessed, his voice heavy with conflict. "My people... they're preparing to attack yours."

Shock washed over Reyna as she absorbed his revelation. The reality of their circumstances crashed upon her, threatening to shatter the fragile peace they had found in each other's arms. Fear mingled with heartache, tearing at her soul as she grappled with the impossible choices before them, "When?"

"Maybe tomorrow or in two days, that's why I'm here, I needed to visit my village and gather the warriors from there." He replied.

"So you'll leave again?" She asked, not hiding the sadness visible on her expression.

"I have to go, but trust me I'd rather stay with you." He said honestly and she nodded. "You know how to take care of yourself, Reyna, I don't doubt that. You will fight through this war."

His words struck her deep. She'd been training ever since she'd landed on Earth, yet she wasn't entirely sure she could handle this war.

"Promise me." Darius whispered, "Promise  that you will stay safe, that you'll protect yourself and your people."

Reyna nodded, her heart heavy with the weight of their impending separation. "I promise," she whispered back, her voice filled with both love and sorrow.

Darius pulled her in for another kiss. It was a fleeting one, hurried and short, but Reyna held onto him for as long as she could. And when Darius gazed down on her when they parted his eyes held a mix of pride and solace, despite the storm brewing ahead.

"Oso na hit op nodotaim. Ai get in em." (We will meet again. I know it.) Darius kissed her forehead and took a step back.

As his touch disappeared the world became cold yet again, even more so as he picked up his bag and his sword.

"Leidon, Darius kom Trikru." (Goodbye Darius of the Tree Peopel.) Reyna whispered, though he heard her loud and clear.

His lips turned up into a one last smile before he turned around, walking away from the clearing and vanishing into the forest.

A tear trickled down Reyna's cheek as she stood there. It seemed moving from that spot wasn't an option yet. She kept hoping he would appear from the thicket again, just so she could hold him a minute longer.

But he never did.

Still, she stood there in the clearing. Eyes focused on the lake ahead. She could remember all the times they'd trained there together. She never guessed she'd be bidding him farewell in the same spot so soon.

She didn't know when Darius would be back, she just knew that when he did, he'd be with the army of grounders that intended to wipe out her camp.

With one last glance at the path he'd taken to leave, Reyna retreated back into the woods as well.

The flowers he'd placed were still in their place, and she realized then that he'd taken the one she'd brought to him. So Reyna reached for another one. She'd hold onto it until she saw him again.

She followed the trail of flowers back to camp, like little lights guiding her home, and once there, her eyes set upon Bellamy.

He stood outside the gate with a rifle in his hands. When he noticed movement, his eyes widened in alarm, but as they landed on her there was more anger than anything else.

"Where the hell were you?" Bellamy marched toward her, his pace suggesting just how frustrated he was.

Reyna just shook her head, pushing past Bellamy. If there was anything she didn't need now, it was him pestering her.

"Reyna." His hand was around her arm, pulling her back to face him, "Where were you?" He asked, his voice softer now.

"I think it's better that you don't know." Reyna gripped the flower tighter, reminding herself to remain calm.

"I'm sick of this, Reyna." Bellamy said through gritted teeth, "The grounders could attack us any minute and you're out here wandering around the woods."

Reyna scoffed, "They won't attack us just yet. But be prepared because they're coming."

"How do you know?"

"You know the bomb didn't scare them off for good." Reyna told him, "They'll retaliate. They're sending even more warriors now."

"Do you know Lincoln too?" Bellamy asked and a look of confusion flashed across Reyna's face.

"I do know Lincoln."

"And he told you this?"

"Another friend of mine did."

Bellamy ground his jaw, his eyes blazing with anger as he regarded her, "That's the reason you leave camp so often?" At her lack of response he continued, "Where you got the sword and the notebook?"

Reyna knew he wasn't pleased with her and what she'd been lying about the entire time, but frankly Reyna didn't care. She knew what he thought of the grounders - what everyone thought of them - and telling him earlier was not an option, "We've got bigger things to worry about." She scoffed, "Like how we're going to defend ourselves."

Even though Bellamy looked like he'd much rather get answers to his questions, he didn't pry any further. With one clench of his jaw he gave her a glare and sighed, "Jasper thinks he can cook up some more gunpowder if he gets some sulfur, and Raven says she can turn that into landmines. So be careful where you step."

"We'll need a whole lot of them if we want to slow the grounders down." At best they would be able to make a dozen bombs, but that wouldn't be nearly enough. Not when they had no idea how big the grounder army was.

"What I really need is a thousand more of her tin can bombs so I can roll into their village and blow those Grounders to hell. That's what they want to do to us." Bellamy told her.

"Can't believe we survived a hundred years just so we could slaughter each other. There has to be another way." Reyna wondered and looked at Bellamy but he looked down, "War can't be our only choice."

Even if they somehow came out victorious from this war, the consequences would still be enormous. People would die, their people and grounders alike. Her mind went straight to Darius. If by some chance he got harmed, she'd never forgive herself. If she could stop this war, she'd do it, but now it didn't seem likely.

They were too far gone.

"It's the only choice we have left." Bellamy told her.

"I don't want to fight a war." Reyna said quietly, "I know how to fight but most of the others don't." She raised her head, "We'll lose so many lives, even with our guns and mines."

"That's war, Reyna." Bellamy answered, "You can't think like that. You can't give up. Not now."

All her life she'd wanted to learn to fight. Now she knew and though she enjoyed it, but she didn't want to put all her hard work and training towards violence. She thought she'd make a formidable warrior, just like Darius had said. But how good could she be if even the thought of killing another person made her stomach twist and turn, "Maybe I'm not strong enough."

"You are strong enough, Reyna." When Bellamy responded she realized she'd said it out loud, "Believe me when I say it."

"Thanks, Blake." Reyna patted his shoulder as she started moving towards camp.

"Any word from the Ark?" He questioned after a second and she shook her head.

"Radio silence." She responded and he sighed.

"Finally ran out of air." Bellamy muttered and she looked up at the cloudy sky.

"Yeah." She whispered. Up above, her former home floated still, abandoned and deserted. "No one is coming down to save us. We're on our own."

"We have each other now." He told her, "We've survived this long on our own, we don't need them anymore."

"Yeah, you're right."

Clarke and Bellamy had proven they were their leaders. They would figure out a way to get through this. Reyna would help however she could. She'd go to any length, fight any war, to make sure her friends and the 100 were safe. She had to.

"Are you going to forgive me now?" Bellamy asked with slight smile playing in his lips.

"I don't know, I'm still thinking about it." She said, a corner of her mouth quirking up.

"Come on, Reyna." He groaned. "We might die sometime soon."

"Fine." She huffed. "I forgive you, but if you piss me off one more time, you're gonna regret it, Bellamy."

"I don't doubt it."

"Farewell, Blake. I have work to do."


Work included hanging meat in the smokehouse. And though Reyna didn't find it pleasant, she suffered through. Camp was in utter chaos. People on edge and irritated, the fear of the grounders making everyone jumpy. Octavia was by her side, sweaty with the heat in the cramped space. The only other people were Murphy and another delinquent named Del. The latter started throwing more wood into the fire, making it almost touch the ceiling with how big it grew.

"You don't want the fire too big. So maybe just try to knock it down with some wet leaves." Octavia told him, her voice nothing short of polite.

"And you should remove some of the wood, the fire needs to breathe in order to stay up." Reyna added.

Del, instead of taking their advice, or at least nodding, shot them both a glare, "You get that from your boyfriends, Grounder-pounders?"

"If you call either one of us by that one more time I'll take the dagger my boyfriend gave me and cut your tongue off." Reyna threatend Del who was about to say something when Murphy stepped between the two of them.

"They're both right. A hot fire is not gonna preserve the meat as well and it isn't gonna stay up if there's too much wood over it." Murphy, surprisingly, was trying to stop this fight before it got serious. Reyna had to hide her shock.

"You can't take the heat, get out of the smokehouse. You should be kissing our asses for being allowed back in this camp. Just keep working." Del said and walked out of the smokehouse.

"What a dick." Reyna muttered and Octavia huffed in response.

"Bellamy couldn't get you two a better job? Would think anything would be better than working in the meat furnace." Murphy spoke and Octavia shook her head.

"Oh, probably. That just means someone else would have to do it." Octavia replied.

They continued hanging the meat and the fire kept getting bigger. Reyna kept an eye on it, trying to calm it down. But that soon proved impossible as the fire caught on the ceiling. There was no water in sight, and Reyna could do nothing as the fire spread everywhere. Smoke surrounded them, suffocating and almost black. It filled Reyna's lungs, and she grabbed at her chest as coughs tore from her throat. In all the ruckus, she felt a hand wrap around her own, pulling her toward the exit.

"Are you two okay?" Bellamy asked as they came out.

And to deeper her former shock, it was Murphy who had led both Reyna and Octavia out of the smokehouse. But he was gone in an instant, charging towards Del with anger written all over his face, "This is all your fault! We told you it was too much wood." Nobody could react before Murphy's fist collided with Del's face. Once the boy was on the ground, Murphy didn't waste a second to attack him again.

"Get the hell away from me." Del shouted and roughly shoved Murphy back.

Bellamy moved towards them, followed by Reyna. Both grabbed Murphy's jacket, forcing him off Del, "Save it for the Grounders." Bellamy saidz

"Don't waste your energy on guys like that." Reyna told Murphy, "It's pointless."

"He deserved it." Murphy shrugged and she chuckled.

"Well, that I can agree with."

"That was all the food. What the hell are we gonna do now?" Octavia glanced around with concerned eyes.


From the top of the dropship Reyna could see far away from their camp. The tree tops and the branches, and beyond them the mountains. Tall, massive hills that surrounded them whole, and Reyna had to wonder what was on the other side.

"How long do you think it would take us to climb to the top?" Reyna asked Monty, Jasper and Octavia.

They'd all agreed to Reyna's crazy idea of climbing to the top of the ship and now the group sat very close together to prevent themselves from falling over.

"Days." Jasper shook his head, as if the idea of taking a trek that long seemed impossible to him.

"Months." Octavia added, her eyes squinted, focused on the faraway mountain tops.

"It's up for debate if we would even make it there." Monty said, "We don't know how difficult the trek would be or what we'd face on the way there-"

"Don't ruin it with facts, Monty." Jasper cut him off, earning a chuckle of agreement from Octavia, "We know the chances of the four of us ever climbing a mountain that high are slim."

Reyna sat up straighter, glancing at her friends with a smile, "Let's say, someday, we do make it there, what would we do?"

"Build our own community, just the four of us." Jasper smiled, his teeth shining, "We'd have a bar, with all different kinds of drinks and the comfiest beds in the whole world."

That was unachievable, they all knew it, but they laughed nonetheless, adding on to the idea of making a better life for themselves.  Monty had a profound plan for growing the plants, and preserving their food. Jasper went on about his idea of making a bar. Octavia suggested they build an armory, and Reyna revealed her grand idea of having the largest library ever seen. By the end of the conversation, they'd imagined a whole entire world in detail. A life atop a mountain, away from the conflict and war of the rest of the population. Days full of peace, and no danger at their heels.

Only the four of them, at their own little corner at the end of the world.

"Reyna would teach me how to fight." Octavia told them, "Then the two of us would hunt the animals and bring them back to Monty, who would store them wisely. Then at the end of the day we'd all have a drink at Jasper's."

"Ohh, I like that." Monty perked up, " 'At Jasper's'. Sounds like the real deal."

"It is, my friend." Jasper smirked, "Best drinks in town, served by the one and only Jasper Jordan."

Reyna glanced at Monty, "He'd make the moonshine though."

For a bit Jasper and Monty discussed the menu at the bar, but the conversation quickly turned to who'd be allowed to visit it.

"Bellamy could come." Octavia chuckled, "But under the condition that he would keep his bullshit under lock while there."

"I'm down for that." Reyna nodded, "He could even live with us if he behaves."

Octavia scoffed, "Unlikely." She leaned in close to Reyna, "He'd probably try to take charge, start up a revolution or something."

"Just the four of us, then." Monty grinned, "Living in comfort and drowning in booze."

"That's what I'm talking about." Jasper gave him a high five.

"One day we'll make it there." Reyna smiled, gazing at the mountain. Maybe they wouldn't make it to the top of the world, but the life they dreamed of would be their reality someday.

"Promise?" Jasper asked.

Reyna looked at him, her eyes glinting with the thought of the same idyllic vision as the rest of her friends, "I promise."

"Hey!" Bellamy called from down below, "You guys going hunting or what?"

Bellamy and Clarke had decided that they would send out delinquents to go hunt for food. And as much as Reyna didn't feel like leaving the small moment of peace she'd found, she had to get her swords and daggers to help with the hunt. After she got ready in her tent, she was met with an almost empty camp. Some groups had already gone, while others were exiting the gate.

The only rule was that a gunner had to be with each group. No one was to leave without one in their group with them, but as Reyna scanned around she didn't see one person carrying a gun.

"Everyone already left."

Reyna almost startled to find Murphy beside her. She hadn't heard him approach, hadn't even seen him, "You see Octavia anywhere?"

"Just like I said, everyone already left."

Reyna sighed. If the situation had been any different, she wouldn't have cared. She would've just found Darius and went with him. He was a far better hunter than anyone in camp by a good length. But he was gone now, off to his village to prepare for war, "You wanna come with me?"

Murphy's eyes widened for a second, but a chuckle left his lips a moment later, "And why would I wanna do that?"

Reyna remembered the last time they went hunting. How eager Murphy had been to join, only to be denied by Bellamy, "You didn't go with us last time. Maybe I can teach you a few things."

Murphy stayed silent, his body stiff. He didn't indicate that he would go with any of his movements, until a couple moments later he nodded, "Fine." His voice was quiet, as if he was embarrassed with his own answer.

Murphy still wasn't allowed to carry a gun, so Reyna took one in his stead while he grabbed two spears. Then they were on their way.

Dusk was nearing. The sky turning into a beautiful shade of dark blue. Wind coursed through the air, sending leaves flying in its wake. They crunched under Murphy's boots as he walked. Reyna was more careful about her steps, having learned from Darius that even the slightest sound could scare animals away.

Her eyes kept straying toward Murphy. Cuts and bruises still littered his face, a temporary- maybe even a permanent- reminder of what he'd been through at the hands of the grounders.

Reyna knew they'd made a mistake that night when they'd hanged him. She wished she could go back and change the course that situation took. Who knows? Maybe things would've turned out differently.

If they hadn't banished Murphy, the virus would've never gotten to their camp. She shook off that thought as soon as it surfaced. Dwelling on the what ifs never did any good.

Reaching a hand into her pocket, Reyna pulled out one of the daggers Darius had given her, "You should take this." She offered it to Murphy, "It's way sharper than the knives they make back at camp."

Murphy glanced over the weapon, then scanned over her face, and he took the knife with a grateful nod of his head.

It was silent for another couple of moments before Murphy said, "So, grounder-pounder, your boyfriend tell you where we can find some food?"

Reyna rolled her eyes, though a small smile fought it's way to her lips, "I was actually thinking we could go catch some fish." When she glanced at him she found him already looking at her, "There's a river nearby."

"And how would we catch fish?"

"You've got two spears. Do the math."

"I always sucked at math."

"Thankfully, I didn't." Reyna shrugged, "So just do as I say and we'll be good."

The way to the river wasn't exactly short. They weaved through various paths and ducked under short branches on the way there, even getting scraped by an occasional sharp one. Murphy complained about her not knowing where she was going a number of times, but Reyna always shut him up with a glare. She could feel him stealing glimpses at her every now and then, as if he had something to say but couldn't get the words out.

She chose not to inquire about it until he spoke up. And that took almost fifteen minutes. They were inching closer to the river when he asked, "So what's the story with you and your grounder?"

Reyna furrowed her eyebrows. She glanced at him, saw him looking at her intently. There was something like hate swimming in his eyes and it took her a moment to realize that while Darius had been kind to her, the grounders that had captured Murphy hadn't shown him any empathy, "How do you even know about that?"

"People talk at camp." Murphy said, "I have ears."

"Just because they talk doesn't mean it's true."

"Is it?"

Reyna stayed silent. She didn't want to say yes. Murphy hated them just the same as everyone else, if not even more. Saying that she was close to an enemy who'd harmed him wasn't something she wanted. He didn't know Darius. To him, he was just like the rest of them. An animal. Savage. Ruthless.

Her silence must've given him an answer, for he nodded quietly. He might've asked more, but they emerged into a small clearing. And ahead of it flowed the river Reyna had mentioned.

"So you do know where you're going." Murphy smirked.

"Very stupid of you to doubt me."

"Hey, look at the bright side." Murphy nudged her side, "It's better to be underestimated than overestimated."

She supposed that was true. She'd rather someone have lower expectations for her than high. Disappointing people was never easy.

Reyna discarded her gun, grabbed one of the spears from Murphy and explained to him how they would catch the fish.

And as she dipped her feet in the river she hissed. The icy water soaked through her pants, bit at her skin and left goosebumps travelling over her body. Murphy cursed as he stepped in, jumped from one foot to the other as he tried to get used to the temperature.

When Reyna laughed he sent her a glare and she was forced to mind her business. And she did. Stalking off a bit further, Reyna's eyes darted over the lake, trying to spot fish under the surface. When she spotted a cluster of them, she got her spear ready and zoned in on one of them. With her spear, she followed it around, all while staying completely still as to not alarm them. When the fish stopped moving too fast, she plunged her spear into the water, splashing droplets of it on her clothes.

The sharp end had pierced the fish, and she kept it in place until all movement ceased. Once above the surface, she finally had a chance to really see her catch. The fish was decent in size, but the camp would need more to satisfy their hunger. So Reyna continued.

In the end she had caught a dozen fish, while Murphy had gotten three. Through their time in the river, he kept asking her how she did it, but Reyna knew the only reason she was able to catch anything was Darius. The first few times they'd gone fishing she didn't catch a thing, but she improved, and that was all because of practice.

"Hey, you're better than I was my first time." Reyna assured Murphy as they got out of the river, "I couldn't figure out how to catch them fast enough so I didn't catch any."

"We should've killed a deer or something." Murphy grumbled.

"They're even harder to catch, trust me." Reyna told him.

The sun had almost set and Murphy was again complaining about how she wouldn't be able to lead them back in the dark, but soon the two were outside the gates. Once inside, Reyna dumped the fish on a table where the gathered meat was.

"Didn't know you were friends with Murphy." Bellamy approached her from behind.

When Reyna turned she met his confused eyes and chuckled, "I didn't have anyone else to go with." She said, "He hasn't been that big of an asshole lately."

"You catch anything?" Bellamy asked her.

"Some fish, but we didn't have much luck." She sighed and turned around to face him. "Is everyone else back?"

Bellamy took a moment to think, eyes scanning over the delinquents around. His eyes narrowed as he turned back to her, "Clarke and Finn are still out there."

An arm was swung over Reyna's shoulder and when she glanced up she saw Octavia standing there with a smirk. But before the girl could say anything, Reyna was asking, "Do you know who went hunting with Clarke and Finn today?"

"Myles." Octavia said, "Why?"

Reyna turned to Bellamy again, "Is he back?"

"No. Why?"

"All three of them are still out there?" He asked and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Yeah. We're going to look for them. Grab your gear and meet me at the gate." Bellamy nodded his head and Reyna turned around and walked away, Octavia following suit.

After a few minutes she was standing at the gate before Bellamy came back with Raven, Octavia and Monty. He offered her a rifle, but Reyna shook her head, "I have my swords."

Bellamy nodded, though hesitantly, before he turned to the group, "We're splitting up to cover more ground." He told them. "Monty and I go alone the three of you go together."

Raven, Reyna and Octavia started walking into the woods. Now that night had fallen and the moon had settled high above, the area around them was hard to navigate. If they hadn't brought flashlights they wouldn't have been able to move as quickly as they were now.

Reyna flashed the light over every corner of the forest, hoping she'd catch a glimpse of the missing delinquents, but nothing stood out. Minutes ticked by, and there was still no sign of either of the three.

"Where are they?" Raven asked looking around the trees in worry.

"We'll find them." Octavia reassured her, placing her hand on Raven's shoulder.

"I thought you said you were heading west. Where are you?"  Monty spoke on the radio.

"Just keep the moon to your left, and you'll find us." Bellamy said on the radio.

"This morning, all I could think about was how much easier this would all be if Finn was just gone." Raven said and Reyna turned her head to look at the girl beside her.

"You didn't wish this into being, Raven. Stop torturing yourself."

"Is anyone else hearing this signal?" Monty spoke on the radio again.

"Just keep your eyes open." Raven replied on the radio and continued walking.

"I think it's the same thing we heard in the black box."

"Damn it, Monty, pay attention. Do you see anything? Report." Bellamy asked.

A rustle hit Reyna's ears, and as she came to a halt she lit up the way it had came from. A bush to her right was now rustling, and though her heart was racing Reyna advanced towards it, sword ready in her hand.

"There's someone in the bushes." Raven informed Bellamy over the radio.

Using her foot, Reyna slowly moved the bushes out of the way. A body lay under them. Myles. His hands clutched at the arrow pierced in his side, blood glistening under the light and pooling underneath him.

"Myles, what happened? Where are they? Clarke and Finn, where are they?" Raven rushed forward and asked before Bellamy made his way over to them.

"Grounders took them." Myles answered, out of breath.

Reyna's heart felt like it stopped for a moment. Her mind spun. If the grounder had Clarke, their leader, in their hands there was no telling what they would do. As she tried to readjust her sword, Reyna realized her hand was trembling, "Fuck. This is bad."

"Take it easy." Bellamy said and placed a hand on Reyna's shoulder. "We have to get him back to camp."

"What about Clarke and Finn?" Reyna asked him but he just stayed silent and pressed his lips together into a tight line.


The answer was written all over his face. He wasn't planning to look any further. Reyna shook her head, letting all emotion surface to her eyes as she glared at Bellamy, "So, we're just going to abandon them?"

"Raven, Reyna, I'm sorry." Bellamy told them.

"I'll go alone." Reyna said. She didn't care if she didn't have anyone on her side, but she wasn't about to let her friends die while she cowered in the camp.

"I can't let you do that." Bellamy said, his words almost demanding, "It's too dangerous now. They alrwdy

"Fuck you, Bellamy." Reyna shoved him back and  walked away.

"We need to make a stretcher." Raven told them and moved after Reyna.

"Monty, we're heading home. You copy?" Bellamy spoke into the radio. "Monty, can you hear me? Monty, Monty where the hell are you? Report."

Monty was gone.


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